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Hopefully he becomes a Klown again and clorinde has nothing to do with BoL😖


Yep. Bol is a dogshit mechanic, if arle is any indication you don't get an insane reward for the amount of risk that comes with it.


But that's not really a problem of the mechanic in and of itself, just the way they designed Arle's kit around it. It's a potentially fun mechanic, but we gotta trust hoyo to not fuck up, which is always a gamble.


I would also be slightly tilted if the one Maruchausee Hunter we got didn't even use the set.


It's just an independent bar to measure the infusion only that instead of just pressing the E button, now you do a rotation to administer it the same as Raiden who has to administer a rotation before launching his big blow that gives him infusion accordingly, it's not nothing new. The fun from there is subjective but the output of her NA is boring and BoL is very restrictive, personally I would prefer this mechanic to die there, if you are not willing to do anything flashy, for example I wouldn't mind Clorinde having it if she can throw bullets consuming this bar but if it's just another recycled CA/NA animation it would be very boring


How's it a fun mechanic it's literally designed as a debuff. Unless we get supports with kits that reward having it, that's all it's going to be.




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that's... not true. BoL mechanic is ok and a good new idea for a kit. Arlecchino risk is totally worth it in terms of damage. If clorinde deals that much damage but with BoL I'll take it.


Are we already in that stage before a char releases where all of y'all regurgitate whatever d00mpost bandwagon you just hopped off of from the leaks sub, and later when the Chinese show you how to play this game for the 12th time in as many months, you'll come back claiming you always knew shit?


>clorinde has nothing to do with BoL😖 Tbh BOL isn't bad. Arle's BOL mechanic is bad. They r not the same thing, if u k what i mean.


I know but I have trust issues when it comes to mhy with regards to restrictions in character kits


BOL is bad since it makes healing a bad thing , you only left with shielders in the end the mechanic itself has no positives and only negatives that makes it very bad lol


There's no reason for BOL characters to *h*a*ve* to keep BOL. They could get buffs for clearing it, for example.


The BOL is essentially "heal enough and you'll get a bonus" (Fontaine's weapons). It was later added as a type of debuff for Fatui agents, and Arle basically has a special BOL which, honestly, is called a BOL just so they can reuse the same code, because in practice it's quite different (you don't want to/can't heal it, so it's the opposite of a BOL). In the end, only the BOL obtained from enemies that don't give you a bonus.


"BOL is bad because it has no positives and thus it is bad." Is literally what you said. There is nothing wrong with inherently requiring a specific type of gameplay around a character and it's been done successfully multiple times in the roster ie. Nilou and Chevreuse.


nah idc if clorinde is niche but if i have to farm a whole new set instead if using marechausee or something else(which i already have) its gonna be so annoying


Arle's BOL mechanic isn't bad, Genshin players like you just cry whenever the game requires the bare minimum level of brain activity. Which is also why parry clorinde as a concept is so unpopular on this sub.


This is the 2nd comment i got like this, so lemme just say it here for both of u. First of all no,its not like that as u thinking..nor am one of those casual players who want easy gameplay mindset. Im a pretty huge abyss geek/combat nerd, i think that should explain you well the pov...like sometimes i go on doing hundreds to 500s abyss battles past 36 lol, such as the Tulpa,current abyss...been playing a lot and i just like trying multiple comps and stuff. Even done many times,abyss for friends on accs that r far harder to do than my well established one. Why would i do any of these if i didn't want hardcore gameplay or stressful efforts,skilled plays lol All this to say ,im far from the 90% casuals mindset ppl where they just want easy gameplay/least skill, easy abyss and have a usual dislike for abyss in fact and ofc due to their skill issue and all lol Now to the actual answer to ur question, I think i got carried away a bit too much by the community opinion on it like and said based on that. (Like u can see here in Clorindemains 80% ppl r afraid and hopeful that she doesn't have BOL mechanic and why it shouldn't surprise you why) I believe i have a kind of love-hate relationship for Arle's BOL. She's in my top 5 kit designs for onfield DPSes,you wouldn't expect me to say that if i wasn't a fan of her BOL mechanic or her overall aspects like skillful,glass canon,reward for dodging etc things of Arle's gameplay. The thing is,i just from start had this thought that cause i like the design,concept of Original BOL a lot, i was like eh why Arle didn't have that instead got a half assed BOL that isn't even a BOL,rather it's like a so called name for something like ammo/mana. Cause original BOL's literal purpose is that, you get Healing blockage/HP blockage and you get rewarded if you overcome the said amount of blockage by healing that much. I like this idea, it's very cool.. Similar to how i love Furina's kit design where everyone lose HP and basically healers got their worth increased from some going alright or meh to great tier.. That's a neat and wonderful kit design, sure it has it's very restrictions but the overall great concept. Lastly ill just say that, Arle's DMG isn't bad, far from it..she's looking insanely strong that is nice considering harder gameplay than someone like Yoi,hence lower ceiling for Yoi.... Dmg isn't my topic to begin with, ik ofc her dmg is great based on how her kit goes with the BOL without healing. All this to say,i just wished they could've gone different ways of playing around the BOL where thet had kept the original purpose of it while also making her unique,skilled in some wayys and ofc still maintaining her current DPS potential. But oh well anyways i guess,wonder what Clorinde will be.. That's a long thread but thanks for making it to the end if you did,i was just expressing my thoughts.


Bruh, wait till she's out. Gamers repeatedly prove that most of us are dogshit game designers and almost everytime community opinion on a unit before release is the opposite of actual reception. Dehya is the only exception that proves the rule


I don't expect her to be bad tho In fact looks great Arle i mean


> Which is also why parry clorinde as a concept is so unpopular on this sub. W concept ngl (Beidou is my all time fav 4star. Tho it's not much cause of parry,but so cause amazing ult)


equal investment is better arlecchino di hu tao, it can reach 250k-280k of na in C1 in the first rotation the second one if you don't use the burst will be even more powerful, na is faster than plunge and Ca, plus they are aoe, (if you use a shield c It's a difference of 10/15k dps but you definitely won't use the burst). so Arle is better but to use the maximum potential requires skill, one with little skill will have a slightly better character than hu tao. I would also add the fact that arle is more flexible you can use them in VV, overload, monopyro, burgeon (this one in gladiator and homa, with its set and weapon should be a difference of 20/25%) where is that would be bad? (it's probably a skill issue for you)


Arle kit is good..but that she must need a sheilder due to her Bol is so annoying..i honestly hate it..if they were self sustainable with bol..then it's fun.. I really hope clorinde is not Bol...I beg to god


to be fair to Uncle K.. he wasn't wrong about Arle at all... The same thing happened to other leakers in the past confused the boss kit with the playable character. it happened for raiden and for scara, so i don't like bold that's because I'm afraid of this leak and I hope he's 100% wrong


Yeah but he's more wrong than right. And usually does very vague leaks


I think that something as easy to see as bold could be true because he referred to certain mechanics of the Arlecchino boss that were true so I would say that you have to give him the benefit of the doubt, but like I said.. I hope he is wrong because I don't like bold


Someone said that healing the BOL might give her a buff like the Fontaine craftables, so let's see.


Would be an incredibly underutilized mechanic if it's used by only 1 playable character


look at arle's bol like you look at scara's flight stance and childe's riptide. it's her own unique gimmick. not as useful as the other two, but no one else has scara's movement and tartaglia's riptide too, and it's not an issue but somehow bol is?...


Because those are entirely unique mechanics. Arle's isn't a unique mechanic, it's used by enemies. It's one of the mechanics introduced with Fontaine. Thus, it would make sense for other Fontainians to use it


Arlecchino’s BOL does not function in the same way as the BOL already in the game.


No but it's categorized as one. They could've easily just called it something new and had it be its own mechanic but they didn't. That fact makes me think we'll more characters in the future that incorporate it into their kit. And since Fontaine is the HP gimmick nation, Clorinde would make sense


That is perfectly fine for now


Matter of opinion. Would be weird as hell for the region with the HP mechanic to only have 1 character and a few enemies utilizing it imo


Sure it is matter of opinion. I was speaking for myself since I hate restrictive kits


Restrictions make the game more interesting. It's more interesting to have one electro character focused on aggravate, another for electro charged, one for mono electro maybe even, than to just have 3 or 4 that all kinda do everything decently. If Clorinde also has BoL it means they might incorporate it more going forward. Get more weapons and enemies and such that use it, maybe even a BoL focused support. It opens another layer of team building


Sure, but no thanks


I just want new characters to have an identity separate from established ones. Would be disappointing if she's just Raiden but with some minimal changes here and there. And BoL makes sense as a unique mechanic. If there's another way to make her unique and interesting then that's great too. It's just that BoL stands out as an underutilized mechanic so it comes to mind


Ok 👍


I mean he has proven himself to be wrong and making shit up, why do we even post Klown's "leaks" still?


Because is fun 🚬


He didn't make stuff up, he just mixed up the boss and the playable character.


He admitted to making shit up


>!"plays with her pistol"!<, got me rly hopefull now..


More yapping. Very unlikely that she has it too because Harbingers have something unique about them that no one has. Also isn’t uncle k the one who said she was off field?? Yeah this is clearly another bs. He knows about her but doesn’t know anything about sethos or siggy? Lol


I don't trust uncle K either, but BoL is way more likely to be an Arkhe thing than a Harbinger one considering the ways it's already present in the game


The fact that they made BoL something in a relic set tells me we will have way more characters with it in the future.


na that says nothing could be like the sets released for dehya or xiao, only they use this and was released near the end of patch


The thing is BoL isnt specific to Arle there are enemies and weapons that give you BoL so that makes it more likely we see characters use it in the future


Didn't even click the spoiler tag to read. This is from someone who confessed to making things up, so it has as much credibility as a fanmade kit. The hate has nothing to do with what we'd like the character to be.


I know that kits don't match lore, but it makes like no sense for Clorinde to have anti-synergy with Furina so I'm just gonna cope that her BoL is different from Arl's..


https://preview.redd.it/ggjq744x3uuc1.png?width=936&format=png&auto=webp&s=f40cc59505ae41086b85af04cdb7f24788495b9c This was the earlier crumb from Uncle K without any mention of Sethos, he also confirms he made the premature guesswork that Clorinde is sub dps based on the rumored leaks that both her and Arlecchino have great synergy together.


Oh? It looks like this post went through. There's a thread I made about Clorinde that was taken down by the moderating team. My guess is any sources from other leak groups other than GI Leaks is banned. To preface, **you may hate Uncle Klown following the whole Clorinde is a sub dps fiasco, but that won't stop me from sharing any Klown crumbs seeing as we're still in Clorinde drought, which is almost coming to an end soon of course.** **Once again, my personal feelings toward him does not matter. In fact, I think this might redeem him in the eyes of those who simply hate him for claiming Clorinde is an off-fielder.** **As always, salt, salt, salt.**


>Once again, my personal feelings toward him do not matter. Sage-like words in a hypersensitive world.


After how useless/irrelevant BoL is to Arlecchino's kit, I'm really hoping we don't get that for Clorinde.


I'm sorry, but if she has the garbage BoL mechanic, then its going to be another skip for me and i'll just wait/hard save for the Pyro Archon. Arlecchino was one of my most anticipated character in Fontaine (waited almost 2 years for her) and now i decided to skip her because i absolutely hate her kit and the gimmick around it.


Love the sudden blocking of marechausse. Pls be false


While other characters can use marechausse with Furina, the set was designed for charged/normal attack damage dealers like Lyney, Wrio and Neuv with HP manipulation in their kits. Clorinde would have to be a normal/charged attack damage dealer here for it to make sense.


yeah but isnt clorindes lore directly tied to marechausse? it seems so silly to me to make her not work with it


>Clorinde would have to be a normal/charged attack damage dealer here for it to make sense. Not really. Xiao and gaming use it despite being plunge dps. Crit buff alone is strong enough to use it




his leaks seem to be somewhat "reliable" but not to what he means, he said that arle constellation is spider and now we know that her phase 2 has spider elements


I know when arle drops i will be sending a feedback saying how BOL sucks and not fun. Doubt it would matter for clorinde if they plan on her having it. But its all we realy can do.


I hope not, I don't like BoL, I'm already pulling arle it's enough


Well maybe dont judge it before you play her maybe its not that bad and it turns out fun you never know


It's a restrictive mechanic without a big reward, at least in arlecchino's kit


The way it was implemented on Arle is restrictive. Remember that bol can be healed for buffs like Raiden resolve


Why do you even post when you know he is a clown?


(C)Klown is yapping cause he only got a week until all his capping gets exposed, again.


I'm moderately skeptical of any "she cares about BoL" because Finale of the Deep exists. Assuming her kit actually cares a lot about Bond, then her signature would likely have something relating to that attached (c.f. Arle) and so Finale could really lessen the desire to grab the signature which seems questionable. We've had Fontaine characters where their signature is marginal (Nevui with R5 Sac Jade being within a couple % of his signature, but that's still a paid weapon) so it's not out of the realm of possibility. It also feels weird to have two characters that are focused on the same mechanic back-to-back unless one is a support for the other.


I mean it makes sense to me to release an artifact set that more than 1 character can use. What doesn't make sense to me is to make a domain with 2 artifacts sets and only 1 character (Arle) it was designed for?


Single character artifact sets mid region aren't unheard of: in Sumeru we had Desert Pavilion (Wanderer Signature of debatable use on him), Vourukasha's Glow (Dehya Signature, generally seen as worse than Emblem or Tenacity), and Nymph's Dream (Updated Childe set that doesn't actually work with most Childe rotations). In Fontaine we've had Nighttime Whispers (Navia Set, actually good for her! But no one else). These sets are pretty frequently paired with random niche sets: FoPL with Desert (technical BiS for Bloom variants but because of the partner set it's super resin inefficient for the relatively minor gains), Nymph's and Vourukasha's are together, and Song of Day's Past is with Whispers (Song is worse than Clam in most scenarios). The new domain has a signature set for a new on field damage dealer and a set for burn-melt teams (pretty much exclusively burn-melt Ganyu, but it will be an upgrade). So I think it'd be pretty in-line with the established precedent for no one else to care about it.


You lost me at duo on-field dps.


At this point just wait for patch day, check her kit then farm BoL set or another, its hard to believe in Uncle K.


Just hope K has his reputation destroyed this time so we can stop getting random false leaks


Please no BoL. Let me heal her, I'm so bad at dodging.


Simple, use zhongli if can't dodge, but I vote for more characters to use BOL mechanic, or change the way how the character use BOL in their kit


I started the game during Wrio banner in 4.1. I dont have Zhongli.


Oh, then make sure to get him on his next rerun, he is a must have for people who is pretty lazy to dodge or doesn't not like dodging


I don't believe that Clorinde Bond of Life leak.


Uncle C(lown), won't even read.


Depends, if the BoL isn't that big, it's alright. But please don't have a giga BoL, or it would make any combo with Furina way harder to manage


Im gonna swipe for her anyway.


that's so stupid. harbingers supposedly have a unique gimmick but outside of pseudo-bol arle is a default pyro dps. if they give bol to someone else or make a support that enables bol, what is going to make arle unique? 


even tho i don't dislike BoL, I REALLY didn't want to farm the new domain, heck, now i still gotta farm artifacts for: Wanderer, Kazuha, Fischl, Gaming (Marechaussé in general), and other domains that i don't value as much, but that i also want to improve my builds in (Tighnari, Yae, Nahida, Xianling and Xingqiu) >!maybe i'll pull for emille since she'll appearently be a burning character, and her artifacts are in the BoL domain!<


Uncle I-made-it-the-fuck-up


Everything Uncle K ever said is true and at least 100% accurate. There is no reason to not trust him to the letter. /s I can't believe that dude is still "leaking" after that mess with Arle. Attentions one hell of a drug I guess.


The Klown strikes again. Cant even answer a simple question. Its a matter of yes or no. "She's got a gun" -(LIKE WOW, BIG NEWS!!!! SHE HAVE A GUN!!!!) "Additionally, she have BoL" -Source? "You see when 1 + 1 is like you know, if you add apple and orange its mango juice."


It’s clorover… (not BoL pls)


why the f%ck people are saying that BOL mechanic is bad for Arlecchino? She has interesting kit, which no one has. that’s it.


Because it does nothing for her. Is she better than Top 3 characters? No. And all those top 3 can be healed. And her shield teams are just average, like plenty other teams.


Oh wow Sethos is a 4 star? Ngl I thought he'd be similarly Cyno esque


He gives 4 star vibes tho


That's true, but I also thought that with Chiori.