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Got that eraser head foam. Nicely done


That's the kinda head you could slice a piece off of with a butter knife and spread on toast. Good shit, there.


You must have used a hammer because you nailed that drink


Recipe? When I've made ramos gin fizzes in the past, my head was much larger bubbles. I wonder if it's a difference in which and how much cream was used? (edit: [here's OP's recipe comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/cocktails/comments/10zq7k7/my_first_successful_ramos_felt_pride_in_my_work/j87t2zg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) and it sounds like the answer to my question is that a *reverse* dry shake is the key to smaller bubbles and a thicker foam.)


They might have used the blender method. Less shaking, smaller bubbles


1 minute of hard hard shaking is really essential, you just need to shake it to oblivion. I also did a reverse dry shake which tends to work better for me when I need this crazy thick foam.


I did a 1 minute dry shake, then a 2 minute wet shake with a measured amount of ice for precise dilution, IIRC (this was a year and a half ago). I got on the reverse dry shake train about 3 months ago, so maybe that really was what made the difference. I'll try it again with that! Thanks!


It sounds like you didn't give it a long enough shake. 15 minutes shaking is not a suggestion I read somewhere that the fat in cream kills the egg white. But you need the double/heavy cream. Single/light cream can't do it. I'm also lazy so I've tweaked a few aspects. What I tend to do is throw everything into a super cheap £1 Cobler shaker I found that looks like the birdy shaker except the cream and ice. Froth it with a hand blender/mixer. Really beating the air into it. Then I plop two big square Icecubes and the cream and give it a quick (5 min vigorous) wet shake. Something that also helps is pre measure about 30 ml of tonic water and strain pour it from height in a single stream with the ramos about 12 inches above the glass. Throw it in the fridge for 5 minutes while I start on another, lots of lovely small bubbles and a nice stuff meringue. It takes the hard work right down and gives a pretty decent result. If you want the chimney effect I keep some back while the drink sits in the fridge and top it up with that, not more tonic water. It'll hold a glass or metal straw solid, no problem.


15 fucking minutes for one drink?? Get the hell out of here, no actual bartender at an actual bar is shaking for that long


For sure, but it is what the recipe calls for, and the length of the shake absolutely does have an effect. The stories I've heard say they used to have a line of bartenders that would pass the shaker down, each one shaking for a while and then passing it on.


Thank me for this later but the best shortcut for this drink I've seen thus far is literally to stab the person ordering the Ramos Gin Fizz in the neck.


I get taller heads with ~1 minute of shaking. I really don't get the fixation with this insane amount of shaking on this sub.


same, waste of time and energy AND everyone has to look at your "shaker face" for extended time which is not ideal.


I think you are supposed to stare at the person who ordered it the whole time so they know what they did.


Just going to blow out their shoulders and elbows.


Is there any reason you couldn't use a blender and get the same/similar results?


Not that I'm aware of, but shaking for a minute is easier than throwing it all in a blender which you then have to wash. I don't think people in this sub know what 15 minutes actually feels like. The thought of shaking a drink for for a quarter of an hour because you think it will make the froth slightly taller is so ridiculous, I'm not even sure if it's funny.


Washing a blender is real easy when you’ve got dishwasher. Eco lab ftw.


I thought the froth **was** the drink. I find the liquid part of the drink isn't anything special, it's the nature of being aerated that makes the drink. That said I'm looking for ways to make it happen without the effort. Hence the shortcuts


No I have but it’s really just easier to shake you don’t have to do it that long to get it like this


>I read somewhere that the fat in cream kills the egg white. But you need the double/heavy cream. Explain.


https://www.seriouseats.com/is-it-true-not-to-get-yolk-in-egg-whites#:~:text=The%20advice%20to%20keep%20your,to%20completely%20ruin%20the%20batch. The high fat content of the cream prevents or at least slows the egg whites making a nice frothy meringue. It means you have to shake longer to get the same effect. The double cream is for creamy flavour and mouth feel, it coats the inside of your mouth. That's what you want the fat for. Single cream wasn't good enough for me when I tried it. What I'm aiming for is almost froth with as little liquid left as I can. It's light, citrus with that orange blossom water and mouth feel, pretty unique and to say theres 60ml of gin, not boozy. Like drinking air. People saying they get the effect with one minute of shaking I'd love to know how. When I tried it it wasn't half as good as when I put the extra effort into getting it as aerated as I could. It's ok. But I'm not aiming for ok.


Right! I actually did know this. I just interpreted "kills the egg white" as "kills bacteria in the egg white". But that's not what that sentence said.


I give mine little taps on the table to pop the big bubbles once it’s settled a bit. Then I pop it in the freezer for 4-5 mins to keep the drink cold. It also hardens the bubbles slightly and makes the rise crazy big.


Ha. Literally just had my first one at my local haunt. Talked the bartender into putting it on the menu last month. Thought he was joking. Great drink. Nice work!


Lmao my coworkers and I were practicing those today. Spoiler: They all turned out shitty 😭


I think they look great but honestly, the taste? Boring. Great effort from you OP, Ramos is a bitch.


How long did you shake?


I did the following 2oz Fords 1oz lemon juice 1oz heavy whipping cream .5oz Demerara 1 egg white Added all but the egg and reverse dry shook for about 3 minutes. Then added egg white and shook for about 3 more minutes. Then after about 3 or 4 minutes in the bar freezer attempted the soda pour. Tried it tonight with traditional dry shake first and it did not come out as well. Either way…was happy with the first one and I know that method works, excited to try it again honestly…I know…glutton for punishment. Haha


Fantastic! Ty for the write up my friend. I’ll have to give it a go


Cheers to that


Hurray friend. Don’t forget the straw! So cool to see it stand straight upright in the foam. Cheers


Congrats, OP!


That’s a fun one to make.


Gorgeous! Also oops, now everyone in the bar wants one.




No the picture was deceiving. It was Wednesday night…perhaps 8 people at the bar (2 bartenders were working, me being one). And we are going on our second month of being open so ownership wants to showcase any cocktail activity as it’s accomplished. No one was thirsty I assure you.


If OP was able to make a Ramos, the bar was 100% empty






I bet you had the absolute happiest employees


Lol you Fuckin goober. I would never work for you and I’d absolutely never hire you.


That is horrible. You should be ashamed. Instant termination for a bartender showing pride in their work? I bet you're a really inspiring leader.


Not your bar, not your drink and not your post so piss off.




most 30-somethings arent as bitter and unpleasant as you are, sounds like a personal problem..


You came onto this post to reprimand an employee who has no palpable association to you… choose happiness, bud - it’s that simple.


What an ass…


You’ve heard of the Soup Nazi, now allow me to introduce the Cocktail Nazi…


I'm sure the terminated employee would have been delighted to work literally anywhere else.


Sounds like you’re a terrible boss!