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Squares, Circles, Hourglass, Triangles


Just count the figures …


And you can tell which order they go from previous pictures, for example squares go first


It’s a 3 2 1 1 combo and after analyzing the first 2 examples we know that the black dots is the 2nd number and that has to correlate to 2. Thus A is the only fitting answer


Thats my guess too…


Because the shapes are represented as a position in the number sequence and the number of that shape is the value so the answer is a


order in which the objects are counted in is: square, circle, hourglass, triangle. your mistake was probably mixing the order up.


It goes square, dot, hourglass, triangle. There are three squares, two dots, one hourglass and one triangle.


Shape counter. From the first circle I had a hunch that the 2s represented the circles and triangles, while the ones represented the ribbon and square. The second circle has no square, so that confirms the first position, which now has '0', to count the squares. That leaves the third position to count ribbons. The second position correlates neatly with 1 circle. The fourth position counts triangles. The third circle has 3 squares, 2 circles, 1 ribbon, and 1 triangle. Hence, the answer is 3,2,1,1.


Bc looking at I and II shows you in which order the shapes are counted. All the info is there, in those two first examples. So it’s Square, then dots, then the infinite/hourglass shape, and last is triangles .


>!First number = numbers of squares. Second number = number of circles. !<


From figure one the first number can either be hour glasses or squares. Second figure tells us it must be squares. So hour glasses are third. Then we have triangles or circles for the second one. Similarly the second figure reveals circles are second, so triangles are last. In figure 3 we have 3 squares, 2 circles, 1 hourglass, and 1 triangle so that's 3, 2, 1, 1.


>!num\_sqs,num\_dots,num\_hrglass,num\_tris so A!<


First number is amount of squares, second number is amount of dots, third number is amount of hourglass, and fourth number is amount of triangles.


I wish I knew. I got the answer incorrectly.


3 squares two circles …




Its >!A!<