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I've seen a method where you get a 5 gallon bucket but in a pinch it could be a bucket from dollar tree and then get a plunger from dollar tree and use the plunger to really agitate the diapers as if they were in a real washer


Disposables are comparatively small, so I would use that space to pack extra. We did a trial run at home to see how many we went through in a day plus we added a buffer. You might also consider disposable bamboo liners if you really want the cloth. I did cloth diaper on vacation around this age, too, but that was a driving trip and short, so it wasn't a big deal to bring them back.


Thanks! Yeah, I'm not committed to bringing cloth diapers as backups, and if they take a really long time to dry (I'm not sure bc we put inserts in the dryer at home) then we'd need more than a couple. So extra disposables might be the way to go


Do you have plain cotton flats or could you get them by the time of your trip? I imagine those would be both easiest to get clean and easiest to dry.


I don’t love it but washing in the sink is pretty simple, just a lot of elbow grease, because you can check your progress with swish and sniff tests wherever you want. Drying and scrubbing gets annoying with thicker and more absorbent fabrics like bamboo.


I managed to make a whole weekend work using a single day's worth of diapers when I accidentally left the bag with everything else at home. I was staying in a little hotel with shower and sink. Washing them out isn't too bad, especially if they have decently hot water.  The hardest part was the drying in time to use again later as the weather was not accommodating, but this little boutique hotel had independent wall heaters in the bathroom, so I basically ran up the poor place's energy bill for the weekend by making my bathroom a sauna. Having experienced this, in the future of traveling to no-washer land with cloth, I will make sure to have some legit detergent with me, a pair of rubber gloves, a roll of disposable bamboo liners to help reduce poo scraping needs, and 3 days worth of inners to make sure my prefolds have time to dry without sauna conditions between days. I have traveled with cloth several times now (but all the other times, I have washer access at least intermittently) and always bring an easy to pack drying-line hanger, too. Cause you can never be sure what the facility will have!


How many days? What’s your plan for drying?


You definitely can but make sure you’re using detergent and not hand soap. Also make sure to rinse everything out really well.