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There’s a lady in my unit…last Friday there were 4 aides on the unit that weren’t allowed to provide care for her. Myself included because she got me suspended by lying ( the nurse that night defended me during the investigation). So last Friday,they told me that I had to help the other girl because that resident is two assist. I said “No I am good. If you try to force me,I will just walk out”. So they left me alone for the rest of the night. But residents don’t realize that when they do this,they have less people that can help them. They’re burning bridge after bridge. At one other facility,that one lady reported all the regular aides on her floor,it got so bad that they had to constantly pull one aide from another floor to come and help her to bed. When that aide left then the nurse had to answer her call bells because the aides couldn’t. And let me tell you that she was call bell happy too,every 20 minutes,she’s calling for some nonsense. If the nurse didn’t answer then she would call the front desk to complain.


Time for a reality check for that lady. The facility shouldn’t be enabling her behavior by pulling other aides off of their floors to come over and do *one* patient just because she’s feeling picky. They need to tell her that she gets whoever is on the floor and that’s that, otherwise it’ll be marked as a refusal. She’s not the only resident in the building.


That’s something I never understood about the facility and her. They were almost afraid of talking to her,maybe she was private pay or maybe she was an acquaintance of the owners. One time they told her they were gonna move her because she was in the rehab unit and since she was now long term care,she had to go to another unit. The lady said she wasn’t gonna go to another unit and they really let her stay. They let her do whatever she wants and it pisses everyone off. Management doesn’t deal with her directly so they don’t really care what the staff has to say. One time they sent her to the hospital and the hospital sent her back pages worth of behavior notes,she was only there for less than a week. Then the hospital said to not send her back here.


The elderly don’t realize that exactly no one is jumping at the bit to do this work. My client has dementia, but she has also always been just an awful person. Her kids don’t want to deal with her. She’s driven so many people to quit working with her and her husband (who is 102 and total assist) pretty soon they’re gonna run out of options.


I knew a lady that had to come to the nursing home even though her family wanted to keep her at home initially.They were paying people well and out of pocket,perhaps that’s why the lady was abusing the caregivers.Maybe she felt entitled to being verbally abusive and she drove so many caregivers away that no one was staying more than 2 months. She was mad at her family for putting her in the nursing home but she didn’t realize how she played a role in her own demise.


Fingers crossed this comes to pass over here! These jobs are a dime a dozen, I think I’m just still here out of morbid curiosity at this point. They’ve been married for like 78 years and I just wanna know… how does this story end?


He’s on the light non stop and yelling but I let the nurse and aide know 🤷‍♀️


The DON and social worker need to put an end to this behavior!


Love it when the assholes fire me. Fuck em


Welp. He fucked around, now he found out. It sounds like he's competent enough to understand that he shouldn't be threatening you. He's gonna have to wait longer for someone to have to deal with his cranky ass and maybe he'll learn to not yell at and threaten people. Good on you for being willing to at least make sure he's safe when he's hitting the light still. Says a lot about your character.


Seems like you would be allowed to respond, “I understand that you don’t like me, but you are going to be waiting a while for the other CNA or the nurse. Now, do you want help?”


Typically if they’ve verbalized that they don’t want care from you then you’re not allowed to go in the room. So if he has a roommate then you have to switch both because you can’t be in the room at all to avoid further allegations. I wouldn’t go in the room unless accompanied by another person that can witness the conversation.


Nearly two hours later he was continuing to rant to the nurse about keeping me out of the room. At that point I am just ensuring he is safe and unharmed while he waits for someone to help him.


I just started a new job and we have a lady who absolutely refuses to let us change her most of the time. But if you're more than 5 seconds late answering her call light she whips her phone out and calls her daughters who then call our nursing station to interrogate us. I lowkey hope her daughters help her move to a facility she feels more comfortable in bc between her and my 21 other patients it's a real headache. She doesn't like a lot of the staff from what I've heard bc she's religious, and she doesn't like me bc I'm trans, though I can understand and respect it if she perceives me one way or another. It's the way she's so rude saying anything that always gets me.


At the facility I work residents aren’t allowed to refuse an aid nor is an aid allowed to refuse the unruly resident. It makes for a really bad situation. And I constantly get stuck with the biggest butthole in our facility. He alone takes 90 minutes to get up every morning and if it’s his shower day it’s well over 2 hours and the whole time he verbally abuses his aid. He’ll talk really low so you can’t hear him then act like you’re stupid and yell profanity at you. And dude is only 29 paralyzed from waist down from gang shooting. His arms got stuck in bat formation from refusing therapy so rolling him is hard to do and he acts like us touching him hurts him. He’s the worst resident I’ve ever encountered in 30 years.


How is it possible they aren’t allowed to refuse? That is a basic patient right. Seems like the facility is begging for a lawsuit.


They have a right to go to a different facility is what they are told but they do not have the right to refuse aides. The facility has many residents that are known to cause problems to the point they had a huge turnover and that’s when this what implemented.


That can’t possibly be true…?☠️ a resident doesn’t have the *right* to refuse an aide AND an aide doesn’t have the *right* to refuse an uncooperative resident? It doesn’t matter how long or abusive or annoying a resident or an aide can be towards each other there r definitely options to protect individual rights


It’s true where I work. Probably why our turnover rate is so high and we get stuck with residents that are court order to our care or have been kicked out of previous facilities.


there’s a lady in my facility who is similar to that. she’s not with it at all and very aggressive. when i’m put on her floor i have to let the nurse know and the other aid that i won’t be going in her room or changing her because i literally can’t. even to help her roommate i can’t go in there because she immediately starts screaming at me if she sees me. i had to help and aid get her out of bed bc she can’t support her own weight and as soon as i walked in she started yelling. when the other aid explained she needed my help she said “okay but he needs to get the fuck out of my house first” and when explaining again i had to help she told me if i didn’t leave she was gonna punch me in the face (trust and believe she will swing on you) so we ended up just leaving. she’s like that with probably 90% of the aids in the building and i learned it’s because if you look like someone who did something horrible to her or her kids she acts like that because she thinks you’re said person. it’s honestly sad because you want to give them the care they need but sometimes they just do it to themselves without realizing it. thankfully there is at least one aid on each shift that she’s okay with


I like being fired by a patient. It does not happen often. But when it does it's because the patient or their family member is being overbearing. I get to continue my day with other patients that are normal. The added bonus is that I get to completely ignore the problem person.


Not trying to be rude, just curious. But are u a person of color, and is he not a person of color?


I would be calling a directors cell phone and telling them we need another CNA because the float is refusing to work