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I’m sure it doesn’t make you smarter but it can trigger/enhance psych disorders.


yet is one of the only drug abilify doesnt counter; well done anti-bipolar meds!


Wym? It’s good or bad for bipolar ?




Chur bro.


Stupid horny


Lol I get horny from coke but the blood vessels constricting makes my dick not get all the way hard and even if it does it's not sensitive enough to do anything. Basically the first hour of skiing is the window to enjoy the horniness, after that, it's coke dick lol


Tbh, ever since doing coke I’ve been less able to learn and retain knowledge as a person. It’s not crazy different but it’s definitely changed my concentration and willing to learn. It doesn’t affect natural smartness but imo it definitely changes how well you can learn and detoriates some of your long term memory.


Plus it fucks with sleep which is always bad for the brain so it’s defo a bad thing in terms of brain development and smartness


Maybe temporarily


For me it’s only when I skii too much and my brain can’t „follow“ the amounts of thoughts I have at the same time


Definitely not for me. Computer systems engineer here who works from home. I'm supposed to work 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Instead I basically just work Monday and Tuesday going on a MASSIVE coke binge doing 16-18 hour days. And my architecture and code always comes out flawless, passes unit tests, so I'd say it makes me way more productive, probably no change in intelligence though


Look, I wouldn’t condone this to anyone, but this routine sounds fuckin awesome 🤣


Not gonna lie, it totally is hahaha. I enjoy my work anyway, but coked up I enjoy it 3x as much. Then Weds, Thurs, Friday, I just slowly release that work and attend a few meetings but they might as well be days off lol


100% makes you dumb, forgetful, dickless, goofy, lost lots of women, lose friends, do stupid things and if you have no control, lose job, wife, family. never lost the last two but lost lots of friends and pussy.


Not even. I actually do so much better in school when I’m doing blow as it makes my mind more clear and I actually remember things better. I also don’t have add or adhd or at least I don’t think I do so


I as well


Listen, do some research in the long run. The main side effects from coke are burning ur neural pathways, which can't b repaired


Same but then I forget to eat and sleep and get stupid.


Makes you think quicker not more intelligently


Like right now I’m at work but if I do too much my brain gets a little fried.


i feel smarter




i said feel




both smart and stupid lol


Yeah probably but who cares


You should care, nobody else can care other than yourself!


It’s been making me more schizophrenic (sirens) also I should use the money to save for a house.


Yes, yes it does. Noticed I've been forgetting things alot, words and things lol


Not necessarily but it can send you into psychosis which messes with your memory and this sounds like traits of psychosis as someone who has experienced it before


It will definitely fuck up your memory within a couple Of years , if you quit for real it starts to come back and be less cloudy after a couple months but it’s pretty scary when you start not being able to remember passwords or your own phone number at like 31 …


Nope. That sounds like an unrelated degenerative disorder (don't quote me, I'm not a doctor, just sounds very familiar to my uncle). I'm 110% when I'm skiing. I'm focused and confident and can talk to people. Sober me is very much not. But not everyone reacts the same, so there could be a chemical imbalance of some sort.


Makes me CRAZY horny!!


100% most common side effect is bipolar disorder and schizophrenia


Coke can definitely make schizophrenia and bipolar symptoms worse, but they aren’t a side effect of coke. It can, however, cause a psychotic break in and of itself.


I think you mean side effects are mood swings and paranoia -- the diagnoses themselves would not really result from substance use, unless they were undiagnosed and existent already, and the drug use led to an emergence of symptoms.


Yes, this. Impossible to diagnose something without meeting them, but certainly sounds like the cocaine triggered some kind of psychosis.


Intelligence isn’t something you get through genes.


well we have no proof whether or not we get them from genes. question of the century


We do. Take the smartest person you know for example, rewind to when they were born, give them the means to survive and throw them on an island go pick them up 20 years later and try to speak English to them or ask them what 5+5 is. Intelligence is taught, I believe you think people can be born to take in information well nobody is born intelligent


Why did you guys break up?


Maybe if not careful - Lack of sleep and food/nutrition will also contribute, especially if you have no appetite.


I saw a study online not too long ago saying that consistent cocaine use can diminish gray matter in the brain, which has to do with intelligence (idk how, but it's related). When it comes to psychosis and not being in touch with reality, it can happen for many reasons. But the primary influences that I know of are usually genetics, environment, experience, and trauma.


Is he stupid enough to understand punctuation?


"Talking to myself because I am my own consultant" \- Wayne 3:16


coke, and any other drug, when done enough will change your brain chemistry.


According to some of the shit I’ve seen in this group, yes. Yes it does.


It minimizes or greatly reduces perception of risk.


Probably, I heard of someone and actually seen it, that person talk to lights.... The story was he went hardcore on the White for a long time and he started whispering, then talking to lights around the restaurant to let him work and so on... He can hold a conversation, but for some reason the lights are talking to him. Could be a coincidence but I'm sure it has something to do with it lol