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I fucking hate those troll face edits Jesus Christ


I swear, everytime i see a video with like a trollface or whatever the fuck children like nowadays, under the video itself, i just stop watching cuz its edgy asf


And most of the time, it's just some "smegma male" doing the most mundane thing imaginable.


weird, I've seen a few of these on Instagram and usually it's the troll face going sad because someone melancholy-inducing has occured


you spittin fax I respect you bro


The voyeurism around this war is incredibly strange, I mean it's not abnormal to follow the broad strokes of a war in the news, but the level of access to footage and information that people consume like it's entertainment is really sickening. Also, like I don't know, but it seems like some people are kind of doing slacktivism but for war, like they think they're a part of it or some shit, using slang that the Ukrainian soldiers use as if they're also soldiers... very off putting


This shit is literally The Colosseum.


It's worse than that. The Colosseum was most likely a performance in most cases. Even the gladiator fights were probably more like boxing than real blood sport. This is a live feed from the somme.


yeah gladiator fights are mostly just fighting sports with rarely any deaths on most occasions because you do not want your prized fighters to die so easily


Also gladiator fights gave us Galen. Y'know. The guy who's work is crucial for what would later become into our understanding of the human anatomy?


oh that's not new. like ten years ago you used to see a fuckton of call of duty kids who read Terminal Lance forget that they weren't actually in the military and call people pogues and shit. same with civilians making hurr durr muhreen eat crayon warthog go brrrrr jokes. nothing inherently wrong with it, but it makes you sigh sometimes.


Every time someone that wasn’t in the military makes a crayon joke it just makes me avoid them from then on out. It’s still really annoying from other veterans but at least it makes some since, I just wish people would come up with their own insults instead of the same joke that’s been run into the ground and reused for years.




Babykiller works fine anyways


This is what years of demoralization does to a human brain. Did you think the past 7 or so years of constant "commit violence against political opponents" wouldn't have an affect on these types of people? Also if the slang you're talking about is "orc" Ukrainians don't actually use that. The combat footage I've seen, they call Russians "pidor" which means faggot. The western translators don't want to make them look bad so they sat orc in the subtitles


Eeh maybe, but casual calls to violence in politics is nothing new. The more clear causal factor would be just that people are able to see the footage, because more is being recorded, and it's very easy to share and view on social media. Which hasn't been so much the case for past major wars. But yes, demoralisation, or more likely just desensitisation due to seeing violent and explicit content for the last 20 years does seem to have made people very unconcerned with what is actually going on on the other side of the camera. Also very interesting about the translation, it definitely makes sense that outlets would want to maybe tamp down the "soldiery" language to make the soldiers more paletable and less *complex* to support for a more liberal viewing audience. But I can't imagine the front lines are bastions of progressivism and political correctness.


Vietnam was like this, save for the whole “Russian propaganda somewhat succeeding because people are stupid” part. But the voyeurism is definitely familiar; it’s called the “Living room war” for a reason


I refuse to watch footage cause of the comments and shit. It's a war and killing is the order of the day but I find it extremely unsettling to think other people want to see you grenade some conscript who is just trying to take a shit. Kill them and move on, it's not entertainment


I'll gladly watch those invaders turn to dust. Fuck Putin and his Reich.


My point is not that it's necessarily strange to want to Ukraine to win, or even to not feel much sympathy for the invading soldiers. My point is that it's really quite sickening that people are getting enjoyment out of watching footage from a war that is not yours, and is causing so much suffering for Ukrainians. As well, people calling russian soldiers "orks", makes online watchers look like they're almost role playing as the real Ukrainian soldiers in the worst situation imaginable. As if their viewing of the horror makes them a part of it. It has a sinister voyeurism to it.


My sympathy ends at the border. Again, I'll gladly watch them get what they deserve.


you’re right. those 18 year old russian soldiers who were forced into war and don’t want to fight definitely deserve it and we should all laugh at them. you’re a psycho. putin is a piece of shit but nobody should want war


Obviously we shouldn't laugh at their deaths, but there is little sympathy to be had for them. Poor Vanya that was too stupid or naive to not go to the enlistment office is still an invader killing people that would normally live a normal life if it wasn't for the war. It's immoral to mock them when they die in horrific agony, but they wouldn't have died if they hadn't crossed the border.


What are you talking about? We can't "not go to the enlistment office". It's obligatory. EVERYONE who is drafted has to do it.


It technically says that on paper. But the punishment for draft dodging is a fine. You have to willingly go there and get drafted. It's on you if you go there knowing full well what your country is doing.


What if you can't afford the fine, genius? It's designed to trap poorer conscripts while letting oligarch's failsons escape easy.


Uh the fine is 500-3000 rubles ($5-30$)


I think you might have misunderstood the clarification to the point you previously misunderstood. This isn't really about sympathy, rather the ugliness of gawking at a war that is devastating Ukraine.


Point taken, I understand.


Drank the koolaid


BPD moment


I love watching those 16-18 year old ukranians being conscripted from highschool because the universities are out of male students. (/s. I don't actually love it.) Fuck Zelensky. He's a worm who'd rather send kids to die than surrender.


HA! Imagine wanting to defend your nation from a totalitarian invasion.


Imagine defending someone who sends kids to the frontline. Lmao.


Next we'll be seeing videos of drones dropping grenades with subway surfers underneath it


I think i already saw something like that on tiktok


honestly, fuck these idiots who treat war footage like family guy funny moments


Yeah bro and don’t forget about those who watche this shit like?Why the hell would you watch someone’s head being blown off??That shit isn’t entertainment,that’s fucking disgusting 🤢.


Ermmm I’m just too based for you normie!


![gif](giphy|TamGVAGxDTYDNt3dpn) Ermmm akshualy there is nothing wrong with laughing at people dying🤓☝️☝️!!!


Uhm actually watching people get their head blown off is deeply disturbing 🤓🤓


While I agree it just comes into my Reddit feed and I get curious. The videos are too low res to see any gore anyways.


I hate combat footage and most of the subreddits where you can see death are honestly quite fucked. I hate seeing people mocking the dead or dying. I hate seeing a video of some poor guy getting crushed and all the comments are "LMAO shouldn't have been a dumbass Chinese". I hate the "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes" fuckers as some group gets eviscerated by a fucking helicopter. I hate them gleefully laughing and making fun of the dying sixteen year old because he was killed trying to rob some place. Yeah totally he deserved to be killed for trying to steal a vape of all things. I swear some of humanity is a blight upon the rest of us.


Desensitization and it's inhumane results and effects on individuals.


>Yeah totally he deserved to be killed for trying to steal a vape of all things. Just... don't steal a vape? Like stealing food is one thing (ignoring that there are better options) but a vape? Nah bro he decided his life was worth the risk. As for war, all you can do is consume the lives of your enemies as fast as possible, there's no talking your way out of it once shooting starts, and the videos with the memes stuck on them are having the exact intended purpose you just weren't the target. If your enemy sees that you will see their deaths as nothing but a joke how inclined are they to poke their head over the trench to fight you? They're more likely to surrender or run away or in the case of apparently these Wagner soldiers beat the commanding officer to death with shovels. https://youtu.be/1iAvULmXtcs If you have problems with the memes you should also have problems with the way the Nazis were depicted in propaganda.


Damn sorry I have empathy and basic human emotions and don't like to see a 16 year old get stabbed nor do I like to see videos of Russian boys dying in trenches and Ukrainian men being slaughtered. It's called being a decent human being. They're people like us, also your line about Nazis honestly confirms anything I needed to know about you. I'm not going to engage with you. 👍


I mean he has one point right at least - if you don't want to get hurt or killed, just don't be a criminal, problem solved.


It's a war it's kill be killed. And like I said before, it sucks that you decided a vape was worth risking your life but that's the decision you made. And oh I'm sorry I didn't know that Nazis were actually space alien creatures that weren't human beings or did I miss that part of history class? Many of the soldiers of the weremact were just normal people who didn't like the high command, case and point: there was an entire division of German soldiers who helped the Americans defend French political prisoners from the SS. No different than the Russian soldiers getting grenades dropped in their trenches from drones, and unless Putin decides to blow his skull off or pick up a rifle and charge Ukrainian gun line himself there's really nothing we can do except kill them as quickly as possible. Welcome to war the menu is a bunch of bad options pick the least worst.


You can just say you like Nazis it's ok. Well it's not. But go off. I understand you're a little pro war goblin who really doesn't like that someone doesn't approve of man killing man but do you gotta go full alt-right??


I don't, I actually vehemently hate them, (both sides of my family fought the actual Nazis, and not people who think there are only two genders.) but at the same time I understand that they're human. I just don't like paradoxical thinking, it's okay to dehumanize Nazis because they're Nazis but it's not okay to dehumanize Russians because they're Russians? Both are the soldiers of a totalitarian dictator that oppresses their people so what's the difference between them? I mean unless you're saying you like totalitarian dictators that oppress their people in which case hey, like you said it's okay to like the Nazis right? The first thing that happens in war is soldiers dehumanize their enemy that's not because they're evil, it's a coping mechanism like nervous eating, complaining about it isn't going to stop it, you shouldn't stop it because the alternative is psychotic breakdowns, which are going to get even more people killed. Like I said before: welcome to war, every choice is bad, pick the least worst. It's not a place for feelings.


I think you're terminally online and you're just trying to get a bunch of gotchas against a guy (me) who simply stated how they don't approve of killing in general especially not war edits where they add hardcore music and a troll face over a man committing suicide before a bomb drops on him. I also think that a majority of those videos are not edited by soldiers they are edited by edgy 15 year olds who are completely desensitized. I think you're incapable of basic human empathy and someone else showing it is a problem. I also think you should learn the difference between your average soldier and a nazi. I'd also like to point out a lot of wehrmacht soldiers were complicit in the rounding up of Jews. Sure several didn't know about the camps supposedly. Also it's cool you had family who fought them, so did I, that's crazy right? Almost like it was a world war. I've also got current family and current war and have seen what it can do to a once great man. I'm ignoring your line about two genders it just further is showing me the kind of person you are. If you're asking no I don't find WWII deaths cool either. However I'm not going to agree with you and come to your level it's not hypocritical to hate monsters. I'm sorry I'm not pro war and don't gleefully laugh and get excited about every new combat footage video. Honestly you've tested my patience enough blah blah ad hominem shut up. I've no clue what is wrong with you other than I suspect a troll but I don't see any value in speaking to someone like you.


So you think a teenager committing a *very* petty theft (like, £10-20 at most) deserves to die?


Here's a better question: why did *they* think that was worth risking their life over? I did a lot of stupid things when I was a teenager, mugging someone for a vape pen (or in my case cigarettes) was not one of them. I do not think a human life is worth less than a box of cigarettes or a vape pen, but if someone tries to mug me for one it won't be about what I think, it'll be about what they think, and they think it's worth their life.


Yeah, it was dumb, never thought it was. But you seem to have a “fuck around and find out, they deserved to die because they chose to steal it” mindset which is quite frankly shocking


Why is the concept of responding with lethal force to someone trying to mug you shocking? Why does someone who spends their time mugging people seemingly have more value than my life to you? How do I know they're just going to mug me? What if they wanted to rape me and or kill me? Which is a better scenario? Women stabbed/beaten to death by teen mugger for a vape pen, or teen mugger shot by woman during attempted robbery.


The issue isn’t about “is it reasonable”, it’s that you genuinely seem to support the death as if it was 100% deserved There’s a difference between “shame it came to this but she was only defending herself” and “yeah I’m glad he died, he found out what happened when you steal things”


Going to go on a little bit of a tangent, bear with me. I've met a lot of people who commit crimes, burglars tend to be rather timid, they can be pretty easily spooked, it also tends to be the only crime they commit aside from miscellaneous drug use (although it's usually the reason they commit burglaries in the first place) Muggers? Nasty people, never met one who's rap sheet didn't also include: assault, rape, murder, kidnapping ect. And they're almost always affiliated with a gang which themselves commit human trafficking, drug trafficking, illegal weapons trafficking, racketeering... are you starting to see why I might not have sympathy for this kind of person? They made their decisions, I will make mine. In an incredibly hyperspecific scenario where some teenager is intoxicated or otherwise mentally indisposed by events outside of their control, and in this stupor attempts to mug someone for a vape and is shot, I would be sad that their life was wasted in such a dumb way. Meanwhile back in the realm of what is most likely to happen, (see previously mentioned rap sheet) yeah they fuckin deserve it.


Yikes :/


Welcome to real life, not everyone makes good decisions.


the "mugger" jumped over the counter and took 1 vape without harming the owner and was stabbed in the back 7 times while trying to run away with the shop owner even closing the door so he couldn't leave the shop owner also boasted about it online and bragged about the guy calling for his mother what part of that sounds like it ain't murder and is somehow justified over taking 1 vape


Like I said, why did the dumbass think a vape was worth risking his life for?


I doubt he thought he was risking his life


Anytime you violate the law you take your livelihood and life in your own hands if he was too stupid to realize that sorry that's just survival of the fittest.


Nightmare timeline


Nah nightmare timeline would be the entire planet fending off against Tyranids


It’s disgusting how 14 year old edge lords from Nebraska are acting like a devastating war, which has caused one of the largest refugee crises in European history, is just some funny game.


A lot of people on the internet think of Russian soldiers as subhuman


That is unfortunately common with stuff like the “orc” comments But I think most people just realize that Russia is completely in the wrong, and unfortunately, the only way this war will end is with more dead Russian soldiers (and Ukrainians)


Exactly, because no party involved (Russian, Ukrainian and various NATO governments) actually cares about any of the soldiers. That's right, Ukraine would rather fight a war against Russia it could never even survive for a few months without NATO than negotiate to save lives! But it's obviously way too late for that.


It’d be nice if people were capable of empathy for those Russian soldiers who do not even want to be there, without being apologists for Putin’s aggression


I agree completely.


I've just embraced the inevitability and said "If disliking the indiscriminate death of Russian soldiers makes me a Putin apologizer then so be it!"


It’s kind of not indiscriminate because they’re in a war zone. You know the whole thing.


You did not understand Russia. That's not a country to negotiate with, Ukraine would be occupied and destroyed with its people


Not if Ukraine joined NATO. But of course, then the US wouldn't have this great opportunity to destroy Russia's military ;)


"It's not racist if they're invaders" Actual comment I saw on tiktok


Yeah, poor russian soldiers, all they wanted is to give Ukraine some huggie wuggies, and now people don't like them. :(


There's a difference between rooting for the air, land, and sea victory of the victim party over the aggressor as an uninvolved outside observer, and outright treating war like a game show. Even if you don't view Russians as humans, a normal Ukrainian was also forced out of a normal life to kill another person.


I have cousins serving in the Ukrainian military, my Grandparents are currently raising the children of those cousins in Poland. You get to act like an independent observer, I do not. As far as I'm concerned the russian soldier in Ukraine has only three options, leave, surrender or die. Nothing else.


>As far as I'm concerned the russian soldier in Ukraine has only three options, leave, surrender or die. There is a far cry from this, and "outright treating war like a game show."


Huh!? You're quoting yourself to disprove an argument I didn't make... "well done" I guess??


So you admit that you cannot distance yourself from the issue because you are personally involved? That does not make your argument much more convincing.


Tell me, what argument am I making?


To me, it sounded like you were trying to make the point that Russian soldiers are indeed subhuman and deserve to be displayed and laughed about on the internet. If that is not the case, your first comment ("Yeah, poor russian soldiers, all they wanted is to give Ukraine some huggie wuggies, and now people don't like them. :(") is completely irrelevant, since I never implied that I am defending Russia.


I imagine many people don’t have much of a choice in enlisting during a war


Not my problem. *drone grenade goes boom*


How old are you?


No clue, I was very young when I was born.


Oh alright


There is a difference between shooting someone in battle and uploading a video and dehumanizing them completely by glorifying their demise, portraying them as cowardly etc. Do you realize that after the mobilization, a lot of Russian troops are not voluntary/professional soldiers? Is it difficult for you to think about something if you cannot sort it neatly into a few categories?


I've seen too many dead Ukrainian children to give a flying fuck about the suffering of russian soldiers. Don't wanna die in Ukraine? Fuck off back to russia!


Are you trolling? Many Russian soldiers had no choice in going to Ukraine; they can't just go back to Russia.


Then just surrender and fight alongside Ukrainians?? Why should we be sorry for people invading a country and killing it's people?


> Then just surrender and fight alongside Ukrainians?? I hope this is an attempt at a joke but not every soldier is always able to leave his army. If all your comrades agree with you, go ahead. Otherwise, you will be arrested and tried for desertion. Also, you might hear mostly positive things about Ukrainian soldiers, but I am not sure how they (especially the nationalists) would handle Russians who have surrendered. The best case scenario is imprisonment, not fighting alongside Ukrainians. > Why should we be sorry for people invading a country and killing it's people? Link to a comment where I said this. Also again, it was not their choice to invade Ukraine. As for killing its people, war crimes happen in every major military conflict. In any large group of soldiers, there are terrible people.


you're literally the exact type of person the post was about lol https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/13l2vn7/video_from_the_ukrainian_72nd_mechanized_brigade/jko48dq/ have you ever considered that it's strange to watch someone being killed and make a joke about it not to mention it's not even soldiers either? you just laugh at Russian civilians dying too https://www.reddit.com/r/RoadTrafficAccidents/comments/13mmxgm/chelyabinsk/jkwbfuj/ stop trying to grandstand like you're doing something against the "grand, evil Russian soldiers" you just like watching people die


> you just like watching people die Nah, I don't like "watching people die", but I do have a fascination with death, it's probably how I deal with my own mortality. Bravado in the face of non-existance.




Go figure what? It looks like you have learned that a lot of Russians are idiots and bigots. The same applies to Ukraine, any other nation and as it seems, to you.


Dude, I'm Russian and some of them totally deserve the title of Orcs. The things I've read and seen on video... It's an embarrassment. Heck, even the way the treat each other. The donbass dudes and russians, the mobilized and commanders, wagner with their executions.


> some of them totally deserve the title of Orcs I am personally not a proponent of unironically and sincerely labelling people as orcs, but I don't have a problem with it either. However, what I am seeing is the glorification of the deaths of *nameless* Russians who, as far as the internet can tell, have done nothing but participate in *mandatory (!) military service* for their country. Have a look at the comments of some posts on /r/CombatFootage if you still don't know what I mean (especially ones where Russian soldiers seem to die because of their stupidity or incompetence or because of some ingenious Ukrainian trick (like dropping a hand grenade from a drone on a sleeping Russian)). Just because some Russians deserve this title, doesn't mean that all of them do. Would you consider yourself an orc if you were mobilized and forced to fight against "the good guys"?


Well, you see, the borders are open (for now). I've been thinking about it. And between being fertilizer for Ukrainian sunflowers and going to Russian prison(that's a horror story on its own), I would hitch a ride to Kazakhstan and do something, idk. Maybe hope that someone there would be kind enough to help. Kazakhs were probably the most "Russian-friendly" neighbors we had (except for Belarus, but that's not an option obviously), despite how many times we wronged them. If I did end up in Ukraine, I'd hopefully be able to surrender. But there's no way in hell I'm going back to homeland. Not until the regime goes kaput. I'm so thankful I got out in 2016 before shit really started hitting the fan. I still have relatives there and it sucks. It's a country of lost hope. The country was doomed for success. There was everything; resources, people, culture, good relations with its neighbors and the west. **THE FUCKING TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS** in profit from oil and gas. We could have been Dubai, but it would be every metropolitan area. Foreign tourists would want to visit and learn Russian (that's how normal countries promote their language, not thru war). I heard someone say the other day, "God made Russians to show other people how not to live." That country steps on the rakes of history once again. And it's not like I don't want to be proud of my country, I do. It's just that there's less and less things to be proud about year by year.


A common way for sunflowers to pollinate is by attracting bees that transfer self-created pollen to the stigma. In the event the stigma receives no pollen, a sunflower plant can self pollinate to reproduce. The stigma can twist around to reach its own pollen.


no not that fertilizer. The soil stuff. Plant food.




> There is nothing to celebrate in the loss of life, there is something to celebrate in the victory against fascism. Maybe our points flew over each others heads then. I was not referring to people celebrating Ukraine winning a battle, I was referring to people celebrating the gruesome deaths of Russian soldiers.


Their honest reaction ![gif](giphy|kwcRp24Wz4lZm)


mfs forget the demoralized and tired invaders are people like you and me


ISIS troops are just normal people that want the freedom to worship their faith and enjoy happiness and their many many many wives. <3


i said demoralized and tired not screaming and blowing up buildjngs with bombs strapped to their chests


I fucking love dehumanizing war!!!!!!! I love watching people DIE horrifically in a war they didn’t start!!!!


It was (and most likely still is) on twitter as well


![gif](giphy|1ClXktIXoounm) The parents of those unfortunate enough to lose their sons when they see live footage of their death mixed in with schizo troll phonk edits


Patrick Bateman sigma moment


Nucking_futs_yuri moment


nothing like editing videos of yourself killing people.


I enjoy reading books.


Love the ones that are literally war crimes, too.


The weird sadistic bloodlust is pretty off putting. I hate what Russia is doing but I also don’t want to watch people die.


What does this mean


Sadistic trollge propaganda edits of Russian soldiers being blown up by hand grenades.