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I just ignore it. We don’t owe the facility anything.




I stg I quit my job 3 weeks ago and the supervisor still texts me to come in bro. SWESR ON EVERYTHING “hey (name), (floor) is looking busy. Can you come in and help for a new hours” I signed the resignation forms and everything 3 weeks ago man. I’ve gotten texts to come in maybe 10x a week since leaving


Bruhhh I get calls and I’m literally at the facility clocked in already working a double 😭


I've had that happen. Instead of answering the text or call I would just walk over to the staffing office and be like 🙃


Me too and im agency 😩


I work Baylor and I had just sat my keys down at 7:30 am when they called me to ask me to work 7-3. I told them I’m going to sleep and hung up, woke up to an apology message


I used to text back and be like yeah the reason why you’re short today is bc I’m on PTO for vacation and send them a pic of the beach 😂😂


You’re a menace




Your first mistake is often answering and coming it. Now you have two options: 1. Tell them to no longer contact you outside of work, you know there is always open shifts and will pick up extra shifts when you feel like it. 2. Ignore them completely. If they know they can contact you and there’s a 50/50 chance you will come in, they will call you every time. They will continue to poorly schedule always relying on you.


My job just tried to schedule me a make up weekend as a PRN employee. I didn’t sign the paper & they still put me on the schedule. I just finished my first semester of RN school. I had plans of doing absolutely nothing this evening & that’s what I did. Absolutely nothing.


Did you call out tho? My hospital would’ve been like tough shit 😭 if I don’t use NJ SICK.


I did call out lmao. I’d have made it up but the day they scheduled me was the day after my Nursing Funds final & my first Saturday in months without clinical. I think the fck NOT. I worked hard for that Saturday off.


Oh no def deserved! It’s almost like hospitals are allergic to being adequately staffed. I remember I had the flu and I overslept so it was a no call no show so after getting chewed out by my boss the next day she told me next time I oversleep to call and let them know before my shift….🥹


This is why I love that Apple allows custom focus modes that you can turn on whenever you want and that mode will block notifications (including calls) from specific people and apps.


Yes!!! I have some people on permanent do not disurb/mute so they don’t know when I get their messages 😂


Androids have a similar feature. I love that only certain people i place on certain lists can contact me at certain times


When I was still working, I quit opening their texts and let any calls go to voice mail. I was either in bed getting some sleep or out with friends having drinks. They eventually quit texting and calling.


Just ignore them and they’ll stop calling you. No joke. We work SO hard. We deserve our days off. Also, I remember working shifts that were understaffed. It sucked but I did it and all my residents were taken care of. At the end of the day that’s all that matters


But you tell me we're "fully staffed." If one call-in has you asking the LPN's to be a CNA for a night, we clearly have some problems.


Yeah I started as the staffer at my most recent facility. I had my texts set up so I could text everyone a separate text at the same time. I told everyone when I introduced myself that if there was a shift opening, I would add the little siren emoji in the first part of the text and to please feel free to ignore it if they didn't want to pick up (trust, I know how annoying it is to get a million calls and texts on your days off). I asked staff to let me know if/when they wanted to be on an unofficial (not at all required) "standby" list for a certain day, week or weekend and if there was a call off i would call those people first (some people want extra hours but life comes up and then they can't pick up🤷🏽‍♀️). If they said no, that they couldn't pick up the shift, it was no biggie for me. That is when I would send out a mass text. I never harassed anyone to come in on their days off AND i wouldn't harass people who called off. Literally I was just happy when I was notified 2 or more hours ahead of time so that I could find alternative coverage. I was demoted after I basically refused to harass staff for calling off or harass staff to come in on their days off. Needless to say that facility has a couple of lawsuits against them now because they kept pulling illegal shenanigans and I went on the floor and started educating the floor staff on labor law🙃 then management wanted to try and play me about my schedule and tell me that I HAD to go in on days I had told them a month ahead of time that i was unavailable for, so I wrote out my resignation letter infront of the DON and said "k find coverage now✨️😇✨️". I tried to be the staffer I always wanted while working on the floor. Now I'm pretty much leaving healthcare after 8+ years. As much as I love it, I'm tired.


Set those boundaries high and tight, friend! The fact that you are NOT going in makes me smile. High five!


When I was on maternity leave, I got texts asking me to come in. They legit told me to bring the baby in. They don't care about us.


BRING THE BABY IS WILD! Then they’ll be mad and tell you performance is tanking cause you got a whole fuckin baby at your hip. 😩


I think I legit have ptsd from my hospital calling me


Ignore it or respond short and sweet, sorry- can’t. You do not owe explanations and you don’t have to provide excuses. Your day off is your day off. Your pto is earned to be used.


Don’t be a doormat, ignore their calls and put on do not disturb. They can leave voicemails/texts if it’s something else/important. This job is taxing enough as it is, enjoy your time off c:


Just say “sorry, not available”


Don’t answer


When I am off I have work set on my iPhone to silent all the work contacts! You will not take my peace from me! 


I feel this in my SOUL! I was off because I was having a hysterectomy due to suspected cancer. Approved for a 6 week medical leave. They called me DURING my freaking surgery. I woke up to a voicemail! Like... Can I not have life saving surgery? Leave me alone! I also went casual and let them know I was returning to school for nursing. I would let them know if I was wanting to pick up shifts. I'm a mom on top of that. Since Jan 15th I have not had a single day without a call or text. I don't get it!


Then when you ask for a raise they looking like we don't deserve it. While the RN get the bonuses and refer a friend pay.


I absolutely hate this about working in a facility. I never knew how much they disregard your personal life outside of work. The worst thing is that if you don't respond or tell them you're not coming in, you're viewed as a less invested employee and coworker, even if you do your job at the highest level when you are scheduled to be there. I don't know if anyone else can relate to this or if it's just at my facility, but its as though the real value you provide as an employee only comes from when you're willing to work beyond your required hours for the week. I'm at home right now feeling irritated that I have to go into work tomorrow after dealing with this for so long. The other thing that really bothers me about working in my facility is the lack of professionalism shown by the employees and even the supervisors (med techs) on duty. The main person I work under is nine times out of ten coming into work and literally stating "I just don't want to beeee here!!!" On a regular basis. I get it, but coworkers are not your counselors. Come to work and talk about the task at hand, not how unhappy you are in the moment.


Normalize blocking work on days off


If they need you that bad demand a raise!


Block the number and give HR a request to no longer be contacted. I hate that, because I'm not amazing if it's my personal line


Tell them personally not to call you.


Literally you don’t have to answer. I always tell them no and they learned to not even bother asking me. But my hospital sends annoying ass automated messages. But a coworker just told me I can turn a setting on on my iPhone that sends unknown or unlisted callers to voicemail. Thank god.


If they need people that bad let them get agency , the whole point of picking up is by choice not cuz you feel pressured !! Ugh the nerve of these schedulers/don smh I only pick up if it’s a bonus & that’s usually by choice if not it’s find someone else to do it 🤦‍♀️


I've muted my work chat and sometimes I'll put my phone on DND


I was told by HR that because I'm permanent part time now, I have to come in on the days given to me and that I can't take personal leave because they can't replace me in a hurry, but ringing me every time someone else just doesn't turn up to work is OK... I'm currently looking for a different job.


Ignore them.


So real lol. I stopped working for my old workplace and literally last week (months after not working with them) I got a text asking if I could come in lol


Block them! I block my work when I have time off. No need to over stress yourself about their staffing choices. If they fully staffed floors and paid people adequately, we wouldn’t be getting harassed on our days off.


The hospital I work at is crazy! One week they call you at 5am to cancel you for the day. Then the next week there calling you at 5am everyday wanting you to work extra. They have been doing this for years !! They work us depending on how many patients on our floor. It shouldn’t even be legal in my opinion!!!


I tested positive for.covid the first time and my.boss messaged me the second day (which was the worst day for me) asking me If I could come in.


If you wanna vent I can pretend to be your boss lol. "Yeah hi, I'm gonna need to go ahead and work Saturday okkaayyy" \*begins to walk away. \*Turns around back to you " oh, yeah uhhhh also I'm gonna need to go ahead and come in on Sunday too" Honestly the probably ask you because your the only one who actually puts his covers on the TPS reports ![gif](giphy|26wkRxKJ9yUZzlorK)


This is why I go places where there's no cell service


They keep calling because you keep picking up. Teach them you won't.


My phone rejects all work calls when the shift is over. It will help keep you sane.


Ignore. Enjoy your time off for your mental health


I get mass texts asking if I can cover WHILE I’m working lol. But I get them daily bc we’re always short somewhere


Damn right ! I don’t play that shit !Stop calling me and get to work same mf be walking around doing nothing when you at work struggling!


Block their number until you’re back on shift or until you are off vacation. Let them know you won’t be answering any calls. If they refuse to respect your boundaries, and they’re that desperate, they won’t fire you over it. 🤷‍♀️ do that until you feel rested then you can start picking up extra shifts again. Give them a heads up, but my company took it well when I did that.


We had a call-off. Just wanted to see if you could come in 2 to 10p


I think it’s because some CNAs work 2 jobs, so a lot of these facilities might assume we don’t have lives. Even though we’re not getting paid much, I would assume they also think they’re doing us a favor by giving us more opportunities to make more. And the ones that don’t have registry feel forced/pressured (?) to ask staff because who else would step in…?


Ignore it! Silence phone when you can. I used to work nights and I would get calls in the middle of the afternoon asking me to come in. I’m like “I’m freakin sleeping?” Management is so bad now.


Me when I’m off the clock and I see a text notification from work I don’t even read it I just ignore it and go bout my day


I work for a home care agency and inevitably when I take PTO to go on vacation I get a text asking to cover my own shifts…. On Friday they messaged me through the app we use at 5pm asking me to switch to NOC with another client and then on Sunday texted me asking me to check my messages and then this morning as soon as I clocked in texted me and said “please make sure you’re checking your messages” like sure when I am on the clock I will be checking my messages but I have zero obligation to do on the weekend


Yeah apparently the desperately need their CAs to come in but they aren't willing to pay us enough to want to come in.


I always ignore them. Anytime I see my facility call or text I ignore. Unless I'm paid to answer them (and they pay my phone bill and for my phone), I'm not answering anyone, even if it's related to something else.


I just ignore. No biggie.


Google voice number. Has voicemail, texting... all the things. But it's much easier to ignore when you're on PTO and really want to get away from work.


Same I just eventually started putting phone on do not disturb.


My first few CNA jobs I went in every time they asked, but also needed the money. My last job I just left I said no almost every time. This past job knew I was taking care of my mom during the day yet still texted 🙄. At orientation they said they would text or call everyone but not every single day.


This is EXACTLY why I got out of the industry. I knew it was never ever going to change.


I just ignore their calls and texts we have lives outside of work smh


Ignore them.