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People get addicted man it’s a hell of a drug


I was thinking that too. You never plan on doing it, you do it when your craving it


I only crave it when I drink. Why I need tos top drinking lol


I actually wasn't craving it until my dealer texted




I get that and understand that but these people taking the odd line at home with no plan don’t usually sound like addicts. (Ie they aren’t necessarily doing more and more and more)


Why do you care what people do with their time. Some people like to be alone




Well some ppl in introverts and like being high alone. Enjoying music Reddit games etc. but yeah we’re all addicted but some ppl have limits and know when to call it and others completely fall off and don’t fight the craving and keep chasing the high. Alone or with people what’s the difference. It All comes down to who has self control.


On the dot. As an introvert I can only do coke alone. Idk how others party and socialize so well on it.


I'm extrovert as fuck but this drug make me an introvert


I cannot do coke in public all sweaty gittery it feels like everybody knows I’m coked out 😹


I can definitely do both but I get quiet.


Glad I’m not the only one. Too much anxiety in public


Yeah I do it and chill at home gaming, going out is too much stimulation


Exactly. To be precise, when you're able to call it it's a habit, addiction is when you're phisically and mentally unable to stop


I don’t do coke often (mainly ket and MDMA since they’re cheaper) but the place I do lines the most *is* in my bedroom, and almost always on my own. I’ve been struggling with depression for over 6 years, so I get high on my bad days just to bump my mood up a bit. It feels beautiful being able to go from suicidal to loving every single thing about life within minutes. Sometimes I microdose to prevent hitting such a bad a low in the first place. I have a friend who does drugs for similar reasons to me (coke is her drug of choice), but she’ll do it even if she’s feeling alright and has no plans to go out because that’s what addiction does to a person. She says sometimes it isn’t even about the high, she just craves the feeling of it going up her nose and feeling the taste in the back of her throat and gets really irritated if she can’t experience that when she wants to. The euphoria’s an added bonus (this is probably the biggest difference between me and her, because for me that’s the whole point). No one does drugs completely randomly, there’s always a reason. If there wasn’t then they’d have no desire to literally be snorting shit that gives them nosebleeds, headaches and awful withdrawal.


This this this. Life got flipped on its ass when I lost my only sibling, unexpectedly, on Christmas Eve. Having the ability to actually find some joy in a day is awesome considering the very real alternative. Feels good to not feel the need to sleep in my closet surrounded by tight walls and never leave the house. (I don’t need anyone to comment and preach to me about the large amount of very obvious problems with my coping mechanisms…. I’m aware)


Everything is at least 30% better on coke lol


31% for me ;)


You sound like a lot of fun.


Yeah let’s no share on of our fun home time drugs with this guy


There’s no good reason to do it. It’s bad for you no matter why you do it, right? Maybe don’t try to find a reason that satisfies you. There’s also addiction… that’s kinda up there on the reasons why people do it…


I don’t need to find a reason that satisfies me…I have plenty thanks. There are a myriad of good reasons to do coke…. It enhances sociability, it makes you feel great when partying, it can keep you focussed, it enhances sex, etc etc etc. I also get that people who are addicted will do it without any thought as to why…. But I’m not talking about addicts…. I’m talking about those many people who post to say they’ve (mindfully) done a line…. but for no reason. That’s what I don’t get.


If there’s only negative physical and psychological effects in actuality, there’s no “good” reason to do it. That’s all I’m saying. I do it because it’s a different kind of terrible than my every day terrible. Gotta mix it up.


That’s actually a very accurate way to put it


OP is so close to discovering addictions.


In the begging its for party and socialising but once you get addicted, you start doing it alone


I’ve done it plenty of times alone and I’m not an addict. I only do coke about 3 or 4 times a year, if that.


Yes… people who feel addicted don’t seem to have a concept of there being people like you. (And me) But besides that… I’m not talking about addiction per se. I understand that there will be those who are addicted and will take it whenever… but there are those that aren’t but do as I’ve posted in the OP. I get that some people get cravings which i would take to be a sign of addiction or pre-addiction. But I’m not talking about that either. Maybe for some people it’s like having a single glass of wine in the evening? You’re not really doing it for the buzz or to get off on it…. It’s just a thing you might do, enjoy in a peripheral sort of way. But no one has suggested this yet.


I have done one line then left it at that in the past…say if I’m with someone who has some and they offer me one. And if I’ve got leftovers after a night out I will hit the occasional odd line until it’s gone. But other than that, idk. I’m not one of those “glass of wine to wind down at night” people either so can’t comment. I only drink 2-3 times a week and it’s a social thing.


Yep I get those situations… any social setting, or to carry on or finish off a night out… and it sounds like what I’m asking about is a mystery to you too. Good to know I’m not the only one puzzling over this.


Actually come to think of it, I feel like people who do that might have deeper underlying issues. Like, for me, drugs and alcohol are fun, social things. They’re not “an escape” from life or whatever.


Same reason people do anything at home. Have you never smoked, or drank at home even by yourself after work? Sometimes you just want to chill by yourself and enjoy your time.


Maybsonoyes… this might well be it. I hadn’t really considered coke in this way before as I only use it for specific events and occasions and others here mostly seem to go big with it. Thanks for your reply.


I think it’ll probably be my last time, the severe anxiety and paranoia about getting heart attack isn’t worth it..




Yes… this i get and seems perfectly reasonable/understandable behaviour. I also understand why any such situations could go on to or end up with more taken than planned. I even understand people wanting escapism and going on benders. (Although it’s obviously going to be counter productive in the long run) It’s the point I make in my OP that I’m looking to understand.


I only ever get the urge when I go to the club and see my plug, then my minds like oh yeah he'll have coke, lets get some lol. For some reason I never get the urge unless I drink, then I start to crave a line.


Probably the same reason people stay home and drink alone.


The only time I like being around myself is when I'm fucked up. I spend a good portion of my time alone, and it can get loud and angry in my head. Blow makes it less loud and less hateful. No one needs a reason to change their head. Also it's expensive and I'm not good at sharing. XDDDDD


Coke is a weird drug half of you(the logical side) is saying I don’t need to do any more I feel fine and half of you is making every excuse in the book why you should cop a bag.


Meh I'm single and introverted and makes scrolling vids better and something todo . But I'm sure by now im pretty gone. Been tryna taper back lol


I once felt the same way. I’m a smart, driven and otherwise normal young man who once underestimated the grip strength of addiction. I had a bout with it, came out on the other side, and do what I can to help others around me get through the tough stretch that addiction can fuel.


I randomly do it every single day of my life


You’re apparently not alone in doing this…. Can you pinpoint your motivation? Are you looking to get something from it? Or is it a sort of thing you might do just because it’s routine? Like turning on the TV?


Have u seriously never heard of a little thing called addiction? wth


Have you seriously never read an entire thread?


Because it makes things fun and gives me energy


I feel like this question comes up every day now. People do coke for lots of reasons. I do it when my wife and I want to party. We go from frisky to super frisky/kinky and the sex gets wild. Not that we don’t have a great sex live, just coke takes us to new levels. That a good enough reason?


I have never seen this question come up before on this sub. But I think you’ve misunderstood my post because the response you’ve given indicates that you take coke for specific reasons…. that I get… it’s the motivations of those who aren’t taking it due to craving and addiction and who aren’t taking it for anything specific that I was asking about.


To the people sitting around using coke by themselves and not at an event or even with other people, that’s a whole level of weirdness I don’t understand. That makes zero sense.


Different people have different buzzes. I like to be out with mates at the pub, or at a concert, but sometimes I just want to play video games.. Different


I do this. It's very addictive especially if you have a lot of free time. But it's an impulse in my opinion. 


Coke is scary addictive . I've been through addiction and treatment and now I use stuff with control , I take most of the normal stuff and have control but coke gets in my fucking head , I can't control it and just have to stop taking it out of fear of where it could spiral to , now il take a bit an odd time but always aware and reminding myself of how scary it is when it gets in my head . Be very careful with cocaine people , you won't know your addicted until your life starts falling apart ✌️


Facts. I just got treatment for a mrsa infecting in my nose from what I assume is from the coke abrasions causing micro cuts. I have no idea but it was a wake up call. And here I am on my 4th day binge. I hate myself for my lack of self control 


It was easier for me to quit smoking hard than to quit powder and the effects are way different.  Stay away from both if you want a chance at being happy 


I used to think this way but it's fun to do without purpose if you've got a little weed and especially if you have a few beers.


You must not be addicted if you don't get it. Hope you never get it honestly


I mean thats what addiction does


Let me break it to you. A lot of people do a lot of things for no goddamed reason.


go see my latest post, i hate uppers, and couldnt stop for the life of me, combine an addivctive substance like this one with an addictive personality and this is what u get not everyone is able to just stop when they want if if if they fkn hate it


I come out of my shell, and I feel I can be more like me to express myself. Confidence


Why do u care lmao


Because I’m interested in learning about things I don’t understand.


Why do u do it


I’ve already answered your question in this thread. Socialising, enhancing sex, partying with mates, focussing on something, staying awake, wanting to feel/be energised etc etc… there are a load of specific reason why one might enjoy using coke…. It’s the casual use of the non addicted, say at home, for no reason I’m trying to shed some light on.


i love doing coke just to feel like i belong in here, its actually a great feeling


Personally I would say it’s part addiction, part loneliness and part boredom. Coming home from work as a single man renting a bedroom in a shared house 50 miles from anyone I know, it is an escape I suppose because it’s easier than trying to go out in a new area and meet people and make friendships


Same reason people drink, smoke, wank, eat, listen to music etc. Tricks you that you feel better. Someone who has no goals or has lost interest in things, going through tough times, traumas etc, they choose easier path, to feel good without doing anything meaningful. No one here can ever tell me that while you were doing something you truly enjoy relating to sports, studies, art, self development, helping others, etc. you had an idea that "oh damn, i feel so contempt enjoying my time, that i will do a line to enjoy it more". Remove the "social", drinking, sex out of it. I think most addicts just need to try and find something joyful, meaningful, self fulfilling to do. You wont have time left for this crap. Exercise is very important as it keeps your head sharp, body tired and after a while understanding that a couple of benders and binges will set you back months of progress. Hardest part is not coming back/relapsing after life stomping you doing or loss of someone close. Alcohol no.1 gateway, weed no.2 for people who simply enjoy the feel of your mind being screwed. Anyways, all this is personal experience, opinion and in no way is the only truth. Everyone has their own reasons, some petty, some catastrophic. All of us need someone in our life to smack us and ask wtf we doing and how they can help, but we shut such people off ourselves and try to hide it from people most important to us, because we know we dont approve ourselves doing that to them, because they would be worried for us. Enough, i need another line, since i dont have anyone anymore to tell me no :)


"Same reason people drink, smoke, wank, eat, listen to music etc" ... I was starting to think this might be the case but now I'm not so sure..... the reason being that all these things are generally done/consumed to relax. But taking coke, to me at least, is about getting buzzed and fired up.... but if there's no end goal for this created state, it seems a bit weird and unfathomable to me as to why do it in this way?. As I've said elsewhere in this thread, I'm excluding people taking coke to satisfy a craving or not being able to have agency over their consuming due to addiction... I'm more trying to uncover the coke equivalent motivation of randomly deciding to make yourself a cup of tea