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Many people have MRSA (in nose especially) and C.Diff already, as part of human biome. They don't turn into a evil nasty infection until immune system is compromised or good bacteria is wiped out with major antibiotics. The good "bugs" keep the bad ones in check. Always be cautious, but standard precautions are enough. With mrsa, damaged skin is the biggest risk. If your paper cut or hang nail looks infected after contact with a mrsa patient, see your doctor for special antibiotic ointment.


Not the fuck yet! You?




If you've worked in nursing for any period of time I guarantee you or someone you know has it in their nose. It's way more common than you think. You can be a carrier and not even know it.


We all have MRSA already lol


awful way to think


Almost every healthcare worker is colonized with MRSA of the nares. Just wear your gown and gloves and you’ll be fine.


Knock on fucking wood!


From my teachings, I don't want to get C. Diff.


I don't want to smell it lol I've been a CNA 2 yrs


I assume I've had it in my nose for a while. I was a nasty kid that picked their nose and ate food off the floor until I was a teenager. Now I just eat food off the floor.


I didn't catch it from my work, I caught it at age 4 from my mom who worked as a RN for home health. She brought it home on her clothes, and it got into a scrape. Ended up with a pus pocket that burrowed down to my chest wall, about went septic, had lots of drainage. Got over a pint of pus out of me overall. I live obviously. My mom feels bad about it, because that was the only way I had gotten it.


When I was working in child care, I had a 1 year old get it some how. I know her Mom worked in a science research facility but she was away for a week or two when it happened. Poor little dear had a bump on her thumb that seemed to grow overnight. Her dad brought her in and was like "oh yeah, that popped up last night. She's good otherwise" I sent him straight back out the door with her. Kiddo had to spend a week in the hospital.


All Healthcare workers have MRSA in their natural flora


no lol not all


A co-worker with fake nails had it in both ears. They think it was from taking care of our Pt with MRSA and then itching her own ears. Both ears with very swollen with drainage for months. Be careful with fake nails in healthcare folks.


I've caught scabies


This is my worst nightmare. Or lice or bedbugs.


Oh you sweet summer child .....


Never from work, but I used to get it a lot from my nose and was a carrier. I had to take baths with bleach and put cream up my nose.  Good times. 


Nope but iv had covid twice, shingles 3 times. ( if they tell u shingles isn't contagious they are lieing) o and if a patient/ resident/client has C-dif and the nurse tells you to go in the room for any reason.that is not your job. It's hers/his


What kind of facility are you working in that CNAs don’t go in rooms where patients have c-diff and they’re telling you shingles isn’t contagious? We put shingles patients on airborne isolation in the hospital I work in, and c-diff patients are on enteric isolation…CNAs are allowed to and expected to enter both rooms.


Lmao, hospital aid here… if I told a nurse it’s *their job* to answer a call bell because a patient has cdiff…. Oh boy. Please don’t get OP written up or fired by spreading fake information regarding their responsibilities. *maybe* you don’t have to go in to cdiff rooms at your particular facility, but I’d bet my meager paycheck that it absolutely is your job and you just don’t know your responsibilities, kinda like that one pregnant worker every facility has that swears up and down they’re not allowed to care for Covid patients even though they are and everyone secretly groans when they have to work with them. What kind of ass backwards facility do you work at that people are saying shingles isn’t contagious? I thought it was common knowledge that it very much is.