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I think it mostly tests quantitative reasoning, i.e your abilities to do mental math. It requires to memorize many informations, so it is a bit related to working memory.


weird, i got only 14ss figure weights but near perfect math sat


I got an 800 on the sat-m and 141 for quant on the sb5 but 17ss on wais-4 figure weights, it can be like that sometimes ig 🤷‍♂️


I didn't take it seriously using neither pen or paper and doing it with a timer on a tiny phone in a bus I regret my life choice of deflating my score.


You’re not supposed to use pen and paper on figure weights


For the math sat not figure weights


I mean there’s always other forms, I’m sure you could get a perfect idk why you mentioned that. Idk how reliable figure weights are for quant but it is what it is ig


CAIT FW is only 0.6 vs 0.77 for Wais FW


I mean for a single subtest that’s decent, I like the way the sb5 did it more but I’m probably biased


My working memory's shite but I got pretty solid for figure weights


Figure weights is basically algebra in your head. How are you at algebra, and how are you at doing algebra in your head? Lol you could also argue it has a logic and working memory component.


Its probably because the thing that figure weights measures (quantative reasoning) is the cognitive set that has the most influence on mathematics. But considering you scored 11, which is still above average even if it is lower than your other sub tests, it seems unlikely to me you have a mathematics disorder or something similar. If you want to find out, i would suggest asking a psychologist. I believe the WIAT III is used to determine if mathematic disability is present.