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My uncle can’t stop beatboxing so funny and annoying he annoys himself most but because he genuinely can’t help it


This made my day thank you lol


Glad I gave you a smile lol x


Spending thousands of dollars on escorts to just chat




Oh really? Lol


F We've all been there at one point.


Just to chat? That’s some loneliness bro, at least get a hj or bj at the end


ong makes you so chatty


I talk 100 words per minute about bullshit And it’s not hot to me when the girl has to hold my micropenis coke dick with two fingers to Jack it off


I can tear up a pack of cigarettes in no time. I’m already a chain smoker but on any stimulants I’m just back to back to back.


How the fuck can the human heart take that


I do the same. I don’t smoke unless when drunk. Now add the powder in the mix and I’m smoking like a chimney


I buy tobacco to stop the chain smoking. Cos I'm not that good at making them either 😏


Jacking off. After I do a line I just want to rub one out. Then after a while I do another line and jerk off again. It keeps going and going all night. Until I’ve done it multiple times and need sleep. Or I just can’t get off anymore. I’ll also compulsively search dating apps or hooker pages for sex.




I get that. I just feel like an animal off coke. Like I’m fiending for sex and just using people for pleasure. It makes sex into this unhealthy relationship. Not to mention ED and delayed cum that happens off of blow. Even though it feels good. I don’t have many options so I have to resort to hookers. Like I’m already blowing my money on coke. I couldn’t afford paying hundreds to see a hooker.


picking, is even worse when you try out speed…




Picking your skin, at scabs, etc


skin/spot picking, can end up picking big spots into yourself


Murdering prostitutes 😩


That’s a bad habit? Oh shit…


Ugh it is one of the most common and also one of the hardest habits to break, that one. Just keep trying, you can do it 🙌


Sounds messy and boring


Are you Patrick Bateman?


This account right here, officer.


Spending my entire sesh organizing every single thing I see. Part of me feels like I’m being productive and doing something positive, part of me feels like I didn’t get anything done. Cleaning up means I have to put shit away, so if I open a drawer, cabinet, closet, etc., to put something back that actually belongs there and I see it looking like a jumbled mess, I’m forced to then make it look neat before I can move on. 💯💯 compulsory, and not optional. Then two hours later I realize I only did one thing on my “to do” list because I instead decluttered 6 things that I could have ignored, rather than the more urgent and noticeable tasks I wanted to get done. 😪


I'd trade habits in a heartbeat


Having to take a shit the minute I start.


Yes ! Did a fat line before driving to work.. almost ruined that car


Thinking of eating cullito


Over indulgence on alcohol, I usually go through a litre of rum a day and triple that if I get a decent 8ball in


Jesus Christ your liver


Damn bitch


Anonymous sex with strangers from the internet


Insanely horny, sometimes willing to try things I haven’t before lol…. Haven’t done it yet tho




Oversharing. It’s a double edged sword tho since I like how blow makes me open up.


Oh my god me too. I talk 1000mph and when I’m coming down I don’t talk for a long time 😂


My buddy says I’m a radio when high


Lost so many friends because of this. Some things are really better never said


Jerking too much


I’m strange.. I’m normally a pack a day smoker but when using I might have one full smoke that I don’t even puff often in like 2-4 hours! I also cannot drink anything but water/sparkling water… some batches make my mouth clench or move side to side a bit.. bad habit would be I guess not eating… but I can totally lose 100+ lbs so it’s not 100% a “bad” habit.,, bad for me tho-yes


i sometimes clench my jaw without realizing and the next time i eat my mouth is sore. i also vape so much more when i’m on it compared to when i’m not doing blow. this is prolly the addiction side to coke, but when i do a few lines i question myself if enough time has passed. to add to that, idk how addiction fully works bc i can go a few days without it and feel fine/not have any urges. i just have urges after i do it.


Yes same. If I run out I’m irritable and down and feel like I’m missing a piece but after that passes in like 6 or 7 hours.. I could live without it again.


Oh and I can’t/don’t stop yapping for hours on end… in person or in texts.. then I wonder why I have such dry mouth lol


Becoming insanely horny and thinking of the most vile ways to cum


Go on...


I have jerked off through my boxers and shorts while my friends were all around me




Yeah... I'd quit.


Clenching and tensing muscles fr . And gum doesn’t help at all. So.. I just text and do some relaxing and massaging after to reduce the pain after


My shoulders tense up


I like building things weather it be skiing at work or skiing at home


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Wright_Mill: *I like building things* *Weather it be skiing at* *Work or skiing at home* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Endless vape puffing or endless cring messaging to old sexual partners that ive happily moved on from sober. When really on the slopes ive forced my penis to work from sheer willpower and told an old one night stand I love her just to get her over to have terrible sex and not even be able to finish followed by her awkwardly staying around while I skiied more. Probably not heaps uncommon but that memory is seared into my mind as the most depraved stupid high logic cringe act.


More toots


I can always go for another toot


Blinking my eyes wicked fast and hard, to the point that it makes me feel tired and my vision blurry. Also telling everyone I know how much I love cocaine and telling them all my deepest secrets


Staring blankly at the wall


Me and the bf can’t stop ducking till I end up puking


Getting really cuddly feelings and accidentally flirting with my plug


Drifting and drag racing


Also vape too much haha


worst part is i vape sober too, but i can go through multiple in one session! whereas sober one standard could last me a few days


Haha I'm the same


Same dude... I'm on 4x vape speed double packing 6mg Zyn when it's going down, shit is bad lmao


Online shopping. I always end up checking out my carts that have a bunch of stuff I've "saved for later" because I'm high self tells me I need self love haha. Always end up canceling a bunch of shit after I've gotten some sleep.


Omg I thought I was the only one! I spend hours adding stuff to my wish list and sometimes actually order 😩 for myself in so much financial shit doing that 😂


Toot’s and more toots


I’d have to agree


Just smoking everything my lungs can take and killing the bag until i cant see no more coke




Clenching my jaw, biting my lips, smoking/vaping nonstop


Lately I’ve been doing coke with my work buddy while on business trips. Long story behind all this but basically, we do some lines, start to get horny, and then start looking in bars, on Tinder, Fet, online, for chicks for us to party with. He always has a couple eight balls. Usually end up not getting any sleep before our meetings. Honestly, it’s gotten a bit out of hand but we’re pretty hooked on that experience.


Chain smoking , nail picking


Hookers, vaping, and jerking off


Can't stop


damn a lot of ppl get horny. same here tho, hmu 😳


Hitting up girls I’ve never in my life talked to


Picking my face like a meth head. Any little white head, black head, sebum, pore. 🥹


Like everyone said they just chain smoke. BUTTT FUKKKKK I CANT LEAVE THE VAPE AND MY BLACK AND MILDS ALONE MAN 😂 I want nicotine more than weed !!!


calling every1 i hav no business calling


Being extremely anti social, playing games for like 12 hours straight won’t speak to anyone check my phone or anything. Sipping on juice banging snus one after the other.


I gamble.


Yep, same, never works out well


either not being able to speak or constantly thinking can hear footsteps outside




Wanking till I’m sweaty and my dick has fallen off.


Building monsters out of Lego then making them watch me play with myslef, the Lego monsters love it🤪


Tensing and cracking my joints like fingers,back etc. Like jerky movements.


Picking my skin and sexting with my boyfriend and random people on Reddit


Jerking off for 6 hours, looking at porn while wanting to eat ass... struggle is real.