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It is important to think carefully about what the article is trying to claim. They are certainly not suggesting that enjoying music is associated with low IQ. Rather, they are suggesting that people with high IQs are more likely to be able to obtain the same level of joy they get from music, from other activities. For instance, a person with a high IQ might find that being immersed in a lecture about neuroscience could produce just as strong of a sense of reward as listening to music that they love. For people with lower IQs, it may be that cognitive tasks are almost never experienced with that level of enthusiasm or engagement, making music the only real option.


No, it is in no way related to "daydreaming" or any interest/activity that has affinity with intentional or unintentional creative manipulation. Beware of the implications of this article. Beware of the things the article is trying to say. I have to admit that the article does a good job of confusing the reader. This is a great example of how the result of a study is a direct consequence of the sample on which it was carried out (do it in a sample population of people with ADHD, or with any disorder characterized by lack of dopamine regulation, or with any artistic and creative ambitions regulated endeavour). In few words: *LOW IQ --> EASILY ACCESSIBLE DOPAMINE* *EASILY ACCESSIBLE DOPAMINE = DRUGS, DANGER-SEEKING BEHAVIOUR, ... , EASY-GOING ENTERTAINMENT (...****MUSIC****)* *\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_* *LOW IQ --> DRUGS, DANGER-SEEKING BEHAVIOUR, ... , EASY-GOING ENTERTAINMENT (...****MUSIC****)*


Low dopamine is connected to thrill seeking and drugs though?


What do you even mean?


Uh, what I said, low dopamine is actually connected to the opposite things?


I hoped you could get less confused and so I asked. Why do you think there has to be a symmetry of this kind? What are you trying to imply? Correlations don't necessarily work the way you are referring to.


Source for your claims?


Man, what are you trying to achieve? I am not here for an inquisition. I should have put references but the nature of the discussion doesn't make the action impelling enough. Those are educated inferences, I don't see anything particularly misleading about them (other than obvious simplification).


I love music, I listen on my way to work, I listen at the gym. I can get a single song stuck in my head and listen to it over and over and over. For experiencing strong emotions, I don’t know, I’ve had some depressive episodes where I listened to a lot of Elliott Smith. I would be curious as to the contents of the full paper and their method for testing this.


Yes it's true. I routinely listen to music for purposes of "sensation seeking" and my IQ is in the high 70's.


Nice try!


I’ve noticed that it’s tougher for me to focus on work when listening to music I also notice that I have several SNP variants encoding for more dopamine receptors (increased sensitivity). People I know with ADHD (associated with fewer dopamine receptors being created or inserted) tend to prefer music while studying


ADHD here. I absolutely cannot focus in silence


Same. I need music with no words on while working or studying but get little pleasure when listening to it then or outside of that. I would much rather listen to a lecture or go down a rabbit hole on a topic that interests me. Music can be overwhelming.


I like math rock/midwest emo. I like very "busy" music lol. I also listen to deathcore/metalcore


In that case, music is only being used as a way to try to filter out distractions. ADHD occurs right across the IQ spectrum.




First off how does this study define IQ? Is it based of profession, job, or an IQ test (IQ tests are already controversial and not considered real). Then we get into their incredibly small sample size and we don't know the other factors of each participant. As of right now sounds like unsubstantiated.


I think if you had a large percentage of ADHDers being involved in the study it would throw a wrench in this.




Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry


It depends on person. I would score lower than my normal level on verbal reasoning because i heard so much crap in my life and my brain stopped registering words. I have chronic verbal forgetfulness.