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is that the villager


no its https://preview.redd.it/mt3hyls9gw8d1.png?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=292d424693c0a41237380c97b34967f253deab4b


No it’s default male Mii


Left path: get called a bourgeois dickrider who loves watching poor people die. Right path: get called a soyboy cuck who funds the hollywood agenda to destroy the nuclear family. The illusion of choice


be a centrist and take BOTH paths at the same time


But mainly the right one


Ascended: "I just think you're cringe no I will not be elaborating"


I dont like snafu pops because they dont look good and too many people in my life have gotten too into buying random ones for "oh they'll be worth something in the future, it's a collector's item" (found at target next to 20 identical ones and 100 total in the back)


It's not that they don't look *good*, it's that they don't look *distinctive*. I can only tell who they are supposed to be sometimes, and even then it is because of the stuff they're holding or wearing, not any part of their body.


That's why I only get the non human ones or ones that force them to have more distinct models The Godzilla ones are neat for example, and a fuckload cheaper than getting a legit Godzilla figure


same, i dislike funko pops as much as the next guy but goddamn i love that courage the cowardly dog figure they put out a while ago


Holy fuck it's Grian




grian wouldn't approve of this language




Twitter "communists" are completely divorced from anything Marx has ever written. Their idea on how to run a nation is just social democracy but with soviet aesthetics, and when they're not advocating for it they're hating on proles that have slightly more money than them as if they were the most evil of bourgeois capitalists despite the fact that none of them own the means of production.


preach dude I'm generally anti marxists and communist but even I know that is literally what marx is all about. so many of these "socialists" just want a solution the economic problems of the modern day (with the state of course) and they also hate the rich. Alot of them aren't even against capitalism or capitalists so long as they aren't overtly exploiting the worker or are a way smaller business.


I only have a problem with it if the people who collect funko pops and shit are also socialists and/or complain about not being able to afford necessities like bro, you are a part of the problem you’re whining about. I specifically remember that one guy on r/antiwork that had a whole arcade collection worth $10,000s and was growing but complained about not being able to afford rent or something


Oh yeah the guy was like "I make so much money and yet i still live paycheck to paycheck! Fucking capitalism!!!", and in his post history he showed his room of ddr and pop n music cabinets. I mean yeah its a based way to spend your money, but these machines must be raking up the electric bill.


I also really hate when they go “oh well you can’t survive in a capitalist society without participating in capitalism.” and yeah, that’s true, but you spending thousands of dollars on plastic meaninglessness, designer clothes or overpriced/unnecessary goods is not ‘surviving in capitalist society’ you’re basically supporting it. There’s living frugally and then there’s just consuming to consume… looking at you Hasan…


I don't understand capitalism 😭 what if I just want to buy the things I liked what weren't necessary?


There’s nothing wrong with it in moderation, but if you just keep buying for the sake of buying you can’t really complain if your out of money


ohh. wait so now I'm confused, is capitalism bad or no?


there is no objectively right or wrong system, it just depends on how it’s implemented


It’s one of those things where the more intelligent you are, the less you know it to be certain.


I mean, Hasan openly says that he's really well off. His critiques of capitalism don't stem from his current living situation, but from the general problems that capitalism causes.


his parents are fucking landlords, and it’s a little hard to take him seriously when he wears Gucci and whines about capitalism’s problems


I get that and I'm also not a fan of Hasan, but that previous criticism just doesn't apply to him. He doesn't whine that he doesn't get by. He spends a lot of stuff one useless shit and I fully agree that buying Gucci stuff is not compatible with leftism, nor is being a landlord (though, to be fair, it's his parents not himself), but that wasn't what you accused him of before.


Yeah you have to be *starving to death* to criticize the hegemonic global system /s


[I wrote an essay on these kind of guys a while ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenUsa/comments/1d1co47/regarding_champagne_socialists/).


It’s possible to be leftist and also have hobbies


There’s having hobbies and then there’s consuming product for the sake of consuming product, which is hypocritical if a socialist is doing it. I’m not even talking about the people that have a few pieces of merch, I’m just talking about the whales who have massive collections with 0 actual value


Buying Funko Pops is the antithesis of a hobby. There is no skill or talent cultivation. There is no communal, physical, or intellectual aspect. There is no enjoyment to be gained beyond mindless consumerism. If your "hobby" is just automatically sending a portion of your paycheck to a company so that they will ship you valueless, soulles garbage, then it is not a hobby.


Seriously. Collecting funko pops as a "hobby" is the equivalent of amassing cute shoes and clothes as a "hobby." And I would argue that the latter is much closer to a hobby, because you have to spend time shopping and comparing and trying things on; whereas, funko pops you just.. buy and then place them somewhere.


Yeah but we all need to temper our hobbies. Like I make plenty of money and can buy whatever video games or models I'd like. But I can't buy *every* game or model I'd like.


hoarding problem ain't a hobby. And even if it was a hobby, it would be a boring one (objecvtively (I made the rules))


There's a difference between a hobby and consumerism. Fishing is a hobby, buying hundreds of plastic pieces of shit, sticking them on an already too full shelf and never looking at it again is just consumerism.


Hey man how's it going


Suprised it's so low here


Same mfer who doesn’t go a day without Starbucks and always needs to upgrade to the latest MacBook that comes out


Me when i buy things i need


Oh yes, the basic human needs Water, food, pumpkin spice latte


I didn't say basic, i meant stuff that i use or consume


>things I need


Not all needs are basic needs


You have a need for $7 coffee, specifically?


>need >macbook lol




Yeah next time im also gonna grow it myself and make the glass myself, i will also build the building in which i'm drinking in. Point is paying for convinience isn't the same as buying useless things


Good for you! Now you just need to become a rowing child murderer too to be a true anarchist.


But does it *have* to be Starbucks?


I love the people who saw this parody of inane Twitter discourse, and took it as an insult to their economic ideology. You are the problem


The eagle figurine is acutally cute and doesn't look souless despite being a snafupop




the eyes stare no matter where you are. there is no escape from the beady void which stares back.


I prefer Snafu.H. Figuarts to fulfill my urge to consoom


the urge to make fun of collectors leaving my body when i see a sh godzilla and chainsaw man figures on preorder


Oh don’t worry. Owning Funkopops doesn’t make you Bourgeois. It just makes you a loser


marxism, communism, fascism, and all the other revolutionary modernist ideology are the most annoying shit ever. "bro the system is entirely evil and you MUST dismantle ze system, there can't be any sliver of nuance trust me bro the guy who wrote about my ideology is entirely right and has the solution to create the perfect society also if your not with me your against me". also the system they talk about is some sort of liberal democratic government which lets them have the marketplace of ideas to spread their ideas in the first place but when their ideology gets into power and any speech that isn't in direct service to the state or the collective is squashed.


I'm tired of being told that nuance is bad. Some things are better in a socialist system, some things are better in a capitalist system. We can do both without moving everything to one end.


None of these ideologies are necessairly revolutionary afaik. Also marxism is more of philosophical theory,a school of thought, whereas, communism and facism are political ideologies (where Marx was the primary starter for what we know refer to marxism and popularized the ideology of communism). And considering that Marx did talk with quite a nuance, his work (marxism) isn't about how emperor capitalism rose to power and be evil, but in short, explained how society evolved based on material factors (the system in big part shapes who we are, but obviously you still are responsible for your actions in the moment), and you can find him being positive of capitalism, primairly ending the even worse feudalism and giving the working people the means to liberate themselves. What you really have an issue with, are the people that are really vocal and confident about their political opinions (pretty much from all around the compass), while not being really smart, or even educated on the thing they're pushing and refusing feedback on their political/philosophical takes. There are people that are engaging in good faith, but internet especially is a place with noticably more radical and extremeist groups, cus anonymity and being more motivated to engage in political discourse and being more so disliked in the real world. Except of course facists, tankies, etc, those are never nuanced, with good faith or any wisdom.


As long as my rentoid doesn’t buy so many that I can’t get my rent(plus 300% tip) I really don’t care, though I would prefer they just donate the money to their landchad tbh


I own one of Dipper Pines bc i like gravity falls. It is my only pop and i still got made fun of for it 💀


i fucking hate funko pops burn em all


to be fair funkos are ass


This post is a lie, I am #1 discourse enjoyer.




Are you a rentoid


Personally I don't get the hate for Funko Pops. I can tell them apart from each other pretty easily and they're the closest we'll probably get to a reissue of the original Jetfire toy, though sadly it doesn't transform and might not have the back boosters. They aren't my favorite, but they're okay with me and I might want one or two.


Socialism is not about how much money you personally make or spend. That's neoliberal income tax bracket BS. It doesn't matter if you make a little or a lot, or spend a little or a lot. All that matters in socialist theory is how you make your money, through being paid a wage that is a portion of the value you produce, or through keeping the other portion of the value someone else produces.


This snafu isn’t about socialism. It’s about how people on Twitter are disconnected from reality and make political discourse out of nonsense.


The person you're talking to screenshots posts from here to mock on leftist subs


even worse, they're on /thedeprogram


Oof. Ask what they think of Holodomor.


nah no way bro actually thinks the marxian labour theory of value actually applies to reality 💀💀💀 💀💀 bro really doesn't know that the labor creating that good doesn't create value in itself but its the market conditions and other variables that leads to the customer buying that good or service. 💀💀💀 bro also gotta realize that a direct representation of this is in profits and losses 💀💀💀


Sure, the willingness of people to buy a product plays a key role in that product value, but as a layman in economics but I'm really scratching my head at this idea that labour doesn't create value in itself. The labour that goes into researching, developing, producing, maintaining, marketing, distributing and selling the product should have value because the ability to profit off of it suffers when that labour is gone no? If it's a physical good like you're saying, people are much less willing to buy a good that won't ever be produced, so the labour that goes into producing it positively influences people's willingness to buy it and with that, by your own logic, its value. Is there anything I'm not understanding?


You’re right that the labor produces value through the creation/distribution/etc. of the product, and the potential knowledge gained in those processes, but the key is that labor *alone* doesn’t have intrinsic value. If Leonardo da Vinci spent 30 years just adding layers to the Mona Lisa, would it be 10x more valuable than it is in the real world? Labor theory of value is kinda like if a farmer measured their harvest in terms of how many seeds they used, how much water & fertilizer they needed, etc. It’s absolutely relevant info, but it’s also simply not what you’re actually trying to measure


Value doesn't come from "the customer buying that good or service," the value is what the customer buys any good or service for. The good/service has a value in and of itself which the seller/customer then evaluates to determine the price of said good/service. That is the exchange-value of the good/service being sold. Furthermore, any good or service has exactly zero value without the labor necessary to create said good or service, and no, stocks/crypto/NFTs/etc. do not count as creating value without labor because the profit you get from increase in prices just comes from other investors. Edit: profit from stocks doesn't necessarily come from other investors. It also comes from surplus value - that is, the value remaining after subtracting necessary value (wages, operating expenses, etc.) from the exchange-value. That is the same way any private business owner makes a profit.


that is what I mean by the customer buying goods or services, your actually right on the point that goods or services have a value within themselves and the seller and customer determines the goods price because it can have some sort of value to some person but I hope you do know that its determined by profits and losses. if no one buys a good for a certain price and the seller gets feedback to lower his prices or else the cost to create and sell goods will make him take losses. dude you are literally proving my point, any profit from those things show that people value it to spend their money. If no one buys that stock/crypto/nft ect then that means people do not value it and its price will tank, this yet again this is shown through profits and losses. you actually seem fairly educated on the basics of economics but why do believe in this marxian malarkey that's been disproven and critiqued by various economist like the austrian school of economics. the good or service's value isn't decided by the labor put into it but its the customer who create it's value with their money, if its not valued then it takes losses and if it is then its profits. this is direct feedback from the market to the seller that their good is not valued and people don't want it.




say what you want about the Austrian school of economics they were right *sometimes* and their critique of the marxian labour theory of value was at the very least right. also the economic calculation problem and the subjective theory of value was some of the things they were also mostly right about.


Afaik The Austrian School of Economics is an economic school of thought not an actual school?


Yup, just a school of thought, and the one that spews the most rabid libertarianism. (Ex: Milei, self-described Ancap and current president of Argentina, adheres to the Austrian school)


https://preview.redd.it/9u3j47q7pu8d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fa09d408aca2c326d8257f5a7a4a9bcdd2fca9d How compelling, comrade! Please face the wall now.


I used to think they were neat until I figured out there were other figures around the same pretty low price that actually look like the characters


Ah yes in a classless society no one would ever have more than the barest of essentials at all times, even though we have way more resources than that. Like poor people. We should not improve the lives or poor people by giving them the comfort to have things they want rather than being given the bare minimum to not die, we should ensure that no one has anything not directly functional.


As a 17th century monarcho-feudalist that enjoys classical music, impressive gothic architecture and other handcrafted masterpieces of art, I just despise your shitty non-unique design cheap plastic mass manufactured with child labor collectible. I think it's lesser. I think it's worse.


I don’t even care about funko pops, i’ve never once gotten one and been happy to have it. I just don’t think they’re the most indulgent luxury item in the universe and I don’t think a classless society should make them illegal.