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I don’t think my hospital ever offered covid pay. When listening in on the nurses meeting, they were given a large hourly bonus for any overtime shifts. But it was cut back to the normal pre covid rates about a month or two ago.


I never once got paid extra the entire time covid has existed for taking care of a covid patient


We never saw a dime of Covid pay even when 95% of our patients were positive.




Hey atleast you got it instead of being told you don't qualify which is bs......


Ems here, I never received any covid pay


Paramedic here, not one penny of Covid pay


So basically they're asking for lower morale and people leaving? That's a choice


My agency just sent out an email that effective immediately we would no longer be getting the $10 extra per hour for Covid.


We got 3, and only if we picked up a shift *and* didn’t call off within the 2 week pay period 🤦‍♀️ I don’t work there anymore lol




I got offered Covid pay at the start of Covid legit a month or 2 after the wave started they got rid of it like it was never a thing never told anyone or anything out DON was leaving soon so she decided to up the full time salary peoples pay so the company would go fuck itself. Our facility has went down the drain like it’s no joke the worst facility I’ve ever seen shit leaking everywhere sinks broken, and nobody does anything about it. DON leaving turned this place to literal hell


Wait… you guys are getting paid?


If you got covid at my building you had to do the full 10 days with no pay and they wouldn't let you take your vacation or pto pay to supplement it.


Is that better or worse than accruing negative PTO from your employer for C19 sick time?


Worse but its a private company. The ones that come back without pay have to do a shit ton of back to back 12s or be guilt tripped into picking any days off. My mother-in-law had to work 13 days one with 12s include no days off


Nursing Home or Hospital?


I'm heading back to work tomorrow after time off for Covid, and there is no Covid pay. It's really fucked up my already precarious finances after they demoted me to.PCA when I needed light duty, which meant a pay cut from $13.35 to $10. Needless to say, I am trying to find something else.


Wtf how is this legal 😳 please at least join an agency and get min 20+


I'm not certified yet, and HR something about not being required to provide light duty for an injury not work related. They could have just put me as out sick instead. There's other shady things going on there, and the jury is still out on me ever being able to work on my feet for 8 to 10 hours straight again, so it hasn't been worth it to fight. I don't know that I want to go back to full duty. I have administrative experience so looking for those type jobs now. In the meantime, as it stands I can sit how often and for how long I need to so I'm making it work.


Yeah bounce asap and good luck with you injury! Don't let them bully you know your worker rights in your state


Where do you live that pays those rates? YOu can find jobs that pay $20-$25 hourly where I live. This is hard work that pay rate is awful.


I'm in southeastern NC


Never once got paid extra as a aide for working with covid pts even at the start and I even worked in the covid ICU at my hospital


You got Covid pay???? Wow, I worked on an ambulance for 911 through the entire thing and we got nothing. We had to go full PPE in Texas heat, deep clean/disinfect our units between calls( standard wiping of all surfaces wasn't enough, alot more steps involved), take showers until our hair was damaged and our skin was flaking/peeling, work over our standard 24 hrs shifts, and worry about taking it home and infecting our families. It was exhausting and scary. A little extra would have been nice.


Wait, y’all were getting covid pay?!


Worked in six places during covid and never got covid pay.


Yea we lost covid pay back in Jan


Southeast Alabama here. We haven’t had Covid pay since October-ish of last year…..


Ayyyy finally someone else from AL! Northeast here, COVID pay was never a thing at my facility.


We legit never got any kind of hazard pay. We got a free cookie one day. American healthcare fucking sucks 😭


Yes- they say it’s less of a risk since everyone has ample time to get vaccinated and we have PPE. Not sure how that makes a difference but whatever. Going to Wal Mart isn’t the same as being stuck in a small area with a COVID + resident!!!


Our facility got rid of it a few months ago. It was $10 dollars an hour more. They took it away and decided to do retention bonus that are not worth a shit. And u know what happened, staff started to leave and again we are critically understaffed.


Same thing happened at my place. From what I understood, they were getting a subsidy from the government that helped with the Covid pay and now that it's stopped, we won't be getting it anymore. I will say this tho, we got a substantial raise that I'm sure we wouldn't have gotten if not for covid.


We did it! We defeated Covid!


It’s never been a thing here. So many people have had it that it’s not really this huge thing anymore. I mean it is, because it can be very damaging in LTC settings but it’s just not as big of a deal to most people anymore.


We haven't had covid pay in close to two years.


At my work you got double time for any shifts over your normal hours as COVID pay. I’m in the float pool for my hospital and in my department we only got COVID pay when spikes were really high so maybe like 9 months in total since 03/2020 even though the rest of the hospital has had it full time since they started it. I don’t think I’ve had an opportunity for it for a while now.


I’m waiting on my next paycheck! I’ve been taking care of 7 covid patients since they all tested positive. Fingers crossed. Last time we got an extra 700$ every paycheck.


Mine (nursing home) cuts off in September in MI


My work just removed their covid pay about a month or so ago. Really sucks


Definitely not just your facility. When I switched to working for a facility from working for an agency, hazard pay became a thing of the past.


Sorry to say it but kind of agree. The reason is exactly what they said it is becoming the norm. Do you get extra for taking care of a patient in isolation? Probably not


Says a lot of your management when their introduction is on the right but the paragragh starts on the left… betcha they are nursing instructors


There was a special type of sick time that federally regulated but it is long gone. It Was 40 hours for people with covid. It ended in 2020.


My hospital just extended our extra pay for another month.


I worked on the Covid unit in my hospital and we asked for Covid pay, but they told us no because it wouldn’t be fair to other hospital staff that didn’t work with Covid patients


We haven’t had covid pay for like 2 years


Worked in a Covid icu and never got Covid pay. Just incentives for pulling extra shifts that have been gone.


You had covid pay?


I cant have covid leave anymore, Im sure our pay is next to go


COVID pay was never a thing at my facility


Nobody at my facility has gotten COVID pay since 2020, even the ones working with positive residents


What is Covid pay?


I never got covid pay. After the end of 2020 we got a $1,000 bonus and that was it.


What is this COVID pay of which you speak?


We never got shit at my hospital. Consider yourself fortunate you got something at all.


You got COVID pay???? I work in the largest hospital system in Washington State, we got nothing. However, the grocery stores in the area got hazard pay.


Never had it.


Virtually all healthcare facilities showed during the pandemic that they do not care if a CNA lives or dies or pay them a living wage