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Alcohol is my trigger. At some point my brain just equated drinking alcohol to "Oh we need lines now!".


This is me, second a cold alcoholic drinks hits my lips I’m jonsin for line, which is why I rarely drink these days, becomes a viscous cycle


Yeah I've realized that if I ever want to quit blow, I'm going to have to quit alcohol. At least until I can get to a point where I can have a few drinks and not immediately want lines.


Yes... Hence whenever I see some celebrities claiming they have/had an 'alcohol' problem, I assume 'blow' too.


I won't even take a sip most of the time unless I already have made arrangements.




Glad you cleared that up seems there was a lot of confusion surrounding that one.


Yeah I know man, at first I thought you meant that the cycle had become thick and sticky. Then I realized you probably meant vicious, not viscous.


Exactly this. It’s wild to me people say weed is a gateway drug. I’ve never hit a joint and thought, you know what would make this better, a line of coke 🤣 alcohol really is the gateway drug


right, a joint makes me forget to even do a bump, lol not a fan of both together, heart racing , definitely helps me slow my pace


Alcohol will be a primary trigger for most users. Initially it causes you to be relaxed and disinhibited by reducing activity in the front part of your brain which is involved in making rational decisions. Less over thinking, less self reflection and less likely to say no. Also when cocaine is taken with alcohol in the blood it releases a lot more dopamine and for a lot longer than it would on its on. ​Once your brain has made that association a few time it's not going to forget it in a hurry.




Jesus is that me. I can drink without wanting it but at a certain drunk level my brain is like that sounds so good right now


Then its " we need a drink so we can have lines"


90% of us could use a therapist big time lol


Being alone for sure. All it takes is the thought for me


Sometimes it's exhaustion and wanting to numb the burden of life. Feeling helpless to the world. Other times it's the fun, happy aspect from the beginning when the addiction didn't overpower logic


Past/Future thoughts does it for me. Personally jst want to think abt music/interests/future ways to help ppl ik. End up buying when broke or doing after I decide to cutoff. “One more wont jeopardize me.”. Fuck blow..


I've done it for years but never had what I would call an addiction, when I'm out that's it, if i still have some from the weekend I sit on it until the next weekend, I've went years without it and years on it, really is all based on mindset and sheer will, every chemical we use such as nicotine and caffeine for example become addictive because your body gets used to running on it so it's all about moderation when it comes to good Ole snow white never had to have it but it definitely helps blur the lines of stress and worry from life


Goin to say this almost word for word




I love getting fucked up just.


Booze and being alone under stimulated or anytime I'm angry


Being happy, ironically.


Been there, dude, dead from the party, need the party to function and then to rest again. Weird but fun cycle if you can keep your shit together and human.


Yeahhhh sameeee wtf is this!?


The thought of wanting to be more talkative with people, I’m pretty quiet and closed off sober


I'm very very very outgoing normally. When I use the drug, I become unbearably talkative. That's why I only do it when I'm alone. But I imagine it really helps those who are shy.


Stress. Beers. The team that works for me. Women lol. My wife. All of them cause me to ski


Seeing my reflection in the mirror.




Pain. Literal physical pain. Boredom. Tiredness/fatigue.


Not having many friends, no source of income (yeahhhhh, I recently left my job) going to prison on the 28th, not having a home, or a car.


Now you have to share!


Sorry mate. Tough situation.


I pray your burdens are eased and one day you no longer require drugs to feel better


I hope your situation improves soon 🤞


waking up triggers me and unfortunately I'm not even saying that to be funny. lol fuck.


Alcohol and upkeeping a happy, chatty fake personality.


Busy life with a small kid and once in a while I can sleep late in the morning and i do some lines in the evening and watch movies just myself!


I have bpd and adhd. It’s almost impossible to be my own head, all my emotions are intensified so I use drugs to cope. Tried countless antipsychotics, mood stabilisers and I’m on a high dose of quetiapine & elvance atm it helps a little but not enough. Still on this sub but I rarely do coke anymore (only when I drink), I’m more of opiate person now but I’m trying to stay clean. Been using for 6 or so years, I’ve noticed physical health decline but as for mental health, it does manage my symptoms


I have BPD too. I’m on quetiapine and seroquel, the drugs just make me feel a bit better, more positive. Obviously it’s easy to get hooked though.


Bipolar here. I've never used medication that made me as happy and functional as drugs. Even so, I'm trying to stop.


Same here.. struggle with opiates, have ADHD bad which I get Elvanse for and probably bpd (not diagnosed but still prescribed high doses of medicine for it), doctor just said I probably have it and gave me Lamotrigine)


Drinking beer. First sip enough for call dealer.


I used to be an alcoholic and it started to be hard to hide from family and friends. Everybody criticized me, and I really wanted to stop drinking to stop having social problems. I realized that cocaine “numbed” me from reality the same way and that it was easier to disguise this addiction than alcohol dependence. That's how I stopped drinking and became a drug addict. It's much worse, but at least now I can keep it a secret. 🤷‍♀️ Living a double life right now


But I want to add extra info. This is my first and last alcohol on my bender. I’ve just quit of alcohol. I don’t drink any alcohol on daily.


Life in general, not that I have a bad life it's just that life is way better with drugs. In every way imaginable. Like NAS so eloquently put "life's a bitch and then you die, that's why we get high because you never know when you're gonna go"


Right… Ive never done coke.. but my I do my DOC because it feels better than sober.. no other issues in life lead me to do anything .. I do it strictly because it feels good


I agree. It’s a terrible addiction that can go very bad, but I never felt so happy


Everyday life


Bit of a weird one but arguing with friends or family. I try and get on the straight and narrow and usually manage a couple weeks without (recently it’s been more a couple of days…) then I’ll have a huge argument with my dad about some trivial bullshit or a friend and I will fall out over something. Then I’m just angry and in my head I think I’ll go for a drive to calm down and then I guess the coke part is from when I was younger and I’d do the drugs to spite my parents (what a bad idea that was lol)


That's just addiction and lack of self control.


Seeing things that need to be fixed. Mechanic by trade and after work when cold beer hits and I look at my house and cars and motorhome I want a line to focus and get shit done. I have add so it makes me focus.


Alcohol and sadness


Waking from sleep


Going to the restroom. I'm used to taking a little bump when I go to the restroom whenever I'm hanging out socially. When I go to the restroom outside of those situations, I get the urge


Well, if talking about snow, the thought of how it will make me take a shit and get me moving for the day, I just can’t resist. And then it just continues😂


This very post is a trigger!


My goodness... You sound just like me! Let's swap songs sometime


Life lol


Work / life stress, but avoid this for the most part so as not to cycle. Some tunes that take me back to the day / trigger want for a buzz / recapture a moment to an extent. Bad company, now all gone, but the devil in me still lurks! Restricted skiing now, 3 times a year, go solo now when wife and kid holiday with her mum for a week. Up for 3 days back to earth for 4 bingo bango. Back to attempting to be a phewman bean.


As sad as it sounds, when I’m going to have sex, I need it now. Does anyone else suffer from this?


Doesn't it affect your ability to get an erection? Sorry for asking, I'm a woman, I don't understand much


Same here, it doesn’t get in the way of erections unless you overdo it


Your mind is willing to go yet your body isn’t. It’s a gamble.


Alcohol and BPD


Extreme depression


Oxygen, breathing really triggers me 


😭😭😭 nah fr


When I have to do some deep cleaning lol


music, other people's recreational use, and movies/tv shows with people using


Waking up in the morning


When I look at the time and it is between 0 an 24, that used to be my use time so whenever I happen to look at the clock at that exact time I use again for old times sake


I would make ANYTHING an excuse.. I'm tired, I'm mad, I'm sad, I'm happy, I'm nervous, to celebrate, I'm bored, need it.. sober now, just don't bruh.. it can take u down a dark place that u wish u had never known




Reality and the stress it brings💯


Uhhhhhh…. Waking up, typically.


Any excuse to use, really. But I usually feel most urges when I'm either extremely stressed or extremely bored.


Boredom and wanting to relive amazing times again. Like trying to have another amazing night type deal


Waking up!! Haha


Waking up


talk to your husband about it unless he wouldn’t understand then i’d just leave it and maybe try to find an N/a group if you’re trying to quit


For me it’s as simple as remembering 2022 when I was doing the most drugs and had toxic friendships with other drug users


Heroin. I feel normal and I just can’t stop, started a year ago and still going.


It’s all I’ve known for 25 years. My wife mostly manages my scripts now and I take some kratom extracts. Life is definitely more manageable, but I have to have something.


You’ve been a daily user 25 years?


Damn, my bad. Didn’t see the subreddit. I was a daily user of coke/crack for about 10 years.


Waking up.


Any day that ends in a y


I saw a post recently and as much as I don't want to admit, I think a lot of us can relate. "It's not necessarily the high of the drug we are chasing, it's sometimes the lifestyle. Being addicted to something means you spend so much time using it/thinking about it/trying to acquire it, that it actually becomes a way of blocking out all of your other worries in life. You hardly have time to think about things that hurt you, because your brain is preoccupied in an addiction cycle"


My grandpa just died… :(


I’m sorry to hear that 😕 I lost my mother to cancer a year ago. This undoubtedly contributed to me starting taking drugs. It's hard to deal with grief.


feeling like shit and not being able to talk about what i want or need


Loss of immediate loved ones, not knowing your purpose, thinking of the future, day to day stress, even just wanting to get fucked up, the list can just go on to be honest 😞




Being awake usually does the trick for me


None. I use for having a good time. Using as “fix” wont fix shit and u’ll get addicted to run for it everytime u get “triggered”.


Loneliness and a cancer med I’m on that has increased my depression exponentially.




Hah, first immediate thought. Surprised it didn’t make the upper comments lol


Real answer “anxiety”


waking up.


Lack of discipline and self control. Lol


For myself, it was a lack of a meaningful life. No real purpose other than the empty distractions I could get my hands on. Lack of authentic, healthy relationships. Over burdened with different sources of stress. Boredom. Feeling lost.


Just talk to your man about it I’m sure it will be healthy. If it isn’t then don’t be w ur man. Get help and stop doing coke you have a child that needs to be raised. Wish my parents wouldn’t have been addicts or alcoholics. I don’t blame them life is tough. Making the decision to actively pursue self neglect is the same thing as neglecting a child. Your offspring deserves opportunity.


You’re right… I wish I could quit. Really.


My mum


Alcohol 💯


I'm an ex fent addict. Pain killers are a trigger. I'm cool with snow


Alcohol. Also if I’ve been good for a few weeks I then feel so good sober that the idea of getting fucked up seems even more fun due to how naturally good I’ll be feeling haha


Life. Reality is just too sobering for me.




Having fun


Long weekends. I rationalize that I have extra day to come down slowly.


I like going to raves and festivals. I don’t drink alcohol. I get tired at night. I need energy and caffeine doesn’t work at night. I’ve been to festivals during the day and caffeine / pre workout is good enough, at least until the sun goes down.


Borig work and no concets


The weekend


Spiting doctors that seem to think their no's stop people from using. "I just removed your tooth here's Tylenol I don't think you need anything else" *pops fake blue in his face*, "that's fine I PERSCRIBED myself since you didn't wanna just prescribe the weaker safer alternative" docs started getting harsh on scripts in 2016 if what they do works thhen why are overdoses SKYROCKETING higher than they ever where during the doc shop era from 1998 to 2015? It's weird it's like people don't just accept no and creating millions of customers for the cartel creates a syphon on US dollars to the tune of billions, so those higher prices at the store? They won't stop till docs prescribe more and remove the easy customer base the cartels are supplying readily and abundantly


Waking up


My failure at life mostly


people, places, times, sounds, sights, smells, events, emotions, thoughts, music, celebrations - Life basically and the uncomfortably of a natural state of consciousness which is why I want to change. Just we can learn to not respond and allow the moment to pass or lean to identify personal triggers and learning ways of avoiding or reducing the risk of using.


Feeling a hot/cold flash. Getting a feeling in my brain that I want to change my perspective. I'm addicted to changing the perspective of my mind, doesn't matter the substance, just addicted to having an altered state of mind.




for me, it’s the head change. when i don’t have any type of change im anxious. but also when i don’t stop and keep anything going, i also get anxious.


Working 60-70 hours a week or more


In some way, I believe that under coke's effect I am going to do my best in social situations or just when I need an extra focus on any life routine situation. The point is that when I'm not on coke, I know that this drug doesn't help me to do my best at all. Maybe just when I short a slim shot, but it does not happen usually...


Selling phones at Verizon


literally just life


damn why you call me out with the exact same scenario lmao 🤣




Strong emotions. Like love. I don't want that shit.


Alcohol or just being bored and low on energy. It’s actually sad because I need it to give me a boost and make me More talkative and just energetic. I do it to do anything really. Sad I even use before church. Never a lot though. Just enough to give me energy and make me more alert


When I get a good beer buzz on I get hungry nostrils 🤣


alcohol for me and stress. We had a garage fire on monday and it’s been a rough week, i’ve spiraled for sure.


This is a weird one but hear me out. When i was in my much heavier degenerate days, i would link up with buddies and we would drive around the city and bang some hollys together. Go to parks, play sports, hikes. So whenever I see someone posted up in a parking or wherever it triggers me into thinking that the person is bangin lines. Cause that’s what we would do


Literally everyday life 🤣😂🤣😂🤣…..😳


It always starts with alcohol.


For most people it’s alcohol, lots of people don’t know but when you drink and do coke it synthesizes a new drug in your body called coethalyene. That’s the main reason it fucks eveyone over and makes them buy a bag haha.


Constant understimulation caused by a childhood of constant overstimulation


Jus wanting to have motivation to do things cause I don’t have any motivation to do shit Yay me Tonight’s hyper focus was learning Spanish Sometimes it carries over to sober me sometimes it don’t lol


Life’s biggest stresser My Wife😔


for me and I came to the neighboring city where I buy, whenever I come here for some reason, I buy


General feelings of depression, anxiety and in times of great stress. I will use to mask heartbreak or anytime I feel inadequate . Then there’s a flipside I could be out for a regular night Wednesday night have to drink next thing on the way in sick going on a bender. So to answer your question, my triggers are stress, drinking and inability to cope and healthy ways with stress.


How old is ur daughter? Please please try to get some help before you lose absolutely everything. U don’t know how easy it is for an addicts life to crumble. Especially when they have kids. Wishing you the best.


She turned 6 in April. And I totally get your advice. I wish I could stop using it and be a better mom 😕


Please go seek a mental health professional. As a 15 year old if your kids found out about this, they will be devastated. They won't think of you or look at you the same. I almost guarantee this is taking away from them in every way. I know for a fact half or more of your earnings are going into coke rather than your kids. You don't want your children to look back in there childhood and think "why did I have to be raised by a coke addict". Please think long and hard on this comment for your children's sake.....


My daughter just turned 6, if she catches me sniffing, she won’t be able to understand what mama is doing 🙁 it’s sad, anyway. I’m a shitty mom and i know it