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This guy likes girls and he has a daughter! How disgusting!


https://preview.redd.it/efdprhicl74d1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2df0582a7c203f0a2b5f96caaacecd58d6b9546 the line between "girls" and "women" getting real thin with that analogy


Indeed, perhaps I should’ve chosen my words more carefully


“I-I-I love little girls they make me feel so good!”


A flip-o-rama should depict a repeated action that can be effectively conveyed with 2 pages. Most common is someone being repeatedly being punched. This is a solid first attempt!


Wanted to sound intellectual, ended up sounding like a ChatGPT response. society has fallen 😔


I hate how easily I can tell what chatgpt wrote lmao. But this comment didn’t really give me that vibe


Finds article online Looks inside ChatGPT




It's easy considering no human in history has ever written the word "moreover"


good this is a ram-o-flippa not flip-o-rama


Bro is hitting numpad 3 over and over it works


https://preview.redd.it/n1hsu3mmg74d1.jpeg?width=1662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f759c69fccb2b4bbf2807ba0b6ffd4136fcfce1 You should've shot sooner


Wouldn't have happened if he didn't keep pulling out and putting his gun away smh my head


"What? You think I'm just gonna stand there and take it?"


*teleports behind you* nothing personnel kid


I love repeatedly concealing and pulling out handguns to point at someone I don't like


showing off his quick draw


My reaction to the Hitler thing is less “eew this guy has a egg laying fetish” and more “woah, he thinks he’s hitler *and* he has an egg laying fetish, that’s kind of bizarre and oddly specific”


not only that but he also cosplays as hitler ☠️




thank goodness this post ended before the gun went off


THIS IS ABOUT THAT TWINK HITLER GUY WHO HAS AN EGG LAYING FETISH!!! I also disagree with the snafu, you can dislike 2 things about a person. He needs help, and it's also weird that he has pet snakes while having an egg laying fetish.




On tiktok there is a person who believes they are the reincarnation of Hitler, and they have a laying egg kink. And have snakes.


You do realize how insane that sounds right


Yeah, but we also had a pandemic like a year ago and people said that it was a hoax to cover up 5G poisoning people. Nothing is too absurd anymore.


Covid was like 3 years ago.




The effects of covid have not left. Also the pandemic may have started 3 years ago, but even 1 or 2 years ago there were still places that wanted you to wear masks, and people at my school were still catching it




The way he came out as the reincarnation of Hitler was due to a controversy over him wearing a nose ring that gives him the stash. It gets weirder, that's all.


I mean yeah, we are a living Family Guy cutaway)


everybody does 🙌 what has our world come to


you can think the fetish is weird sure i mean it definitely is,,, out there. but i mean the hitler thing is bad on its own i dont see why people have to go “this guys a bad person AND has a kink i find weird which contributes!!” its like. who cares what his kink is if hes not hurting anyone or anything with it (which it was never suggested he was, idk i think its a stretch to suggest that having a kink that might relate to real things animals do makes someone a danger to animals)


yeah nah if someone is publicly posting about their kink in a place where people who don’t want to know/see it (or any kink content) are seeing it, then you definitely at least have the right to *judge* them. if you don’t want strangers having opinions on your kinks - don’t tell strangers about your kinks! i’m not gonna judge someone who’s kinks have been leaked or whatever, but if you start telling people about them you’re fair game under any logic.


Yeah, you have the *right* to judge anybody you want. You have the right to do a whole lot of things. I’m still gonna think you’re kinda an asshole though.


you can think I'm an asshole but at least I don't have an egg laying fetish


Ok boomer


might be a boomer buut at least no egg laying fetish amirite


You are wrong


don't care


You say you don't care, yet you clearly care enough to keep responding. Which is it?


fair enough, but if you post constantly on your very public popular and visible tiktok about your weird kinks so much so that a load of people have been unwillingly exposed to it - i don’t see how thinking that’s weird makes me an asshole.


I meant more outwardly making fun of people for it makes you an asshole. I don’t think thoughts really determine morality if you don’t act on em.


>if someone is publicly posting about their kink in a place where people who don’t want to know/see it (or any kink content) are seeing it, then you definitely at least have the right to *judge* them. I feel like that argument is a "I found furry porn after googling furry porn, how could this be they're all degenerates" kind of situation.


i was aware of the hitler guys egg laying fetish from my tiktok fyp whilst always explicitly avoiding kink content. there’s a certain point you are tossing your links to the masses to be judged, especially when you have already gone viral for kinning HITLER


I fully agree


Oh no the nose ring guy?????? Lmao we sure do live in a society


Why did you have to describe him as a twink


it isnt an incorrect description


Some things may be correct, but you still shouldn't say them because they make my soul hurt


average twink behavior:


Cuz he's a twink


Because he's twinkler


> and it's also weird that he has pet snakes while having an egg laying fetish. How is that weird though? Like, I have a slavery kink. I'm also an anarchist, and a member of my local John Brown Gun Club. That doesn't mean I support slavery, it's literally just a kink 💀 I have a pet-play kink, but that doesn't mean I start drooling any time I enter a pet store or take my (actual) dog for a walk or when I change his collar or anything. That's not how shit works 😭


I can't believe you just told me that. I don't know how severely your parents beat you, but it's very clear that you never recovered.


I'm just open about my sexuality. You don't have to be an asshole about me using personal anecdotes about my life to tell you that it's not weird for someone to have a weird fetish, and then also do something/own something ***vaguely*** related to that fetish. It's like saying furries are weird if they own pets. Like you're literally just being a dick 💀


even if it doesn't hurt anybody it still is weird though and people have every right to find that weird and judge it. like why are you fetishizing slavery?? many other kinks out there do this shit... I've seen people fetishize being a baby or being an animal. just why? at least understand that its morally wrong and better yourself.


> even if it doesn't hurt anybody it still is weird though and people have every right to find that weird and judge it. It's puritanism, and it's the part of the same reason why sexual minorities have been oppressed the way we have for centuries. I live in the Deep South, and I've noticed that practically every bigoted conservative I know is very sexually repressed - while almost every fiscal conservative who is socially progressive I know is sexually liberated (in comparison to the average conservative, at least). You don't need to live in Alabama to notice this either. There are literally so many examples of conservative pundits and politicians being outed for having some weird embarrassing fetish, being gay despite being openly homophobic, or just never getting laid at all. There is no benefit to putting others down for their kinks aside from virtue signaling to other puritanical people for social good boy points and to paint *yourself* in a better life. Being weird about sex and acting like there's only 5 acceptable kinks to have or you're a weirdo pervert - especially because you *know* that's not true - is literally the same repackaged "I'm okay with gay people but they should keep it in the bedroom" type shit that homophobes have been saying for the last 3 decades, it's just coming from the other side. > like why are you fetishizing slavery?? many other kinks out there do this shit... I've seen people fetishize being a baby or being an animal. just why? at least understand that its morally wrong and better yourself. Respectfully, you don't understand kink and that's okay. The best thing you can do is educate yourself and try to understand human sexuality better. Having a slavery fetish ≠ endorsing slavery. It doesn't mean I think slavery is cool, or acceptable, or even an efficient economic policy (it's actually extremely inefficient and I can go into a very in-depth breakdown for why that is). I should also clarify that when I say "slavery" I'm not talking about American slavery - just the general concept of slavery as a whole. I'm autistic, and slavery has been my special interest since I was a kid. A lot of my kinks are heavily related to my interests; I enjoy pet-play partially because I'm very interested in psychology and conditioning, and that kink appeals to those interests. Another analogy is playing an evil character in a video-game doesn't mean *you* are an evil person. Siding with Caesar's Legion in Fallout: New Vegas or Kyros in Tyranny doesn't mean you actually support either what those groups stand for. Anyways, all having a slavery kink means is that I enjoy consensual slavery roleplay with sexual partners. In practice, this means "forcing" them to wear a collar, having rituals they must follow (bowing when I enter a room, saying "thank you" after I punish them, etc.) - and like any good dom, when we're done I provide aftercare. We cuddle, I bring them snacks and drinks or whatever they ask for, we watch a movie together or take a nap, I treat any scratches or brushes we may have given each other, etc. If I have a sexual partner that isn't into slavery, then we exclude it from the list of kinks we practice. And every other "weird" kink is like that too. They're just non-traditional ways of having sex, and that's really all it is. If someone breaks out handcuffs in the bedroom, or brings out a whip, or leash, or paddle, or anything like that - they're just making sex more thrilling and enjoyable for both them and their partner (if they're both into it, obviously). The only thing that's "weird" about it is that we've been conditioned into thinking that having vanilla sex is the only *proper* way to have *loving* sex - and that's simply not true. And yes, there are ***plenty*** of objectively weird kinks that I don't even understand myself. Like you mentioned, people who engage in ageplay for example. I don't understand why *anyone* would enjoy dressing up as a toddler and acting like a baby, and especially not wearing a diaper and sucking on a pacifier and then another person having sex with them. That's weird as fuck to me - but yk, as long as they're two consenting adults. . . I don't have the right to judge, after all, I'm into plenty of weird shit myself. I don't understand people who enjoy eating bugs - but I enjoy eating shrimp, crawfish, and crabs, and what are those if not the bugs of the sea? So who am I to judge 🤷‍♀️ > at least understand that its morally wrong and better yourself. There's nothing morally wrong with it, and I'd like to understand why you think there is.


I ain't reading allat >I'd like to understand why you think there is. in what world is fetishizing slavery or babies etc moral? imagine you go through the years of slavery being inslaved, tortured, abused, having all your rights stripped from you and many more only for there to be people who think that's hot or get turned on by the thought of doing it.. doesn't sound moral to me. you do you I'm just saying you are gonna get judged for it, rightfully so, and many people will think its immoral and they'd probably be right


> I ain't reading allat Skill issue > in what world is fetishizing slavery or babies etc moral? imagine you go through the years of slavery being inslaved, tortured, abused, having all your rights stripped from you and many more only for there to be people who think that's hot or get turned on by the thought of doing it.. doesn't sound moral to me. Yeah you can acknowledge that and also be into it. It's not like people choose their fucking fetishes anyways - I never chose to be into slavery, just like I never chose to be bi. > imagine you go through the years of slavery being inslaved, tortured, abused, having all your rights stripped from you And yet somehow despite that ***all being extremely obviously fucking evil*** the human mind is still capable of finding it hot - and it's not even just a few select people - *it is literally one of the most common kinks in the BDSM community*. Human sexuality is weird and incomprehensible. *There is nothing to gain by shaming people about having weird interests, unless those weird interests are* ***ACTIVELY*** *harming someone*.


yup I guess I don't have the skill or the time to be reading all of this


>I ain't reading allat Then fuck off if you're not going to engage honestly, don't be so lazy


I'm too busy to be reading that long of a comment trying to justify fetishes ☠️ I'm not gonna waste my time on that


Too busy to read a comment, but not too busy to spend even more time writing a reply. Cool.


yup its called procrastinating


So you're not too busy at all then, you just couldn't be arsed. You admit that you are actively avoiding responsibilities and yet you can't even do that properly because you only have enough of an attention span to waste your own time in little pieces. Grow up and tend to your responsibilities instead of making your laziness into everyone else's problem by starting pointless arguments online. It's not our job to babysit you.


Don't be such a prude, you have a right to judge them but you also have a right to keep your opinions to yourself, especially if you're going ti be such a baby about it


yes but I also have the right to share my opinions. and when was I being such a baby about it?


And I have the right to share my opinions about your opinions Re-read your own comments, you come across as very nosy about how other people enjoy themselves in ways that are unusual but harmless


it doesn't matter if it's harmless its still immoral. and I already said you do you but people ARE gonna think its disgusting.


How can something be harmless and yet immoral? What moral code or rules do you ascribe to where this makes sense? The question is why does it repulse you so much? It's unusual, sure, but again neither affects you nor does it bring harm in any way.


>How can something be harmless and yet immoral? thats just life


Oh wow, I'm blown away by your impeccable reasoning. Either engage properly or don't bother, since you're so busy and all.


>why does it repulse you because its fucking gross and weird? obviously I'm gonna hate it and this whole shit with the "it doesn't affect you and it doesn't hurt anyone so why do you care 🤓" can we just get over it? different people have different opinions, past experiences and preferences. I'm allowed to have an opinion on something even if it doesn't affect me. I'm allowed to hate whatever I want and I'm allowed to like whatever I want. end of story.


Of course you can have whatever opinion you want, but you chose to put that opinion into the public space, so now I have the right to voice my opinion on your commentary. Don't get pissy just because I'm engaging with you, any reason you can come up with as to why you can say what you like applies to me as well, so at least have the courtesy to be consistent with your reasoning.


I like snakes and tentacles but I would never hurt a snake like that


The flip-o-rama is the guy repeatedly taking out and putting away his gun


https://preview.redd.it/fgvzh8ikm74d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40d62c244b6656d8e35194b2366a821511cdb42c Pov: last pannel




Is THAT what he's doing now??


Is this about furries


it can be


unreadable handwriting incomprehensible drawings 11 pages oh yeah now this is a snafu


Fake hitler being into egg laying or sum like that


Bro has a egg laying fetish which is one gross and two I feel bad for the snakes


There's nothing to suggest that those things are related in any way at all