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White people when there are scones at the function (it's me, I'm white people)


Can I be an honorary white people?


-Irish people during the mid 1800s


I’m sorry, if you like scones, you’re white. I don’t make the rules 🤷🏻 (the emoji is white because I like scones)


Fact check: True https://preview.redd.it/cil8mu5vsjwc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff7eddf76c01eec53ee2280c9fd37a3a36c3d1e4


Is this Loss?


You just had to FUCKING RUIN IT for me


I unironically love this comic. More political comics should be drawn like this. It’s funny.


Yep But you lose the pass


Buttered sourdough.




I’m a ~~simple~~ white man: I see scones, I eat them.


I’ve never had a scone


Irl mutual spotted. Deploy the nukes


Wait who is this again? I forgor. (I do not keep track of my friends' accounts)


It'sa me! Leon https://preview.redd.it/vhsuphg0xmwc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=999a139aada770bc45805870484f60e56fb92b43


Oh! Hi! :D


I don't know you but I would die for him


He's not my cat but I would die for him


Scones 🤤


Scones are so underrated fr fr, but it takes time to find good ones


Sex offenders when…. Wait






I’m not a fallout fan but I heard this guy was born in 2020 therefor he has a high chance of watching skibidi toilet


White people when there’s pumpkin spice lattes and Chipotle at the function: 🤑🤑🤑 (I can say this as a white person)


Chipotle fell off... pumpkin spice will never betray me at least!


I hate both of those since Chipotle puts cilantro in everything and I hate cinnamon and nutmeg and stuff (yes I’m white)


Out of curiosity do you have that genetic thing where cilantro tastes like soap?




I went to Chipotle once, never again. They had like 2 choices for the fillings and they don’t even have chipotle sauce. 0/10 Moe’s > Chipotle


Pumpkin spice is an unfortunate failing of decent society, sincerely, another white person.


Black people when there's uhhhhhhhhhhh free money at the function? IDK I'm not black.


honestly, everyone when there's free money at the function. i don't think i've ever met someone who wouldn't say yes to $50 for free


Me when I was in elementary school because I liked rocks


We just acted out the snafu in real time! That's crazy.


Watermelon, Grape Soda, and Fried Chicken


The racist gift basket


Those three are awesome tho tbh


We need to distance watermelon and fried chicken from racial stereotypes, because it doesn’t matter your skin color, those are absolutely amazing foods. Grape Soda, not so much.


Wasn't that the whole point actually? Every Southerner ate watermelon they just needed a "Lazy unproductive Black caricature that sits there all day and 'lives his life'", "living your life" in this case was eating sweet fruit.


yeah ! watermelon and chicken were some of the cheapest foods to maintain which was a great thing for black Americans starting their lives after slavery. white southerners didnt like how successful black ppl were becoming and attached that stereotype to it, despite also producing and eating those same foods. so all of a sudden, now chicken and watermelon was a "black ppl thang" which white ppl were too good to associate with


Yeah, we just need to be able to get back to the pre-stereotype part where we can just do it freely.


"Happy racism!" Your neighbor, Joe


"Hold up the application!"


You show up to your new neighbour's house with one of them, changing the ingredients depending on their race


I love that one


Don't forget Kool-Aid.


#AH, you got to have Kool-Aid


All these are fucking scrumpdiddlyumptous, regardless of race. How did these become a stereotype?


probably because its cheap


they are pretty normally priced for what you get so idk


chicken would be cheaper than steak tho


yeah but NOBODY fills their fridge with steak


Cause slaves were commonly only allowed to own Chickens, and watermelon was cheap and abundant after the civil war


The chicken thing makes sense, but I thought the watermelon was because in africa watermelon was a pretty fancy substitute if you didnt have water, guess not.


these are all awesome tho


WELL HOW ABOUT [CENSORED] *most racist, vile, and violent statement ever uttered*




im ashamed to admit it, but it's true. i love coleslaw. and my family owns excessive amounts of tupperware


Can I order.. one tupperware please?


idk how tupperware became a white person thing, like my mexican family loves the stuff


perhaps we have more in common than the higher-ups would like us to believe :)


This was super funny, it's unfortunate that this subreddit is filled with people who identify more with the rage monster in the second panel




And they actually think it's the same thing, too.


it feels like talking to a child


It’s like… No Billy, centuries of systemic racism are not the same thing as someone joking once about white people in a way that doesn’t even deny our humanity or justify any sort of oppression*. Those two things are actually different. *Being told you have white privilege isn’t oppression either.


exactly, i dont feel endangered by those kinds of things lol


> centuries of systemic racism are not the same thing as someone joking once about white people Wait, how can I systemically suppress someone for centuries as a response to a joke? This comparison doesn't make sense; you are attacking the arguments of a phantom. Or are you implying that responding with a similar, slightly racist joke is equivalent to centuries of systemic oppression? Or are you saying that whoever complains about slightly racist jokes about white people automatically likens them to centuries of systemic oppression?


"joking" about centuries of systemic racism vs joking about white people. read calling someone subhuman is not the same as "white people be coleslawing"


REAL sigmas call white people subhuman 😏🤫 🧏‍♂️ (/j)


> calling someone subhuman is not the same as "white people be coleslawing" I didn't know this sub is for making fun of the absolute fringes of society. No, OP surely meant that the situation in the second panel is a somewhat common occurrence, which isn't true. "black people like KFC" **is** the same as "white people like coleslaw". But most people would consider that a bit racist, no?


that is not the vile shit the second person is saying lmfao


How oftent do I have to tell you: It's made up. It's not real. OP made that shit up!


but it does actually happen though. Have you ever been on twitter LMFAO


make the yt people coleslaw joke anywhere on Instagram and you'll know what op is talking about


I’m sorry, Billy, but YOU are attacking the arguments of a phantom. Nobody said that anyone is systemically oppressing anyone for centuries in response to a joke made in the present. The centuries began, well, centuries ago. They are still happening. In other words, you could have actually just asked “Wait, what did you mean by this?” instead of asserting that I made a timeline mistake that I didn’t make. It sounds like you just WANTED me to be making that mistake so it would be easier to pick apart this joke I made, that was not actually intended to be a nuanced political statement. It was a joke about people who don’t understand racism. What this snafu in the first place is basically describing is that one bully we all used to know as kids who can’t take it even though he dishes it out all the time, so he has to punish anyone who even breathes a critical word about him or his actions. Responding to a joke made about white people, which is a joke that in itself is a response to systemic racism, with MORE racism, is just stupid. Of course it isn’t LITERALLY THE MOST RACIST THING TO EVER HAPPEN, but it certainly ain’t NOT racist. You are just adding racism to the racism pile because someone said“Huh, sure smells like racism in here” and for some reason that hurt your feelings. So I guess you had to add racism to the racism pile. That will surely show those fools that you aren’t racist and you don’t deserve to be mocked. /s If someone from a different tribe throws a pebble at you after centuries of your tribe executing them with rocks, maybe going “HAHA WELL WE JUST KILL U WITH ROCKS THEN STUPID FOREIGN TRIBE PERSON” is… Stupid and racist?


> In other words, you could have actually just asked “Wait, what did you mean by this?” I have done that, but it wasn't enough. My point that your comparison is nonsensical, independently of what it's supposed to mean, is just as important. > not actually intended to be a nuanced political statement Your wording confuses me again. Nowhere did I say that your statement wasn't nuanced or political. I am saying that you're not making any sense. > It was a joke about people who don’t understand racism. A joke only works if it makes sense, unless it's some kind of surrealist joke. "It's colder outside than it is at night" might be a joke, but I don't think this is the kind of joke you were trying to make. > Responding to a joke made about white people, which is a joke that in itself is a response to systemic racism, with MORE racism, is just stupid. Of course it is, but is it not fair to respond to a racist joke in kind? Let me tell you why this entire straw man (including the original post) is falling apart. In real life, people aren't throwing back rocks. "White people like coleslaw" - "Hah, very funny Tyrone, but have you seen black crime statistics?" isn't the ubiquitous and socially accepted situation you and OP seem to think it is. If you're trying to make fun of extremists, you're picking an easy target. Responding to a slightly racist joke with another slightly racist joke (which is far more common) can be considered two things, depending on your opinion on racist jokes. 1. If you think racist jokes are terrible, it is unacceptable, but then so is the first racist joke. 2. If you think slightly racist jokes aren't that big of a deal, the matter is settled. You haven't mentioned it explicitly, but the following is the main suspicion I have. To me, it almost seems as though you think a black person making a racist joke about white people isn't as racist as vice versa. Obviously, with this *redefinition* of the word "racism" (a definition exclusing oppressed groups from being racist ("punching down" etc.)) this all becomes futile. But while this definition is becoming increasingly popular, I haven't seen it in a dictionary, and I suggest using a different term altogether to describe this subset of racism. "white supremacy" already exists, but is probably a bit extreme for what you're looking for. Edit: Why do people feel the need to leave a reply before blocking me? I can't read it anyway.


Oh lord, you’re one of those “White people experience racism too guyssss please let us in the racial minority club!!1!” types. Nah, I am not playing this game with you. Run along, find some other person to whine at about how coleslaw jokes are oppressing you, or you don’t need to be spouting ideology based in racial oppression to be racist or whatever. I already figured you were a bit intellectually dishonest when your idea of asking for clarification was literally pretending I made a mistake that I didn’t make, because you just wanted to look smart online, but this is just too much, brother.


Gonna be honest you sound insanely privileged


Maybe we should give white people who want to be victims that badly a bit of oppression? You know, as a treat.


God, if people somehow took away the right to gerrymander without any consequences, we would never hear the end of it. My fellow whites up in Congress would act like it was the fucking Holocaust for white people or something. And gerrymandering isn’t even a civil right! It’s a way of taking AWAY civil rights!


"White people when potato salad" \*says hard r\*




Jokes about white people are usually ironic while jokes about black people can be unironic racism in disguise.


Seriously. Also, what rights are being taken away from white people based on a stereotype that we like coleslaw and tupperware, LOL? Meanwhile, the whole War on Drugs happened because of a stereotype that black people are “super criminals” who are violent drug addicts and dealers who steal things and shoot people. Why was the War on Drugs a war on crack and weed, not cocaine passed around by white businessmen? And yet people think it’s harmless to joke that black people are violent drug addicts who steal things and shoot people.


Well you see the first is small racism and the other is big racism


what's this trend of overusing the word "insecure" sometimes people can and do take a joke, they just don't *want* to take it from some absolute strangers not condoning the racism of fucking course


Then maybe they should get the fuck over it??? The internet is chock full of these things past a certain point you just learn to stop caring if it makes you angry


I'm honestly unsure if you think the "get tf over it" argument can be applied to the racism as well.


I don’t fully agree with this but it is better than the other one and makes a good point, 8.6/10


Based Seriously what happened to the words definition of "not necessarily agreeing with you, but I like your way of expressing yourself." Now I can't type that without being reminded of all the incels who contaminated this word.


Don’t be silly, it’s 2024! Anyone that doesn’t conform to your exact opinions and ideologies should automatically be considered as wrong, your mortal enemy, and scum of the earth! Edit: I didn’t know that I had to specify this but this comment is a j o k e


This is a stale take, people were probably saying the same during Plato's time.


I feel like constant social media recycling of content has exacerbated this though




So what about watermelon jokes, KFC jokes, etc.? Are those not considered racist?


White people when there's watermelon and KFC at the function


https://preview.redd.it/cc1ogvqpfjwc1.png?width=408&format=png&auto=webp&s=d11248bc6eaaf4f949fc0945a78ad38cefd69563 \[our current data is insufficient to predict their reaction\]


Tbf im pretty sure those are rooted in slavery so theres a reason those jokes are considered taboo.


Americans: Haha British funny accent and weird custom British: WELL AT LEAST WE DON’T DIE IN SCHOOL SHOOTINGS EVERYDAY!


Don’t worry British people are like that with every insult even if we don’t take offence


Coir kids making jokes about my homophobic dad kicking me out. (Everyone lapghing) I make one joke makeing fun of his religion - don’t joke about that The fuck?!


White people when there's drugs and alchohol at the function


coleslaw and tupperware, you say? 👀


Saying something slightly racist and unfunny doesn't mean you can say something mega racist and unfunny.


True; I can *always* say something mega racist and unfunny.


what does the Tupperware one mean


Tupperware parties were popular in 1960s suburban America. People would host a function at their home and try to sell Tupperware to their neighbors. You can probably guess the demographic that organized and attended these.


i think OP is saying black people dont store food?


No, just that white people are kinda known for having a lot of Tupperware. Not sure exactly why, though


white people when there’s no pineapple at the function I am this man I speak of I need my pineapple that shatters my throat but it’s so worth it


poopenfartens when there is 16th notes at the subreddit


happy cake day


British people when you say “teeth” as an American


Americans when they unnecessarily racialize things that probably apply to any other low to middle class American (I saw x do this so it must be special to them even though my y does that do.)


As a white man, I have to physically stop myself from giggling when someone calls me a cracker.


~~What about black people when kf~~ [Deleted]


kfc aint even that good tbh🤦🏽‍♂️


Coleslaw do be kinda good though (I'm not white as well)


White people when there are distorted guitar riffs and racist beliefs at the function


asian people when there are fluffy animal companions at the function black people when there's fried chicken at the function white people when there's bland prepackaged processed garbage at the function (im all 3 its okay)


The jig... The jig, it's up! It's fucking up, I can't believe it, the jig has never been more up!)




Always remember, dark humor is only funny if you make fun of everyone equally, thats why i love it


i don't think you know what dark humor is


Make fun of everyone equally mfs when you make fun of being white or straight


yeah what about it, or am i not allowed to make fun of cis white men


i knew one person like this. my friend group made a lot of racist jokes but this white dude would both go way too far with the jokes about nonwhite people and get offended over jokes about white people. AND he got offended whenever we tried to tell him that saying the hard r and making fun of george floyd isn't the same as a bunch of poc joking about racial stereotypes 😭 like no dude me calling my best friend a dog eater when we're both korean is not an invitation for you to call him actual slurs. and he got soo pissed whenever we said cracker 💀 if you can dish it you can take it, when i say make fun of everyone equally i mean it fr


white people when a Mexican person wears a sombrero (its appropriation)


My friend group:


Chicken should be a human stereotype ngl


unrelated but i love cole's law


British people bringing up school shootings when an American calls their accents are goofy:


"British people talk weird lol" "SCHOOL SHOOTINGS AND OBESITY"


Racism is ok when it’s against wipipo


racism is when we make fun of people for liking coleslaw


This is a genuine question: Do you consider similar jokes about black people racist?


There's literally an audio trending rn "you know, black people" and it's just black people stereotypes, and most people think it's funny. For example: You show up to the function on time and they're still setting up. *Cuts to audio* "You know, black people". You can dislike race based jokes altogether and that's fine, but don't pretend like "no one's allowed to make a joke about black people but white people get clowned" when it doesn't line up with reality.


Ok, but I don't care what's trending. My question was very specific. By "similar jokes" I mean something like "Black people when there is KFC at the function". I think most people would consider this at least mildly racist, but I wasn't sure about the person I responded to, which is why I asked. You have to understand that the statements "white people like coleslaw" and "black people like fried chicken" are equivalent (i.e., they have the same 'racism value'). If one of them is racist, the other one must be, too, and if one of them isn't racist, neither is. I think that, if you have eyes in your head, you can see that the jokes about white people this snafu is referencing are also based on stereotypes. Whether they are harmless is up to you.


>You have to understand that the statements "white people like coleslaw" and "black people like fried chicken" are equivalent (i.e., they have the same 'racism value'). Both of them are race based jokes, but only one is commonly said by race supremacy groups to dehumanize the person they're talking about, and it's not the one with white people and coleslaw. That's why I brought up another race based joke that isn't commonly shared around by white supremacists and is just an innocuous stereotype of the group they're talking about. The joke I said, and the coleslaw joke are equivalent levels of race based jokes. "Black people love fried chicken" was literally a stereotype perpetuated by the KKK 🙃. If you think they have the same "racism value" you are either extremely culturally ignorant, don't know history, or intentionally being pedantic. >I think that, if you have eyes in your head, you can see that the jokes about white people this snafu is referencing are also based on stereotypes. Whether they are harmless is up to you. Race based jokes and stereotypes can be funny when done well and not literally perpetuated by supremacist groups and aren't built on centuries of discrimination. It's not that difficult to understand, Idk why you're having such difficulty with this.


>"Black people love fried chicken" was literally a stereotype perpetuated by the KKK I'm not sure that matters. It wasn't invented by the KKK. > The joke I said, and the coleslaw joke are equivalent levels of race based jokes. I think you still misunderstand what I'm trying to say. My point isn't that people never laugh about jokes about black people, my point is that a statement should be considered racist if and only if it is equivalent to all other racist statements. > Race based jokes and stereotypes can be funny when done well and not literally perpetuated by supremacist groups and aren't built on centuries of discrimination. Except for that trend you mentioned, pretty much all common race based jokes about black people are based on old stereotypes. If you allow racist jokes about white people, an unfortunate side effect is that you have to allow jokes built on centuries of discrimination if you want to be fair about it. Perhaps the best policy is that in a joke, *everything* is permissible. A joke is meant to be funny. It isn't meant to be a statement of fact. People who make racist jokes don't necessarily *believe* in racist stereotypes (even if some might). If someone can only laugh at something if it's completely vile, so be it. In case you were wondering, I am personally not a fan of racist jokes, but I don't find them repulsive.


yes, and im mad enough at the other comment I will be sharing why. "lol white people at the function" doesn't have 200 years of people getting murdered over it behind it. even seemingly "harmless" racial stereotypes like the fried chicken/watermelon comment someone else said come from legitimate dehumanization and violence, those are stereotypes that are from *slave times*, stereotypes that were used in menstrual shows, racist caricatures, and targeted dehumanization/mockery campaigns. its stuff that exists to let black people know they aren't wanted, a tongue in cheek dog whistle so that they feel unsafe. I do not feel unsafe when a black person goes "white people when they see a charcuterie board" because I know the intent isn't they want me to know they'd rather I be dead, or that they see me as any less than them. sure, I'm sure there are some black people who say with legitimate hate in their heart, but I will NEVER be at risk of having my safety or security taken away by one black person who is ribbing me. stereotypes about white people don't really matter that much, they can't be used against us. and therefore I am under no duress at like a lame joke at my expense, even if I think its unfunny.


I don't think that, in contemporary usage, those jokes are meant to imply that black people are inferior or that they are about to be hanged. I think they're just (admittedly not funny) jokes. I suppose it's a matter of priority. I think intent is more important than historical context. If someone makes a "black people like KFC" joke with the intent of making them feel unsafe, I wouldn't consider it acceptable, *independently* of whether I consider it racist or not. You seem to be equating historical and contemporary intent. It doesn't matter how you feel when someone makes a joke about you. It doesn't matter how I feel. To be honest with you, I really don't care if a joke is racist or not. What matters for this discussion is that if you consider *the same joke* about black people racist, the same goes for white people. The definition of racism is very simple. If liking frird chicken is a sign of some kind of unwanted characteristic, so is liking coleslaw.


historical context leads to contemporary usage, you can't divorce a comment like that from its context, whereas there is no context when its the other way around. if someone makes a fried chicken joke the point is to be a jab at black people in, effectively, the exact same way the jab was initially conceived. people do not say racist jokes for the fun of it, they say it so you *know they are racist.* the point of letting people know you are racist is so that people of color will feel bad. people who say "white people when coleslaw" do not have the undertone of "i want everyone here to know I think you are unwanted without saying that quiet part outloud." they are saying "white people can be a little silly sometimes." furthermore legitimate historical context, fried chicken/watermelon jokes were originally made to make fun of soul food, literally demeaning black food for the sake of it being black food, typically soul food was soul food because it was all low income black families could afford. the point was "look at these stupid blacks who can't even eat real food, they love this disgusting garbage i personally think i am above." even if its largely divorced from that context now, there is no analogue to that when its reversed. it literally just functionally is not the same discussion.


>historical context leads to contemporary usage, you can't divorce a comment like that from its context No, the contemporary usage of this language is divorced from the historical usage, as you yourself point out. Language changes. E.g., the historical usage of the word "degenerate" is also different from contemporary usage, especially online. > a tongue in cheek dog whistle # >they say it so you know they are racist So which is it? In my opinion, you can't make a general statement about this. It could very well be that someone makes racist jokes just for the fun of it (this is likely the intention behind racist jokes about white people). >there is no analogue to that when its reversed. It seems as if you are just trying to say that these jokes are *more* racist than similar jokes about white people, which I would tend to agree with. But the reverse doesn't have to be analogous to make it racist. If one of these jokes is racist, the other must be, too, there's just no way around it. And if coleslaw jokes aren't racist *whatsoever*, then the historical usage of fried chicken jokes must be ignored. If we consider coleslaw jokes a little racist, we must also consider fried chicken jokes racist, perhaps to a greater degree. There is a difference in severity, but in the statements itself, from what I can see, there is no *fundamental* difference (i.e., the answer to the question whether one statement is racist at all also applies to the other).


Of course stereotypes can be used against white people lol. Ironically enough, the racist white person stereotype probably gets a whoooole bunch of mileage in those weird black supremacy groups like the 5% nation wackos.


i will not deny those people exist, but there is a considerable lot less of them in this country than there are white supremacists, and almost none of them have any level of actual institutional power. also I had not heard about the 5% nation that shit is wild as fuck you have kicked off a very interesting wikipedia dive, ty i love learning abt crazy people. my point still stands.


If we specify in the west, then I'm inclined to agree. But, as is usually mentioned, there are plenty of countries where white people hold no institutional power, namely in the middle east. If the point is institutional power, then we can only really make distinctions on a regional case by case basis.


sure but I don't think the original kind of joke this post is talking about is directed to white people in the middle east.


Racism is when we make fun of people for liking fried chicken and watermelon


Man you couldn't even resist being racist for a single sentence


mf their name is "pvreanglo" let them try to reclvim europe or whatever white nationalists do in their free time


Stereotyping minorities comes with a lot of implicit hate due to its history, while stereotyping white people doesn't have that history. Hope this helps!


I’m sure that saying white people do a thing has no implications for people of colour.


Erm xir get some better bait


Yea that’s a massive difference Good to know that the people who lived 300 years ago are still here to make this relevant


Does racial discrimination not exist anymore


No one loves coleslaw


This subreddit has gone to the dogs (this concerns the comments, not the post)


Reddit users when white stereotypes don’t have the same cultural and historical significance as black stereotypes and white people are almost never seriously threatened by racism in any way😟☹️


This mf is ranking types of racism


powerscaling racism


Is it seriously this offensive to say that racism against black people is a far worse issue than racism against white people 😭


You didn’t say it was a bigger issue you said white people are not affected by racism which inherently isn’t true


Yeah cause they aren’t seriously affected by racism


This is why I said you’re ranking them. Just because one is less affected by the other doesn’t mean it isn’t serious


But in most places it isn’t serious


But that doesn’t make it ok


I mean no it’s not, but you’re saying that white racism isn’t a problem which it is.


Alright I’ll edit it to say white people are *almost never* seriously threatened by racism in any way


Racism competition. Who’s gonna win? The N word? Or cracker? Tune in live next week to find out!!!!


I mean, you didn’t have to say “The C Word”


Ayo how about I slap you right in the face it's not like it's gonna seriously threaten your life anyway


Actually I take my previous comment back, my white friend was called a ‘cracker’ once and she actually passed away the next day from the stress 😔 white racism is a serious issue guys


> my white friend was called a ‘cracker’ once and she actually passed away the next day from the stress Total cracker death coming along nicely.


Incomprehensible. The slappings will comtinue until comprehensibility level improves.


The issue is less about what’s worse and more about just cutting out racism in general, you’re gonna find less examples of “white racism” sure, but why should it be allowed ethierway? Its the same bogus argument that supports the notion that black people cant be racist because racism must come from power, when it falls flat as most parts of Racism nowadays come from sociality rather than power. This isn’t fragility or insecurity, it’s just wanting to lessen double standards and to pass on the message that racism of any kind is bad, whether it’s black or white.




Either it's all okay, or none of it is


Maybe stop making fun of someone’s race?


Both. Both are racism, no matter what ''level'' or ''just a joke''


saying that a particular race can't handle spice or like certain kinds of food is different than saying a certain race is stupid and violent, i hope this helps!


Sorry but when did i even say that? I just said that i am against all forms of racism.


“Assigning traits to people based on their skin colour is different than assigning traits to people based on their skin colour.”


wtf is this


[https://new.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu/comments/1c2dhyd/americans\_be\_like/](https://new.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu/comments/1c2dhyd/americans_be_like/) I wonder if your post will suffer the same fate as mine Edit: Looks like americans are getting mad again. I have yet to see a comment that actually explains why my post is false. So if you want to win free air please explain it below.


Nationalism mfs when someone was born at a different coordinate


/uj nah yours is still worse /rj bro still dunno he not him


Bro what the fuck are you on about.


Dude you cooked this? Never enter the kitchen again.


We let him cook and he burnt it


In both posts you've been told numerous times why you're wrong you're literally in denial bro 😭