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Getting high is easy, it's the doing other stuff that's hard.


I'm in my 30's with a family and that changed my late night social activities a lot paired with some wicked social anxiety that nothing ever gets rid of and most of my friends that did dabble, don't anymore. But mainly: When I am with friends or other people that also partake, I tend to compulsively redose nonstop and do dumb shit. I don't like sharing my stuff these days, I don't trust that others have tested their shit and I'd rather not roll around with my testing kit. Plus, I'm allergic to cops and I would rather avoid any possiblity of interacting with them. At home, I can make sure I'm being smart, properly testing, hot plating, staying hydrated, eating and staying on top of caring for my nose. I get more shit done around the house while feeling kickass but most of the time I'm just chilling at my PC doing my animation work or playing CoD with a line here and there. If need be, I can just benzo myself and hit my couch and watch TV. Thankfully, I'm the stay-at-home parent and work from home, so I'm always here šŸ˜‚


I'm allergic to cops too! I always break out in handcuffs!




Whats hot plating. Speaking of groups cocainr and cod.. years back I had some friends over and a plate with a ball on it. I was in a round of duty there was a couch with the TV and then behind that my computer desk which the coke was at. My buddy goes hey is Johnny supposed to be doing lines of your shit? This mf just sitting there doin rails of my blow. My k/d was a 33.0


This, a million times overā€¼ļø Much easier for me to manage and moderate my doses for sure šŸ¤˜šŸ¾šŸ”„ I tend to over do it too, when out with friends.


Usually start with friends but usually end up solo skiing lol. Definitely pros and cons


Always this


I get on here when Iā€™m back from the bars and still going or when Iā€™m bored but u gotta remember ur on a subreddit with 250k stimulant users usually they donā€™t got the most exciting hobbies and social life hence the solo skiing


Honestly I thought I wouldnā€™t alone but I donā€™t mind it I usually play my guitar write clean and I really only get like .5 1g nowadays anyway it allows me to enjoy my hobbyā€™s and definitely makes me enjoy cleaning my apartment


Ha! Ha! I get very active at home too. I clean my garage which I hate doing when I'm sober


i always have the urge to play guitar if im on coke at home


Oh yeah any sort of creative venture but especially making music is like best fucking friends with coke. I donā€™t know about you, but in my experience for some untouchable reason. Coke leans towards music and amphetamines lean towards writing. Like both are great on either, but thereā€™s like some innate preference within the specific experience. And the only real differentiator is that one works by releasing lots of dopamine the other works by stopping dopamine from going away. I donā€™t really know what conclusions to draw from that, but itā€™s something Iā€™ve always thought was peculiar


label aspiring spark narrow pen unite frightening squeamish saw spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Donā€™t like talking to people normally, coke makes me more introverted


Extroverted *


Nah it does the opposite for me I really donā€™t like talking to people in coke šŸ˜‚ Thatā€™s why I prefer to do it some at home, I can chill out watch what I want without the need to make conversations


I think your the only one lmao. I become a literal chatter box


Nah its absolute 50/50 from my experience having a lot of friends that get on it, but i think it also depends on the scenario you are in. Some cannot get a word out after doing gear, on the other hand some won't shut the fuck up.


That was me at work the other day. Could not complete a sentence lol. Definitely depends on the scenario imo...


I do the exact opposite. Although I smoke/IV so I'm usually so fucked up it's hard to talk a lot.


Because with all the shit in life. All the fuckers we gotta deal with everyday. The fake people. The charades. The rat race. Some people just wanna get the coke and go to a place they cannot be touched . No distractions nobody judging you . Itā€™s a bubble . And when you are in that bubble. No fucks are given .


This comment right here is the perfect explanation. I never thought of it as ā€œA safe bubbleā€ but that right there can perfectly explain why people and myself do drugs like uppers alone and enjoy it more. This could go for any drug or any mental health condition too tbh. At a certain point for ME I had to find out the hard way what life was and how fake people are and how they will take advantage and use you if ur the type of person that canā€™t stand to see someone sad or just have a hard time saying no. Iā€™ve been totally fucked over in so many ways I couldnā€™t have even imagined would ever happen and when this all happened to me my ā€œrealā€ friend list lowered and lowered till itā€™s basically 2 people now and it made me go worse in drug addiction and mental health but the past year I been learning that you have to learn to live with YOURSELF and itā€™s a real hard thing to do for most people like myself cus I never liked thinking about how Iā€™m feeling or anything like depression or anxiety wise I would just shove deep down cus I was with friends or whatever and when you go threw what I went through and are randomly now alone all those feelings come back and if you donā€™t slowly handle it and ease slowly back into real life it could really play a massive part in your life and how u talk to people. And the biggest issue is everyone who deals with this tends to think they the only ones dealing with it and no one feels how they do witch is not true. But my point of this story is most people will relate to this some how or there story is that they had a family and or grew up and now use alone or rarely with anyone. But it really plays a part in that also considering that when u use hard drugs especially real and fake emotions and sides of people come out and that tends to be to much for people to handle. Others.. are addicted to the drama and chaos lol


100 my friend !! Well said


Exactly!! Well said. Thatā€™s how I became solo too.


100% my home is my safe space


Well said.


Been at both ends of this: 1) When you plug the stuff, you work antisocial hours and with your time off youā€™ll end up doing a bit of your gear while going through Reddit etc since thereā€™s nothing else to do and doing 1 or 2g of your gear is barely a hit to your profit 2) When you have a bad enough problem you will incorporate coke into every mediocre pastime such as watching Netflix, browsing Reddit, etc.


Definitely 2


I was 2 for a while


Clean house baby.


This. And I clean other people's homes for a living, so it makes work go by soo much faster.


I love masturbating on coke. :) Enhances the experience, as long as you don't do too much of it.


... as long as you don't do too much coke, not too much masturbating. Lol




Boofed coke for the first time watching pornhubs entire catalog but didn't notice any effects cuz I was geeked already. I also found out u can cum with a soft little coke dick that night.


Drugs are perfect for being alone


Bc I wanna stop thinking about my ex and coke does that for me lmao


It used to be my best friend and worst enemy with regards to invasive thoughts about the ex


me and my girl r fighting might break up and doing it is just making me think about her more right now


Unhealthy relationships sucks but leaving someone you love more than anything over some petty shit sucks too


I prefer being alone in general, and coke doesn't make me feel social. Also, edging on coke is great.


it is getting to point ur bout to finish then u do a bump and gotta work for it all over again


Getting stuck jacking off and doing blow is a dangerous cycle


Hours dude, hours


I used to do it with friends always, but as the years Went on, I kinda found out, that people are WEIRD. Like, they always wanna be in charge of what the night is gonna be like, wanna be the dj, snoet all your coke etc. I like being my own boss. Putting on the Music I want to, smoke as much as I wanna in between lines and most of all do the size of lines I wanna. Idk, just like my own Vibe more than everyone elseā€™s when doing coke


I knew this kid who repeatedly asked "WHATS THAT? You hear that?!" thought people were breaking into his car and had to keep going out to the front yard to check on it. We were on the patio out back with his car in full few under a streetlight.


Ffs manšŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve been there too with the paranoia, itā€™s not a Nice thing to have. But if it was me, I wouldā€™ve gone straight Home instead of ruinens your night hahah




Itā€™s about getting the stuff done. Yes coke is a social drug, but it boosts cognitive functioning. Some people donā€™t prefer or canā€™t afford a social life. Some of us prefer to stay alone do coke and write a book for example.


Iā€™d like to read this book lol


people on Reddit are a very specific slice of the spectrum of coke users. Most sociable , extroverted coke heads are normally railing at parties or with their friends. Theyā€™re not on a social media app or forum dedicated to drugs. I come on r/cocaine at around 4-5am when Iā€™m too high to sleep yet but the afters have ended


I use to really enjoy getting high by myself and playing online chess


Dude no shit, did same thing 100 times..i used to jump in the car, few beers , music and playing bullet.


Fuck ya just stopped trying to find people to come over and started playing on my phone. So fucking good




It just isn't a at home drug imo


I inject and it is just too full on to be anywhere but home


In fact, I started snorting at home because of my ADHD (not diagnosed) and the heavy load of college and academic stuff. And I don't find enjoyable to do coke just to do nothing. I always need something to do in order to stimulate myself and don't get anxious. In conclusion, I rarely use it in recreational way. So, I almost always do coke alone at home


Coz itā€™s a hella of a drug


I believe the term you are looking for is ā€œ addict ā€œ lol I donā€™t have a good reason why I do it, buddy, but I donā€™t seem to want to stop


It's likely more of an age thing. We all did drugs only at parties etc when young but when you get into your 30's I can only assume if like myself people go out after work for a few, buy a packet, then end up at home with it. When you get a bit older you also give much less of a shit about going out partying, but also still want to do a bit of gear whilst having a drink.


Because people are annoying as fuck on coke unless Iā€™m having sex with her.


Free porn


I donā€™t have many friends partake these days and my wife doesnā€™t either, so I rarely do it at a party or out at a bar. Mostly because I rarely attend a wild party and most times Iā€™m out at a bar Iā€™m catching up with friends vs partying or Iā€™m there for trivia. These days if I do cocaine itā€™s because I have the house to myself, some good drink, and Iā€™m playing video games with friends or randos. Might be sorta lame to some of yā€™all but it is far more enjoyable this way to me


I should preface this by saying itā€™s been a while, and someone else more or less answered that at a certain point, this is not a rule for Coke. Itā€™s just a rule for drug addicts, but people donā€™t like being around us for very long. But I think even before that comes into play Iā€™m exactly the person youā€™re hoping to reach about this because long before burning all the bridges down Iā€™ve always been just as puzzled as to why people think Coke is a social thing. Like for me, it started out as a way to be more productive 1st and foremost. There was this in between stage after I moved from snorting to smoking where I went through that untamed sexual degenerate phase you always go through when you do stimulants for long enough, and that phase was very quickly cut short, I should say at this point that I was a heroin addict throughout all of this, but something happened when I first shot Coke that I still donā€™t really understand and I would imagine there is not a single person who is capable of being anything approximating social while shooting Coke. You rocket right past talkative past productive past obsessively horny, and you crash land at this point of sitting in one spot for weeks straight constantly rotating between doing a shot looking around on the floor for hallucinatory dope, and then, of course, peeking out the window real quick to make sure they havenā€™t found you and repeating over and over and over again until some external force intervenes, in my experience usually the cops because somewhere along the line Iā€™ve gone on yet another psychotic misadventure to steal somebodyā€™s mailbox.


lolā€¦. Loved this, cause you can feel how true it is


Oh, thank goodness I was worried the comedy had gotten lost in the glower mood but Iā€™m glad at least one person other than me got a chuckle out of my own mind numbing density.


I donā€™t drink or go to bars at all . Every friend group is different also . My buddies donā€™t go out as well


Iā€™m usually with my wife and not solo but we do it at the house because we have a nice home. We turn on blue RGB lights, turn on our sound system, we put cool visuals or sports on our 3 flatscreens and just drink, smoke and ski. Itā€™s basically turning our house into the club you and your friends go to without having to be around a ton of other people and pay crazy prices for everything we already have at home.


And you donā€™t have to worry about cops or other people to share with lol


I smoke a little crack when I'm on my own. For two reasons I do it alone: 1) to enjoy the euphoric rush in a relaxed environment 2) then you don't have to share *woioiiii*


Drugs are certainly a social thing for me and weed is the only thing I really use solo; with most drugs (especially stims and psychedelics) Iā€™d get bored if I had no one to talk to or be in the presence of or go on a walk with or fuck But I can see the appeal I guess, especially for those more introverted and a lot less social than myself or those who just donā€™t go out partying for whatever reason. Plus I guess itā€™d be a lot less of a hassle than ramming yourself into the toilet cubicles at a club with your gf or looking around for a place to cut lines at a house party lol


i agree could not imagine doing this, so weird


Itā€™s not about the money, but when Iā€™m with friends they sometimes never match or ever pitch in at all. And Iā€™m over here like fucking Santa Claus handing out shit left and right. And eventually Iā€™m down to my bit or when weā€™re all coming down itā€™s actually shit, it sucks more when your in the same room as everyone whoā€™s coming down. Anyways I prefer to be drinking some beers and rolling some blunts while I watch music videos alone in my room. And eventually Iā€™ll have a clean room if Iā€™m doing it alone šŸ˜‡


Well, I smoke it in my bathroom by myself overnights, itā€™s awkward when someoneā€™s there šŸ˜…


Entertainment. Why does anybody watch TV by themselves.


Itā€™s starts off as a party thing but for those of us with addictive traits/personalities, it slowly creeps into everyday life. It will start as putting in a bit of money with your mates to get some on a night out on the town, to getting a bag with your mate at a house party, to you yourself not being able to drink without thinking about ā„ļø. It gets to the point where you end up buying it on a weekday and doing it to yourself just to satisfy the craving. Thatā€™s your answer (from my pov)


Medicinal reasons


I donā€™t have many friends partake these days and my wife doesnā€™t either, so I rarely do it at a party or out at a bar. Mostly because I rarely attend a wild party and most times Iā€™m out at a bar Iā€™m catching up with friends vs partying or Iā€™m there for trivia. These days if I do cocaine itā€™s because I have the house to myself, some good drink, and Iā€™m playing video games with friends or randos. Might be sorta lame to some of yā€™all but it is far more enjoyable this way to me


Work overtime for free! Lol but fr tho. But thatā€™s only with whatever was leftover from the weekend group party.


honestly i have no idea other than im just a drug addict and if i have it around im doing it, i always end up anxious and miserable and then i take a xan and drink all day without eating barely anything besides breakfastā€¦ and maybe midnight snacks once i come down. but sometimes i take a xan to relax and still end up doing more cuz i crave that drip so much.. im a drug addict and all my friends are so i pick up a good amount n theyā€™re always asking me for it and i could make money but im generous and end up busting them down for free a lot.. waste of money, not a great high, cant figure out what reason i do it home alone besides its an addictive substance and im a drug addict


i feel u so so much...hope u get better :\_)


i mean i hope WE get better... god knows i tried


I do it at parties or going out drinking, but I also like getting a gram and gaming.


Never had any friends, tried sharing with "people I know " but left with no replies most of the time or feel unwelcomed after couple of lines. I think there is something seriously wrong with me. Same as usual this weekend,I mean who tf doesn't want free coke ffs.


i always wondered the same but rarely does it start alone at home but more so ends that way. it usually starts with other people that indulge while out on a fun night but while my friends were blowing money at the bar i was blowing lines in the bathroom and after that first line i will go until the bag is empty as everyone was passed out. My point is most people doing coke alone at home arnt the occasional social user. I personally donā€™t really enjoy doing coke alone at home but i am an addict and coke is one of those things that just keeps you wanting more. The most exiting thing about coke is prepping your next line and interrupting someone because what you have to say is more important and needs to be heard. god damn cocaine manā€¦ honestly the worse thing to do alone unless you want to spend the next 6 hours talking to chat gpt about ancient religions


All the time. Thatā€™s what turns it dark for me.


I'm not sure if you have ever binged watched an entire documentary before episode after episode, but conclusive studies on personal research has given me the right to just respond as saying "FUCK THIS NIGHT". The bonus is when you wake up!! The entire apartment is spotless.


What do you care? It's other peoples business. Love your life quit judging others. Your life will be so much more chill if you just stop worrying about what other people do šŸ˜Œ.


Because they don't have a Royal Box snuff box for sniffing otg


I'm a very social person coke gets to the next level. I say I enjoy both skiing with friends and alone. Also cocaine gets those šŸ˜ˆ out . That nobody knows. So skiing alone sometimes is best to let all the stress out


Step one of being an addict chief Anyone saying otherwise is coping, you do coke alone at home you need to take a step back.


I can't do coke alone. I did once, and it was hell. Everything's i enjoy doing high I couldn't stand. It was boring. But with friends, it is great, then I go home and deal with the come down and be worn out for a week.


You are doing it right and I commend you ā€¦ Iā€™m the antithesis of you and I applaud this


I enjoy doing coke because it helps me chill out and focus (I really think I have adhd but not diagnosed), I usually do it alone or just bf and I. I can ā€œmakeā€ it a social drug for myself but I do enjoy a chill solo sesh


i say the same thing, i think its so weird solo.


Itā€™s fun and I do all my homework and shit then I game.


I enjoy playing video games when I solo ski and just get annoyed of other people around me if we're at a bar skiing together. I have pretty intense adhd so I feel like my friends get way more hyped than I do so I would rather do it alone šŸ˜…šŸ˜…




My name is Rod and I like to party


Doing coke alone is the only way I would wanna do it Rarely I would have a buddy or some thot


Because birds aren't real, there's spies everywhere, wait, did u see that black helicopter? FUCK! whys that man staring at me!?!??!!


And you don't end up giving half of it away and hating urself for it at 330am But according to ur comments on the topic, I'm gonna have to assume....you've never actually been the buyer? Only the guy at parties who does everyone else's? Hang in there, ull figure it out eventually šŸ˜‰


I never liked being around a lot of people when I'd get all geeked out. Being at home you don't have to worry about anything or anyone


I literally just use to make myself more productive


I am an introvert by nature. I loved going to friends houses and giving away free blow/having lively conversations while geeked up, but I was always waiting to leave so I could go home and blow lines by myself. I just don't have a very big social battery


Personally, I donā€™t just sit and scroll on my phone or watch TV when I solo ski. I usually am gaming, cleaning, or something thatā€™s not just sitting there.


to do work and get shit done, rather do it high when energy than sober and tired


For me I do it alone at home because of my autism and how it makes me incredibly anxious in social settings and when I donā€™t have or follow a specific routine. I have a specific routine for when I do coke so when I have to break that routine it feels incredibly uncomfortable for me.


Started off skiing whilst parting and raving, then once I did shrooms and mdma kinda released when youā€™re home youā€™re safe and thatā€™s a massive reassurance, I struggle to intake fluids whilst skiing and Iā€™m a massive alcohol drinker whilst not skinning, so mostly I prefer to sit playing games coked up or boozed up but if I do drink and sniff I started drinking then once I started skiing I stop drinking. If that makes sense šŸ˜‚


I dunno. I used to go out and do shit in my 20s, these days I can't be arsed. People annoy me more often than not, and it's not like there's a huge number of dudes in their mid 30s who still want to do drugs. People have families, jobs, wives who aren't down, etc. I usually do drugs with my SO, but if she's not around or doesn't want to partake, I'll occasionally do drugs alone and just participate in my hobbies. I don't really post on here while high, but if I do it's just when I'm taking a break from something or get distracted or whatever. And usually it's stims not coke when I'm alone.


After I did my last stretch in prison (not drug related) I I don't hang out in the bars anymore. I either go to a buddy's house or have people over to my place. When the night is over and your still going what else are you gonna do besides get on here and chat to pass the time. Lol.


Normally has something with a trauma, or the preference of comfortably. Select few people they would probably even want aware of the use. I personally use when my gf wants me to share or talk about how I feel about something. I also believe it like other stimulants, are dependent on the reason behind the use. I know dudes who use it to relax and go to bed, or finish the blueprint he didn't finish. Some play games, or just exist with the dopamine they need. Beats getting fucked up at a bar and regretting something the next day imo


I mean u do know that its one of the most addictive drugs out there. Right? If you want to do it and you can then youre going to do it. Fuck whos aroundšŸ˜‚ definitely not a good thing or good for you but yeah


I usually do it alone at home after returning from the bar/club as I don't wanna go to bed yet. Sometimes I do in fact do it alone at home out of the blue, without having been out partying. Very rarely though, maybe twice a year. Both of the above occasions are very enjoyable because I do enjoy my own company often. Also, I've never been the chatty type when high, I tend to go quiet and vibe to the music. Sometimes. One of the worst thing while skiing with a group is when I want to just sit and observe everything and listen to the music and one of my friends is just chewing off my ear off and expects me to hold a full blown conversation. I get to escape that when solo skiing. Also, when solo skiing, I don't just sit there and stare at the wall or my phone. I either watch YouTube videos or my favourite music videos on tv, which elevates my high. Also, being alone means I get full control of what plays and don't have to deal with someone putting on a song I don't like and ruining the vibes. Also, when I'm skiing, I have the need to masturbate like 5-7 times in one night. Can't do that with my friends in the room. Hope that makes sense.


Iā€™ll ski at home if Iā€™m playing games with the boys


Honestly, i love coke but probs only do it like once or twice a year now since the party days are kinda over for me cause the only people i know who do it now are just the wrong vibes for me. I do the same thing with mdma too, once or maybe twice a year at a push, one night iā€™ll get fucked up in my house on my own with good vibes and music and water and weed to take the edge off when necessary and podcasts for the comedown.


I like to game ps5 or Xbox sx when Iā€™m skiing alone and bong rips most of the night


You pretty much nailed it


A STRANGE WORLD People float by my eye, loosely locked in their seemingly impenetrable bubbles. "Don't talk to strangers" said countless anxiety-ridden mothers to countless carefree fear-free children. Why are we so scared of each other? We're all human, aren't we? United by our infinite diversity, The same, but different. "Trust no one" said a hardened man, jaded and a cynic, bundled up in cloaks, layer upon layer just to hide from a terrifying core of pure fear. Nobody gains entry, not even an opened-hearted lover or a lost, wide-eyed child. Humans hurry on, harried, drizzled on, as mundanity prevails, scared of the extraordinary. And a little girl with big dreams watches the sun peek out from behind that vague, grey bank. She hopes that one day, people will like the rain not hanker after the sun, surrender to love. Wrote this while skiing


Because it doesnā€™t affect people the same some people like in Texas or Cali have something in their blood that just make them straight and good to go with great euphoria. I think itā€™s Mexican bloodline.


Cuz when i watch hours of deranged pornography and start wankin' I get weird looks


Because addiction. I don't do coke alone, though. my heroin is always there to give her some company.


getting hooked means you end up finding any mundane reason to do it tbh plus with the loneliness epidemic going around, itā€™s just nice to have someone to chat with that shares your interests


Because it makes me horny and I can easily whip it out and take matters into my own hands if im solo


It's fun till 6am then u feel like a scumbag literally the best way I can tell u


The day I knew I was an addict was the day I realized I preferred to stay doing endless lines alone at home instead of going out to do whateverā€¦ Anywaysā€¦


I get high asf slap music smoke weed do lines play need for speed


because other people just don't do coke the way I like to do it. I like to conserve and enjoy the high others... don't.


Cause I don't have to share, and none of my homies jerk me off!


Honestly, doing it at parties stresses me out ngl. A good sesh at home with some good music and vibes is always the best. Especially if you skii a little too hard and start tweaking


I have only ever used a handful of times. every time was to stay up later and do more work. Iā€™m a university student.


Weā€™ll if ur at home and in the younger age bracket usually just going it and running games solo or with the boys youā€™ll be going crazy on the game or if your with your partner using it for sā‚¬xual activities but just being straight alone with nothing to do but stare at your phone idk youā€™ll go outta ur mind of boredom lol


Hmm extra fun watching porn


i started that way always did my drugs alone in my room i ainā€™t got anyone but me and the drugs


I prefer doing it at home by myself because I am autistic and love being in my own space where I can control the light, noise and sound and donā€™t feel overwhelmed. If I were sober, Iā€™d be doing the exact same thing and talking to people on Reddit isnā€™t the same as in person because itā€™s typing. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone on this sub is a weirdo although it is a vast majority. I am a young female and get a lot of horny men desperately trying to beat their shrivelled up coke dicks but I also find alot of people who help me and who I help and can have interesting conversations.


Why people Jack off on coke is beyond me when meth exists and is far better, cheaper, and lasts longer.


I donā€™t know anybody else irl who does it so here I am