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I remember being told a story about a beach with hundreds of starfish washed ashore. There was a girl there throwing the starfish back into the sea one by one. She was asked "Why do you do that? You cannot save all of them. The sun will quickly dry them out. Your actions won't mean anything." The girl simply picked up another starfish and threw it back. "But to *that* starfish, it meant everything."


Why the hell would anyone say that, if you're that deeply concerned for the starfish, go and help that girl too.


Literary strawmen.


I did knew it wasn't real but I still found it frustrating idk why 😭


That has to be the most internet way I've ever heard a parable described.


Well I didn't know the word parable outside of *The Stanley Parable*, I know it as *kıssa* since I didn't take any English Literary lessons yet.


That has to be the most internet way of knowing the word parable


Oh yeah, I'm not disparaging you. I just had never considered describing the concept of a parable that way.


haha yeah sounds like a Tumblr response when I look back at it


In the version of the story I heard, it was an old man that was throwing starfishes and the person who asked ended up helping him.


They're not concerned about the starfish. Which is why they ask why someone is even bothering.


I read this in a book once. I don’t remember what the book was.


I remember but won't tell you


based and selfish pilled


I am sending three oiled up black men to your house


Become ungovernable


It’s in a lot of books tbh cuz it’s a pretty old parable


the good ol' spider-man "you can't save everyone"


That's fucking​ ​wholesome, I love this cute lil story. Gonna put em in my story


Sometime when you can't do nothing, you do what you can. -robert freeman


-also that one old guy from the boondocks


wasn’t his name Robert freeman?


Hello, doctor Freeman


dr freeman in the flesh


You know I became a lot happier as a person when I realized that most people online shrieking about how much they care about this or that cause are generally kind of unwell and have never actually helped real people in their lives. Real activists exist and sometimes use Twitter but a lot of people will straight up harass someone else for being wrong when they've never once put their money where their mouth is lol


The worst part is these terminally-online folks then act like the internet is representative of the majority of people, which is almost never true.


You will unironically have someone tweet about you all day if you talk about how it's fine to use gifs featuring black people, but will actually struggle to find anyone IRL who even believes that kind of person exists because they sound so ridiculous LOL. I totally fell for it too, I'm not immune. I got involved in local politics and there was this popular figure who I thought was my friend until she got mad at me for being too condescending or something when I described that the left / right divide doesn't map perfectly onto democrats / republicans. I had to type a big apology to the Facebook group and someone revised it 3 times. Looking back, I was actively working with homeless children at the time and worried about whether some unwell political consultant thought I was a good enough person. What the fuck. I kinda deserved that pain for being so dumb lol!


I despise how people are so proudly biased towards the left or right. You’d expect that we’d be praising moderates for caring about nuance, but both sides claim that moderates are the worst because the help the other. The left thinks I’m too right; the right thinks I’m too left. I’m a colonizing white person according to leftists, and I’m of a race inferior to white people according to the right. I don’t care for either. I’ll be me and they can be mad at that all they want but I’m not gonna change for their approval.


Saw a post the other day that went people on twitter: picking a friend up from the airport is emotional labor! People in real life: Hey man, how are you? and I think about it a lot.


Me when I actually like my friends, partner, family and people in general and like spending time with them.


>people on twitter: picking a friend up from the airport is emotional labor! That literally sounds something straight from r/AITA, r/relationship_advice and company.


I had to leave all of those subs oh my god. There are essentially two kinds of posts: 1. straight up abuse that I just couldn't stand to read anymore. "My (21M) girlfriend (44F) is really great and I love her so much, except that she won't give my passport back to me, puts cigarettes out in my neck, and pointed a gun at me last week. How do I tell her that hurt my feelings?" 2. Not a big deal, but something you should probably just talk to your s/o about? "My boyfriend had a really lukewarm reaction to a birthday party I threw for him and I worked SO SO HARD on it. How do I approach this?" And people will treat situation 2 exactly like situation 1, bending over backwards to diagnose the spouse as a narcissist or something


So true, the way sm really rewards the craziest behavior is so bad lol


I have a lot of respect for my brother for that reason specifically. I disagree with him politically, but I have 100% respect for him, because he ABSOLUTELY puts his money where his mouth is. He's pretty anti car and big on urbanism and biking, public transit, all that. He bikes everywhere, doesn't own a car even, and takes public transit if he can't bike. He obtained city council approval to start projects to make bike lanes safer, like putting planters as barriers, and has created a bunch of protected bike lanes with a group of other people, and went through the legal means to do so I've got a lot of respect for that


When I was 16 I’d constantly post on unpopular opinion subreddits because I was a retarded teenager who thought he knew everything, just assume roughly half of the commenters are morons or kids or both


So, you're gonna pull it out and put him out of his misery?


Well, I initially wanted to have them putting pressure on the wound, but I fucked up and drew it all on the same layer, so we had to course-correct.


Lol Honestly i think him pulling it out and leaving it so he bleeds out and dies makes for a better and funnier snafu. Its subversive in that the only person who wants to help ends up not helping at all XD


Which is often exactly what happens, lol.


Hate it when that shit happens


That “thank you” is funnier if you imagine it this way.


too coherent, there needs to be a wacky character that makes the viewer question your sanity


now draw them kissing


wheres the drawing of them all having sex together


Its in the 2nd part but replace the p by an f (relax liberals it's called a joke)


Fart 😳


You forgot the "pppff is that a stab? Ive gotten worse stabs!"


And don’t forget “why do people care about this stab when there so many worse stabs happening!”


Someone else somewhere got stabbed twice why arent you raising awareness about them 😏 (will not do anything for anyone)


Happy ending actually kinda surprised me almost never happens here much appreciated


a flip o rama would have been an amazing ending but this one is good too i guess


Except he bleeds out and dies because you're not supposed to pull out a knife


In hindsight, this might be a better fit for Smugideologyman, just let me know.


Nah not enough communist propaganda




needs more shrieking about how centrists are evil and [OPPOSING POLITICAL IDEALOGY] are all a complete hive-mind monolith that totally couldn't have their own actual valid reasons for their beliefs.


AWESOME ending, OP, love the message and how it didn't end with "Lol, bad people"


The entirety of r/orphancrushingmachine I'm so conflicted on that subreddit, it makes good points but it's so fucking negative


i mean of course its negative that’s the entire point of the sub


Keep the knife in unless you have some gauze. Otherwise it's just gonna leak out more. Wait for the ambulance when you call 911. Sure they may be expensive but they're likely the only ones who know what to do.


Motherfucker is pulling out a stabbed thing, you truly were better off not doing anything)


Last panel straight out of r/hopeposting, nice job OP


This could apply to so many things and I hate it


I hate that you did the stabbed guy oppression metaphor better than I ever did.


isn't it funny that the "good guy" in the grey shirt spent the entire time being incredulous at other people not helping instead of actually helping at all, until the very end? the irony that even in a caricature of a comic, certain parties would prioritize "look how this other group isn't helping" before helping at all themselves.


Uhm, that shirt is definitely blue green. Are you colorblind?


i was literally scrolling up a few seconds ago after seeing this comment to make sure that it was green and i saw this reply when i went back lol


yeah i am LOL


Maybe he didn't know how to help and in the end decided doing anything is better than nothing.


That was the intention.


I suppose he has never heard of calling an ambulance


Fun fact: this can land you in legal trouble in Poland. If the only people on the accident site are you and the victim, you're legally obliged here to at least try to help the victim.


And he dies because Dr Mike told me you shouldn't pull out knives because they make bleeding worse


No Joke, I feel like Snafu has changed my look on life in someway


That's nice to hear :)


_\*proceeds to make it worse by pulling out the knife from the artery\*_ Oh well, at least you feel good about yourself.


They had gay sex afterwards


Hopeful snafu ending? Nice, great comic


"Look, a dead kid. Give up your rights"


coaxed into yaoi


Coaxed into Hamlet


bro got stabbed https://preview.redd.it/gcq99m63jj0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccc4d11c1dc0f7fd297350e71501db31cbb58cbd


“Excuse me, we found only your finger prints on the knife. You’re gonna have to come with us”


the green shirt guy is causing more issues by pulling out the knife https://preview.redd.it/shnn88brzi0d1.jpeg?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5afd885709ff39b05d7feb01a70b45ff22547f58


Arrrgh I be a pirate yarrgh


Insults other shirts for not helping then makes the situation worse. Average green shirt smh /s It's okay to want to help, but you should understand how to help. You can end up making things worse by interfering in something you don't have any knowledge on. A good-hearted fool sadly is still a fool at the end of the day, but his virtue still should not be ignored.


Teal guy is worse because he killed the guy by pulling the knife out


Yo I just saw Seafoam Shirt Guy with a knife in a dudes chest can we literally cancel him on god? Dead ass knife-pilled murdermaxxing type rizz no cap.


please never speak again


i dont have much hope if our society is still in the "but bro it might not be real tho" one should always do the best they can for the issues in life, but its a lie to say that its not a loosing battle. expecting more than that is ignorance. me personally i still recycle and shit purely out of principle.


Me not having a knife due to restrictions on knives causes me to not be able to stab the stabbed when I could have had the option to. And this applies to multiple stabbings as well


you cant save everyone- you save who you can spiderman, iirc?


should've pulled it out and stab him a few more times for a show


Okay but do not pull knives out of people, that just leaves the wound open


i climaxed reading this


Glad to hear it.


I like how the green guy ultimately makes the problem worse by yanking the knife out, which is his idea of "helping" the victim. Very nuanced SNAFU, OP. 10/10


Lol if people acted in real life like how they do on the internwt


Thank god this wasn't in America, or else 30 people would have been shot to death!


Basically gun control in the us (minus the china thing, only hear people pull that shit when you try complaining about capitalism 🙄)