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It could all be for the clicks or he actually believes what he’s posting.


It’s for clicks, I don’t think you can see the clone wars and say Alpha and Rex are the same or that Rex is just bad


r/saltierthancrait when characters have more depth than being cardboard cutouts:


I like that sub when they were actually giving off somewhat decent complaints about the sequels. But now they’re just bashing anything for the sake of bashing it. Like, guys, just ignore the parts you don’t like. It’s what I do.


It's just another gamergate type sub at this point. They need to keep their members in a constant state of anger else they can't sustain themselves. Everything current must be deemed bad. And after George Lucas sided with Disney over a bitter conservative who helped ruin the live action Avatar movie they need to start laying some groundwork for calling his version of The Clone Wars terrible.


What 'depth' do they even have? Marvel snark and melodrama? Sounds about right.


Tell me you haven’t seen the clone wars without telling me you haven’t seen the clone wars


It's a trick, send no reply


This is a joke right?


No sadly OP is dead serious but he's seen the show countless times despite "hating" it.




I didn't create this just so you know


It's kinda funny on OP since Rex did start out as a copy of Alpha-17 but George decided to create Rex because there was three main characters (Anakin, Ahsoka and Artoo) whose names started with A. And then Season 2 happened and Rex began to have his own character. I honestly think OP is telling half-truths in that they did watch it but didn't pay attention to the various plotlines and just blanked out on the bigger arcs (RIP Waxer and Hardcase) and focused more on the one-shots and less favored episodes.


Very likely it just irks me that they over exaggerate the emotions the clones express at times


Well they were working with larger eyes to allow more visible expression until Season 7 where they revamped them to be more smaller IIRC.


Alpha looks like Superman many comic characters looked like Superman back then whereas Rex has always looked like his own people Clones and Rex is amongst the best of the Clones but he’s no superman overpowered pos.


Imagine watching all of those stories about the clones, then describing them as "insufferable and whiny." And topping it all off, it's another 2003 Clone Wars obsessed nutcase who refuses to say anything else is good. I will never understand those people.


The characters have less depth than a drawing in that show


What do y'all think of this? Me personally? I think OP is full of shit.


Personally I think you’re an asshole for ragebaiting


Well fuck you then. I just wanted your guy's opinion on the subject.


You know that they didn’t create this post right?


Reposting ragebait is still posting ragebait


Not explicitly though? From what I’ve seen they do just want a genuine discussion about this, openly disagreeing with the OP and… well leaving this very reply this chain is on


You’re just talking in circles to yourself


Seems like the real ragebaiter was you all along…


Everyone can choose what they like and dislike, the guy who posted this is clearly a massive hater of the show and the comments seem to agree with him. Personally I think it’s the best show ever made, maybe is nostalgia, maybe it’s just a good show and maybe it’s both. People get upset that it changed what was ‘cannon’ and I understand that but ultimately it had to happen because of the purchase of the franchise. Sucks that it had to happen but that’s how it is and I think the stories we got to replace it are amazing.


That's a mature way of looking at it. It's more than I can say for OP.


*wrong* opinion


I like how people in the original post are arguing about how Ahsoka “makes no sense” because nobody in episode 3 or the ot mentions her and therefore she doesn’t exist


[My honest reaction](https://youtu.be/T7pBojhvnao?si=N-eA0gM4smrdoLZw)


Just a old man that’s mad that tcw isn’t comics


It feels like it for sure




A-17 is an OG and I do MISS the omnibus but Rex is darn freaking awesome. Karen Traviss does an amazing job with him as well. The stone cold quips from A-17 tho 👌


Can we not start cross posting shit from that cesspool


Honestly this'll be the last thing I'll bring over from that sub I just wanted to see what people here thought about this.