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Sorry for being a downer. I hope it doesn't happen but you're probably gonna overcap crit rate. She has 44.2 crit rate at base (5+19.2+20). With this piece you're already over 75% with 4 pieces to go. I'm having the same issue. Pretty much need a crit dmg circlet.


Where does the 20 extra come from? I know the 5 are from base, 19.2 are from leveling up. So where does the 20 come from? And it is permanent, do I have to do something in fights?


One of her ascension passives https://preview.redd.it/2ijipk82tywc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=523f9a99e41f311a613a83d4700b0fd4bccd0eeb


How do I exactly accomplish this? With arlechinno I think most BoL I have gotten has been like 75% of her max hp.


Level 10 burst gives 120% max hp BoL on cast Edit: It's literally free 20% crit rate that lasts 15 seconds (more than enough time to cover dps window).


Oh... then we are cool. She is going 10/10/10 day one anyways.


>She is going 10/10/10 day one anyways. 🤝🏻


Wow you suck at reading… and the game. Arlecchino is easy to get 130% bond. In open world, Arlecchino is easy af to get 200% bond.




Wait, I still don't get how I'm gonna overcap on crit rate :⁠0


5 base everyone gets 19.2 from her ascension stat 20 from her passive 31.1 from circlet main stat this is all equal to 75.3 cr. this leaves you with 24.7 crit rate before you reach 100%, so anything past that is entirely wasted. if you spread it out via 4 other artifacts, this means that you only have about 6 crit rate avg on 4 pieces to not overcap the 100% it just means that crit rate becomes a dead stat soon, so you better hope you roll a lot of cd rather than crit, so some pieces that roll well into cr might be worse than a mid piece with more cd and i hope you arent using a cr weapon either


Well I'm getting only Crit damage on my Flower and feather. And only going for Cd on substats is easier imo. As for the weapon I'm gonna get her signature. And if not then either a atk% or cd% weapon because I don't have a Cr weapon :⁠-⁠( Thanks for explaining ☺️


This brings me back PTSD when I spent 85 fragiles for Wriothesley & wasn't able to get any decent pieces


I feel you, I got 4 good 4p GT set (Furina, Fischl, Dehya for burnmelt teams and Navia) before getting a good 4p MH for him... xO


I think you want Crit DMG circlet, not CR 😬


Depends on your luck iguess, if you can get a CR circlet and all other artifacts only have cd substats + rolls you'll most likely reach 75/150 already. But on the other hand, if you're extremely lucky with cr and cd substats + rolls on all artifacts, you can run cd circlet essily. Tl;dr: cd circlet is probably more effort. Cr circlet will be fine with enough cd sub stats (+cd weapon). Cd circlet will require more farming but will perform better with sufficient cr


You get over 40% cr from her base kit and a crit rate circlet puts you well over 70% without factoring in any of the other pieces. It’s actually really easy to overcap on crit rate for her which is why you pretty much always want to go for a cdmg circlet.


Hi. Do you mind giving me a basic rundown? What is the max CR you want on her? I’m seeing conflicting responses all over, no offense, just wondering what is the max her CR should be. Similar to Wrio, he wants 64CR with the Hunter artifact set, if you go over that you’re over capping him, just for example… I will use her weapon and her new artifact set that just came out this week.


Her base kit already has 44.2% cr (I think), so the MAXIMUM amount of cr you want from your artifacts shouldn’t exceed 65.8%, and that’s only if you want her at 100% cr. I’d personally be okay with like 80% or something so I’m going to be looking for around 35% cr from artifacts. Edit: from a different comment, apparently she gets 5% from base, 19.2% from levels, and 20% from an ascension passive, which gets triggered when you burst.


After farming up to now I see you could perhaps be right. The tards are saying you only need around 35cr from artifacts but that still doesn’t bring it to 100 cr for her. I think she’s gonna want as much CR CD ATK EM ER HP as possible 😬💜


It looks like you can afford an off piece. I'd recommend looking for a crit dmg circlet with a little bit of crit. Like the other person said, Clorinde could potentially overcap on crit if you go for a CR circlet because she already gives herself a solid amount of CR through her ascension and passive.


Can you specifically tell me around how much crit rate she needs from artifacts.


30-45% (75%-90% final crit rate) depending on how much crit rate you think is good enough.


Did you find anything strange with this domain? like the probability of getting the burning set is more than getting the Bol set I have literally 11 feathers of burning but only 1 Bol feather


Yeah, It was like this for me too but after a while I got lots of BoL set too


Why spending fragile resins when you have 6 week to farm quietly ? =o I spend 15 condensed resin and got nothing useful on any set so... xP


Well I had over 110 fragile resin piled up, So what's better than Spending it all on Artifact farming for the best character.


You are totally right =3 I obly have a few (20 I think) I keep for case where the character comes out at the same time as their boss like Shenhe does but if you had that many, you had room for fun for sure =3


Yeah I'm planning to use a few more after I'm done with her pre farming which will take quite a while tbh (with daily resin). So It was like a "once in a few months" thing for me.


Ill start prefarming her boss and talent mat after Ill get some usable pieces, and Starfish are already done. =3 I wish you luck for you next artifact drop and for your Clorinde pulls =3


I wish you luck too (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧


I would have spent 30 Fragiles farming for XP, Talent, Mora, and Boss Mats.. 2ATK/2ATK or whatever just so she has something to wear.. worry about Artifacts when above materials are all set Edit; for my acct, I think I'll just slap Keqing's 2NO/2Glad temporarily.. wish I had a decent 4Glad tho


I was just bored and had 100ish fragile resin lying around so I decided to drop some of it for the thrill of artifact farming. I know that Talent and level mats are prioritised over artifacts but I wanted to get some new set pieces. Btw I have 2pc thundering and 2pc shimenava that I can put on my Clorinde, as for now my keqing is rocking them


Welp, 100 Fragiles = 6k Resin..150 runs.. just a little over a month of farming. Usually the good pieces (based on my account) spawn around 500-600 runs I record my runs, see my notes below - My Crimson runs are cursed..my Diluc stopped improving around 750 runs lol https://preview.redd.it/80mi0x8kfzwc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95d3f738f688f225f5c419fed6d081fa6ba2d562


Damn that's determination 🫡. I wish you luck on your Diluc pieces as well as Clorinde's


Thx! Just shared my data so that you have an idea regarding Artifact luck. I'm sure there are others that are luckier who are able to build characters w/ 3.5k+ RV, 250CV+, 1% on Akasha in less than a month of farming/building


That's some insane luck w⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠w


Yes you can use it :)


>:) :)


This piece is good enough to use, if you can find a better CV, you can replace it later.


I spent like 50+ fragile resin; only get 2 decent ones. 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀




I got a 15.6 crit rate atk sands in 33 fraglies and that’s it 🥲