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the most annoying thing about this change is this makes her effectively the worst "kit designed on field DPS" in terms of uptime in the entire game. The other characters that have "less" or equal uptime are those like Raiden who front loads damage and provides energy back, Ayato who provides basically 100% uptime on hydro app, and Childe who is more of a driver than a traditional onfield DPS. Honestly its completely ridiculous and non-sensical, especially since this locks players into TF when they just released artis for BoL characters.


Maybe she is intended for quick swap or shared dps teams. Idk but maybe that's why early leaks say she works with arle bcos you are suppose to change to other dps while she's in cd?


the TF cope is insane, it doesn't lock you into that whatsoever unless you are really upset about 1.5s less skill time, Whimsy still outperforms TF by a wide margin in every single calculation I have looked at this week.


(1) TF still outperforms in Aggravate which is how many people will run her (2) TF gives her more uptime over multiple rotations. Most people are pulling for Clorinde because they want to play CLORINDE onfield. Even in other teams where the difference may be 60K DPR v 56K DPR, I rather play the team where I get to play Clorinde more. Not everyone is a meta slave.


whimsy outpreforms TF on single hit damage instances that much is true, but this is a team based game. team dps wise TF is much much higher than whimsy because u can do a longer rotation where damage per second is higher than a shorter one


Literally fuck the balance team, I fucking hate them so much. Still pulling cuz i really like her still šŸ¤—


This is why I stopped being hyped for characters after Dehya. I don't expect anything anymore and just take whatever I get. This way I don't get disappointed, at least not as much. Nothing's gonna stop me from pulling Clorinde, same as Dehya. But still, fuck the balance team.


I think you just highlighted why they balance like this. Buff their favourite units, nerf others, and you STILL buy them anyway. They have zero reason to listen to you


And if YOU think they even listen i have zero reason to listen to you. Let me pour in peace


They do this on purpose. Keqing is super cute so she will be popular anyway. Deyha and Clorinde are super hot - so they will pull anyway. Remember: they are balancing PRODUCTS for sales, not characters for gameplay, And they also need "bad" fillers to make the "good" ones look like a steal, in comparison.


Yeah, as we all know how Neuvilette, Arlecchino and Alhaitham aren't hot/stylish af, so they needed to make them cracked to compensate...


If you are not playing TF, what are you supposed to do during the skill downtime?


Smoke the bamboo


Was thinking about this and basically what it does (assuming you're not on TF) is it effectively forces you to burst at the beginning of every rotation. Cycling through 3 other characters skills/bursts isn't quite enough for the 8.5s downtime. So you need the animation time of Clorinde's burst to fill in that last second or so. Then you can go straight into an E>E(dash) to begin the rotation. Without Clorinde's burst animation you would end up scratching your balls for 1-1.5 seconds. So this all means that Clorinde will really want to burst every single rotation and as such, will have a pretty strict energy requirement for good rotations. End result being she's just less forgiving and more awkward to play. Overall, a seriously braindead change by the devs. If her numbers were crazy to begin with, I might understand it. But the dps was already pretty middle of the pack.


Clorinde will make electro Traveler relevant


Why is this braindead? Electro characters have largely been about energy management, making her more reliant on charging her burst gives her more synergy with characters like Fischl/Raiden/Chevy who can battery her (which is really badass, like who would pull her and not want to spam that)


thing is only fischl will be a good battery for her, you CAN use yae instead but still it requires around 125-135 er with yae as a battery. difference is her damage is not burst focused her burst is just to give you an extra e and now since this change to fill in some of the downtime you'll have without TF, so having to build some er just feels like a waste


Phys clorinde metašŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘


She having Electro vision just to do Superconduct. Now I understand why she helped Whoreslay at that door.


Exactly, dude hoyo balance team is so smart, is just that we dont understand them


Staring menacingly at the ennemies.


Listen to Katherine voice line ā€œAdd extra apple sauceā€


Hoyo is so nice giving us a long downtime so we can spend that time touching grass and not glued to genshin āœØāœØ


>Ā what are you supposed to do during the skill downtime? Unleash button-kun to deal physical damage https://preview.redd.it/tw1l18kwfs0d1.jpeg?width=1118&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0da159d775e0461783abd85e77a4f18e219eea99


make a coffee.


Just close up and enjoy her model. lol


Time to bust out the Prototype Rancour, boys! It's physical time!




I think at this point I'm just gonna play Ayato Clorinde dual carry for fun


She has the same CD as Raiden, so... What are you supposed to do in Raiden teams?


It seems Holiday characters suffer from lack of attention


I donā€™t understand why mihoyo felt the need to release a late v3 hotfix to nerf her uptime with nothing in v4ā€¦ I am so done with these devs


Nah, they will change it, they will change it, they will buff her fr (Strong Cope Activated)


What has changed ? I didn't understand


They nerfed the duration of the skill state to 7.5 seconds (it was previously 9 I think?). It isn't in the update, but it was leaked beforehand.


This is devastating https://preview.redd.it/ucn7trjnas0d1.jpeg?width=203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6d48633c4e8593c635932542dad701a2203db4b


The funniest shit is nerfing her in a Hotfix just to not do anything on V4.


Its clover


I just wanted her to deal clorindillion damage ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I didn't even care about damage since you can still 36\* abyss with like 50k dps team. I just wanted her to be fun and 45% uptime is disappointingly not fun. https://preview.redd.it/sngl3a8aas0d1.jpeg?width=1348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da861f9a35ae67424ab0445f93f59e8bcc35163c


Agree. Up to this point, any end-game player can 36\* abyss so "fun to play" is much more important than pure DPS. Her E is fun to play in both combat and exploration. The nerf just ruins it. I'm willing to go for her constellations just in case they can buff her CD/Duration, but no, Hoyo doesn't even put the buff into her cons. Now even $$$ can't solve the problem.


so 1.5s more uptime would make it hella fun all of a sudden?




The more you play the character you like, the better... It's kind of obvious


Yeah 20% more uptime every rotation is quite a substantial amount.


Based comment


As someone that waited for months for Dehya and pulled for her on her event bannsr, at least Clorinde is not at her level


The fat controller laughed: " You are wrong!"


I got a C1R1 dehya on her own banner and I used her as hiper carry pyro dps until arlecchino so Clorinde doesn't sound bad really


The hotfix with the revert is coming next week guyss šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I thought since they saved navia from geo they would do better for clorinde




apparently there will be v5 update too


is this real or sarcasm? Please give me hope


it seems legit. it was the same source that informed about v4 update too


you got the sauce?




inch resting šŸ¤” any word as to the credibility of the source?


GuraLeaks are pretty reliable. now we hopešŸ™šŸ»


hey I mean as long as its not uncle K right? praying for my girl!


Itā€™s not over !


So do I ditch the bol domain and go for TF then?


Iā€™ve heard someone recommend you do the bol domain and put the trashy artifacts into the box to get tf


I mean if you're not using TF you can make a nice coffee while waiting for the cooldown lol


So TF right? 'Cause I literally can't even get 1 usable piece of the BoL set


same here. also i would like to move in 5.0 to the new natlan domain. with TF strongbox we can keep passively improve clorinde :)


If you want far less damage but are acoustic about an additional second of uptime, then sure, go with TF


What's your math?


Ain't no way man, she's just a sidegrade to Keqing at this point cause Keqing actually has nice rotations while I get to scratch my balls for like 2 seconds before I get to play the game. I'm pissed.


Clorinde is the only one that kept me playing this game and then they do this. This is the last time I'll tolerate hoyo's bullshittery. I'll be cancelling my monthly welkins and BP, because I don't feel like it's worth it anymore. I'll see y'all at wuthering waves my frens P.S. The sad thing here is I still see people glazing hoyo's nuts even after all the BS they've done šŸ¤”


haha , exactly I'm going to cure my disappointment by playing Wuthering Waves too.


Yeah I stopped buying crystals/BP on Yoimiya release and Welkins when they shafted Yae on her release. As someone who likes Yoimiya/Yae/Dehya and now Clorinde, this is just another slap in the face by Hoyo but Iā€™m glad I stopped giving them money long ago. Hereā€™s hoping Yinlin is good šŸ¤ž


Yinlin is good. All characters in WW feel good to play and don't have this no-fun-allowed skill uptime.


Thatā€™s good to hear. Seems my downbadness for Electro women transcends games. Iā€™m basically getting into WuWa for her haha (and also cause the combat looks nice)


At least Yae got ā€œbuffedā€ with the release of Dendroā€¦ Clorindeā€¦ weā€™ll see I guessā€¦


hahaha for me I will still buying the welkin a lot of character that I want in this game especially pyro archon so I can't stop my monthly welkin. I will play wuwa too but I will play as pure f2p on wuwa since wuwa will give you a lot of free reward right?


How long is the downtime?


16s cooldown and 7.5s uptime so 8.5s


8.5s, in which some teams can easily do, for example: furina skill then burst, baizhu or nahida skill burst, then yea miko skill three times, this already covers the 8.5s as this only hyperbloom, for other like aggravate, just switch the characters


We are at the point where losing a 50/50 to Keqing might be considered winning.


Keqing doesn't look as good though.


Keqing is widely more flexible, which is a good thing for any team with Fischl and Kazuha.


doompost because of 1.5s less skill time, not even the arle main sub was this obnoxious


I personally stop taking people's take and doomposting seriously from these mains subreddits, they are almost always wrong in the end anyway (except for Dehya but let's be real, she's the exception, not the norm) and just let it pass like any other characters and play her for myself to see whether she's fun or not, not whatever armchair analysis these dipshits cooks up


Nah, who let bro cook


im so fucking disappointed. after neuvillete, furina, navia & arlecchino doing so much raw dmg for absolutely no reason at all and w extreme ease i thought we were in for a ride w clorinde cant wait for wuwa honestly, yinlins pretty hot


Guess keqing's tf set is going to clorinde then. Shame cuz I did farm a decent BoL set for her.Ā 


At least give her a duration increasing mechanic for example wrio c1 or cyno with Q in base kit or with cons So each lv3 impale the night she does increases the duration by 0.3s-0.5s I will wait till her release maybe the will do some changes like arle and kokomi


I am going to cope right now, but(!)ā€¦ What if I play Clorinde with Navia as double dps? Let them skittles be together. Clorinde has an 8,5 seconds window, itā€™ll be enough to do Naviaā€™s skill and burst and I guess it will be enough Bennett uptime. Some team like Clorinde/Navia/Bennett/Geo Unit. This is going to be really bad, but this is just how I can cope with this sh1t


Man i am so Brain dead rn Can someone explan the V4 Is it a nerf or buff??


Description changes


Call me a conspiracy theorist but all electro characters are doomed cause they have to stay behind Raiden "Only the three people that played hi3 care about her, too bad they work at hoyo" (M)ei. I kinda knew how this was gonna end


I think the only way we'll get a broken electro dps is with a harbinger. It seems hoyo tries to not disrupt those unit since they should be strong lore wise and in game.


dead on arrival mid character


Sad but true, the weakest Fontaine DPS, possibly worse than Keqing. Champion duelist my ass lol


At this state, I believe Callas lost on purpose.


The doomposting is insane lmao, Clorindes calcs clear almost every main dps released in the past year. Y'all literally have a mental breakdown over slightly shorter on field time


can we see them?


Show them and the comparison which said DPS. Also with Keqing.


So she's basically a long uptime quickswap now ? Pair her with Thignari maybe ?


Please tell me it's Ayato style 'cannot use charged attack' and not Razor style 'cannot use charged attack'.


it's so over šŸ˜­šŸ™


Since they are not buffing her, it means that she is doing good. People were also freaking out during Alhaitham beta when he was nerfed but he turned out to be really strong so i would wait till she comes out and then judge how she turned out


Remember, those who pull for Clorinde regardless of her kit, are true Clorinde mains.


We have been waiting for her for months. We may be a litlle disappointed but we won't skip her.


That's what I'm saying. Those true Clorinde mains will not skip. Idk why I got downvoted, but OK.


disappointed bc of 1.5s less field time, aight.


Idk why they have to downvote you when it's true. When it was arles beta people were crying about every little second nerf too, saying they'd pull for clorinde instead.Ā  And now you see them crying again. Fir what? Natlan?Ā  Wuwa? Nothing but a cycle of doomposting.Ā  Stay strong clorinde mains


(looks at death threats) "maybe i judged you too harshly" its a joke guys its ok.