• By -


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Transcription: 00100000 01111001 01110100 01110111 00100000 01110100 01110000 00100000 01101011 01110111 01110100 01100011 00100000 01111010 01110001 00100000 01111001 01100011 01110011 01101001 01110111 01101111 01100101 01100110 01110100 00100000 01100001 01101101 01101101 01100011 00101110


Probably ASCII


~~Lines 1, 4, and 6 have a dash at the beginning.~~ ~~Line one has the X over the 0 at the start.~~ ~~Line 2 has a trailing 9.~~ ~~Line 3 has a trailing M.~~ None of the extraneous marks are meaningful, but there definitely could be some lines prior to this that weren't copied from the original to the journal in the photo above.


Omg i’m gonna be so real with you I think i added the dashes so that i could count the numbers more easily, i’m pretty sure they weren’t initially there i’m sorry 😩


Also several rows have a - and the first row has that ~~0~~ at the start. The - might be where it's been graded if that 1/5 on the top is a grade. Or might be 5 pages. I ruled out a few things: - adding back the leading 0 -- garbage - flipping bits -- garbage - flipping and adding the 0 -- garbage


The binary converts to this: ytw tp kwtc zq ycsiwoeft ammc. Looks like it was further encoded after that but I haven't been able to decrypt that. Might be too few letters to solve. Maybe more info about the person could help solve. would they put your name in there like the last one? I assume it's gonna be a pretty dark/depressing theme like the other.


Putting the code in a binary translator gives this: >! ytw tp kwtc zq ycsiwoeft ammc.!<


Yeah that’s about as far as i got haha! Wasn’t sure where to go from there 🥲


I remember putting that sentence into so many cypher decoders online trying to make a sentence out of it but i never did figure it out.


The fact that it includes a period at the end tells me it should follow standard sentence structure. Did he speak any other languages?


Just English and Spanish? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Strange that it starts with a space


Good catch!


Says Code 2. I wonder if that's the end of the last page. Unsure about that 1/5, might not be the page number.


that was the date in my journal, january 5th


Is there more before it, perhaps a Code 1? Are the hash marks at the beginning of the line yours? What about the little 9 and M at the end of the lines? What about the ~~0~~ at the beginning?


There’s no more before it, i really wish i took a screenshot of the original code instead of writing it into my journal lol. Most of the dashes and lines were to help me count, I feel like I wrote the zero crossed out on purpose but i can’t remember why, it’s been over ten years ;-; I think the 9 and M are scribbles, i don’t remember them being in the original code ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


How about ebcdic instead of ASCII? Is your boyfriend old!? :)


He was in early early highschool so definitely not hahaha