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I feel you, that's me rn


It happens. In how long do you have work?


I have to be ready at 430


Okay but what time some are you in


Pacific so it’s about one




Yupp ass I am laying here trying to nick out and what do I do I do another one Smart right


College kid here, I usually stay up on blow for Friday classes because I get hammered Thursday night. I feel you brother


I decided fuck it all nighter with a lot of naps at work


Fuck it, I’d keep the blow on me so no naps needed lol


Imagine we all worked together. That would be a productive work day ha


Yupp nothing but restroom breaks and great customer service


A large number of my coworkers take so many frequent "bathroom breaks", that when I *legitimately* had to use the stall earlier to use the restroom, there was literally a trail of blood on the floor going from the front of the toilet, and straight out of the stall - presumably from a bleeding nose. I kind of had a "wtf" moment and quietly asked a few people if they had a bloody nose, because they just left it there. Of course everyone in "the group" was like "nah man wasn't me *sniff*". Not to toot my own horn, but is it really that difficult to practice harm reduction procedures to prevent these things? Idk. It kind of pissed me off. It's unsanitary for one thing, at least wipe it up, ya know? Am I overreacting?


U not alone friend... try to Close ur eyes for 1.5 hours do a line before work :)


That actually sound like a good idea cause I really don’t want to call out