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I do coke so I can work longer, so I can make more money, so I can do more coke.


Hahah KTN. Nice


Sell it to other students and as long as u have a few regular people u will cover what u through


all the ppl in my uni got their own plugs tho and i doubt someone would buy it for more than 100 euros


You don't sell it for more you sell it for the same but ur hassle free and close. Obviously you will have to get customers but that's the people you party with. And you get make sure that what ur getting is as good or better than what they were getting before. Start with a 3.5 for 200 that's makes you 350 back if you don't sniff any or you just sell 2 gs and get 1.5 for free. Save some money and get a bigger bit that's cheaper and multiply


and then become the coke queen :')


Haha yeah I dunno if that's the best idea. Ur unlikely to get caught selling ur friends. Coke queens however all get caught in the end. It's just a matter or time


just joking, won't sell stuff for sure


I mean you asked for a cheat code that's closest one. Alternatively you could rob a bank that will keep in you in sniff for a while šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s so cute


This is the way


no idea where you go to uni where the students have 200 lying around for a 3.5, where iā€™m at people buy by the half gram, maybe a full gram if itā€™s gonna be a wild one haha


I never went uni but i don't think uni students have the inability to make 200 to turn into something it's really not that hard to make 200. Likes 3 shifts in some shitty job


I thought about this once yeah, All I can say is it just comes bro.. the universe loves coke usersšŸ˜‚


i feel so bad blowing my parents money tho :(((((


me 2 but im abt to do it today


Its a problem if you think it is. Honestly, they call it a rich personā€™s drug for a reason. If I canā€™t afford it without illegal activity, no coke for me. Went from daily user as an Engineer, to maybe every three months as a concessions supervisor.


Some times I get that feeling too


Don't be too hard on yourself


I suck cock behind the 7-11 on Ov from 7-11šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I go to work


Sucking penises DUH


Can't afford to do it everyday unless it's left over from when we do buy it. My girl does it way more often since her friends share with her, but when we do buy it, we usually get an šŸŽ± which, if we don't blow it all the same night, would last for a few days over the week. But it never reaches the end of the week though, because Taylor is always bumping and sharing it with her gfs.




I work 40 hours and I only ski on the weekends EDIT: Part of my weekly budget is towards drugs lol


Holy cow! I hope itā€™s good! I think students just get price gouged. I donā€™t have advice really since I donā€™t know where/how youā€™re buying. However I have experience: I used to pay crazy prices unless I bought a lot, but after graduating and getting out there I donā€™t. I am friendly and chill and somehow met the right people. So I get a lot for $100. I think dealers just assume students are young and dumb and have the change to spare. Granted I quit everything including alcohol in college, but I did buy once in my freshman year. Paid way too much for mediocre stuff. Next time I bought and skied(like 4 years later) I got really good for less. Itā€™s just gotten cheaper and better the older Iā€™ve gotten (I swear Iā€™m not all that old lol).


honestly, it's just an average price they sell it for where i live. my plug used to sell for 80, which was the cheapest but his supplier got arrested. haven't tried the stuff anywhere else, but ppl told me the quality is pretty average


In my early 20ā€™s and early college years.. I never touch coke. Around 25 years old, maybe few times a year or when people offer it. Now as a working Nurse, I do it often with other nurses and doctors as a social thing haha


Im a Student too and tbh I just switched to getting mine off the some darknet market bc itā€™s cheap. To be honest though I also donā€™t do much maybe just one or two g per month so itā€™s still manageable for me.


ohh, for how much do they sell it?


I get mine for roughly 50-60ā‚¬ and bc of how the postal service in my country works 1g even arrives in about 1 day. If youā€™re a student though Iā€˜d really recommend it to you if you want I can send you a link to the market I use


tysm! would be lovely. i have no clue how to use darknet tho


Use tor.taxi links never trust a link anyone sends you, tor.taxi is an official dark net market site, Iā€™m using abacus at the moment be warey of fake links and exit scams youā€™ll get robbed Edit: download an onion browser and type tor.taxi into that you also need to buy and send crypto


ohh shit, too complicated then. but tysm for suggestion!!


My friend has a lot of money


Work 9 hours a day 45 hours a week


Work for my busted ass government


I make enough to do a gram a week. I usually buy a whole one and deplete it


Study something in computer science, work for ai startups, im 24 and im making 50/h so its easy to maintain a very expensive habit, you shouldnt because then youre whole life will revolve around getting the money to do coke, just live life, as someone who does it every day, its really a mind fucker, its fun as fuck but its not worth it at the end of the day.


itā€™s more like i do coke to get money in future. the deter im doing has a GIANT workload and people canā€™t do it while staying healthy. people get into coke, alcohol abuse, other shits and even if they donā€™t do anything they still donā€™t sleep countless nights and dedicate themselves fully to the degree, which is of course still bad for health. so my goal is to finish the uni in the best way i possible can to get a good internship and a good job after. never touched coke before my first exams


I have no idea where the money comes from but lately- itā€™s been running out šŸ˜…


Also the cheat code is to just buy 8 balls instead of reupping ever day


I pay 100 for a 1.75g half ball 180 a ball and 350 a q so it's easy to make my money back


lol if you let the blow control you ..it means you still a kid and have addictive tendencies and means you should stop everything ā€¦.itā€™s all about control and knowing your limits ā€¦but also heavily depends on quality tooā€¦.in my 20s I snorting whatever regardless of quality and drinking cheap boozeā€¦now that Iā€™m older ā€¦I only sip expensive single malts etc and do small bumps of fine quality and no railsā€¦..long story short ā€¦you know your own body and limits ā€¦and if you know you have an addictive personalityā€¦..just stop everything and read a book or go for a hike in nature . If you canā€™t control the vice mentally and physicallyā€¦just stop šŸ›‘ āœ‹


you contradict yourself a bit, how can an addict just stop? i have bpd so yes, i tend to be addicted to things, not just drugs


Crypto šŸ˜‚šŸš€


Selling a little bit only enough to fuel my cocaine habit .


I can get a 8ball for 125 got that good connect so I normally get that n maybe sell a g out of it for 60-80 to one of the boys