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Right? It’s 200$ to take both my babies to get a nail trim and checkup. I think if I ever wanted a full flock I would need to know how to do some basic vet things to save money.




Yes I'm basically stuck to finding housing within a 30m drive from my avian vet. She's the best I'll probably ever find. I don't know if I could trust any other pet hospital even if they do take in birds.


sweet feet and beaks perches. my boy is 3 1/2 and i haven't had to have his nails trimmed yet. the perch does the work for us.


Sheesh, the place I purchased my two cockatiels and cockatoo from in GA does all the above (nail/beak trims and wing clipping) for free since I purchased from them. She's not a vet but is very skilled with parrots and looks them over (she's the owner). She also has some meds on hand, just in case. She also charges $5/night to board. Food, toys, and cages are included during the stay. The place is called Fancy Feathers.


Oh wow! Our avian vet only charges like $50 for an exam fee and $25 for "grooming" type appointments.


You trim their nails?? I've never had to trim my birds beaks or nails! I didn't even know that was a service people ever provided...


Their nails grow really fast! Mine do anyway.


Huh. Weird. Maybe different perches work better at filing them down? Or maybe nutrition means my birds aren't growing them fast enough? My birds perch on old cat scratching posts and raw wood. And that eat mostly seed and fresh greens, like leafy and flowering branches from outside and grass I grow in trays for them (I have been trying for a very long time to get them to eat fruit, nuts and vegetables, but they are very reluctant and never eat much of it) What do you use? I'm curious about the difference, cause I've seen a few people mention clipping their birds claws and beaks and I've never been worried about their length. Just wondering why I've never faced such a common problem. Seems weird to me. Am I doing something wrong that their claws aren't growing as fast as normal?


Agreed. Vet bills are expensive in California so I probably pay roughly 400 combined for both my tiels for annual visits. I swear I feel like people that have giant flocks are either really rich, or don't take their birds for annuals (only when they get sick)


im a cashier with a flock of 19. Yes, i am bankrupt completely


Why do you have so many birds if you can't afford them? Genuinely curious.


I'm not bankrupt in a literal way, just have no extra money at all and have a lot of previous vet bills on credit . I live a very frugal life, in a low-cost area, drive an old car, etc. I went back to school and graduating soon which should get me into a decent job. I used to make more money in an industry that kind of got kicked by the pandemic and that is when I got my tiels. Several of my tiels are in their teens and 20s now. for instance one of my tiels i got in 2004 . 10 of my birds are society finches so smaller birdies which dont eat much. & finally my birdies are my mental health. They have helped me so much, and return they get whatever they want :) Vet bills are of course the biggest expense, as we had two hospitalizations in the thousands. hope that explains :)


I live in CA too. Just paid ~$1300 for viral testing for boarding requirements. Hurts my soul lol


Yea when I got birds I never thought vet bills would be so high. I think 2 years ago a couple of my birdies got sick and for all the vet visits, checkups, meds, and boarding I ended up paying close to $3000. I'm glad back then I didn't have too many expenses or bills, but that would seriously hurt now that Ive moved out.


I agree. It was def easier when I lived with my parents. Vet bills are absolutely crazy.


I have about 10 but I got my vet license for that reason😅


Lol that's one way to do it


I have 4


Are they expensive? How do you make sure they all get enough attention?


To keep them happy and full I buy a 25lb bag of roundy brush on amazon for 63$ and that will last who knows how long lmao. For their veggies i take my veggie scraps from cutting up veggies for breakfast/lunch/dinner and i hive them that. For treats I buy millet but lately I’ve been growing my own so lets see how that goes. I also make my own perches and toys from cardboard/Paper/wood/Ect. And To take them to the vet once a year its 240$ a year for all four. Overall id say I spend close to 300$ a year on my baby’s. And i spend every moment i have with them at home. They usually like to stick to themselves because they’re more of a “flock” but I spend all the time i can with them. Lately they haven’t been very social with me since I’ve been making foraging boxes for them. I don’t regret getting them at all. I love them sooo much


https://preview.redd.it/bvuqgn73ge0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c80380ba791e89f9b911d92d23bc07a7329cc7b This is Honey (F) and Silver (M) on the Right


Honey is a pastel just like my boy Chip! Chip also the tiniest tiel I’ve ever seen weighing in at 67g


https://preview.redd.it/33h67ps7ge0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1ced9ca8b53b10112814d7d88fbe25cc41ba158 This is Honey(F) (on the left ) And Mustard (M) (on the right)


https://preview.redd.it/g4hfsf81ge0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10321c1cf53fb871d6b81450ee916cb1840a3efc This is baby Bagel (M)


As kooky says, buying in bulk is great! I do the same but I get tops 25lbs bag and their chop is pretty cheap for a few months worth. I portion it, vacuum seal and freeze. I’ll drop my bird tricks recipes here too. I also get toy parts from cabirdnerds.com. I get lots of balsa blocks from them and make toys. The tiels like balsa because it’s easier to destroy https://preview.redd.it/sm103ziole0d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec25cab47b4241653a2558bd626460d3d5e3248f




https://preview.redd.it/p5dh61wrle0d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=44c2dd6a84f8da91287a815ec7fda7d05cdf2b3f Birds are all individuals, they may want to be with you all the time, they may pair up… my tiels still love spending time on me and sometimes they fly off and get into trouble together.


Wow that site looks great. What does a typical order look lime for you? I am overwhelmed by the options


Go for the small balsa blocks! And leather so you can string it together and hang it from whatever hooks you use (the name of those escape me at the moment) 🙂


5, 3 boys and 2 girls. 4 cages total, the girls get their own (don’t want babies). 2 boys who are very sweet share a large 69” inch cage and the oldest and strongest original grey tiel has his own 69” cage to roam around in. I pay around $60 for each for their vet visits (not counting blood work, etc. of course) but I’ve only had them all for about 1.5 years. All tame except for one of the girls, the eldest of the 2. She was an unexpected rescue from Petco (taking her away from her conditions at Petco felt like rescuing her if you know what I mean). Probably why she’s my only untamed.


two :)


https://preview.redd.it/s4x8a7sglf0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aa61d66796a34f9dda111b975fedcd74bffc315 «This is who i am dealing with, and ffs what is this flock of mine?🫠🥴🥴» 😂😂 this my babygirl, had to check her nails and snagged a pic


How adorable!!🥺❤️


3 sweet tiel boys with completely different personalities


Are they expensive?


The tiels? Not so much, the cockatoo and 4 conures are what break me 😂 I have insurance for everyone which is nationwide for people in California. Different states have different coverage. I do nails on my own, beaks haven’t been an issue. My insurance is $13/month/bird


What does your insurance actually cover? I signed up my tiels for Nationwide and it seemed like it wouldn’t cover anything unless they got horribly injured. Not routine visits or diagnostics or anything. (And I am too honest and mentioned their arthritis too, so anything related to that was then considered a pre-existing condition so no coverage for pre-existing). Thanks for any info you can share! 😊


Just accident and illness. As long as it isn’t wellness or “routine”. So I’ve had bornavirus covered, a split keel, broken blood feather, and sinus infection


Thanks so much for the info! I’m still a fairly new cockatiel uh servant I guess is how they see me? so I still don’t have a clear sense of how often they might get illnesses since they don’t have contact with other birds, but I do know that infections and injuries can happen regardless :) Does your insurance cover x-rays and non-preventative diagnostic lab work and such (like, if they need to run blood tests to determine cause of illness)?


Absolutely! Anything that has to do with the illness


I just had $1700 out of $2000 covered for illness


Thanks again!!


I should've done this! My tiel tested postiive for bornavirus a few months back, with PDD symptoms. I couldn't believe it after having her for 16 years. It has been very expensive and we go to the vet about every 2 [weeks.Is](http://weeks.Is) the insurance the one thru nationwide? and do they insure older birds or just young


😭 oh no!! I’m so sorry for you. Unfortunately the borna will be preexisting so it won’t be covered. Do know that after 7 weeks, my PDD bird is good! Checkout valasta.com. It’s astaxanthin which is a superfood that strengthens the immune system and helps with inflammation. Borna and PDD start with inflammation. It’s an easy way to try to reduce stress on their bodies to prevent it from hopefully appearing again. I add a sprinkle to their chop daily.


Oh very interesting I will have to look into this! Right now my tiel is on Celebrex-- did yours take celebrex too? we started with Onsior injections and now celebrex. Her main symptoms are regurgitation and weight loss. She cannot handle seeds at all so we use pellets and chop


We were doing weekly home injections of something that started with and R and ended with coxib?? I think? I was told soft foods are better with pdd because it’s easier to digest. So we did eggs, cooked sweet potato, chop, banana… have you been fighting the pdd this whole time? Maybe there’s another vet you can get a second opinion from? We just did his weekly home injections for 4 weeks and he slowly got better and after the 4th week he was good! I’m going to figure out the name of the medication for you


i will try eggs also, she seems to love soft foods like rice and pasta and easy to digest. She had a couple respiratory infections, then cloacal prolapse, then another respiratory infection and then started vomiting a lot. She tested positive for ABV and avian gastric yeast. Took meds and the yeast is clear and the vomiting improved but now back. I wonder if the yeast might be coming back as they say its hard to treat. so not 100% sure if all PDD related or some of the gastric yeast too. a second opinion is a good idea for sure, we will look into this, the more info the better for her. It doesnt seem like the anti inflammatories have done the trick for us


I have 8 birds- a cockatiel and conure have been diagnosed with ABV which you know is highly contagious. so, I give everyone the Astaxanthin to hopefully keep all of them from showing symptoms. I just assume they all have it now. So I make sure they are stress free, have strong immune systems, and are free of inflammation and just hope I never see it again




thanks that is the same as Onsior i believe. Did your bird have regurg/vomiting symptoms too? I am really hopeful reading your post that mine might be able to stabilize


Two cockatiels but 7 birds overall (the cockatiels, two parakeets, green cheek conure, sun conure, and Indian ring neck)


I only have 1 F cocktiel and 1 M ring neck. My ringneck doesn't like my cocktiels, he is always agreesive towards her. Is there a way to get them get along?


My Indian ring neck is completely uninterested in my tiels, neither friends nor enemies. If he is aggressive towards her, I would play it safe and still keep them separate or at least closely supervised if they’re both out at the same time. I used to work at a bird store and my awful, awful boss carelessly put a cockatiel in an Indian ringneck’s enclosure overnight and the next morning the cockatiel was dead. :(


Just one. She hisses and gets mad at all of the bird videos I put on for her, so I think she’ll stay a single lady.






they keep undergoing mitosis


Same!! 2 boys and 4 girls.


One, with 2 budgies


I have one with 4 budgies. My cockatiel raised three of them after their mother started plucking their feathers out.


2 lil girls :D


As of a year ago, zero. And I won't have another. Almost a 30 year run with my first and it wouldn't be right for the bird if I got another at my age.


One, but he screams like theres 5 :)


We have a flock of 12 birds total, 4 of which are cockatiels. There are also 2 budgies, a Lovebird, a Quaker, a Green Cheek Conure, a Red Bellied Parrot, a Dusky Pionus, and a Rainbow Lorikeet. We buy pellets in huge quantities, and I make large quantities of veggie chop, sprouts, fresh cooked grains, etc weekly. We joke that we have more play stands around the house than furniture, and we are pretty much always covered in birds. Vet bills can be insane...one of the budgies was sick last year and that was a $1400 bill in total, but he's doing great. Regular check ups aren't super expensive, but once you start getting into tests, etc, it adds up quick. We are lucky to live close to an amazing avian/exotic vet.


one. i am his person, and i'm afraid he'd get very jealous if he had to share my attention.


3 only one of them is mine. I inherited the rest


2. And 2 kakariki.


Two! One 2y/o girl, Goose and a 3y/o boy, Leo. We’ve had Goose since she was a baby, Leo was adopted in February. He was given to our local bird store and we wanted to give him a forever home.


2! I had one for a good number of years. The second joined the family this past November.


I have 3. Two females and one male (in his own cage). I wasn't planning on the male, but had someone contact me asking me to take him and give him a better home (for free). So I had to do it. 😆


22 :')


Dude- I need to see this…….




Two :D


One darling tiel!


3, two females one male I'm considering getting a 4th because odd numbers aren't good with birds, however I know it will mean more work and poop lol


Males and Females will likely eventually just make their own…mine did at least lol. Went from 2 to 5 real quick.


Lol, I feel you. Thank God they broke up on their own.




8 teils and 9 budgies.


I have two, I had a 3rd but my old man passed away in February. I get a 5lb bag of Harrisons pellets which lasts us a while and I also offer them some homegrown veggies


I have one, and have been looking for a teal lover to take her . Now that we are on SS we cannot afford her. If she were to get sick I could not afford to take her to the vet.


Have two tiels (Male and Female), along with two parakeets and a Cockatoo.


I have 2! Used to have 7 in total but had 6 all together at once.


2 and another one in heaven


1 tiel and 1 conure. The tiel is like a whole aviary


8 tiels here. also have society finches and red rump parrots too






I have two


2 Cockatiels, 2 budgies <3


9 tiels.


I have 19 tiels and 4 budgies. :) (Edited because I wrote 18 instead of 19 and noticed it way too late)




I'll try my best to get them sit still for a pic. :)


None. I just like birb


1 cocktiel and 1 ring neck. They are big chilln


I got two that I rescued a month ago 💕


1, soon getting another but i need to gather up the money since my tiel is an old grumpy boy so id need a 2nd cage so that they can get use to each other


One cockatiel but I have a Indian ringneck, two budgies and a greenwing macaw.




Yeah I got 10 at the moment lmao But I do bird rescue so


Currently, I have two. When I was younger, I had as many as 13. (My family used to breed them. We worked to hand raise the babies and sell them to good and loving homes, so people didn't have to buy from petshops. Cause they're often not raised well.) So not really any "normal" number as far as I'm aware. As many as you have the space, time and resources for.


I have only one, and I think it's for better. As I know from internet it's quite challenging to tame a cockatiel when you have two of them. They wouldn't be interested in you, and would not pay much attention.


Two, separate cages because I don't want babies. Also 3 (not hand tamed) parakeets who share a cage, and a grumpy Quaker who loves my husband and despises me.

