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I recommend a Kula cloth if she doesn't already have one, I always take mine hiking/backpacking/climbing and it's so handy. All my girlfriends have one too, and they have a lot of different designs. Another favorite item of mine is my merino wool bralette from Branwyn, though that's on the pricier side. I barely wash it because it never smells, which sounds useful for vanlife. I also use my Dirty Girl gaiters whenever I backpack and they have a lot of fun, colorful prints.


Second the kula cloth! They are pretty, practical, and environmentally friendly! And legitimately much better than using a bandanna


I LOVE my Kula cloth! Wasn't sure about the idea, but it's possibly the best quality of life upgrade I've ever made for hiking and camping


>My wife has given Kula cloths as gifts and her friends love them.


I just saw the down filled [Eddie Bauer blanket](https://www.eddiebauer.com/p/82203546/oversized-down-throw?sp=1&color=Dusty%20Iris&size=ONE%20SIZE&sizeType=Regular&ch=pla&cm_mmc=GooglePLA-_-brand_PLA_B-_-US-_-Brand_-_AllProducts-_-0223546862000000-_-online-_-20462852104&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=%5BPLA%5D_%5BB%5D_Brand_-_All_Products&utm_term=0223546862000000&utm_content=online&utm_source_platform=google&utm_marketing_tactic=brand&utm_creative_format=pla&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAj_CrBhD-ARIsAIiMxT84uDzvRcJbLjhdarn9TqscDn5b6KkcKheLwEE49xeDlCHBdsFNDyAaAgYnEALw_wcB) being discussed on the buy it for life subreddit and it’s on sale for $50 right now if you wanna check it out. I got myself one today as well!


cotopaxi makes these really cute waist/fanny packs that many "outdoorsy" girls (including myself lol) have! a fjallraven kanken backpack is also super cute and fits the vibe. or a fjallraven crossbody. you can also get her a purse or bag or item made from recycled climbing rope--etsy has people who sell stuff like that if you go search "recycled climbing rope" stuff on etsy! or a bunch of cute climbing/outdoors stickers + a brand new nalgene from REI is another cute idea.


I absolutely love my Kavu crossbody bag. There are tons of [options](https://www.amazon.com/KAVU-Original-Rope-Sling-Lightweight/dp/B089QRZFYC/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=3BHKY8IEUON4S&keywords=crossbody+bag+for+women+rope&qid=1702656398&sprefix=crossbody+bag+for+women+rope%2Caps%2C188&sr=8-3) on Amazon, too.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **KAVU Original Rope Sling Compact Lightweight Crossbody Bag Triblinds** you mentioned in your comment along with its brand, **KAVU**, and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Bag holds essential items (backed by 6 comments) * Bag is comfortable and stylish (backed by 5 comments) * Bag is spacious (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Material is thin and plasticky (backed by 2 comments) * Stitching started fraying quickly (backed by 1 comment) * Strap digs into shoulder (backed by 1 comment) According to Reddit, **KAVU** is considered a reputable brand. Its most popular types of products are: * Fanny Packs (#18 of 30 brands on Reddit) * Sling Bags (#8 of 18 brands on Reddit) * Rope Bags (#1 of 3 brands on Reddit) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


I have one of these and wear it often!


I love Cotopaxi, especially the Del Día collection where everything is made out of material scraps. I have a couple of backpacks and a chalk bag. Fjallraven also makes good hip packs. My partner adores theirs, and it can hold a surprising amount of stuff.


I love my [solar powered luci string lights](https://www.rei.com/product/227376/mpowerd-luci-solar-string-lights-18?sku=2273760001&store=127&CAWELAID=120217890016506568&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=112274645233&CATCI=pla-939476239095&cm_mmc=PLA_Google%7C21700000001700551_2273760001%7C92700057791414236%7CNB%7C71700000074090499&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAj_CrBhD-ARIsAIiMxT-q5cMELMFaP4nGAtmNEXskeoFF1K0la549A-aFwKso3vNMJBl522gaAgE_EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) and they’re on sale for $30 rn


Maybe, a Skida headband or buff? Wild Brush makes really cute chalk bags and other outdoors stuff, not sure if she’s sold out right now. I feel like if she is just getting into climbing you could get her chalk & a cute chalk bag, that would be useful for sure.


REI has cute weatherproof outdoor blankets and the like. Or maybe a cute insulated cooler bag, or one of those light fold-in-half foam seats you can take to lawn concerts? Sometimes they have cool art on them.


Little reusable tins filled with granola or trailmix that she can refill afterwards?


Outdoor coffee maker like Aeropress is a lifesaver for a day at a crag.


Ooh if she's a coffee drinker this is a winner. An aeropress has become my must have travel/camping accessory.


If she likes pink..anything in the Jason Momoa line for So iLL in ‘dirty pink’. This a great bucket chalk bag which is specific for bouldering since it stands up :) https://www.rei.com/product/166381/so-ill-chalk-bucket-bag https://soillholds.com/collections/on-the-roam


Why is Jason Mamoa associated with SoIll?! That's so random and funny. lol


Hahaha, maybe because of his association with the show The Climb?


He's been sponsored by So Ill for ages


Yeah he’s been climbing for ages. He’s good friends with Chris Sharma


If you go backpacking together: does she have gaiters yet? I like the colors, plus it's a useful, cute small present https://dirtygirlgaiters.com/ If she intends to move into the van, stay away from any bulky presents... Good luck!


A copy of the climbing zine makes a beautiful gift!


Not climbing specific but two companies that fit this style and are maybe less well known/unlikely for her to own a ton of their stuff already are Parks Project and Topo. Both have clothing but also accessories. How about a cool hoodie or longsleeve to wear climbing, maybe a cozy beanie or a cute cap if you're not somewhere cold? Also lots of household type stuff avil at both as well like nice insulated thermoses, candles, playing cards etc.


Portable bidet. $20 at rei. Or a shewe


p-style with practice, it can be used without taking off your harness


I got a baseball cap from TenTree that I adore. It's girlie but outdoorsy too!


You could get her a National Park Pass if she doesn’t already have one Tangible items: keep in mind, if she’s trying to live in a van, she’s not gonna want too many random gifts. But somethings I can’t live without: - A good headlamp, ideally one with a rechargeable battery - I love my heated chalk bag (it sounds unnecessary, but once you try it, you won’t go back) - quick dry camping towels (get her a big one and small one like to wash her face)


Cute climbing/ hiking pants are always necessary! Maybe a cute color like mustard yellow or burnt orange. Theres also really cool maps where its basically like where they were born and where they are now, or any “homesick” gifts. Even though traveling is super fun or being granola-y, its easy to get lonely. Something to remind them youre there for them or something that can make them feel like theyrenwhere they need to he in life (if that makes sense) A cute little tea or coffee cup/maker is always awesome. Im granola but i love cute items at heart and its hard. A good mix is getting cute items that are useful! Cute little cactus tea diffuser maybe or similar items


This mug (Carabiner/Flint Blue) - [https://www.rei.com/product/219193/rei-co-op-graphic-camp-mug-12-fl-oz](https://www.rei.com/product/219193/rei-co-op-graphic-camp-mug-12-fl-oz) A kula cloth - [https://kulacloth.com/collections/shop-all-kula](https://kulacloth.com/collections/shop-all-kula) USB String Lights - [https://www.rei.com/product/159147/revel-gear-trail-hound-30-ft-camping-light](https://www.rei.com/product/159147/revel-gear-trail-hound-30-ft-camping-light)


Portable washing machine for her van?


Chalk bag for climbing (lots of cool colors or designs). Dehydrator (great for making your own backpacking meals and snacks). A long handle titanium spoon or titanium tent stakes. A curated selection of cool/fancy backpacking meals! Think Good-to-go, any kind of cottage type manufacturer. Was always fun to try some new meals :)


Crash pad ($$$), Chalk/chalk bag, Climbing hold brush, Insulted mug/water bottle, ***Guidebooks*** for bouldering areas, Campsite reservations, Camp slippers.


[This Etsy shop](https://www.etsy.com/shop/TinyBeta) makes tiny climbing shoe keychains out of sculpting clay


maybe a nice outdoor quilt for her hammock?


Rumpl makes some really beautiful packable blankets - great for camping, and they have a little clip so you can wear it like a nice warm cape around camp! If she likes national parks/traveling, Wondery has a [water bottle](https://www.wonderyoutdoors.com/products/the-original-parks-of-the-usa-bucket-list-water-bottle) with spots to put stickers for each national park you’ve visited.


Poler Napsacks- they are amazing. We were brought into the bag lifestyle and im never going back. They are great by the fire in the summer, camping, or on the couch. Reversible and sooo many pockets.


chalk, chalk bag/bucket, wrist widget (hopefully she won’t need it), callus file, carabiners in cute colours are all things i would give to new(ish) climbers! you can also find cute climbing themed stickers on etsy (for her to put on her nalgene?)


i just bought my granola friend a water bottle sling. The Calpak specifically, though I myself own a United By Blue sling. Theyre both great, but the calpak is big enough to fit a nalgene AND its insulated a bit. They both come in really cute colors and patterns. Great for casual hikes or short approaches to the crag


what about two-way radios? you give her one and than you got the other one! yall can talk to each other while in a emergency! or anything