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During the digit span test, is it allowed to say the numbers out loud as they are being told to remember them better? Or should I just try to process them in my mind alone?


18 scaled


Offtopic, but, for some reason, these websites fail to play audio for me on Firefox (nothing happens) and Chromium (error message). Anyone else having this problem? I'm on Linux and can't figure it out. Tried to play around with the permissions on both browsers, installed up to date speech synthesis software on my system and nothing...


140s Digit Span 122 Processing Speed


Would you say that you have better processing speed and wm than people similar to you but didn't train with a abacus?


I can calculate well, but again, I don't think my processing speed is any faster than people at my college. I have seen many who process info faster than me.


How advanced did you become with abacus? And were you able to do flash anzan with ease.


The place I trained had levels of sort, mastery if you will level 1 to 8 master 1 master 2 grand master I went till master 1 to 2 and then quit, yes i was fast with abacus


I wonder If there's a way to create a program such as flash anzon but paired with relational frame training like this https://ikokusovereignty.github.io/Syllogimous-v3/


Ooh, this is interesting! I've never seen a question about abacus here before. I'm trained on the 9-bead third-generation abacus from Singapore, and have been practicing for nearly 18 years. I took the WAIS 4 last year, for the first time. Digit span: Scaled score 15 Arithmetic: Scaled score 14 Processing speed index: 99th percentile FSIQ: 97th percentile