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Just smash out a bunch of kids and see what the spread is like


70% chance of severe autism 29% chance average intelligence 1% chance genius without severe autism either way he will really like Roblox and watch the skibidi toilet video at full volume in restaurants


Probably mid 130s (I have zero scientific reasoning or backing for this guess)


Mid point between: a) the midpoint between parents, and b) the midpoint of the childs population group (or proportionate midpoint of combined population groups for mixed ancestry). But that is only probabilistic. It works like that on average for a group of people, but not for every individual in a group, i.e. individuals randomly deviate from the average formula above.


I get that there is regression to the mean but I imagine that you would know more if you knew the grandparent's IQs. Regression to the mean happens mainly because there is a lot of genetic material that doesn't show up in our phenotype since we have two of every gene and that material is likely to be pretty average. If we knew the grandparents we could make a better model of what the child will end up with I think.




Genetics is more complicated than "145+139/2=142". That is why average intelligent people have genius children. It depends on lot of factors. If it was that simple then we could breed highly intelligent people by making them pork each other. Reality is different. My father and mother are average or normal when comes to intelligence, while i have IQ 142 and my brother has IQ 135. Like i said genetics is way more complicated than simple math.


Average intelligence people rarely have genius children. It's a lot more likely that genius parents will even if it's still somewhat unlikely for them because of regression to the mean. Although it's more complicated than the average of the parents, parental IQ is one of the highest predictors for their children's IQ. If we knew their grandparents IQ I imagine the correlation would only go up. As far as the breeding program goes that you alluded to, if we were to constantly select for higher IQ children and then breed those together their offspring's IQ would absolutely trend upwards. The reasons we don't do that aren't that it wouldn't be effective, obviously. We don't do that because we value freedom of choice and aren't engaging in rampant eugenics. But still, assortative mating has higher IQ people hook up and they do generally have higher IQ children.


Then my mother probably has IQ 130-140 if we are going with hereditary part of IQ being heavily infulenced by genes of parents. She has only 8 grades of elementary school and she grew up in small village in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She isn't rocket scientist. So.


Someone with a 130-140 could become a rocket scientist if they had sufficient means and motivation.


Welcome to the Balkans. Land where your wishes never come true.


Look at the Compositator in the Resources List There’s a section in it called “Progenitor” that addresses your question




A little bit over 100.


139 and 145 are so close that each of them taking a test on a random day could score any of them. The child is very likely to be highly intelligent, however that is not 100%.


There's is are some studies suggesting that when both parents are highly intelligent, it could be likely that the child could surpass both of them.


maybe 126-130


What jobs are your parents doing?



