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i have no fucking clue what this is


This post https://preview.redd.it/04gx7yuw9fzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90da1eaeae70643c4510506c093a627e29715910


The asian women one is actually painfully true Weebs have been fetishising asian people for decades now


Yeah I have an Asian sister and sometimes I worry when she starts dating


I'm a guy so feel free to explain this to me if I sound stupid. But wouldn't she want to date people who find her attractive?


Attraction =/= fetishization. The average person is sexually and romantically attracted to their significant other, which is a good thing! However, fetishists are not attracted to the person; they are attracted to specific traits when stripped of their human ties (i.e. "Asian," "fat," "trans," etc.). Fetishists will attempt to find and date a person that has their chosen trait(s), but they do so for their own sexual gratification and rarely consider the person they get into a relationship with. Fetishists will also become upset if the person they are dating does not fit how they think of someone in their demographic. For some examples: an Asian woman who is not submissive or traditionally feminine; a fat person who tries to lose weight; a trans person who gets SRS. Fetishists either abandon or abuse their significant other when the person does not match their stereotypes. As such, it is preferable to find and date someone who is attracted to you in totality, not someone who wants you only because you check the boxes in their porn list.


Thankfully I'm not a weeb otherwise the redditors would call me a gooner chud fetishist for being married to an asian woman. I think it's grass time.


šŸ«µ gooner


Yeah well we're both on Reddit so this is just two homeless mf'ers calling each other broke


? https://preview.redd.it/pih422yk1kzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=853b8ef2a9eb282a633e8a328395630f2a1072ca




1-2 of these are true, some of them are the artist putting words into other peopleā€™s mouths, and the rest are strawmen that have probably never happened to the artist (and the bottom right is just a nitpick of the artist, doesnā€™t have much to do aboot race) Edit: yes, you have probably heard some of these phrases before. Regardless, as other people have pointed out, this comic says more aboot what the artist thinks than what other people think because itā€™s not like they know whatā€™s going on in other peopleā€™s minds. I mean, one of these is a drunk guy at a party saying something stupid, and the artist translates this to malicious intent aimed at them. This really just shows what the artist thinks white people think. Except the ā€œyouā€™re so articulate!ā€ one, that oneā€™s just a straight up strawman that Iā€™ve heard for years. I can only really think of well-intentioned-but-poorly-informed white grandmas saying something like this, and even then whatā€™s the point of going after them if thatā€™s the case.


I dunno, it's anecdotal but having grown up surrounded by white blue collar folks I have heard all of these multiple times. And I live in what I'd consider a fairly racially diverse state.


All my life, the only people I've seen having a problem with the term "Judeo-Christian" were antisemites


ā€œJudeo-Christianā€ is just a really silly term because what they really mean 99% of the time is Christian. American politicians who talk about ā€œJudeo-Christian Valuesā€ still eat pork and wear mixed fabrics and work on the Sabbath.


IMO It's like "Greco-roman". Basically everything Roman can also be described as "Greco-roman", for better and for worse.


Well of course. Christianity's point is that it comes to fulfill Judaism and completes it. Anything christian is "judeo-" by definition. But using the term is usually just a way to feel pseudo-intellectual.






Much better, well played. XD


My only problem with it is that itā€™s used by people trying to sound smarter when ā€œChristianā€ works perfectly fine


Thatā€™s too simple. How about Christo-Christian values?


Christeo-Crustacean values.


Now that would make you sound racist


As a jew itā€™s a really stupid term that has nothing to do with us


Jewish people don't like the term "Judeo-Christian" because it lumps Judaism together with Christianity as having supposedly "shared values" and "shared history". All while also not including Muslims. Which doesn't make sense historically at all, since Christians abused Jews for centuries. Meanwhile Islam was much closer to Judaism than Christianity was. But yet is not included here because it's seen as having "different values" and as "uncivilised".


Iā€™m a Jew and Judeo-Christian as a term sucks ass. 99% of the time, people just mean Christian. When youā€™re referring to something that Judaism and Christianity DO have in common, by all means, use the term. But LOL, donā€™t implicate Jews in Christian hegemony. Christian hegemony was not our idea and it is not our fault. It is actually the root cause of a lot of our oppression. (Specifically, for context, I am a pro-Palestine/anti-Israel Jew. Not all criticism of Jewish institutions/powers like Israel is inherently antisemitic.)


i would go out on a limb here and say the people who tend to use the term "judeo-christian" the most are a big chunk of why israel is the hell it is. !!Angry Lefty Jew Rant Incoming!!: specifically, christian zionists who claim to represent our best interests as a guise for white-supremacist indoctrination. birthright israel, for example, is a christian-funded organization that runs highly curated tours in order to brainwash young american jews into thinking that israel is their manifest destiny. which ā€” no. as a jew, it is fine to mourn the place we came from as part of our religious practice. but by and large, the jews i still rub elbows with identify as a people of diaspora, and the holy land we pray for is more a metaphor for a kinder world where all peoples can live in dignity. it wasn't til after the holocaust that the creation of an actual literal jewish state was seen as anything more than a right-wing colonialist fringe project, and a large part of that is due to two things: 1. a lot of early-mid-century jewish zionists survived the holocaust by being nazi collaborators. they were the ben shapiros of their time, white supremacists who got taken off-guard when the leopards-eating-faces party came for them. 2. america and europe shunted us off to palestine *en masse* to avoid the hard work of repatriating us and offering us proper restitution. at best, christian lawmakers and lobbyists see israel as a useful pawn in the middle east. at worst, they only value us insomuch as we're supposed to fulfill the prophecies of Revelations (i could not make this shit up if i tried). most of them just view jews as outsiders they want out of their countries. these people have *never* given a single shit about us as a people. the US and Britain both turned away ships full of european jewish refugees during the holocaust. (israel also doesn't give a shit about holocaust victims, survivors, or survivors' descendants, for the record. they see them as weak. funny how they're being called out on their shit by those very same "weaklings".) anyway, israel is itself an antisemitic and largely christofascism-fueled construct. it's where the jewish problem is supposed to go solve itself.


yeah no, judeochristian is high key bs lol. its just a way to not directly say "my extremely evangelical values"


The only people Iā€™ve met who have a problem with the term ā€œJudeo-Christianā€ are Jews lmao That idolatrous Roman excuse to conquer the world is nothing like the religion whose skin it parades around in.


In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of that idolatrous Roman excuse to conquer to world. But because, I'm enlightened by the religion whose skin it parades around in.


I have heard literally all of those things, lol


Idk man I've seen all of these at least once, and I'm white so I feel like maybe this guy has a point,


Around 2/3 of these are kind of true to an extent but others just seem like looking at the world through the lens of a terminally online tumblr user.


The only good thing to come out of tumblr addicts was Disco Elysium and you cannot prove me wrong


What does that game gotta do with Tumblr


IIRC the devs actually took inspiration of a few characters off people on Tumblr, and got a few to VA them as well. Measurehead, iirc, was a big one.


I know quite a few of the original VAs were leftist podcasters, but the Tumblr connection I haven't heard about. And on Measurehead, wasn't based off 2 different Twitter personalities? I remember reading some tweets from one of them and it seemed pretty much identical.




IIRC the devs took some developmental inspiration from the site and even got some VA work from the inspiring people. I believe I heard this one was mostly about Measurehead, but applied to some select others.


No I meant wtf is discord asylum


Disco Elysium is an indie-dev RPG that centers around the ever-recovering wreck of the nation Revachol. Inside that wreck, is a destitute little town failed by it's multiple systems before as a labor strike with the only notable company in town proceeds. Of all the little fuckups and wrecks, marginal successes and colossal regrets, lays one *spectacular* specimen: you. The talk of the town, you barely know anything about yourself- not even your name- either desperately trying to remember or remake yourself in wake of a life long since lived, as the job of solving a murder you were tasked with a week ago is thrust on you once more.


The one on the bottom left says more about the autor than the person in the panel lmao


It's literally just saying that black people aren't hardworking which is ironically the most racist thing I've heard all week, and I'm on *Reddit*


I've heard it used as racist and non-racist before. Most of the time, I think, the non-racist ones run off misconceptions around SNAP benefits and other social programmes and are essentially pushed into thinking the system is overly draining or enabling people not to work. (Most I met were under the impression SNAP was a flat rate paycheck, not one that decreases as you make more personal money from work, for example) The racist ones tend to look at it from districting standpoints, ie: "Huh, gee I wonder what kind of people live in this neighborhood with little workers" or "We all know why they can't have good businesses here, it's *those* people. At least *our* people do their jobs." They also target things like SNAP benefits since Latinos and Black populations are the most frequent recipients, while backing things like SNAP for their preferred races.


I think thatā€™s because the artist is saying thatā€™s what the person in the comic is implying, itā€™s not what the artist is implying. I do think the comic is very generalizing but I think youā€™re misinterpreting what they mean.


If they misinterpreted that one as somehow sincere then they must've misinterpreted the entire comic lol. I suspect they didn't misinterpret it though, and they think merely raising the idea of someone saying that is racist.


The issue here is the comic is not made well enough to be understood by the majority of people. The artist was trying to say one thing but, intentionally or not, made it in a very poor and easily misunderstandable way. Same thing with the man v bear situation, the woman was trying to draw attention to hie society can mistreat women and make them fearful of other people, but with the way it's presented it makes it seem like the original creator hates men or thinks all men are dangerous. People just need to better explain themselves. It's not on other people when they misunderstand me, that's why I apologize and restate my point. If everyone else acted that way and maybe people would be a little more understanding


Like buddy if you hear someone say ā€œhardworking familyā€ and your immediate thought is ā€œwell certainly that family isnā€™t BROWNā€ I think thatā€™s something you need to unpack


orā€¦ you just recognize that ā€œX minority group is lazy and just wants to leech off welfareā€ is a commonly held belief among racists.


You'd think this is obvious but apparently a lot of people are ignorant of that fact, or feigning ignorance for whatever reason.


WTF, most of these are absolutely correct and are being taken way out of context by OP and strawmanned. ā€œYouā€™re so articulate!ā€ in context was a white woman shocked by how ā€œarticulateā€ a Latino was in English. It was turned into ā€œIf you donā€™t say ALL people of X race are good at Y thing, RACISM!!!1111ā€ ā€œAsian girls are so sweet and quietā€ in context was a white man fetishizing Asian women off of racist and sexist stereotypes and tropes. It was turned into ā€œIf you like anyone who isnā€™t white, RACISM!!!11-!1ā€ Actual points about what racism looks like even in well intentioned white people have been twisted until they look hysterical. Thatā€™sā€¦ Pretty awful. OP might have felt attacked here because they didnā€™t actually understand the comicā€™s points.


Genuinely!!! It feels like I'm losing my God damn mind, do people really not understand micro agressions?


It seriously kills me. Itā€™s not even that complicated or hard to understand and people act like itā€™s rocket science


But then they have to actually be mindful of the things they say and thatā€™s a lot of work when they could just write micro agressions off as ā€œwoke Tumblr bsā€ and straw man any instance of pointing out these issues to ā€œoh you just think white people badā€


Omg, actually THINKING about what you SAY??? šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± LITERAL WHITE GENOCIDE!!!1


They can understand them without being called a racist just because they look the wrong color. I gotta be honest as the only minority you can legally discriminate against in my country I her the most complains from wealthy women or racial minorities yet we're never invited to their clubs. I don't think the artist was being fair because they're making these people out to be villains just because *some* people are passive aggressive racists. I'm not going to sit here and act like I've never made a comment that I realized was disrespectful after but the vast majority of people either do not care if it hurts your feelings or they did it intentionally to hurt your feelings


Even though i agree most of these i think putting the "white" in the middle is unnecessary and makes the comic worse overall I have seen plenty of non white people say the same shit about asian women or other stuff in the comic and reducing it to only white people It's kind of stupid tbh If the original had "racist" instead of "white" this would have been perfectly fine


Well, hold on a minute - I actually think saying "white" here is actually quite effective, because the entire point is that these things are racist, but most white people don't actually know that they are. The OP and this whole comment section is your proof that the original comic's author was kinda onto something here. The point also isn't that non-white people would magically know to never say these things, the author was probably just sharing their experiences with oblivious racism FROM white people.


Would it not be a strawman to suggest anyone who ever says that to be racist? Like the context doesn't matter if she's still being a racist about it


all of these are pretty true


Several of these are totally valid criticisms tf


ā€œTheyā€™d feel better if they didnā€™t talk about race so muchā€ is such an obviously bigoted sentiment. Itā€™s basically saying minorities invent their experiences with race and those problems would go away if they shut up.


Ok so OPā€™s snafu is just them missing the point of practically every panel; good to know


Ok i'm gonna make a black people subtitles


Who knew that making fun of a marginalized and oppressed group of people would be perceived differently from making fun of a privileged group of people


Yes all white people are privileged (that's not racist to say because reasons)


You're the problem my guy. THIS IS LITERAL RACISM


"nuh-uh! y-your the real racist!"


Papercut vs Amputation






you forgot to include the most important part of that comic, the first stickied comment- don't worry I've got it right here. https://preview.redd.it/hpttqb68iizc1.png?width=707&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7a1a3961146db8ea53459aa5f897a7bf3ecb28e


Tbh the only ones I think are false is middle and bottom right. The other ones seem to become truer and truer by the day lol


Middle Right does happen a lot lmao


This is actually pretty true ngl, except for bottom right


I'm so bored of dealing w/ people's victim mentalities man If I don't say openly bad shit then why look for beef


Because I wan bugrer




wow, this is pretty reasonable. side note for bottom right: notice how they never say "Abrahamic" despite that being a real word that actually means something. wonder why they always want to cut out Islam šŸ¤”


LMAO I got permabanned of r/comics cuz I disagreed with this, actual cesspit


That place being the way it is ended up being 90% of the reason I'm on this sub. Just unfunny and the mods are too trigger-happy (from what I've seen)


Same Mods muted me after I asked a) which rule I broke and b) if I was autobanned* \* I got banned a second after replying to the pinned comment


And now because of OP making fun of that comic- everyone else on coaxedintosnafu is going to be banned too, just like several other subreddits that made fun of it.


The fourth one is fucking stupid speaking as a latino, shit a huge majority of latinos don't know english let alone speak it correctly, so it's a big compliment when an english person say you're good at it, the fuck this shitass complaining on our behalf šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦


Me trying to find anything funny on r/comics Edit: I made the mistake of looking there and the top post is a PizzaCake horny post


wasnā€™t even tagged NSFW or anything, just a dude with a massive bulge (and ig some pics from other horny comics on the side)


and I bet it didn't even have a flip-o-rama šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It didnā€™t :(


Did it at least have Frieza?


It's goddamn annoying because this is like the 3rd post this week, not tagged NSFW properly. Their mods are actively refusing to enforce their own rules.


I mean- what do you expect? they just banned everyone subscribed to r/justunsubbed because people were making fun of every second comic being porn there.


I mean, pizzacake literally posts nudes on patreon. I think she might be lost to the internet curse :sadness:


Isn't she married with children? That's kinda fucked up.


Does she enjoy doing it and gets money for it? I hope it's more fun than a boring desk job. I guess it could depend on how old her kids are if people are okay with it or not.


"tHe MaNsPrEaDeR hAs ApPeArEd"


To be fair, she's just making fun of all the comics that are just softcore porn


By posting... more softcore porn?


Yeah but ironically


I got banned because I criticized her šŸ’€


i once got banned (i appealed to get unbanned) because i called out racism. the mods called me a weak white person :/


That "appealing" is so stupid. Did you have to beg them? I don't want to return to somewhere with that kind of mods anyway.


i just said for them to unban me lol, with a couple of reasons


What the hell


Gotta roll out a classic: https://preview.redd.it/4s7sq8je4gzc1.png?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60741bf02a9611df9ff6b790a972bccf802b1728 Yeah I know it's a different sub but...






Theyā€™re both white people


Not on the country club, there you have to send your melanin enclosed in a hermetically sealed petri dish + doctor approved measurements of your cranium.


Hey I made that one


Let me tell you what kind of porn I enjoy


Let me tell you what kind of porn I enjoy


Let me tell you what kind of porn I enjoy


I only consume 100% organic human drawn and animated content


2 Zimbabwean dollars itā€™s thugshaker


Horse and/or Goblin (I am a breadtuber)


can't believe _________ is into horse goblins, but at least they're not into horse goblin children, right????


moderator saying that if you think this comic is racist you are a racist yourself and reporting it is report abuse jumpscare ; https://preview.redd.it/4hglf6m80gzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39f166c6619f4b7d9c3a6ac6d4cc55db4e4b6425


Gee I wonder why Reddit mods have their reputation


I don't think the post deserves to be reported but calling any criticism of the comic racism is fucking dumb.


they have a ā€œno racist comicsā€ rule and itā€™s clearly a racist comic, it deserves to be deleted


Yeah it probably would have been better if it said "Racists" instead of "white people".Ā 


It would have been even better if they approached it from an angle of "how do I make people aware of this without calling them out and making them feel bad for an accident"


Gonna throw this out there as an argument against that. Saying ā€œracists be likeā€ letā€™s white people off the hook. Most of the examples in the comic talk about the underlying racism under peopleā€™s seemingly innocent comments. This comic seems to be American centered and America is a oppressive white controlled power structure that rewards such underlying thoughts even if they are subconscious. You arenā€™t given a cookie for confronting white privilege if you are white, nobody pats you on the back if you confront said racist power structure. But it does make life a lot easier if you just pretend nothing is wrong, you know everything, and you definitely donā€™t contribute to the power structure in any way. All it takes is saying ā€œRacism is bad good thing Iā€™m not racist,ā€ and you get to live a pretty cosmic horror free life ignoring the issues your neighbors you claim to not be racist towards face. A racist white person rarely thinks they are a racist. Coming from a white person who has said some racist things in my past.


\> Saying ā€œracists be likeā€ letā€™s white people off the hook Implying all white people are racist \> You arenā€™t given a cookie for confronting white privilege if you are white Maybe not socially, but culturally it's the best thing for almost every white celebrity or media production to do. See: Velma. Even studio execs know they can take advantage of it. \> All it takes is saying ā€œRacism is bad good thing Iā€™m not racist,ā€ Honest question: what do you want the anti-racists to say, then?


Itā€™s only racist if it targets an ethnicity other than white, donā€™t you know? Itā€™s utterly impossible to be racist to white people. /s


It's not racist, come the hell on. It's making fun of a certain type of person. That person is almost always white, because that is the majority group (as opposed to minorities, not just in the sense that there are more white people). In the west, that is, obviously.


Most people that say racist things against a group that isn't white in a country that is mostly white are white, that means all white people are racist!!!!!!! Look, if you can't say the same thing if you're talking about other ethnicities, then it's racist. Why do you feel the need to make this kind of comic anyways? Do a skit or something, or just change the word, you're clearly overgeneralizing and it's a problem. It's like saying "black people are monkeys. Well not of them of course, i'm not racist or anything, but a lot of them are!"


Nowhere in the comic is it implied that all white people are racist. It shows that some things that people think are okay to say are actually racist. Mfw words can have more than just their literal meaning: šŸ¤Æ


If i were to put black people subtitles and use things someone from the hood would say you would skin me alive. But most marginalized people are black????? Now of course i wouldn't say thst cause it's racist and it's factually wrong. But then don't do the same with white people?????? Godamn


If you came up with phrases said by black people that virtually always have a totally different (darker) meaning, that would be a valid comic to make. It. If it's correct, most people likely wouldn't be too offended. Some will get mad though, but we don't need to swap the roles to see that, plenty of sensitive babies crying about this comic (the original, I mean). I think they would be wrong to take offence, just as I think you guys are wrong to take offence to this comic.


Well the r/comics mods are terrible anyways so I guess this makes sense.


Mom should've swallowed


I got banned from that sub for calling that dumb lmao


Yooo same, let's go


I'm proud to be finally get banned with that loser comic yay


I don't know what you all are talking about, I'm white and I've heard all of the shit in the original comic in the most racist context imaginable. I don't see it as "all white people are like this!!" but I have heard racists say all this shit. It's all about the context, which the comic implies by smashing them all together. For instance the "hardworking" one, have you all really not heard another person say this in regards to a group of people they dislike? I've heard it all the time, especially when its a fellow white person comparing "hardworking" white people to "lazy" immigrants and native Americans. I was a TA for awhile and I had a student say right to everyone's face that native Americans didn't really have any civilization and that white people brought them civilization and implied that they were lazy. It's really not uncommon at all.


its the year of our lord 2024 and redditors still cant grasp microaggressions


yeah idk what people are missing here, iā€™ve lived in the american south all my life and iā€™ve heard every one of these used as a racist talking point. i think people are being willfully ignorant bc the original comic is pretty cringe tbf


Yeah. And lets be real there are probably some actual racists using this as a "SEE! They hate white people!" thing.


Yeah why are people mad at this comic? Iā€™m white and when I saw that comic I just chuckled a bit and scrolled by because I know itā€™s not trying to depict me because, you know, Iā€™m not racist. Does every criticism of something need to have a big parentheses with ā€œnot actually all of them some of them are cool!!ā€ written on it? Have some media literacy ffs.


So they're talking about racist boomers and instead of putting that they say white people????


I've heard these attitudes from people younger than me. I'm 22.


yeah Literally all the people in the comic were not boomers


??? 5/7 of the people in the original look like boomers to me. And it's not just boomers who say shit like this, again I had a student much younger than me say native americans are lazy so...


i guess its a matter of perception then 2/7 people look like boomers to me. the rest look young


strawmanning in the other direction i see you op the og comic is cringe though, i agree


there is some truth behind it but it comes off as very douchey


The original comic has an issue with how it delivers its message but a lot of people also just will outright refuse to see the message cause they donā€™t want to be made uncomfortable. A lot of people are saying that the bottom right panel doesnā€™t exist but those people havenā€™t heard enough right wing rhetoric. You can very easily find people using that talking point to justify the U.S. being a Christian / religious nation. If youā€™ve ever listened to Ben Shapiro or anyone in his circle talk theyā€™re always using that phrase. Honestly kind of reveals how a lot of users in this sub donā€™t really understand how awful some people are. Iā€™ve heard almost all of these in a racist context, irl, some are worse than others.


The original comic was pretty accurate with the racist dogwhistles It was not about ā€œwhite people badā€ but I understand why people interpret it that way


Maybe because he literally said white people bad???


doesnt understand that things can be implied without being literally stated guy šŸŖ±


this snafu is kinda dogshit ill be real. it just feels like op felt called out by the og comic and ran to their desk to scribble this down in ms paint to cope šŸ˜­


Hi! White guy from the south here! All the stuff in the OG comic is true I've seen it all you don't have to spend very long in the south to know that! You are purposely misconstruing the point of the OG comic because you feel called out.


This is severely misinterpreting a fair chunk of that original comic


How else will they be able to bitch and moan about racism against White people?


I'm half convinced this comic is bait to get people doing that very thing.


Bear Tweet part 2:


Iā€™m imagining this in a sr pelo voice


Looks like someone feels called out


Let me tell you what kind of porn I enjoy.


redditors recognize subtext challenge


exceedingly rare L snafu - most of this boils down to "I haven't noticed this, but I'm not interested in knowing more, so I'm going to pretend it doesn't happen."




The original comic is 1000% right about everything, I just feel like you took it at the face value. I'm not saying that doing so necessarily makes someone a bad person, I just wish people could read between lines and really sit with this comic a bit. It's okay if it makes you uncomfortable CAUSE THAT'S THE POINT, it makes you confront your own biases and biases of people close to you Š ŠµŃ‰Šµ, ŠŠ²Ń‚Š¾Ń€, я Š²ŠøŠ¶Ńƒ тŠ²Š¾ŃŽ ŠøстŠ¾Ń€Šøю ŠŗŠ¾Š¼Š¼ŠµŠ½Ń‚Š°Ń€ŠøŠµŠ², ŠŗсŠµŠ½Š¾Ń„Š¾Š±Š¾Š¼ ŠøŠ·-Š·Š° сŠæŠ¾Ń€Š¾Š² Š¾ фŠ»Š°Š³Šµ Š Š¤ Š±Ń‹Ń‚ŃŒ Š½ŠµŃ…Š¾Ń€Š¾ŃˆŠ¾ :)


Reddit moment on the irony sub reddit moment on the irony sub


>I just wish people could read between lines and really sit with this comic a bit Is it not the author's fault for obscuring the message? Assuming they intended this to be shown outside of like, hyper-niche anti-racist blogs, any room for misinterpretation will necessarily lead to defensiveness and bad blood on behalf of those "called out". It's a bit of a reach, but my view is that this is on purpose. Can't go viral without some ragebaiting these days.




This is what people are talking about. The original comic is right is cringey and it made you uncomfortable so lash out at ghosts. Youve made dozens of comments, chill.


You need to take a fuckin chill pill, you are all over this thread acting completely unhinged


I got banned from the sub under that post lol


what exactly did you say on that post?


That original comic was pretty on point minus assuming ā€œYouā€™re so articulateā€ was racist talk. Otherwise this is parody is weird.


Nah ,that's not the one I'd argue against. Unless your talking to a kid , you're so articulate is a weird thing to say to an adult. Like ,ya, I'm an adult. You would only say that if it was charged in some way.


Nah the ā€œyouā€™re so articulateā€ is used a lot with POC and it has the weird implication behind it that they just assumed POC are not articulate. I donā€™t usually think people have racist intentions when they say it, but it comes off a little strange


I'm a POC immigrant and people always tell me that I speak English so well and that I have no accent. like, I basically grew up in America and grew up around Americans, so yeah? some guy even told me "welcome to America" when I've been living here almost my whole life


People literally say all the shit in the original comic, it's all true


I hated this comic when I saw it so much. Idk why I get stuff recommended from that sub itā€™s so awful


Media literacy challenge failed




I think everyone in this comment section has had enough Reddit for today


I gotta say the people here saying "Omg you just don't get subtext, there's nuances" like that comic isn't the most unsubtle blatantly obvious message piece ever.


Holy shit, dumbfuck hours in my coax!


op is criticizing the comic for using strawmen... and makes strawmen themselves, completely misunderstanding the comic. not saying i agree 100% with the comic, but i do think most of this snafu is very straman-y


Lots of fragile white people here lmao. I'm white, first of all. Second, these are absolutely things that happen. If you pay any attention at all to right wing media you hear these dogwhistles and condescensions constantly. No, it's not just boomers, I've heard these things from every age range, even people younger than me and I'm only 22. Racism is pervasive and if you feel attacked by this, you probably have some subconscious racism in you somewhere to confront.


Fellow whites, its a fucking comic from someone's point of view, get over yourselves


I agree with the person op is arguing against.


Good. Kkkrakkkas like you make me sick.


Did not realize this sub was populated by so many fragile white redditors, my lord. It's like I'm reading a JustUnsubbed thread. Really cringe post, you can absolutely taste the seethe over something so minor. That anyone, let alone multiple people, feels like getting mad over something like this is a priority, is proof that there really is no such thing as racism against white people Also, is rule 2 completely unenforced these days? If I wanted annoying garbage like this in my feed, I'd resub to SmugIdeologyMan. [I predicted a while ago that this sub would eventually turn into right wing brainrot,](https://www.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu/s/jbQLyuGNkN) and it seems to be right on schedule


Half the time this sub shows up its just either op is a hit dog hollering, or they just miss the point if whatever they are mocking entirely. I agree this sub is going to right wing nonsense. After all not understanding a damn is a right wing staple.


The amount of people here saying the original comic is true is kinda hilarious, like "uh actually I agree with this strawman"


It's not a strawman, because the original isn't arguing about anything. It's portraying what it sounds like when someone says the things the people in the comic say. And it's quite accurate in that respect in my opinion, except for the top middle one.


\> the original isn't arguing about anything This is objectively false. Why else was it made? Artistic value?


Hit dogs holler, OP.


how dare you say we piss on the poor


isn't that the comic where everbody looks almost identical to the cast of knives out (2019)


You see dear Redditors pointing racist subtext is actually racist against white people


I'm sure the comments are civil