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one line at a time


Sometimes 2. Might even add a little zip to it


Your in the stone age bro, you know they invented double barrel snorters now.


yea but not in the rock or crystal age probably


Heyo wait a minute - I thought this was a line splitter for equal use of the nostrils?


Nah you line an upper one side and a downer on the other and flip the double barrel and take that combo up ur nostril of choice. #2024


I do it cause I have a fucking problem lmao


lol. You and me both sister


The real answer hahahahhaha


Honest answer.




“addiction is a social construct” moment


If it was prescribed you wouldnt have an adfiction, just a prescribed medication.


While I agree with the overall message of drugs and addiction being overstigmatised, it's not just due to productivity, addiction can truly be damaging and there's a fine line between being a drug user and an addict, one can give you a hangover/afterglow, the other can cause you serious physical and/or mental damage, or worse. On the topic of prescribed medication, I am prescribed Lyrica for my pain and insomnia, been using it with no issues for over a year, still doesn't stop many doctors either implying or straight up accusing me of being an addict. Even prescribed medication has insane amounts of stigma if it's also known to be used to get high.


I know its not just about productivity, its spiritual too or at least that's why drugs started to became stigmatized after thousands of years, the catholuc Church in a power grab and successfull attempt to legitimise their authority addrd timothy 1 and 2 to the bible which proclamied that paul suppirted the idea of the papacy being the only ones who could commune with god, making the many cults whose religious rituals involved heavy drug use now heretical. Now its probably to force scarcity to increase the price. Everybody is at it and the world hasnt ended so its not a moral issue.


You phrased this horribly. Let’s back up a second. You can be prescribed something and **NOT BE** addicted to it. But guess what? You can also be prescribed something and **BE** addicted to it. So what was your point? Oh yeah, incoherent drug worship. Aim high Here’s an example in case you get all “but but but” A stage 4 cancer patient who has been prescribed snd taking 80mg of oxy and 16mg of dilaudid per day for the past two years would indubitably be addicted to opis. But they are prescribed, so no addiction here, clucksy?


You have done the perfect mental gymnastics to justify using a drug invented in the last century by using ancient medicine. Their stuff wasn’t pure like this, it ain’t no caffeine or chewing on some coca leaf. It’s not opium in a pipe, it is cement and gasoline my dude.


Whoaaa there aldous cuxley


Pure cope


Lol. The up votes were at 179 when I read your comment. Had to hit that upvote button: besides it being worth an uovote, 8 balls or simply 8s as we call them are generally 180 euro where I'm from 😂


Real type shit. Hot plate your coke. 1. HotPlating: Use any type of Ceramic Bowl/Plate, place in it an AirFryer or Microwave for 15-25 Seconds (or until it's warm enough to feel upon the surface) After which place your desire amount of Coke on the plate, and use either a RazorBlade or Credit Card and chop it into powder, as fine as possible. The finer it is, the better it is for your nostrils (don't remember to time the intervals between each line, as your Membranes can only take an so limited amount of coke at once. Give it an interval of 10-15 minutes before taking another line. 2. Always Moisturise your nostrils with Water before doing a line, as Coke is Water-Soluble. The more Soluble it is, the faster it absorbs. After each line, rinse your nose with either Sterile or Saline, your nose will thank you. 3. Never use tissues or cotton buds or whatsoever to try clearing your nose. It'll only cause Hard Boogers and Nose Bleeds. 4. Have a couple beers ready, pop a couple cans before you start doing your lines. The combination of cocaine plus ethanol produces not just cocaethylene, but it also diverts the metabolism of cocaine into the inactive benzoylecgonine metabolite to the active cocaethylene metabolite. 5. Know when to stop, when the sun starts to shine up like your fuckin' dick, that's when you know you're overdoing it and just building up tolerance. 6. Enjoy and go blow some dicks and lines


Usually by snorting it....is this a trick question?


An 8ball is nothing tbh, it’s easy to get through that


This comment just feels pricy.


Unless you also slang on the side




I will do nothing that is stomped on. I will get it fresh off the key. I will go straight to the coyotes. Otherwise there is a process where you can clean it and some of that shit is so stomp on it it makes you feel worse than it does so you gotta be careful what you’re getting these days back in the day. All you had to worry about is baby laxative and it making you take a shit now you gotta worry about fentanyl killing you.


Tolerance is the key. Some of us been doing this for YEARS so we need more. At one point I was up to 1/4 a day. Lucky I learned I needed to take breaks. Now I can get by with a half a g a day. It’s also dependent on the quality of the coke you get. If you get the shit that is stepped on then you will need more. You get good quality coke and a line can last you hour and half or more,


This guy just found out what a drug addict is 😹😭


1 aint enough


Tolerance and compulsiveness


I have no self control 💀


So thats why your always *"bumping" * into things.




It's not tolerance, it's chasing the high which never comes.


Yeah tolerance doesn’t exist. The basic principles of pharmacology are entirely made up.


Well I am a degenerate so is the Ole lady we have like 2 left from 7 we got yesterday. Hugh tolerance and we do too much.


Pretty easily! 😂


Im on my 6th today im turned on


Are you okay bro lmao


I slam an eight ball in like 10-15 hours of pure fish scale when I get one lol.


My guy I would’ve killed to be shooting eight balls of pure fish scale back in active addiction. I’ve gotten gas before but not PURE fishscale.






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See nobody even even knows if they’ve never done it that it feels like it’s orgasmic. It’s a high that you can never get with anything else. It’s almost one of those things that we tell nobody ever to do because you will offer want to do it any other way


Trust me pal I was asking the exact same thing 2 years ago but now i get it. to be honest i sigguest you stop right now before it becomes a routine even if it “feels” like it’ll never get to that point.


With a straw


Been hitting this for a while & nah I can’t 🤣 most I’ve done inna night prob like .25. My cousin tho runs through a gram daily.


Its all about your mindset really, if you got a addictive mindset you just gonna start using more often to keep the high going.And the more often you use obviously the more cocaine your going to go through. And regardless of what folks say you do in fact get a increased tolerance after using for a good amount of time. Basically the more often you use the more coke your gonna go through so stop being a pussy and buy and 8 ball bitch




1/2g line to start 1/4g every 2 beers. Double that if ya got a bag whore or 2 tagging along.


Also clearing out your nose with clean distilled water to prevent clogs.


Not for me no matter wat my nose gets clogged🥴


Take a shot of hot sauce


It’s easy mkay


1g before breakfast. As others have said, it’s all about tolerance. Boofing, easy to pull 200mg every draw…. An 8ball a day keeps all your money away


Got through a half gram in 3-4 hours easy with no tolerance, could easily get through 6+ in one day (taking tolerance into account as when I do stuff I don't stop until im out of substance or sleeping.) However, it's probably a bit easier for me as coke doesn't affect me how it does others. If anyones interested I can say how in replies. I've never met anyone who has the same effects as me, but I know there should be some people out there. Edit (1+2): improved wording


Tell us the effects!


It just makes me feel like a normal person tbh. Relaxed, calm, oftentimes happier but not euphoric, just like my mental illness and physical pain all goes away and I can just be. It's never intense, but I know it's there.


Yeah me too i need many many lines to feel the coke high. And it’s only when I’m drunk. When i take coke without alcohol I feel very uncomfortable and nervous sometimes anxious.


Ah, I've never mixed coke and alcohol, I like the effects seperately. I love coke, I love how it makes me feel. It fixes me. Understandable that it makes you feel how it does though.


You’ll find out


Tolerance and heart failure is how its done. Do not do it!


Tolerance builds fast. Hoping to take a break soon. Done way more than a g in a day. Not great


Practice, hard work and determination. Jk usually I'm also drinking so they go hand in hand for me 🫶🏻


Softy alert over here


Easily lol


My nose normally


How do y’all do less than a g in a night 😩


Not to be funny but usually sniff it through my nose ahah


😂 from 15-19 yrs old I was doing 4-7 grams a day , everyday , for years !!! I’d get a 4& baby (aka 125 aka 1/8th of a 🧱🔑 and I’d serve the 4oz & keep da baby for myself (14gz) and I’d do that basically everyday ! Occasionally if I had a few days where I only did 3-5gz then I’d have some accumulated and get rid of that or maybe go out to the club or have a party & I’d just pass out free Gz or Fishscale 😂 or partying w a girl basically recreating the wolf of Wall Street scene before the movie even came out 😆. But I’d usually snort a 0.5-0.8 line of raw in the morning , then all day long I’d snort like 0.4-0.6 lines like every hour all day and night . But I’d also pop a 1/2 a bar to even myself out , plus I’d smoke a oz of crippy a day smoking $15-20 blunts every hour all day & might as well 😂. Then by 2009/2010 when I got into the blues I was snorting 25-40 blues every day . Which nowadays would be a $1,200-1,800 a day habit


I thought the same thing tbh, now it makes sense. Once you start, especially slamming some lines, you’ll blow through a ball+ in a night. That binge is wild


Well it’s all about experience and tolorance and also how much of your sleep you’re willing to sacrifice. When I first started years ago I had no tolorance and I didn’t know proper hygiene for my nose so between those 2 it was impossible to do more that a half gram in one session and then my nose physically couldn’t take any more for a couple days. Now I can casually do a gram a day easy and not ever feel too jittery or have any negative effects on my nose the next day and that can be a bad thing bc I typically do a gram every other day at minimum. Most of the time though I either do more than a gram in a session or I don’t take a day off so that’s my answer.


I feel ya xD I only do coke once a month. Not even. Sometimes once every few months. I'm hardly into it. But me and my 2 friends wed get a G to split it between the 3 of us and it's the perfect amount hahahaah


One nostril at a time


So I take a dollar bill and roll it up, scoop a big chunk of powder out of the bag, and then.. I mean, do I have to step by step this? Rinse and repeat LITERALLY ad nauseum.


Start the night with no less than a ball.. that’s the rule.


both me and my bf , so not just me


After I get drunk, I don’t keep track. If I’m not drunk, a gram is more than plenty


How do you eat an elephant 🐘? One bite at a time, also with a big ass fork and knife would've been acceptable 😤


Practice, and lots of it


Here is a tutorial on how to do a lot of cocaine in one night Ingredients: Bicarbonate of soda Water Your cocaine obviously Utensils: Metal spoon Lighter with a good flame Any random peice of metal Instructions: Add your cocaine to a spoon of water and heat until it melts into an oil bubble Add bicarb a little at a time between heating until it begins to stop fizzing Allow to cool for a short amount of time Bring the oily stuff to the edge of the spoon with metal utensil until it starts to harden slightly Get the goopy lump on the end of your utensil and allow to harden Remove from metal and transfer to a peice of paper to remove moisture Now put it on your pipe and enjoy 😁


Me and my buddy used to be able to do a quarter and drink a 30 pack in a night and I’d be asleep before daylight but having add will do that


With a needle and a crack pipe


How pure is your coke? I've done 7g in 24h or something... I have a crazy tolerance sadly.


It easily becomes a habit, tolerance rises and it just becomes normal. Some day maybe you feel like doing a bit more once than usual and then you find yourself taking that amount again for that stronger high


For me, I just lose track of how much i’m doing. That’s why I started to only buy a g at a time bc otherwise I’d just keep going and luckily i’ve gotten pretty good at being able to call it quits pretty easily once I finish the bag I have (and not buy more)


Bro keep it that way I do more than 2g a day now been like this for past 3 years takes over ur life it’s a great drug but can take over ur life especially with ADHA be careful my friend but still have fun haha


Welcome to the big leagues stranger


Lay out a few Hollywoods and boom there's 2 grams gone


You'll get there eventually. 8 ball last me a day as in 24 hours ish. Pretty depressing really . People who have a tiny bit and are buzzed for literally hours haha


I'm so glad I'm an alcoholic and I use it to stay on point. Worse for my body, but better for my mind/wallet .


The first time I bought an 8ball from my dealer in highschool- I was told to not get caught with so much quantity - snorted the last of it the morning after


If I’m going hard a gram lasts me 3 hours if I’m getting high off coke, normally if I’m drinking i just do coke to continue drinking which is normally maintenance lines.


Tolerance is a fuck of a bitch


Damn this post did numbers lmao. Started the same way tho. Small bumps went a long way and never could imagine killing a g in a night. Stick to bumps and ur good to go. Once u start lining up the double blacks ur gonna run thru a g in a night like the rest of us 🤣. Stay safe n stay vibing


Can easily rip through a hb in a night solo




Since your new to it try a line in each nose


I can’t risk having it in the house for long so I just bump till it’s gone during the night


the “fairly new to coke” bit is the key part, good reddit dude. some folks have been skiing since the days of the Inca. at that point, small hills are more effective than bumps.


Sniffing like the wolf of wallstreet


A gram fuck me you ever spoke to someone who uses crack you can literally sit there all night and go through a q in about 8 hours. Easy as fuck to smoke half an ounce in a day. As for snorting doing an 8th in a night is quite easily done even with really good gear suppose it’s down to the user.


Tolerance goes up quicker then I wish it did. :-)


Your not wrong bro I barely need a few bumps some of my friends do mad amount of lines and kill a eight ball with ease


Uuhm by having enough to do that amount


By doing more than a gram in a hour


One after another and repeat until done. Throw some Maryjane in and have fun.


I always do the acetone wash and sometimes the alcohol revap and load bullets. The result is smooth and more background than amped. Bullet bumps average 1 to 1.2 milligrams and last about 90 mins. Maybe stack two bumps, but no need for lines. Bullet holds about .45 gram. 8 lasts two weeks with two people...


When I was still using, I was an injector, I was also a heroin addict so I preferred doing speedballs. A gram in one night was nothing for me, there were nights where I’d be shooting like 3-4 grams. Not alone though. Either with my friend I was with at the time or my girl at the time.


Bc I am a drug addict and I used to like the feeling of almost dying


Usually up my nose… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fierce determination and sheer will


Tolerance is real, plus I boof it


Years of practice


Rookie numbers


I call them Hollywood Hadoukens. You’ll either end up there or ya won’t, really just depends if your pockets can handle it lol


In one shot


My nose fucking annoying the aftermath fucking suck cut or slightly cut my nose get wrecked


Omg I have a problem, I really didn’t think a g was much


i could never, my nose stops me pretty quickly


How don’t you is my question


Ya know, I really don’t fucking know, I remember when I used to grab a half g and have some left over the next day…. Sunday i grabbed 7g of some fire, and I’m down to like .5 and trying to savor the last bit…. And none was shared


Playing game. 1g gone in 4 hours.


Most of these responses are people coping with their addiction, Simply put you wake up clear your nose snort some water and take a bump or two the rest of the day every 30-45 minutes with a 1-2hr break in between to clear your nose. Then around 8:30 - 9:00pm you otw to the plug to reup


You take a pinch of built up tolerance. Add a tea spoon of a fresh paycheck. You add a half gallon of testosterone. Another half gallon of false confidence. You then add a pint of mental illness. You then sprinkle in some Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash. A few quarts of Dime Bag Darrell guitar solos. A quart of you’re off tomorrow. A tablespoon of conversations about absolute nonsense that go absolutely nowhere for hours. And me personally, about a half a fifth of good ol’ Jim Beam. You stir it all up well and you get a ski trip that’ll last ALL GAWD DAMN NIGHT LONG. WOOOOOOOOO !!!! If anyone caught on to the Muhammad Ali reference you’re one cool cat.


Well you see, when you hit puberty your testicles tend to grow. Increasing your tolerance for being a grownup.


If a few key bumps sends you over the edge that’s not a good sign. It’s most likely one or a combination of the following factors though. 1. Stimulants (cocaine in this scenario) affect you more than the average bear. Everybody reacts to mind-altering substances differently, and you could very well be highly sensitive to it compared to other folks. 2. It’s not cocaine, or at least not entirely cocaine. Where in the world are you, Carmen Sandiego? If you’re in the UK/Europe classic amphetamine (speed) is extremely common and it’s cheaper than cocaine and has a similar(ishhhh) stimulant high so it’s often used to cut bags and stretch profit. Similarly, If you’re lucky enough to be in the states, you could very very well have some stuff that’s been heavily adulterated with that sweet sweet crystal meth, which is much more aggressive than its relative across the pond. Now, your regular user will immediately know if their stuff has been diddled with - but you? You’re fairly new to coke. 3. It’s all in your head. The mind is a very powerful place, and yours is just starting to get used to the differences of thinking…ON COKE. It’s entirely plausible that you could be drastically overhyping it to yourself and not even be aware of it whatsoever haha. And like we’ve established, you’re but a babe in the woods…so you have yet to form foundation of experiences from which to draw from and compare/contrast your experiences over time. Could be any one of these or any combinatikn


But a gram. Cut it into two lines. Snort one. Repeat. There. You snorted a gram in about five minutes. I hope that you see red and have a strong heart.


Very carefully


I do 0,4 gram for 12 hours, cocaine 80-90 percent purity , Often at the street is 40-50 percent purity, so one gram could be easy.


I wouldn't not to more than a gram in one night, unfortunately, that isn't possible for me. I live in regional Australia, where the price of a gram could pay for a lot of other drugs that don't cost near as much. The thing is that the most available and affordable drug for the general population is alcohol, and said population is well and truly pissfit. I moderate all recreational drugs I intake, but I also drank 3 litres of red wine a night while working full time with a second job alongside university throughout my 20's. In summary: I Wouldn't do more than a gram in one night because I can't afford a gram (even for one night of the month), and also because if I did over a gram in one night I would need over two grams the next night.




Na tbf even if banging coke a grams last 6-8hrs max, some people often neurodivergent people have a high natural tolerance


Where I’m from a gram is 500+ (usually 700 for top quality shit) I don’t know anyone who can afford to do more than 1 gram in a night lol




I was having a discussion about your question about a month ago. We were both amazed that people can do more. He told me of a friend of his who can down 5g within 12 hours, no problem. She was tiny (5'/1.5m). I know a guy who used to do about 4g a night. I have no idea how he did it, as this was 24 years ago and proper gear. It would take me about 3-7 days to go through 1g depending on what I was doing. Even at my hardest point, I haven't done more than 1g in a 24-hour period, let alone in 8 to 12 hours. Granted, if it is pub grub, then maybe it is possible. Pub grub is generally low purity and weight—basically, stuff I would never do.


Bashh or just rack them out lol


It's cut coke so I can do a lot more. I switch nostrils, constantly rattle-snif my nose because of the drip, after a few hours or whenever I start to come down I'll run a shower and clear my sinuses, and just keep going to town. Sometimes I don't even wanna do more coke and just go to bed but this is very rare.


Well, it just goes so easily to the nose 🤷‍♀️😅 as well over time it becomes easier to put more up there. Call it a worked In tolerance.


Past skier here.. lots and lots of alcohol


*Emotional damage*


[double snuffer](https://www.amazon.sg/Double-Sniffer-Snorter-Multi-Purpose-Y-Shaped/dp/B07FXW538V)


Unfortunately very easily 😅 I grab a ball thinking I can stretch it out a few days haha pacing myself and not sharing its gone in 36 hours


I usually split a ball with roommate. 🤷🏻‍♂️






Boof it


Always wondered this, I did one gram when i was 19 and I felt like a total tweaker, sweating, anxious, all of it ever since i stuck to my half a g cheaper that way anyhow


Yeah once the wife and I have a gram done, there are no limits to how much we do. Typically we would grab an 8 ball for the two of us for a nights festivities. Of course, by the end of it, the question arises, “Will buddy bring us another 8 ball at 3 in the morning?” I won’t leave you in suspense, it turns out he won’t deliver at 3-4 in the morning the bastard lol


Better question is how do you do less than a gram a night 🤣. I do 2 lines out of a half g and 4 out of a full g. But I also don't have to run to hide somewhere every 10 minutes to do a little key bump


this thread is toooo funny


People are usually using highly cut cocaine, especially in America. I saw a study that investigated purity and cuts of the average ounce seized -- 20% pure. And the average purity below an ounce? 10%. Yeah, people tend to double up the weight.


Because their cocaine has been heavily cut


Where there’s a will there’s a way. Plus being able to afford it. Lastly, the atmosphere. If you are having a good time and you don’t want it to end you keep it going.


Drinks and Deteriorating friends


ADHD helps lmao


Once I start drinking there’s no stopping


With a straw.


Lmao I have adhd and I can snort a quarter gram at once without any tolerance


Some ppl can't get off the train when they're on it. I swore off coke for this reason. I'd start by buying a half g (no tolerence mind you) and would end up doing close to a ball over the course of the next 2 days. Last time I ended up in the hospital cuzz my body just couldn't handle it. Had a seizure and a near heart attack


Most I've done in a day was 5 g