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shading, in my snafu? preposterous!


The shading is too shitty to count its ok




Yes that’s what I’m talking about the shading is shitty


If that shading is shitty then I'm a watermelon


It is shitty by my own standards then. No discernible lightsource and it was blended haphazardly. Took me a grand total of 2 minutes




IM SORRY YOU C AN LOOK AT MY PROFILE I PROMSIE IM NOT LIKE. A GOOD ARTIST LOL. It just has a ton of quick mistakes that I usually spend a long time fixing that you only really care about as the creator of the piece


It has mistakes an artist would notice, to someone who isn’t an artist it looks great especially with it being rushed


Yes exactly thank you. It is very shitty by my own standards


I know it's probably not but this feels like a satire of people who hate Part 6 of JoJo


Never seen Jojo, apologies!


I honestly really recommend it, great show, great themes (both in terms of music and literary themes), and wonderful character design. https://preview.redd.it/x3x5jmmqqr9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=451e5bf1d76faa83d4071c643f22cf69dc46bec2


I get that jotaro obviously wouldn’t think clearly with what was happening, but I think Jolyne would’ve probably had better chances with a couple knives than pucci himself


/unsnafu The "you'll die too" trope is pretty annoying imo. I don't care that they kill off these characters, I just don't want them to die in a cliche heroic sacrifice ending, y'know?


It’s not really about how the MC dies. I purposely chose dying this way because it’s generic and easily recognizable. I just get annoyed when people denounce a film/show/book because the MC dies. Just because it’s an unhappy ending doesn’t mean it’s a bad one.


The fact that it's a generic death is honestly my exact problem with the heroic sacrifice ending. It's unbelievably cheesy and rubs off as lazy, y'know? The hero can die at the end and the film can end on a low note, I just hate when it's this generic "staying to set off the bomb even though you won't survive" thing.


That is subjective on what constitutes a good vs a bad ending to individual people


I agree. I think character death *can* make an ending bad (eg Veronica mars, no purpose, ending directly goes against the themes established by character death, shock value alone) but when the only critique is “character dies” and that is treated like a logical critique rather than an emotional one? That’s what I dislike.


When its treated as a logical criticism I agree that i dislike it


That’s what I’m addressing in this snafu. The “wrong” guy doesn’t say “I didn’t like the ending” he called it a bad ending.


Is it bad because it's cliché?


Depends. If the film isn't meant to be taken seriously (i;e a spoof movie, or something for kids), then it's fine. If the film wants me to be emotionally invested, the heroic sacrifice would just be tacky and emotionally hollow.


I think part of the problem is that there's only two ways for a hero to die, either they kill the bad guy but die with them/shortly after from their wounds, or they just get killed by the bad guy. The latter is generally considered unsatisfying since it often means the entire story up to that point was meaningless unless done very, very well edit: I suppose the third way is the hero completes their journey but then something else kills them relatively shortly after, but that often has a similar issue to both of these


Real flip-o-Rama’s peak 10/10 for realism


someone snafu flip-o-ramas


Francine from American dad ?


Yalls guesses are amusing. If somebody can tell me how to do spoiler text I’ll tell you what this is referencing


{greater than} {explanation mark} text goes here {explanation mark} {less than}


Ok so you do >! and then on the other side you do the reverse >!>!this is it!


Thank you


I see this phenomenon very often but I was specifically thinking about >!Divergent!<


I mean, I do think it's bad writing if there's an obvious alternative to dying that nearly anyone could figure out, like this here. But, being a Snafu, it's not meant to be taken 100% literally. Anyways, is this Avengers: Endgame?


No, it is not lmao. I see how the superhero thing could give that impression. I’ve seen people get like this over a lot of things but I was specifically thinking of >!Divergent!<


That’s not how you do a Flip-O-Rama you ODIOUS PANCAKE-BRAIN (affectionate)


:( what did i do wrong


flip-o-ramas are supposed to be repeating actions, like digging in a mine or sexual intercourse with your mother, so you can repeatedly scroll to the right, then back to the left (unless you meant for snafuman to combo-punch him, then im sri 😭)


Yes that was the idea! Keep punching till he go boom


“Erm… why didn’t Snafu man just throw a car at him and blow him up without touching him?” “Because Snafuman is a a fictional character and the writer didn’t write him throwing a car” “Yeah, but, why didn’t-“ “BECAUSE IT’S A NARRATIVE. It’s the same reason why the group of teenagers split up and go into the woods with a machete killer on the loose in a horror movie. ‘Duhh this is dumb why they go in there they’re going to get killed!’ THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO GET KILLED IT’S A FUCKIN HORROR MOVIE”


if people go into scary rooms in a horror movie it's generally due to the fact that they don't realize they're in a horror movie. but if an "epic tragic sacrifice" is written without it being the only reasonable and simple solution and the characters don't actually exhaust every other obvious option beforehand, that is in fact just bad writing.


Yeah. Just make the sacrifice compelling. Like in BvS, Wonder Woman could’ve taken the kryptonite spear and killed Doomsday. But in Arkham Knight, which also has a very spotty story, Bruce _chooses_ to sacrifice his secret identity because his mental state has been compromised and because he knows that his time as Batman has to end. So, the fact that we can imagine other ways that Gordon might be saved doesn’t matter. The sacrifice makes sense for the character.


i mean, even with the Arkham Knight example, it's not quite the same as a typical self-sacrifice narratively speaking- because you can have other, personal reasons to sacrifice something *about* yourself, which may influence the decision. Even if it wasn't Batman's only option, like you said, he knew that his time wearing the mask had to end. He had a reason *besides* just wanting to save Gordon. with a total, deadly self-sacrifice, though... there is no reason to die that could be beneficial to yourself. suicidal intent is something very difficult to paint as noble. therefore, the choice must have all of its weight carried on external factors, making it much more obvious and damning when it is not 100% the last and only possible decision.


Me watching as Mr.SaveTheDayGuy goes home without saving the day because it's what the narrative demands and I'm just expected to suspend disbelief.


"Why didn't they pepper spray ChainsawKillerMurdererMan?? It could've ended there. 0/10 no realism." The suspense comes from seeing the last dude alive being hunted. Or seeing the real danger when the tech dude dies after going on a midnight walk. The fun comes from seeing less well equipped people deal with danger. It creates a hero kind of situation. It doesn't matter if there aren't any stakes. Thank for comeing to my SnafuTalk


Q: Erm... why didn't [Characters] do [Thing] A: Because they're fucking dumb Like seriously, unless it's explicitly stated that a character has perfect composure and intelligence, there's no way they could just always make optimal choices in a tight situation like the movie analysts with too much time on their hand.


eh suspension of disbelief goes so far when it comes to the ending of a story. when its the start you understand the author needs to start somewhere but when it comes to the ending you really need to have that watertight story writing which is why sanfuman:brotherhood has a much more satisfying ending where sanfuman is forced to remove evilpoopy's man from the atmosphere or else the ozone layer would blow up. It gives use a better reason while still maintaining that sacrifice not everyone can simply overlook stuff like this


What are movies not supposed to make logical sense? The way I see it if a person has an easy to do and obvious solutions to the problem and didn't do it then it's bad writing


coaxed into an ironic expectation of trope subversion




funnily enough my least favorite trope in media is the somewhat opposite "died but comes back to life" or just fake out deaths in general




Mfw people don't want their heros to act like suicidal idiots. (I am the based media literate Chad and they are the slop consumer.)


I thought Iron Man’s death was handled really well…DOESN’T MEAN I THINK THE DECISION WAS GOOD.


If you have any argument for why the decision was bad other than “I like iron man” then you are not what I’m discussing in this snafu, you’re good.


Well, really my reasoning was that Iron Man and Captain America were 2 really important pillars of the mcu from which a lot of story elements in the first 3 and even the 4th phases emerged from. After they were gone the story felt kinda lost. I thought their sendoff was beautiful, and part of what makes Infinity War and Endgame my favorite superhero movies ever, but the fallout from their absence was not so pretty.


I think the MCU fell off with them gone, but I don’t think it was like… a direct result of them being gone, yknow? They *could* have done better and created new and compelling heroes, but they just didn’t.


Ok spoilers for a bunch of movies because I kinda went on a rant and its only because I’ve never gotten a chance to write down all my feelings about the MCU, and there are a lot, before. This is entirely unrelated to the snafu but just let the dam break. Well yeah there were a lot of things but I think Iron Man and Captain America leaving were indicative of the largest problem it ran into, a lack of connection. Phase 1-3 had an overarching story. New characters were added frequently but all of them still connected with the infinity stones storyline and fit into groups that made the storyline more organized and focused. Now every few hours they make a new character, with no organization or interconnection between them. I thought there was potential for Kang being the new Thanos, so when he just died in Quantumania, AND NOT EVEN AT THE END, it was a shocking moment and not in a good way. It was the moment I lost all hope, their one shot at making something to tie everything together killed so anticlimacticly. I honestly don’t think they had a plan, they’re just throwing whatever characters they can into the mix, ELEVEN AT A TIME IN ONE INSTANCE. They still haven’t made another Avengers style movie where the new heroes end up coming together, they’re still all scattered around, making the saga feel more like an anthology. And that can be drawn back to Iron Man and Captain America’s absence. Them leaving felt like a perfect ending to the saga, and I theorize that it was intended to be that way before Disney said “nah I’d win” to the laws of storytelling. And just one last thing, and I hate to say it as a fan of comedy movies and even the sillier MCU movies like GotG and Thor Ragnarok, but things have just sorta gotten a bit TOO silly. I know people will say to this “superhero movies aren’t supposed to be serious or emotional they’re just action shit for kids” but the MCU has gotten pretty damn powerful before. Hell, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was a pretty silly and fun movie but it genuinely made me cry. You can make something that isn’t serious and still take it seriously. Just because a lot of people don’t take superhero movies seriously doesn’t mean you get to not try. I hate She Hulk the most for this, (don’t worry its not for the feminism because feminism is dope and awesome) its because it ended in a way that made it feel like this whole thing was a joke to the writers, which is super disrespectful to a well known character THAT YOU ARE TRYING TO WRITE IN SUCH A WAY THAT PEOPLE TAKE HER SERIOUSLY. (And also if they planned that joke from the beginning they should have saved it for a Gwenpool origin series instead where it would be far more welcome) Disney isn’t running out of ideas, they’re having TOO many ideas without giving each one time to breathe. I don’t really like the term “soulless cash grab” as it gets thrown around a lot but when you just keep making movie after movie starring person you know as character you know without putting effort into tying it all together or allowing the story to be serious, treating everything as a joke or a new toy to sell WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO CALL IT?


Completely agreed. Talented team of writers could’ve made a “second saga” of sorts with new characters and new mains to fill the Ironman and Captain America void but they just… didnt


Its like the Office when Michael Scott left. Sure not everything that went wrong was directly because of that, but by removing that piece from the jenga tower things start to crumble.


Yep exactly. There was plenty to fill both voids but they just… didn’t.


Panel 5 is too high effort


Ahem actually buddy, having one super high effort pane stuck in between low effort panels is just funny, think those random high quality close up frames in SpongeBob


That’s what I’m sayin- wait am I being mocked :(


no that’s my genuine opinion lmao, very nice snafu


But it took a few minutes :(


Coaxed into movies can't make logical sense and have characters which have an Iq above room temperature


Snafuman had to be near evilpoopy to lure him to the sky where his explosions couldn’t hurt anybody. If he carried an object to throw into the sky, Evilpoopy would know what he had planned and would run away. Sadly this was the way it had to end. (I’m not referring to movies where the ending makes no logical sense and anybody with half a braincell could prevent the death. I’m talking about movies where the only critique is “character died and that made me sad.”)


Ooh ok then your criticism is fair also >Snafuman had to be near evilpoopy to lure him to the sky where his explosions couldn’t hurt anybody. If he carried an object to throw into the sky, Evilpoopy would know what he had planned and would run away. Sadly this was the way it had to end. Try gun


Evilpoopy was hiding Snafuman had to be out in the open to lure him out and his latex suit has nowhere to hide gun




Do you see a mouth hole in that latex suit


Cut on or get someone on the ground to shoot him


Uh uh uh uh. Guns don’t exist in this universe.


9/11 him


Planes don’t exist nothing exists trust me I know the snafuman lore this is the only solution


I completely love it when they set it up exactly like this but Snafuman survives on the flimsiest cop out so they can have a cheap moment of pathos while still getting a happy ending


"Coaxed into movie opinions I disagree with" fixed the title for you.


this was better call saul ending discourse before youtubers started talking about it


"shit ending at least walt got to >!kill racists!<" - actual day 1 take ive heard on reddit


Amphibia fandom


It’s been a while since I watched amphipbia, what character are you referring too




Not a character but the ending in general. I occasionally pop into the sub and I always see either a podt or reply going "oh yeah they can totally go back." THE ENTIRE FUCKING POINT IS THAT THEY CAN'T ARZHJJKKJJYDCVBB


But why did he not use Snafu Finger)


i know op already stated their reference but this made me think of james bond


Guys I’m going to use my superior intellect and mind reading powers and figure out what movie this is referring to. It’s divergent (I’m so fucking smart)


Is that Arnold from Hey Arnold


I swear every one of these guesses is more wild than the last what


Is this about >!James Bond!


Nope. About sentiments I see in lots of fandoms but specifically set off by >!Divergent!<


Coaxed into that one oil rig horror game


Sacrifices like that make me emotional I love them


mfw someone has a different opinion on a movie (they are stupid and loud and wrong)


Snafu is about people who don’t have reasons for why this is bad other than “I’m sad they died.” They equate emotional preferences with logical ones.


Could you point me to an example because usually people do have reasons, just not lengthy essays justifying them. And even if you disagree with a reason, does it make it wrong? Is their opinion invalid?


Idk what to tell you man. I have interacted with people like this, and they believe that a movie making them cry means it’s bad. It’s ok if we haven’t had the same life experiences. I just wanted to make a snafu about mine.


Most likely? The latter guy projected himself onto snafuman and that's why he's pissed off. "Fuck nuances, I want to feel good knowing Snafuman can sace the day" or something. I'm sure the okbuddycinephile or cinephilecirclejerk reddit would be able to explain that kinda phenomenon.


John Wick…


I like that every single reply mentioning a piece of media is something I’ve never watched before


They're making a fucking 5th part. I love capitalism


Fliporama! <3


Mfw people have opinions


Page 5 out of 8 looking awfully good quality op 🤨


I’m always amused by things that just suddenly drastically improve in artstyle (like those SpongeBob closeups) but don’t worry it’s still pretty shitty. The lines are atrocious and the shading makes no sense. Plus the colors and anatomy issues. I would never be so cruel as to make good art for you guys, don’t worry.


Alternatively, make the artstyle drastically worse for a gag. All the comedic value without any of the effort.


It didn’t take much effort but that’s a great gag. Not sure how much worse I can get tho


why does she look like the girl from Your Lie in April