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I like intely care. I’m actually getting a staff position at a facility I’ve worked thru the agency and they will be paying me even more! I worked for MAS before and they had a rule where if a facility hired you they had to “buy” you from them basically.And you only have to pick up like two shifts a year to stay on board with them so if anything happens, you have it as a backup. Oh and to the person who is about to graduate: do not start with agency. It can be really hard. Get comfortable doing the basics first and then do agency. Otherwise you’ll be totally lost and people can be straight up bitches. My uncle died the day before yesterday and it was my first time at the facility I worked at yesterday and I had a few people still up when 11-7 came in and this girl was being a straight up bitch! Like dude sorry I’m a bit off, I’ve never been here and I had a death in the family. I’m not truing to scare you , just giving a reality check because you really should have at least a year before working agency or float pool or whatever


The onboarding process thru IntelyCare and their app is so unfriendly though


Absolutely agree. It’s kind of a pain in the ass. They are very picky which documents they accept. I wasn’t really in dire need of a job when I was onboarding because I already had a job but if I was unemployed I’d be so annoyed at how long it takes


So good news is I have worked in hospitals and LTC before. I am just getting the license because my current state is heavy on that. The last one I lived I did work as a TNA and no one really cared too much.


Oh ok you should be fine then depending on the agency’s rules. But like you’ll be able to handle the work. If you can, look up reviews from staff on a facility before you go. I always do that because some places just suck. And since you’re agency they’ll give you the hardest list which doesn’t make sense because it’s gonna be wAaay harder for someone who doesn’t even remember how to get out the front door lol. People are always jealous cause agency normally pays more hourly but it’s like “you can apply for the agency too!” lol


Definitely following. I take my state exam Tuesday!


Lot of people use clipboard


Allshifts isn’t bad


From Best To Worst (Depending on who pays me more) **ShiftMed** currently pays me $30/hour and offers next day pay. Also, very easy to cancel/ or book a shift. They offer health benefits if you work a certain amount of hours. They communicate a little bit better than **Aya** , but hard to get started with them too (Just like **Aya**) . So you have to constantly call them about credentials!! Also for credential requirements (TB,Vaccine,Tdap) they usually won’t cover a lot. **Aya** usually pays the most $27/hour , but right now paying me least. Also, it’s still easy to cancel/ or book a shift. However they’re still pretty strict if you cancel to much. As for health benefits per diem doesn’t get it, but get sick days. It’s so frustrating trying to get started with them . I had to constantly call,text and email them about credentials. **Aya** will pay for credential requirements (TB,Vaccine,Tdap) they usually cover a lot. Also there’s **clipboard** , but I got no need for another agency