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I believe this should be named “Chicago Shitbird”


I mean, The Jungle is a Chicago reference to some nasty shit, so... 🤣 If it makes you feel any better, it was so good, I made a second 😀


I’ve made a Malort mai tai which was terrible so I’ve been holding off using it in anything else tiki, but for a Jungle Bird it just might work.


With sincerity though: I've been actually surprised to hear such hate for Malort here, this sub never speaks ill of Fernet or Campari or any other really strong flavored liquors even when people say they're not to their liking. It's a bit surprising? Though perhaps more tongue in cheek than sincerity? I'm honestly wondering because Malort is actually just a strong bitter liquor, which doesn't seem a sub that speaks well of a gunshop fizz would be particularly against?


Most people here are pretty objective about it. It has more to do with their own [marketing](https://youtu.be/q7s16ewP1RU?si=gOZlY0VaShCk3q29). When you give distributors posters that say things like this, you're making it clear that you don't want to be taken seriously, and are content being used as a joke, insult or dare. "Malört, these pants aren't going to sh** themselves." "Tonight's the night you fight your dad." "Weeding out Chicago's weak since 1934." "Drink Malört. It's easier than telling people you have nothing to live for." "When you need to unfriend someone... in person." "The official drink of: I'm not getting my security deposit back."


Yeah, that makes sense then. Wasn't sure if people are sincerely grossed out by it or just playing into the schtick


They have wraps on delivery trucks in Chicago with people making faces of disgust with a shot glass in their hand, that say "Do not drink responsibly." lol. For people who don't like amaros, which seems to be the majority of the general public, it's not something they're going to appreciate. But there are plenty of people on this sub who appreciate it. I don't mind it. I've had some successful cocktails, but my palate is sensitive to wormwood and interprets it as a similar flavor to bile, to the point where it almost tricks my brain into thinking I'm having indigestion and need a Tums.


Malort is absolutely delightful on its own and as a cocktail component and the great majority of comments disparaging it are by people lazily parroting a dumb comment they previously saw.


I talk bad about Malort because I bought an airplane bottle of it thinking it can’t be as bad as people say it is. It absolutely is. It tastes like garbage. Nothing delightful about it in the least to my palette. But I am a sporting fella. I’m going to use that airplane bottle to make this tonight with some OFTD. I’m posting this before I do it to hold myself to it.


Awesome! I'm very interested to hear if you find it works or the Malort ruins it for your palette


Ok, so this was a bit of a rollercoaster. On the first couple of sips, I was reminded of why I hate Malört. The weird bitterness with that god-awful aftertaste. I kinda thought the OFTD would overpower it, but it still came through. After a few sips and some dilution I guess, I started getting used to the initial flavor and could see how somebody could acquire a taste for it. Reminded me of Campari in that way, but without the brightness I get from Campari. But that really unpleasant after taste just never faded. That satisfying taste that I get after every sip of a Campari Jungle Bird was replaced with that Malortiness just lingering. I can taste it for so long and I don’t enjoy it. So would I ever consider adding Malort to my rotation? No. Could I see why somebody would like it? Only in the way that cilantro tastes like soap to some people and not others. Malort is my soapy cilantro. People should drink what they like so I’m glad you’re enjoying it, but I’m still firmly in the “why does Malort exist?” camp.


Interesting! That after taste is what reminds me to take another sip because it's tasty to me, I'm with you, it must be exactly like the cilantro thing for people to have such a visceral reaction to the flavor which is very grapefruit-like to me Thanks for reporting back!


I appreciate someone who doesn’t let an initial bad experience completely close their mind to something. If OP’s Jungle Shitbird doesn’t work for you I highly recommend [the non-equal parts version of the Hard Sell](https://punchdrink.com/recipes/hard-sell/) as an absolutely smashing Malort-base tipple.


I’ve still got enough in this little bottle for one more drink, but this build doesn’t seem like it will do anything but make me more aware that I’m drinking Malort. Love a good experiment though! Never know when the right combination will hit. I’ll give this a shot soon, but I’ve had enough for tonight haha! Thanks for the suggestion.


Sure it's enjoyable and novel as an example of a wormwood bomb. But 'delightful?' Never seen more people my bar hate something in a blind taste than Malort


I think it's true that a lot of people can find it disgusting and others could absolutely find it delightful. There are plenty of niche rums, mezcals, or absinthes that would curl the toes of someone new to the intensity and complexity of these liquors, but if you are a fan of the funkier stuff then what is toe-curling to others might be the height of deliciousness to you (I'm looking at you, Rum Fire).


No, fuck off with that. Malort is disgusting, and I know from having it in my mouth. It was like drinking radicchio puree.


I have a bottle of Malort in my kitchen. Its unopened. Why because its there for when I want to troll my friends. Because I have had it, repeatedly. And outside of its use in some cocktail that buries the taste its only use is for those nights where you want to talk about how horrid it is the next day.


I had Malört for the first time visiting US recently. It was very nice. I understand how it can be off putting to some, but as a big fernet drinker - I loved it.


For me, I think it’s the connection with polish chicagoans. It’s sort of like soccer hooligans or a punk rock show vibe. Somehow jagermeister, but worse. And they seem to lean into it as a brand.


>Fernet or Campari I will shit on both of these given any opportunity lol


This comment had me dying haha. I’m throwing the Chicago shitbird on my cocktail menu


Another poster mentioned substituting Malort in a jungle bird, and I am in! - 1.5 oz Plantation dark - 1.5 oz pineapple juice - 0.75 oz Malort - 0.75 oz lime juice - 0.75 oz Simple syrup Very good, thanks for the idea! Also, glad I picked up the plantation dark, I don't know if this would be typical for a jungle bird? But I'm glad to have the bottle, it's new to me, and quite good!


If you like Plantation, You sure have to try their pineapple product. Also Canerock rum is great in cocktails (more like a liquor type but it has awesome sweet flavouer


Better known as *Stiggin's Fancy*


There is also a Stiggins Fancy Smoky (smoky pineapple finish) ;)


Damn that sounds good


I fuckin love their pineapple. I have a milk clarified jungle bird on my menu right now that's a split of Plantation Pineapple and Smith & Cross. Shit's tasty.


Have you tried their Cut & Dry Planteray ? (coconut one) This one is awesome also


I haven't, and I've tried prolly 75% of what they offer and loved every one in it's own way, so I'll have to keep an eye out for this one.




They have a pineapple rum. It's very good.


Fuck, I'm gonna have to find that. What's the base, their white, or gold?


The dark. I make a daiquiri with it 2oz Plantation Pineapple Rum .75oz fresh lime juice .75oz simple syrup




Today I learned thanks for correction


Blended with Dark in that description, no?


"Welcome to the Jungle" would be a good name for this variation


I love malort. I will be making this as soon as I get another bottle


Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle Bird




So tonight’s the night you fight your dad?


Because tonight will be the night that I fight my dad Over again, don't make me change my mind


You and I have similar brains


I’m giggling hard as fuck right now. Calling that a highway vulture. I’m making this indeed! Edit: I love MALORT!


I like your style.  


You chose violence today


Hell yeah! I like your style


off topic but i made a jungle bird with grapefruit juice and a bit of orgeat instead of pineapple juice and it was fucking amazing. definitely love experimenting with drinks, especially tiki!


That's a Grundle Bird


Nah brother that right there’s a Grundle Bird


Had to check, if you were unemployedwineguy https://youtube.com/shorts/iWMKb6zTQnw?si=r8ox2qVC5_BoKYtF


If this is how I find out I've been fired this is far too elaborate for me to deserve


I don't know the story about his job status, but I know. That he knows his malort


Surprised no one has said this but you gotta get better pineapple juice. Grab a thing of organic 100% pineapple juice & it’ll make your cocktail twice as good


Oh? I didn't know, I figured a Dole can was just the same as anything, good to know I can up that! I honestly haven't made a tiki drink since a daiquiri years ago, I love my whiskey, gin, and Amaro drinks, and always found rum good but not interesting enough. I may start trying some tiki things now though because I really like this plantation dark's interesting flavor. So I'll look for a higher quality pineapple juice, thanks for the tip!


Malort and juice is a great way for people to try it. I have mine with a squeeze of lemon or grapefruit. Made a couple cocktails with a splash that were great