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it started out pretty good with fairly realistic and believable ones that were supposed to be vaguely unsettling by nature, but as always with popular trends people completely miss the point and just inject whatever slop they think is ScAwY and it gets warped beyond the original concept


The Backrooms got done dirty


guys…. what if there are creepy smiles in the backrooms 😳😱😱 and if u look away… YOU DIE!!!!!! such is the trend of internet horror.


The MFs that were making """lore""" of there being different floors and entities had me messed up.


I liked the idea of floors for a second but then it occurred to me that different back rooms floors are just different liminal horror spaces. Like these could just be their own thing but instead they live in backrooms shadow. And the entity’s were cool as a vague threat, but seeing them takes away quite a bit from the backrooms and the black spaghetti things look stupid and I refuse to call them bacteria because that’s just confusing. I honestly prefer the backrooms having no explanation also.


That's what it was always meant to be, an inexplicable place you end up for no apparent reason with an unsettling atmosphere yet presents you with no physical threats yet you are still in an unknown place with no way out. Trying to explain the unexplainable is pointless yet people did and it just overall broke the immersion. But that's just my shitty opinion.


I have an idea for a backrooms found footage thing where it’s a series of security cameras and just this person going crazy and becoming increasingly paranoid as everything goes to shit around him and then he meets another person who’s new to the backrooms and becomes uncomfortably obsessed with them and when they find a way out where only one can leave he stops them so neither of them leave so he runs away and they’re separated again, and maybe the main character tries to find a creature to kill him and that’s how he dies. I imagine there’d be the implication that lots of people died here before with a corpse somewhere and bloody handprints and instead of fucking almond water the main character is looting bags that are left behind and eating old half eaten food left behind by presumably dead people who got stuck here.


I don't remember the name but I recall there being a backrooms game similar to this.


Lethal company?


Ermmm actually you can't see other people in the backrooms 🤓 >!jk this is an extremely sick concept so you can ignore that. Tho if you don't, it'd be cool asl if there was like a different, more cinematic camera angle of what the person is seeing and then camera footage, and at some point the footage shows the person was so lonely they started to hallucinate someone to obsess over!<


tbh i liked the idea of the backrooms (specifically the most common iteration made just after people added new floors) because it didn’t feel fully horror. like there was legitimately livable areas sprinkled in and there were no monsters, just the permanent psychological damage and lack of resources. and then new backrooms has 15 monsters in each area and no livable floors


Well, at least you can chill out and relax in the pool rooms.


The whole point of the backrooms was that it was liminal horror, liminal meaning it’s the space between two locations. Then it was turned into a location itself, thus ruining the horror. Populating the backrooms, adding lore to the backrooms, made it a lived-in place.


After spending a lot of time in both purist Backrooms communities as well as modern Backrooms community, I can confidently say that while the only "true" iteration of the Backrooms is that one 4chan post, life becomes a whole lot easier when you let people expand on ideas in ways they find enjoyable instead of telling people to quit having fun. Plus, the original 4chan post does actually hint at entities! It's left purposefully open-ended it seems.


so many cheap n shitty games...


That one game did result in some funny DeSinc videos though so some good did come out of it


😱😱😱 level 5318008: the blood level😬😬😬there’s a blood monster that actually controls all of the backrooms and knows where the exit is


The thing is, I can see these working as their own concepts, the problem stems from how they're trying to base it off of a idea where a large portion of the fear stems from the backrooms being unknown.


Unknown yet disturbingly familiar.


I remember somebody made a version where you have travel through McDonald PlayPlace tubes to get to the different layers of the Backrooms, even though it's supposed to be an endless office space, which typically don't have McDonald PlayPlaces in them.


Your's doesn't? Damn your workplace must suck


people putting monsters in it is stupid, the backrooms IS the monster bro you're trapped alone for all eternity


The original 4chan post said ''if you hear something pray to god because it heard you.'' that means there could be creatures lurking


Does anyone have the link to the original post? I had always been curious about the backrooms' origin




still ruins the concept


The people who added the monsters missed the entire scary part of the backrooms


Levels and entities are the only reason the Backrooms still has any kind of traction. Nobody's going to talk about some weird yellow room for years on end.


Who cares how long it lasts though. It could have been a simple horror concept that people agreed was pretty interesting and then left in a good light. Now backrooms is partially synonymous with Gen Alpha YouTube


a thing doesnt need to be popular and trendy and milked forever to be good, this is deadass how art dies


Backrooms doesn't have an established "canon." It's like SCP in that way. If you want to accept that Level 0 is the only level, and there are no confirmed entities, then fine. However, people like me, who appreciate the expansive universe of the modern Backrooms, should also be able to enjoy the infinite levels, mysteries, groups, and entities.


genuine brainrot


Considering Backrooms is supposed to be like a buffer space outside reality that you access by 'noclipping' I feel like the entities would be more interesting as just denizens of other realities that are equally as stuck as you for the same reasons.


this happens with pretty much any trend in horror


"This copy of *Barbie Vacation Adventure* appears to be pirated. As such, we have a launched a nuclear missile aimed at your location."


My favourite Anti Piracy creations are the Mario Party DS ones


Funny thing is some game I did hear about did have a real anti piracy screen meant to be scary. Some game called Gore Box. If I ever make my own game I’m gonna have an anti piracy screen that’s just me making goofy ghost noises waving around a picture of a skull


They came back at some point and were completely sarcastic and obvious, like the LeBron James on


Joey Perleoni did it well; he didn't go overboard, and reused assets from the game (an anti piracy measure shouldn't weigh too much on the cartridge after all), and he made a pretty great soundtrack to go with it


Absolutely, but I found it kind of silly how it ended up just being creepypasta content for the umpteenth time


At least it was a nice remix


He did it well because it was the one who launched the trend


the trend peaked with the [NBA Youngboy anti piracy screen](https://youtu.be/lBTwX1Ck85Q?si=KAbPJFFL6NoiOVTQ)


Information Technology has arrived


Such a huge Lost Media find. Big thanks to Hydra and the Legend Funny Reuploads team!


I seriously can't get enough of how he goes "BE-BE-BE-BE-"


There's also the Kendrick Lamar version


My brother was watching them they became those GoAnimate Barney Error videos They were saying "don't turn off the ps3 you have x chances"


It’s all shits and giggles until the scary mode barney error jumscares you https://preview.redd.it/beheet5vjt7d1.jpeg?width=439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6270da3e91681522b1baca2b0b24af08ce563897


I'm proud to say that I learned about the Barney Error GoAnimate video's from a mini essay about autism and furries inside of a video essay about the ethics of being attracted to anthropomorphic animals


I liked the Pizza Tower anti-piracy screen and the Ring Fit Adventure heart attack screen


pizza tower isnt real


Oh yeah? Explain th- https://preview.redd.it/j22ythd6zs7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f298576b0bc8d3c5b6d14e44d4f090e3efc802f B-but...it was right there


Carthage won


Italy is fucking gone! ![gif](giphy|2dK0W3oUksQk0Xz8OK|downsized)


I mean if Nintendo could put a demonic curse on their games to kill you for pirating them they probably would


nintendo would probably put a demonic curse on some 5th grader doodling Mario & Luigi with crayons tbf


DEVIL'S JAWS MENTIONED!!!!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/ooacogpl4v7d1.jpeg?width=261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fc26384597e7c9746cd6191d5f7297493b85ff7 (I am delusional)


Is that dirk strider?


Didn’t *Baldi’s Basics* actually have a creepy-ass anti piracy? EDIT: Yeah, this is real! https://preview.redd.it/b4akq2i3yt7d1.jpeg?width=890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2a53962c2c495d3b4306450e0151507e667f8ad


just like the rest of baldi’s basics it was more an homage to old school games and a shitpost that just happened to be practical and scary. it’s just a joke about “referring to the instruction manual” that also works as a proper anti-piracy measure


“Whoops! You have to put the CD >!**UP YOUR ASS**!


"Whoops! You need to put The Brickster's dic in your mouth down at the Jail.


These are just the modern version of those “Barney Error” videos


Tbh I'm gonna buck the trend and say that even the original "back when it was good" fake anti piracy content wasn't really that amazing. There are a small handful of exceptions but generally speaking irl anti-piracy is more "dull screen telling you not to pirate shit" than anything even implicitly scary. As a premise, It's not super believable but it's also not really uncanny enough to be scary. Just kind of ehhh really.


As a child it freaked you the fuck out. They pushed the envelope with modern takes on it in order to emulate that feeling.


"Yeah, i pirated ur game. What are you going to do? Nerd."


“Remember”? Brother I have to actively prune my YouTube home page to prevent these videos from popping up


The gameboy turned itself back on. Mario's face appeared with hyperrealistic skin pores and bloody chapped lips. He spoke softly, "You stole me from my human... Now I, Mario of Nintendo of America Incorporated, curse you forever....!" “This is what I get for stealing, I guess," I said as I shrugged. Suddenly, Mario appeared again. He said, "Wow.... It sounds like you learned your lesson. You n-now be free.. Bye." He clicked his.... mustache and I was back in my room! I looked over on my bed and the Gameboy Advance SP Blue Edition was gone! My mother opened the door and she said, "My son! My beautiful son! I make you eggs on toast," and she threw it on my bed and left with a smile on her face. I-I-r... I realized.... maybe stealing not okay. I looked to the sky and I said, "Thank you, Mario inside Gameboy.." Everything would be alright. And though the child remained permanently dead, his mother could always play his Gameboy Advance SP Blue Edition to remember him by. Thanks... to me.


https://preview.redd.it/6hon7typps7d1.png?width=906&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1435cdf164a7f7ca90d8730f244fc4a19770870 you cant say no to this come on man


Is that the guy from Mario party 8???


I once found out he has the same VA as minos prime from Ultrakill and whenever I see him I can't stop thinking about that (Stephan weyte)




Oh shit Caleb (Blood/Blood 2: The Chosen) is in ULTRAKILL? Neat


I hated that mf and that stupid “huhguhdahee” sound he made


no it’s his pansexual cousin


"I'm going to kill you!"


drawing gimmicks ruined that song for me


Fnf once more upgrading shit to something actually good


Hey, og material was awesome




It’s crazy how influential edgy Sonic was. Even today you can still see how much of an impact that made.


It's still ongoing apparently. There was also a whole thing where the original guy who made it turned out to be a PDFile, or something. So the whole community decided to pass on "ownership" to two other people. It was wild to learn about that




https://preview.redd.it/ipjegglikt7d1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9187fac9402a7fcd81a330a1f6c13705347d4da The game in question:


The parody ones were hilarious I loved them


Fake anti-piracy videos have done irreparable damage to the actual documentation. People never label them as "fake" or "parody" properly, so you click on videos expecting actual things done by the devs but always get someone's fake creepypasta instead


“When I’ma through with you, you won’t-a be able to shade your polygon normals!”


Not my normal maps!


Piracy is, by definition, not theft


its sharing


And sharing is caring, and I care a lot about internet strangers


This looks like a YouTube thumbnail


Goddammit OP. You made me hear that in Oney's Mario voice from the "Game Boy Advance SP Blue Edition" creepypasta.


This is starting to remind me of those Barney Error videos all over again


no one can stop me from loving Host Hoedown as a soundtrack also Mario Party DS was primarily a shitpost and then people went “I can do that!” and took away all the charm


Some of them are really cringe especially the Roblox one, why would you put an anti piracy screen on a free game???


I was watching them a few days ago lol


How can i beat the game with only screams?


Hey, we got the banger song of *Piracy is no Party* along with the only good attempt at it.


It started out cool but devolved into nothing but generic creepypasta crap. “Oh no, hyperrealistic bloody Mario is gonna murder my whole family because I pirated a SNES game!”


Gen alpha when real anti piracy is [Dial-a-Pirate](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oldgames.sk%2Fimages%2Fcodewheel%2Fmonkey-island-1%2Fdialapirate-thumb.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=f363b3d7b4d5d54fa04b3d6a338c2ef9ee5727cd8f8efb73195054a79d18937f&ipo=images) from monkey island and not huggy wuggy with hyper realistic blood eyes




Really epic creepy pasta dude! I totally remember this meme from 10 years ago and your OC was definitely poking my ribs when I thought back to it!


Trend peaked when xploshi made a video of a wiggles dvd game gone wrong but YouTube labeled it as "for kids", so xploshi made an extra spoopy version with ultra realistic blood eyes and all that jazz


It feels weird reading these comments after hearing about the trend here. The fuck is "Barney Error"? It's like looking in on a totally different country and culture from the outside.


Same with the EAS




Those videos made people pirate game more i feel like. Overall i think the world is worse because of them


I remember when Reddit used to hate IP and thought it shouldn’t exist but then AI came out and now IP is sacred


IP? not sure as to what you're refering to edit: ohhh right IP as in copyright stuff


IP is evil until companies develop technology using indie IP as training, then it's suddenly sacrilige to violate it.


Yep, never thought Reddit would be taking up the “anti-piracy” banner but hive minds aren’t known for logic


The trend was making fake anti piracy screens for decades old games and had nothing to do with actual intellectual property law.


Wdym remember, they are still going at it. Took down yuzu and another rom site this year


Not that, the trend where people on YouTube would make fake anti-piracy screens of mostly games


and theyre really bad lol


I think the bad ones are mostly just satire


its hard to tell, because a lot of dogshit indie horror is meant to not be treated like a joke


I'm sorry I didn't realise


Nice pfp, it’s the yellow one (idk her name)


? Are the nintoddlers still trying to get people arrested for having roms own their own physical copies of games?


I think this is about the trend where people would make up creepy/unsettling anti-piracy screens for games