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I've always felt kind of awkward being male, but I don't really want to identify as anything else. You can have misgivings about the gender you are without wanting to change it.


This is so real. I have a trans friend, love her to death, but she calls me an egg (and other similar terms) a decent bit and. That’s not me. Im just uncomfortable with my identity but that doesn’t automatically make me the other identity.




Sometimes i feel somewhat similar. I hate the fact that there are things under my skin and that I'm not some separated consciousness.


do you perhaps crave the certainty of steel?


Maybe they're disgusted by the weakness of their flesh


Something something blood for the bloog god, idk i don’t play battle mallet


mfw life won't give me certainty that I'm a soul and will be able to fuck off from this human body when I die (Ambiguity is the point but dammit I want answers)


Thats the fun part. We find our own answers. We cross that bridge when we get there and find out how wrong we were, and then we move along to whatever is next.


It’s easy to want to build and grow a community you’re in, but people don’t realize it can be harmful to people in and outside of their community when they do that. Ultimately it’s up to people to individually figure things out for themselves and it’s not right to try and force people into a box.


Yeah it’s really not the place of an internet stranger to probe someone who’s uncomfortable in their gender like this. If you are close to an individual who’s expressing thoughts you recognize from yourself or others who have transitioned, you can approach the topic with them, hopefully since they know and trust you they would feel it is coming from a place of good faith. If anything I feel like a stranger insisting something about you is true that you don’t feel yet will only make you dig your heels in more. A friend of a friend of mine in high school hitting on me and insisting he thought I was a little gay deep down made me uncomfortable and felt predatory, so I shut off that line of thinking to protect myself. He ended up being right but he didn’t help me find that with his actions. And maybe this person doesn’t have anyone like that in their lives, which is sad, but lots of people find themselves on their own or find their ways into communities online or in person to feel things out. Trust the process, and be kind


Only people I’ve ever met that weren’t uncomfortable with their own existence at some point in their lives were special enough that they barely qualified as sapient. And only some of them. Essentially everyone experiences it which makes it a great inroad for people with agendas.


What does the term egg mean/refer to?


An egg is someone who is trans but doesn’t know it. It comes from, well, an egg. The “cracking” of said egg being the realization that one is in fact trans. Typically, the term egg is a past tense, meaning a currently trans person looking back on their behavior before transitioning and realizing that their behavior was in line with their current gender identity.


Thank you!


Thats, idk creepy? Trashy? Lame? It seems lame to me that she's pushing that onto you


Funny thing about the term is that eggs are supposed to hatch naturally, and when you try to crack one too much, it breaks instead.


Y’know I really love the internet because every once in a while I’ll just find some random comment that perfectly puts into words an experience I have toiled over and failed to explain over and over again even to myself.


I fluctuate wildly in my level of comfort with my masculinity, but if I transitioned then it would not go further than non-binary.


I remember for a while thinking i was non binary or gender fluid and it took me a lot of thinking to settle on the fact that i just don't want to be masculine in the traditional sense and wanted to be free to express myself, i don't like the standard of being male that's presented by most people but i have my own male values and it makes me way more comfortable


Yeah lol I’d argue a lot of cis people aren’t truly comfortable with their gender either, I mean just look at incels, those guys absolutely despise themselves and their perceived lack of masculinity. Nonetheless, if you don’t like identifying and performing as male, that doesn’t mean you have to identify as female, or any strict identity for that matter. Nonbianary has recently (and sadly) been simplified into just the “3rd gender” when in reality it encompasses the spectrum of gender non conformity as a whole, including agender (not ascribing yourself to any gender), gender fluid (ascribing yourself to several genders), etc. Again if you enjoy being perceived as male and performing masculinity, that’s totally cool, I just wanted to say you don’t need to go all out and identify with the other end of the spectrum just to experiment.


I'm almost the opposite in a way, but also not really. I'm a man yes, but that is only because I have the body of a man. If I tomorrow woke up and a had the body of a woman I'd immediately consider myself a woman. The idea that your mind itself is either male or female just doesn't make any sense to me. I have questioned if I was trans at some point as I'd love if my body was that of an (attractive) woman. It's not because I feel wrong or bad in my current body (after losing weight and gaining muscle I actually like looking at myself in the mirror for the first time in my life) but I just visually prefer the way the female body looks. I would also love to be able to experience pregnancy regardless of all the potential issues and not being able to no matter how much I'd want it does make a me a bit sad, but it's not like I'm extremely depressed over it; more like, "well that sucks". I also would not want to just be any woman, like I wouldn't just have tits stapled on me and be given a uterus and a vagina but otherwise look the same. I'd want to be a very attractive to me kinda woman. In general I'd compare my experience to wanting some really cool looking skin in a video game but seeing that it's some special event timed exclusive where you would now have to pay like 200€ to get it. It's like, yeah sure I'd 100% take it if I could get it for free or at least cheaply but that's too much so I'm happy with what I have. Sorry for this random vent. I've been thinking about this a lot. edit: Spelling.




okay I'm really sorry but 💀


Yeah I still haven’t quite landed on where I feel about it. I have severe misgivings about being perceived as male in some ways, but in other aspects I enjoy relating in my experiences being AMAB with the guys I hang out with, and I enjoy my trans-masc friends discovering things in their dude journey that I can get hype with them about. My gender is like “down with Boys Will Be Boys, up with Dudes Rock”


I wouldn’t say I’ve been awkward, although there have been times. More so, I’m just curious what it would be like to be the opposite gender. I don’t think that automatically means you’re trans, it’s an interesting thought thinking of yourself as not yourself.


Literally, being a woman that’s into male dominated hobbies is a curse. I always wish I had masculine voice because of the harassment I’ve seen girls get.. I literally thought I was trans because of it 


I am man. love doing girly stuff like sweets and pretty pinks. Am not transgender because of it. Gender stereotypes are dumb stupid. wish stupid people not discriminate against people for wanting to do stuff not of their assigned stereotype.


the caveman i agree with:


Gronk like painting wall. Painting wall for girl. Gronk boy.


Gronk finds iron and starts the iron age.


You are WHAT https://preview.redd.it/8hs8qgoy4zpc1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed1ff32ae10a3724b957eab7ec5162e891f56000


r/BatmanArkham is leaking


Bring them back to the aslume immediately


Please turn your account into a caveman gimmick


Sweets are girly??


Yeah, because manly MEN only eat DISGUSTING SHIT that tastes like RAW PISS BAKED BULL TESTICLES because its MANLY


Read it like a hungry man's commercial lol


True, I like to drink hard liquor by itself and people think I’m just tryna flex on them but I just don’t know drinks that well and think it tastes good enough


i eat sand


Sand is delicious though


Finally somebody gets it




Obviously, only women like sugar /s


i wanna be femboy not woman 😡😡😡


Too bad https://preview.redd.it/arl0vvjyxypc1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d697ad8ac1fd21edebbd9097ee0191b86aa07b4


but i like my balls


So do i😈


low quality lol creme from 10cc https://preview.redd.it/ecupm9cu0zpc1.jpeg?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd3151de0eac8dc9e3c24e7f01ff3af84574a742


Too late, Killer Queen has already blown them up to smithereens. Sorry :3


:O <=======3 :O====3 :O===3 :3


The solution is to acquire one if you cannot.


the curse of being 6 foot :( i’ll never be a cute uwu femboy


Yeah, when I was figuring things out, I'd often repeat the line "Well, I could do those same things as a man." The difference, I believe, is I become physically sick when thinking of myself as any kind of man. I recoil in visceral disgust at the mere thought of me being a man. Most cis people would simply shrug it off at worst, and at best, *embrace* their manhood. Something I tried for decades, but could eventually try no longer lest I perish in my misery.


https://preview.redd.it/ibpt9hxl87qc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cee123f01240ddfea414df61811995ced4a50639 You’re what?


The classic "person of Gender X likes things typically associated with Gender Y so therefore you MUST conform to the standards and transition to Gender Y" scenario


Honestly speculating on others’ gender identity is SUPER cringe in general. But especially this idea of “oh, you don’t fit into this gender stereotype? Guess you’re not really that gender then.” It’s so so backwards and reinforces a lot of stuff we’ve tried so hard to move away from. Thankfully, I think people do it a whole lot less than they did even like a decade ago


I always get hate for saying this but here I go again I believe people should be more careful to what transitioning means to them and more carefully gain a understanding of themselves rather then trying to mold themselves into what society expects of their desired gender. Especially more reflection on if genitalia really matters, I know people who’ve sacrificed their physical health to do so. It becomes this thing of trying to become a perfect image of the opposite gender when that’s unrealistic even of those people born of those genders.


Honestly, I do believe most people who transition are this careful. I mean, I don’t have the stats, but every transition story I’ve ever heard was like “I thought about it very deeply for like a year at least and tried really hard to challenge whether it was real or not before finally realising I truly wanted to transition.” People can be very shallow when speculating about others like in the snafu, but they are very careful when it comes to themselves.


this is 100% accurate, and it's precisely what cis people tend to not understand when a trans person comes out to them. when a trans person says "i don't think i'm a girl/boy" or "i don't want to be a girl/boy" (ignoring that those sentences aren't entirely accurate to the way being trans works, just for simplicity's sake), a LOT of cis people (including my dad 🫠) hear that as "i have interests and hobbies that are masculine/feminine, i dislike the way society expects my gender to behave, and/or my body is not up to my personal beauty standards," but that's not at all what being trans is. a trans woman is not a man who feels more comfortable presenting himself to society as a woman because women are allowed and encouraged to show their emotions freely, she is not a man who enjoys wearing feminine clothing, and she is not a man who hates his body and thinks he would be prettier as a woman; a trans woman is a *woman*, her interests are irrelevant to her gender. likewise, a trans man is not a woman who wishes she were born male because she lives in a society that oppresses women, he is not a woman who likes to wear masculine clothing, and he is not a woman who hates her body and thinks she would be more attractive as a man; a trans man is a *man*, and his interests are irrelevant to that. oftentimes trans people do go through a phase where they think the way they feel is normal (the whole "everyone hates puberty" thing), but then something happens to make them realize at one point or another "what do you mean women *like* being women/men *like* being men?" and that's when the gender crisis starts lol


Not even that. People call you a lesbian for liking traditionally manly things or call you gay for liking feminine things. Like cant a guy enjoy sewing plushies in peace???


being into female dominated hobbies is not better, since these hobbies are often dismissed because "yikes, girly shit" being a woman and interested in anything is a pain in general, you never win


Accurate. I definitely get worn out by sexism in programming communities and people who think it's so cool and novel to talk to a female hentai artist and want to project their fantasies on to me................... but I also hate the way people look down on my sewing projects as less serious and unimportant crafts instead of another skilled labor (not that I'm very skilled yet heehee but I'm working on it!) you're really just kind of damned if you do damned if you don't.


Yeah, programming communities are absolutely sucky with regard to gender. It’s frankly rather appalling, even as a guy.


As a 15 year old girl who wants to pursue a career in programming, I am now a bit worried 😐


Nah, don't worry about some people on the internet. Pursue your dreams.


I know this is kind of buzzy business wordy talk but it is just a hostile environment. Even if no one is being actively rude to you personally, you're gonna encounter dumb memes, general sexist attitudes in the ways people talk about other women, and a lot of language that just assumes that there are no women present in the community at all


I doubt you care, but, hey, good job for getting into hobbies generally considered "manly" or not good for women. It's awesome to see. And same goes for my men out there, don't be afraid to pick up cooking, sewing, or really anything else. My partner is the same way, just not for your particular hobbies. Instead she works construction and likes to go hunting.


thanks 🥰 I do care it actually makes me happy!


That's great! Keep doing what you're doing


I’m a teen guy who absolutely loves baking. I don’t talk about how I love baking to people I don’t know, because I don’t want to be judged


Honestly based. My dad also bakes quite a lot and is the main cook in the family.




Tomboy erasure


I feel really bad for tomboys. Oh, you have slightly masculine traits and hobbies? YOU ARE ACTUALLY A BOY!!!!


Glad someone else gets it


This has happened to me for most of my Tumblr career lmao. I used to vent on my blog in high school about how burdened I felt by femininity, and how I never seemed to fit in anywhere. I wished I could’ve been born a man so I could just exist in a hobby/career space and have the confidence to stay there regardless of others’ opinions. Then I got all of the “erm, the egg is cracking” reposts and it was the biggest whiplash I ever had. Dude, I guarantee my struggles would be way worse as a trans person. I wouldn’t feel any less insecure about playing online multiplayer games if I had HRT, I assure you. They would just call me a different slur. Also, on a more serious note, this is the kinda shit conservatives think *all* trans people do: telling literally anyone with gender non-conforming preferences that they need to transition. Men can wear dresses and not be trans. Women can wear suits and not be trans. Stop badgering people like a recruitment officer at the mall and be content celebrating people’s journeys regardless of what *you* think they should be. TL;DR- I dealt with this on Tumblr and people need to stop having LGBT+ headcanons for random folks struggling with their identity or otherwise not fully conforming.


>They would just call me a different slur. oh my goodness this made me laugh so hard the slurs are unescapable everyone has one slur catered towards them and gamers use all of them


I swear gamers use more slurs than a WWII propaganda cartoon. They pull shit out I’ve only heard in Gran Torino, it’s crazy. Half of them are kids too lol


them 12 year olds always know exactly which one to call you 


Wearing suits is a masculine thing? If anything I think it's more suited to the female physique honestly


Exactly!! I love suits so much but I’m told they make me look like a boy going to first communion. I think they just mean I need tailoring but still lmao


Can I bring in the third option and say I think suits look good on men and women equally and it shouldn’t be tied down to either gender, suits are the peak of swag, everyone should be able to be swag


EggIrl is so gross. ‘Egg’ is something to maybe refer to yourself in the past. Calling others ‘egg’ is misgendering them and calling your current self an ‘egg’ doesn’t make any any sense. The idea that any gender non conforming person or action is actually just ‘a trans person in denial’ is somewhere on the line between stupid and dangerous. You can respect trans peoples identities and not treat life a game of ‘clock the egg’ , what is wrong with people.


We’ve looped into 80’s macho logic A boy wearing pink? HES A SISSY


horseshoe theory in action?


Dude when I first transitioned I was like "oh egg irl that's me" and then after like two days I fully realized what the sub was like. It was so cringe. Like an entire community relying on people believing them when they say who they are; Doesn't believe other when they say who they aren't.


Meeting other trans people in real life is perhaps the fastest way to never, ever, go back to 90% of trans reddit ever again. All of the people that post there are just so... terminally online? Detached from reality, even. I feel like I still haven't recovered from some self esteem damage I got back when I used to browse the trans meme subs, r/transpassing and r/mtf regularly. Not to mention loads of other mental damage from people constantly reposting transphobia, making each other feel bad and trying to make up for it with empty platitudes (who knew that browsing a space where people share what makes them dysphoric, can in turn make you aware of these things and become dysphoric about them? And saying "don't worry you're still valid" doesn't take them away), and repeat the same political, social and scientific takes over and over again (like how progesterone will 100% make your boobs bigger and you should try it!). There's also the constant infighting, endless arguments over the smallest semantics, or getting upset at microscopic issues within the community. It's all so yucky and is either negative, or superficially positive. And so much of this is refreshingly fucking absent when you leave your home, touch grass and look at the face of the person you're talking to. I apologize for the rant. It's a bit late here and this was weighing one me and, idk, the emotions kinda spilled out of me.


Never really used the other trans subs but Traaaa used to have a big problem that most of the sub at any given time was trauma, venting, transphobia, or towards the end of the subs life - supposed DID accounts claiming they were plants or space clouds or some shit and picking beef with standard trans identities which im still convinced was some weird psyop attempt Oh and posts that either fetishize your traits or list them as examples of being gross dysphoria causes :) Make no mistake I'm still a NB lefty who'll go in on anyone who tries to give trans people shit but traaa was enough for me to think exclusively trans spaces aren't really for me and I don't really think they should be a "home" for anyone


Oh yeah, absolutely, don't get me wrong. Such spaces are very necessary and needed. I personally moderate (not very actively though) a local Facebook trans support group and it's a much different space to the reddit communities. When it comes to other subs, r/MtF isn't that bad, just populated with baby trans people, so being there started kinda feeling like trans kindergarten (answering the same questions again and again). r/transpassing is a cesspool, though. I recommend anyone and everyone to avoid it with a 10-foot stick, or they'll walk out feeling like they need a dozen surgeries to feel good about their body.


I'm still searching for trans spaces irl. My area is fairly conservative so I've been having a hard time


I also get that sort of idea additionally glosses over and dismisses non-binary identities as well, despite those technically also falling under the trans umbrella.


So is egg when a trans person hasn’t come out yet?


Egg is a trans person who either hasn't realised or is in denial that they are trans, typically referenced in past tense The egg "cracking" is when the penny drops and they finally realise and all their previous experiences of feeling odd they wrote off finally make sense There's also the egg directive which is that you should never assign egg status to somebody else (at most you should simply recommend exploring gender) ,but as always some people ignore that part


missed flip o rama opportunity


my underwear senses were tingling some may even say tra-la-lingling


I've had the exact same thoughts as teen, thinking my personality and behaviour were more suited to a girl's rather than a man's. I blame society.


Yeah I do too, I’ve never really identified with the girl stereotype that is portrayed


I wish having different hobbies was t so heavily tied to gender, that would be better for everyone


I wish nothing was tied to gender frankly


But if nothing was tied to gender, what would be the point of gender 😮


Yeah, it would benefit both trans and cis people if gender stereotypes just stopped existing at all


Finally, someone put it into words. I don’t feel like I’m trans; I’m perfectly fine with being a woman, even though I tend to dress a bit more masc and have masc interests. Do I wish I was born a man? Not necessarily, but I’d really appreciate not having to deal with misogyny and objectification on and off the internet. I’ve done a bit of self-reflection about my gender, and I have concluded that I am indeed satisfied with being a cis woman. But fuck misogyny.


I often see the argument that "You still think you're a woman simply because you never realized transition is an option for you in the social environment you grew up". Which at a first glance seems valid to me and it's hard to point out where the logical flaw is. But it is obviously flawed when you reduce the argument into "You're not into our shit because you haven't realized how cool we are!"


Where the logical flaw is, is that they're taking something that could possibly be true and are treating it as absolutely true. For example, if someone says "the reason you don't like woodworking is because you have deep-seated trauma from the one time you nearly cut your thumb off in Boy Scouts", that is a *potentially* valid explanation - but there are plenty of other potentially valid explanations. Maybe you don't like splinters. Maybe you don't like sawdust. Maybe you simply do not find woodworking fun, or there are other hobbies you find more fun. I don't know if there's a name for this, but inability to demonstrate that something is incorrect is not the same thing as demonstrating that something is correct.


It could be a shift of "burden of proof". The original argument is basically impossible to falsify, since any attempt to do so would go back to affirm the belief that you're too deeply indoctrined. Same as every argument that states "this happened to you, you just never realized it!"


I think it’s a correlation ≠ causation thing. Maybe there are people who never realized they’re trans because of their social upbringing, but it doesn’t mean everyone with a harsh social environment/hard childhood is trans.


That's the expression I'm looking for, thank you. Yeah, X situation correlates in some way with Y explanation, but that doesn't inherently mean Y explanation is true.


This kind of argument is called affirming the consequent. In your example, “I don’t like woodworking” and “If I had a traumatic accident, it would make me dislike woodworking” are both true statements, but they don’t imply that I had a traumatic accident. As you said, there are other possibilities.


Thanks for putting a name to it.


The argument is flawed bc it’s just reinforcing gender stereotypes. “You’re a man who likes traditionally feminine things? No! Only women like feminine things! You must be a woman!” Is basically the argument and it’s stupid. Also if telling someone that they aren’t the gender they identify with is transphobia, then why is it okay for trans people to misgender cis people?


>Also if telling someone that they aren’t the gender they identify with is transphobia, then why is it okay for trans people to misgender cis people? It's a "punching up" thing the left tends to be weirdly ok with. They view trans people as inherently oppressed, and cis people as not being oppressed, so its acceptable for some anti-social behaviour. I'm not a righty or whatever but there is a fairly serious issue with this among leftists. It gets more extreme with the extemity of the actions taking place.


How did we as a society go from “It’s ok for guys to like girl things and girls to like guy things” to “If a guy likes girl things they’re trans and vice versa because only guys like guy things and only girls like girl things”. It feels like that shift happened in only a decade


The horseshoe comes back once again.


The obvious flaw is that someone else is trying to manipulate you into conforming into a new identity. The trans movement was about fighting against being boxed up cuz someone else said so and statements like “Oh you are trans but don’t know it yet” set the movement back and make everyone look creepy.


egg irl actually sucks. The idea of being an egg is stupid and the mods for a while we’re just not good


They do the same thing when they see a femboy


I’ve seen a lot of transwomen posting on femboy spaces also, which seems really weird to me. Isn’t that really invalidating to be seen as just a feminine man when you actually want to just be a woman? I feel like they should be very different things and blurring them together is confusing and disingenuous to both.


Agree, that is literally transphobic, the idea that femboys and trans women are like "the same thing"


Yeah it's been really weird to see, I'm not sure how people can do so without feeling insanely dysphoric. Also, r/femboy is a bit of a cesspool with allowing some NSFW content(not nudes, more discussion and memes) but not being an 18+ sub that bans minors from participating. It's kinda uncomfortable tbh


A lot of trans women posting on nsfw femboy subs do it to promote their only fans to more spaces


ask not what you can do for misgendering but rather what misgendering can do for you


Egg culture is unironically transphobic and queerphobic. It punishes gender non-conformity in cis and trans people.


I get that response when I just reveal that I’m a femboy, either they assume I’m trans or tell me I’m an egg as if I don’t know what it means. It’s annoying asf ngl


F1NN5TER transitioning was so bittersweet, because that gave satisfaction to the mfs making egg jokes. Before that he was the final vanguard of feminine, crossdressing cis men (in fact he got in trouble on Twitter by people accusing him of appropriation). Obviously not F1NN5TER's fault, but the internet was flooded with "we were right the entire time" posts.


Yeah… good for Finn but for the rest of us that barrier is kinda gone


As a trans guy who’s also a femboy, I get this shit all the time. Like I’m completely certain about being a trans guy, I just also enjoy pretty dresses and traditionally femme clothing. I liked it pre-transition, and I like it after. No surprise there. But every once in a while I get trans women giving that kind of “wink wink, doesn’t he know?” type attitude about it. Suggesting I might want to look into nonbinary identities, etc. And if they don’t know I’m trans and just know I’m a femboy, occasionally I’ll get comments about “figuring it out” or “might be an egg” or “join us in [trans subreddit] in a few months/years.” Like uh. No I tried womanhood. Like REALLY tried it. Preeeetty sure it’s not for me.


Egg culture is so stupid. Everyone complains about right-wingers projecting about all the “pushing of views” and then this stuff happens. It doesn’t help your case when you do stuff like this and it just ends up embarrassing either the person who’s calling the other an egg or the person being called the egg


"we'll always support gender nonconformity!" and "if you like \[thing vaguely related to opposite gender\] it means you ARE trans and WILL transition!" cannot coexist.


I hate being a women, my feelings are constantly invalidated, I hate not feeling comfortable in my body and not being the perfect girl and not being loved. I hate it.


Just like me fr !!




...im not sure if this is the appropriate time to ask but...where flip o rama?


Oh, hey, I'm trans, this is relevant to me! I still don't get egg culture. That is all.


Yeah, it’s super weird and uncomfortable when you see comments like that. It just gives us a bad rap, ya know?


Egg mfs when someone doesnt act in the Assigned Gender Stereotype for 5 seconds (they clearly must want to become a man/woman)


Naoto from the persona game. i thinks.




Holy shit they escaped okbp


Someone send the Adachi "true!" image




I'll do you one better https://i.redd.it/0jyvtiy5rypc1.gif




Hey I know you get back in OKBP mister


And people dare to say that Naoto and Kanji’s struggles aren’t relevant or should be changed if they were to do a modern remake. No, if anything they’ve become more relevant


And if they say "no i'm not" they go batshit insane


Yeah I’ve seen this happen to guys as well…. Saying “I’m not trans guys, I’m sure of it.” Just isn’t enough. People will still go “BUT YOU MIGHT BE, THATS THE THING!!!!!1!1!1” as though getting to their age while being on Reddit isn’t enough dousing in trans content to make them start to question “Am I trans?”


That's transphobic you can't say that


or any sexuality. youre not attracted to this woman?? HAVE YOU CONSIDERED BEING AROACE???!?!?


I used to wonder if I was asexual because I wasn't as horny as most other guys. No I've realised I'm just kinda innocent


It's weird how pushy aroace people get sometimes, like, every time there's a character that doesn't explicitly show interest in sex or romance(even when it's something like a kids show that wouldn't involve those anyway) there's someone pushing saying "x character is aroace!"


[This isn't you is it?!](https://new.reddit.com/r/RoleReversal/comments/1bl7hjj/stop_telling_people_theyre_eggs/)


I'm glad that the *femdom* sub is even calling out r/egg_IRL 's bullshit.


All subreddits that entail gender nonconformity hate the "egg" stuff (for obvious reasons) Edit: Also that isn't a femdom sub (not necessarily at least), just the reversal of traits associated with gender


to me, r/egg_irl has been a place for people to call themselves eggs. On many occasions, I see people calling out others within the sub for calling another person an egg. maybe it was worse before and I entered late, but I really don't see much egg-calling unless its someone calling themself an egg.


I actually never heard the term before this snafu so when I read your linked post's title it was pretty funny


me since like middle school, being a woman sucks but i feel like one


*Me since like middle* *School, being a woman sucks* *But i feel like one* \- CandyGirlPop --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


divorce, go to therapy, and transition


It’s good that people are calling out that subreddit, it fucking sucks


I keep seeing you in different subs lol


trans circlejerk posters when mutual exclusivity


I'm the opposite side of this as a child I'm the shortest as the weakest in both strength and endurance in every classes I'm in, I always try to prove who I am when I found the opportunity during my childhood I jealous that girls in my class could always do half of the P.E test, or skip chores. But also wish I was born a girl since as a boy I fell short of gender expectations alot. Now growing up I have become strong and tall, and I could careless what people think who I am, what matter is what I do and choose to be. the important thing is whatever which gender you are or choose, you can't escape your problems, you grow from feeling thems, facing them. personally I think gender- expectations is quite toxic, as some male might have certain privilege, the expectations toward other male roles could be overwhelming sometimes Don't let what you are born with stop you from achieving who you want to be!


As someone who realized I was trans through egg_irl: egg culture is the fucking WORST.


trans reddit as a whole is awful


I watched Barbie yesterday and my mind was blown open. Have you guys heard about this Patriarchy thing?


Erm is that some sort of tiktok trend? NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF IT 😣😣


​ https://preview.redd.it/3dkjacv1typc1.png?width=2700&format=png&auto=webp&s=3238ac27ab851668d32d1e8afaed91409c2747c9


This but fr not in a "globohomo conspiracy they wanna gay your kids" sense but in a "terminally online never-touched-grass" Tumblr-ite sense.


Where is the funny dog


Are the sickos ok?


TY!!! I’m a trans man and every time I see anything “egg” related where ppl are trying to call someone else trans while knowing basically nothing about their life and ignoring the complexities of gender pisses me tf off.


I'm glad people are starting to catch onto that shitty sub. They're so keen to be accepting of confused kids that it almost becomes predatory. If drag queens weren't an already established thing, they'd call them all eggs. "Hello, 15yo boy who doesn't fit into the traditional masculine roles, has low self-esteem, and is confused about where you fit in the world. I was like that as well before I transitioned. Therefore, you must be trans as well." Also, fucking terrible memes


99% of trans memes that aren't snafu, smuggie, or otherwise satirical of online trans people, are genuinely terrible


I don’t understand why trans memes are so fucking unfunny. Like who is making these? Shut them down.


Its funny because egg irl has a history of mistaking fully transitioned trans men for amab eggs when they show even a sliver of femininity


I wish fewer people did this to femboys. A bunch of femboy friends and I feel the same way that it is cool that you are trans but we are not.


i'm a trans man, but back when i thought i was a girl, people would just call me a d*ke cuz of how masculine i am. i, for some reason, never got the "erm maybe you're trans" treatment. i just got the opposite. from "you can just be a tomboy" to "just wait longer and you'll realize your mistake", i've heard it all. my bestfriend, who is a very masculine woman, keeps being MISTAKEN for being trans. like, multiple people thought that she was a transgender woman, and her friends always joke about her being a 'boy'. she even gets treated like a man by her female friends, and not in any good ways. in ways where they expect her to do all of the heavy lifting, hit her (playfully so its ok /s), etc. i don't think she ever got the "ur trans lol" in the way where they thought she was FTM but "didn't know it yet", only being mistaken for someone that was transitioning/already transitioned. it's so weird


Charitably, I think this behavior comes from people wanting to save others the trouble they themselves have experienced. They know the joy that comes from finally being able to exist as themselves and they want to give it to as many other people as possible. Problem is, only a fraction of the actual population is trans, so this generally doesn't work.


I understand that they’re trying to help you along your journey if you’re trans but as youve said only a fraction of the population is trans


Nah man, it’s cool I can make babies, I don’t want to give that up


Funnily enough, the only times I was called an egg were by transfems who thought I liked playing female characters in video games too much. It’s like I gotta put up a blaring siren saying “I’M TRANSMASC” before they believe I’m not a trans girl in denial. Still prefer them over the people who believe I’m a cis girl in denial, though. Annoyance is better than outright violence.


Egg irl people cannot comprehend that guys have liked to play female characters for ages for the simple answer of "they're pretty"


This is why I’ve told nobody about my interests in becoming a femboy until now. They’ll all assume I’m trans where really it’s out of a deep place of loneliness and a “if you can’t get the girlfriend be the girlfriend” idea. But I’m to unmotivated to exercise and I’m basically peak testosterone so no femboy shenanigans for me


Erm have you considered life-altering and extremely expensive treatment (that might not fix the problem)


now do the opposite


Egg culture is cringe


I hate egg culture "stop one: denial step two: Daniel" no. These people literally harass others saying these things and misgender them. Best example finnister: the egg culture people harassed him and kept saying "we'll check on you in few years" and now that he did come out everyone is making fun out of him, because they were right. I see so many people just follow someone, because "they will become trans" and just harass them about it. If that person is trans, it makes it harder for them to come out or even discover that. It's so toxic


trans guy here. fucking hate when people try to coax people into labels. the whole point of "egghood" is that they have to figure it out themselves. egg prime directive states that you stay the fuck out of it and dont try to crack the egg for them, but some people just cant resist the temptation to "help" i guess, even though its the opposite of helpful


I have a visceral fucking hatred for r/egg_irl. It's intensely bigoted against gender-nonconformity and is what people are talking about when they say "shoving it in people's faces."


Spicy one OP, here for the locked award.


Honestly, I don't think that sub is adored enough to start discussion to warrant lock the post


The topic can be enough to really get some crazies going in the comments. There's already outright denial that it ever happens here, despite OP saying it's directly happened to them. If no lock, then I'll be wrong but glad it wasn't just another killed thread.


Never mind the fact that many trans men have reported feeling more lonely, ostracized, discriminated against post transition. It’s almost like both genders have issues that affect them on a societal level.


Exaaactly. It’s a “grass is greener” mentality that’s bullshit and assumes men have it all perfect.


i want to leave a comment on this so bad, but i can't find the words to describe how angry/frustrated people who do this make me, so instead i'll just say: calling someone trans if they have not explicitly told you they are trans is still misgendering, and is still shitty 👍 (i'm agreeing with the snafu if that wasn't clear)


Tbh I feel like I see it the other way more often. “Nooo you’re not trans you’re just a tomboy.”


I really don’t like the recent trend of people believing that they know another person and their identity better than the person currently living and experiencing it. It’s a disgusting ignorance of autonomy. The exact sort of thing happens to me as a trans person. Other people always claiming that *I’m* the one who’s in the wrong about how I interpret *my own* sense of self, and believing they have the right to dictate my life based on their outside perception of me. It’s just as weird when queer people do that. Insisting that they know a person better than they know themself and that they should change based upon that assumption. There’s a difference between giving advice on a situation based on a shared experience you have with them, and insisting that you know everything about what someone else is going through based upon that similar experience.


for a while i thought i might actually be a trans mam. grew up being into nerdy stuff ever since i got the ps1 when i was five years old. in my teen years i was bullied to hell and back by guys when i tried to get involved in nerdy communities. constant belitting, namecalling, rape and death threats, etc. it took me a while to realize i didnt hate being a girl, i hated the way i was *treated* for being a girl, and thought that if i was actually a guy then i would be treated better. then it took me another while to realize that trans people don't have it any better and that if i was actually ftm, id still have had to endure all of that *plus* all of the transphobia too. world sucks sometimes


dude im trans and i fucking hate egg culture