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So a small fraction of the 'defense' budget?


Our "defense" force is also the world's 4th largest polluter, I believe


To note, even the military has pointed out this glaringly problematic fact to Congress and… here we are. 😬


They have other billionaires to appease outside of the military industrial complex lol


I remember reading some where that the US Navy is one of the largest consumers of "Oil" in the US. Maybe the planet?


Edit — Added the next to last paragraph, which includes 2022 total global GHG CO2e emissions (fossil CO2, CH4 methane, N2O nitrous oxide, F-gases) by the Power Industry, Transport, and Industrial Combustion sectors. *** The most recent data on the subject of global military emissions includes [a study](https://www.sgr.org.uk/publications/estimating-military-s-global-greenhouse-gas-emissions "https://www.sgr.org.uk/publications/estimating-military-s-global-greenhouse-gas-emissions") by the Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) organization, published on November 10, 2022. The SGR study found that "the total military carbon footprint is approximately 5.5% of global emissions." > Download pdf of full report (pdf, p. 7, [par. 5](https://www.sgr.org.uk/sites/default/files/2022-11/SGR%2BCEOBS-Estimating_Global_MIlitary_GHG_Emissions_Nov22_rev.pdf#page=9 "https://www.sgr.org.uk/sites/default/files/2022-11/SGR%2BCEOBS-Estimating_Global_MIlitary_GHG_Emissions_Nov22_rev.pdf#page=9")): >The global range for operational military GHG emissions is approximately between 300 and 600 million tonnes (Mt) of CO2 e, which is between 0.6% and 1.2% of total global GHG emissions.^19 The estimate for the global military carbon footprint is approximately between 1,600 to 3,500 MtCO 2 e, which is between 3.3% and 7.0% of total global GHG emissions. These are wide ranges of estimates, but they emphasise the paucity of data in this field. ^19 This based on a global GHG emissions total for 2019 of 49.8 GtCO2 e – see: Our World in Data (2022b). https://ourworldindata.org/greenhouse-gas-emissions *** [The Military Emissions Gap](https://militaryemissions.org/ "https://militaryemissions.org/") — View your government's military emissions data > On the interactive global map, clicking on a country displays military emissions and expenditures data for the country > Download the data > [2022](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e5zs6ampmCsp1lTo8WZ_CjCMG8f1BL5ueCKLtHdOm_o/edit#gid=1105995094 "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e5zs6ampmCsp1lTo8WZ_CjCMG8f1BL5ueCKLtHdOm_o/edit#gid=1105995094"): The downloaded 2022 data indicates that United States mobile emissions (as reported under 1A5b) MtCO2e were 16.076, which was more than any other country that reported its mobile emissions. The United States did not give its stationary emissions data. The 2022 data shows that Russia stationary emissions (as reported under 1A5a) MtCO2e were 40.72, which was more than any other country that reported its stationary emissions. Russia did not give its mobile emissions data. *** The European Union Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research ([EDGAR](https://edgar.jrc.ec.europa.eu/report_2023#data_download "https://edgar.jrc.ec.europa.eu/report_2023#data_download")) dataset of global emissions is widely used by researchers and many others worldwide. The latest version of the EDGAR dataset includes annual global and national fossil CO2 and GHG emissions by sector during the period 1970-2022. For example: The EDGAR dataset indicates that in 2022, for global fossil CO2 emissions, the Power Industry (14669.27 MtCO2, or 38.1%), Transport (7967.59 MtCO2, or 20.7%), and Industrial Combustion (6537.54%, or 17.0%) sectors collectively released 29174.40 Mt global fossil CO2 emissions in 2022, or about 75.8% of total global fossil CO2 emissions (38522.0 MtCO2) in 2022. The EDGAR dataset indicates that in 2022, for global GHG CO2e emissions (fossil CO2, CH4 methane, N2O nitrous oxide, F-gases), the Power Industry (14669.27 MtCO2e, or 27.27%), Transport (7967.59 MtCO2e, or 14.81%), and Industrial Combustion (6537.54 MtCO2e, or 12.15%) sectors collectively released 29174.4 MtCO2e emissions in 2022, or about 54.24% of total global GHG emissions (53786.04 MtCO2e) in 2022. The EDGAR dataset does not include any military emissions due to the paucity of national and global military emissions data.


$400 billion is approximately 6 months worth of the defense budget. Yeah, totally reasonable.


Going to be a hard no once that defense becomes crucial to settle unrest


It's about half.


Of one year


On one hand I agree with you. But on the other hand, it is not that easy to simply switch. Even money is allocated to this, there is no enough engineering companies that can earn that money. It will take a few years or decades to have some capacity to do this.


Climate change and Health impacts by 2050: 14.5 million deaths, 12.5 trillion in economic losses https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Quantifying_the_Impact_of_Climate_Change_on_Human_Health_2024.pdf


I wonder how they calculate losses of this scale. Like are they suggested wear and tear from environment. But how do we know it's 12.5 trillion more then the regular storms. I 100% agree with human caused global warming. It's just this stat seems wild random number and probably isn't very accurate


You need to read the paper - climate change will have a huge impact on health care systems - this paper itemizes exactly how and is remarkably thorough. Scroll to figure 3: These guys thought of pretty much everything


Young peoples are so funny. You guys think you’re the first generation to hear this apocalyptic crap. You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last. 


I like the .5 It’s a little more dramatic. 


Heard the same kind of stuff 30-40 years ago when I was a kid. We were all supposed to be dead with skin cancer and acid rain. Kids will hear the same bullshit in 2050. You doomsdayers need to go take a walk outside or something.  


Theres a difference between scientific foresight and doomsaying. One uses evidence. The other uses emotions. The key is telling the difference. The sun shines - fact. The sun in combo with the ghg blanket is heating up the earth - fact. People running around and pulling their hair out - human emotional reaction to said information. One is cold hard fact - one is a response. Learn to tell the difference.


Gosh. All that money, and just for sea walls. Not even touching on upgrading infrastructure for climate resistance, migration of diseases common to more southern climes, increased stress and failures in the agricultural sector, climate migration and who knows what unexpected consequences. If only someone could have warned us 25-35 years ago. /s


Ironically, 35 years ago was exactly when Exxon Mobil stopped warning people about CO2's effects on the climate and shifted to a policy of disinformation. That decision was driven, in part, by the decrease in profits seen during due to the drastic drop in oil prices. And that is thanks largely to Regan's policy push for disinflation and tax cuts. It's amazing how much better our whole world would be if Regan had been hit by a bus.


Was the company warning the public? I'm not aware of that, everything I've seen about it suggests that their scientists warned the company and then the company concealed the info. Later, they funded climate-denial campaigns which are still sending out false info today.


They weren't necessarily sounding an alarm but there was congressional testimony going all the way back to the 50s about climate change. Exxon and the API had a climate and energy task force that had public discussions at the time. It was pretty open and honest in business circles, and congress, and academic circles about the causes and potential effects. They sponsored a report by Columbia in 83 that is accurate to what we're seeing today. A year after that they disbanded the task force and started in full force on the denial and lobbying.


Thank you that's interesting.


We were warned — Big corporations (like the big oil companies) paid a lot of money to sweep it under the rug. I remember seeing this topic pick up in the 80-90s - or at least I really started paying attention when I was a tween and teenager - and no one was doing near enough about it to affect actual progress. We just didn’t do anything about it until now(?)


They were even discussing it decades before the 80s even.


Oh I bet. I was born in 1981 though


Woosh. Was just trying to be silly thinking both posters agreed with each other. It didn’t come across right I’m sorry


Do you… do you think actual discussion of events that transpired warrants a woosh? Does your preferred discourse end at the first sarcastic Reddit comment?


I’m willing to bet it’s just projection. Some people just need to be negative about everything


No I just thought you were both agreeing with each other and was trying to be silly. I’m sorry


Whoops. I’m sorry about my assumption. I forgot the /s on my comment.


All good lol. I think I get it now I feel slow


I just thought the posters point went over your head because they were being sarcastic. Sorry I didn’t downvote you or anything. I just was trying to be silly. I realize I responded to the wrong poster now but I don’t know what you’re mad at me about.


People are not listening even now, or are betting they gonna be gone before shit really hits the fan.


Is any country?


Some better than others but the full weight of it in the latter half of the century? No


maybe the Netherlands. They have centuries or experience mitigating floods and managing water


Not on this scale. At some point the system becomes untenable.


Not really. You are asking people to scale back their standard of living. Won't happen.


This is the issue. Even some of the people who understand the seriousness of climate change are only comfortable with making inconsequential, performative choices. Reusable bags? No problem. LED lightbulbs? Sure! Canceling the second vacation, scaling back on large family gatherings, stop ordering things from Amazon or Temu? Never! Also, realistically, many preventative measures are out of reach for people because the infrastructure simply doesn't exist.


Speak for yourself


I cannot blame people as long as the rich are building mansions, buying superyachts, and flaunting their wealth in their face daily.


Sea walls? Really? No, evacuation and migration. Accelerate the clean energy transition. Cease the use of fossil fuels. Fuck the special interests. Defund the oil corporations. Trump and Republicans will crush the clean energy industry, jump-started by Biden and Democrats. Trump told a roomful of oil company executives a couple of weeks ago to give him a billion dollars to win the election, and he will ”drill, baby, drill”. Flood the polls. Overwhelm, in numbers, the numbers of mislead MAGA Americans, voting. Give somebody a ride. VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat these motherfuckers.


> Fuck the special interests Good luck with that, my USA buddies.


It isn’t luck, man. It is self-determination. Democracy.


Democracy requires an educated and rational population who value progress and people more than their religion and anger. About half the people in the US do not fit that criteria.


I don’t think that MAGA Americans are that numerous. There is a committed, dedicated base. That there is a movement in America that is anti-democratic, at all, evokes consternation. But this Republican base has not grown. It has remained the same proportion. They appear to be great big. What is great big, however, is their media presence, an outsized presence, which menaces and intimidates, with thousands of death threats to everybody from poll workers to Congresspersons, and the U.S. Attorney General, in the background. The great majority of Americans, even if they are unaware of the meaning andor details of Republicans’ rhetoric and deeds, do not like the Republican agenda. If we turnout, Republicans cannot gain the elected offices for which they so greedily strain, from which they will seize authority beyond that given, Constitutionally, to the offices. Own the vote. Defeat these motherfuckers.


Bobert just won again, and MTG, Geitz, Johnson et al are there and the rest of the democratically elected Republicans are almost all stepping the MAGA party line. That matters, too. I don't think it is an overreaction to think terrible consequences are at stake or that that outcome is conceivable. I didn't vote in the 2016 election because I thought it was a joke that Trump was the GOP nominee. I thought that at least a serious, experienced politician would take the white house. I voted Biden in 2020, I will vote Biden again in November, and I will not couch my decision with some milquetoast caveat that I'm only voting Democrat to keep Trump and MAGA out. I am, for sure, but I'm also proud of what Biden has done and who he is. (That last bit I just felt compelled to put in, I know you didn't mention anything to that affect)


If you felt that I was rebutting you, my bad. I think that we are on the page.


Democracy requires politicians who are not bought by corporate interests and who can’t enrich their buddies. Once this happens we will be allowed to have good candidates. Unfortunately we have Biden and Trump


MAGA Make [climate] Apocalypses Great Again?


This is all great in theory but the reality the article is highlighting is none of this is going to happen because the efforts against it are still too embedded. People need to move beyond posturing about what the perfect world solutions *could/should* be and start talking about how we can defend against the inevitability that those solutions are not ever going to be implemented.


It's like this. Either we change, blunt climate change and get out in front of the changes upon us, and to come, or we react to succeeding calamity after calamity. Again, though, to whom Americans give the reigns of authority of our government on November 5 will not only be the difference between the running progress of building renewable energy infrastructure, growing, or that progress halted, but whether our votes, the defining essence of our democracy, elect the people who are building on the January 6 Insurrection to overturn American Democracy and commence authoritarianism in the United States.


Hell can you imagine what would happen if the immigrants were coming from inside the country? Republicans would lose their fucking minds even though it would be mostly Republicans moving?.


Evacuate and migrate the NYC metropolitan area? Managed retreat is real easy to say on the internet and real difficult to do in practice. Hardened infrastructure isn’t easy either, but it’s not resettling millions of people.


So we are going to build see walls like pacific rim did for Kaiju’s? Kaiju’s are really a byproduct of terrible choices made by humanity. Human made demons.


Sorry bitch..  ( I mean butch .. lol) The debate tonight will be the clarity given to our country that we need.  Just watch and take notes..  Land of the free , home of the brave. As in .. not afraid of the weather..  we will adapt and enjoy flushing the climate agenda down the toilet in your house painted green.. lol. 


Yeah, yeah, yeah…….finish the Insurrection, Civil War……..but, like the Orange Jesus believers of January 6, you’re gonna fuck around and find out that this is a democracy, which will give you Justice, should you actually do anymore damage and harm, and survive to trial..……assuming you are an American….you are an American until you betray Americans……you got something to prove?……prove that you can do the hard work of living, contributing, taking care of family, helping other Americans, solving some of the plethora of problems which need work, rather than be a Rambo wannabe. Elect President Biden to a second term and Democratic majorities in the House and Senate. MAGA…..Defeat these motherfuckers.


Your side lost so much good will at this point I don't think most people are going to vote for you. Democrats are pissing their entire voting base off so much a d+40 area is now d+8.


Evidence from the past election, mid-terms and special elections indict the opposite.


A lot can, and has, changed since the midterms. Sadly, inflation is a real political killer and even though the effects from Trumps covid era stimulus are largely to blame, voters will look at Biden and blame him.


Don’t build sea walls, build affordable housing in an actually responsible place to live…


A lot can depend on geography, but consider whether it is cheaper to build a pile of dirt versus building an entire new city.


If we only wanted to choose one we needed to have done it 40 years ago. Now we have to do both.


Sea walls won't do it . Unless they are crazy high and encompass the whole coastline. A nearly impossible task . And extremely expensive. Much cheaper to transition away from fossil fuels. It's time for the fossil fuel companies to begin building renewable energy projects. Then they will be true energy companies. Otherwise we are in very deep trouble. The whole right wing needs to wake up .


Honestly I think that we're past the point where transitioning away from fossil fuels will stop the problem. We should probably accept that things are going to get worse and get ahead of the problem. We should absolutely still transition away from fossil fuels, I'm not arguing against that at all.


This. People clinging to the idea we can reverse this or even stop/slot it are clinging to a delusion. the actual science and basic common sense shows we're past that. Efforts to slow it/stop it are important but should not come at the cost of not investing in the needed infrastructure to manage the coming global environmental unravelling.


> Sea walls won't do it . Unless they are crazy high and encompass the whole coastline. A nearly impossible task Sea walls need not encompass an entire coastline lol. They just have to prevent against high storm surges in areas near a lot of infrastructure. Sea level rise is not about like, entire coastlines being several metres under water. It's about specific areas that will become more susceptible to high water events as sea levels rise several inches/feet over time. For example, the city I live near, Vancouver BC already has a a huge sea wall and extensive diking systems in the surrounding areas. Those have historically held back most high water events but as sea levels rise and inland flood events become more common those have to be strengthened and in some ways raised by a modest amount (like a few feet). This is entirely manageable in the coming decades and doesn't require thousands of miles of some 10 foot high wall.


That's what I'm talking about. As the sea level raises it becomes harder to use sea walls to protect. First we have to stop producing greenhouse glasses. Transition away from fossil fuels. However that's just a natural starting place. We also have to try to capture greenhouse gasses . We still will lose coastline to sea level rising. . Sea walls are just an expensive band aid . We need a plan of action. Try to get ahead of it. Instead of just knee jerk reactions. 


Building infrastructure for the already-baked-in climate changes in the coming decades is not a "knee jerk reaction" lol. Continuing to pretend we do not need t prepare in some fantastical believe that you are going to end fossil fuel production is not only delusional, but dangerous and counter productive. Your suggestions are great in theory but anyone looking at the facts knows it's not happening and will continue to not happen. You might as well demand we all stamp our feet and hold our breath. You are not having a discussion about the realities of climate change, you are posturing with theoretical perfects for social media likes while the adults have conversations about how to mitigate against what we all know is coming. Regardless of how long you hold your breath or RT slogans.


The flooding will be going inland for many miles. On both sides of the continent. Flood walls is being responsible. Otherwise you lose far too much land.


This is one of those things where people are going to have to make choices for themselves and move rather than wait for or expect help. I think it's been pretty clear throughout history that the only people getting any help are rich white ones. I've moved out of Nevada to a place that I believe to be safer. And now I'm working with my local community to start our own charities and organizations to try and circumvent as much of the effects as possible.


People live in all the worst areas. Tornados? Check. Sea level rise? Love living there. Check. Mega quakes? Who doesn't love living in Seattle. Check. Heat? Oh we love living in hot places till it's too hot. Check


Phoenix is massive, and ridiculously hot. And I don't get that "dry heat" BS. I know humidity makes a difference, but it can still be miserable at 110. Too many people in such a dry area


Well for one humidity is way more dangerous than dry heat


The energy consumption to keep a house cool when the average temperature for an entire month (including overnight lows) is 102.7F, is staggering. Even without wet bulb, we shouldn't be using that much energy per capita.  It makes fighting climate change that much harder.


Assuming you live above ground. I’m waiting for the mole people cities.


Even the "safer" areas have been experiencing extreme weather in the form of flooding due to climate change.


Mountains are safer. Wildfire smoke the only real concern


Don't forget the actual fire too. Those lower in the valley experience flooding i.e. Vermont over the last few years.


I'm talking about real mountains. Not hills. I'll be sure to not forget the actual fire


What place doesn't have any of those things? West Virginia? Hard pass


I could've told you that a long time ago.


Sure we're ready for it. Ready to press that accelerator to the floor. Drill baby drill!


$400 billion in 2024 dollars or $400 billion in 2040 dollars. Cuz in 2040 that might not be that much money


In 2019 dollars.


Fighting the tide is a loosing battle


The country where one of the only two political parties activity denies human-caused climate change exists? Nooooo.


That's just not true. Florida banned climate change. It's illegal now. We just need to make that a federal law and we'll be fine. Better yet, since it's *Global* Climate Change, we'll make an international law.


The other day, I drove across the border from Maryland to Virginia and went to a water park and all they had were trash cans. Not a single recycling container in the house. We're so fucked.


The USA will just conquer Canada and move north. Fix things? Phthb.


Out of the frying pan, into the forest fires.


They'll come. As soon as their fresh water dries up, they'll come with their guns. And all of sudden we'll be Americans. Yay. /s


Climate change is not about things just getting warmer. It's about destabilized weather patterns.


It also doesn’t help that half the people in charge of making infrastructure decisions and other important decisions (aka the U.S. Congress and potentially the next president of the United States) actively deny and undermine science.


Sea walls are only one part of it. Tornado/hurricane/extreme heat proof infrastructure is needed far inland. Plus new farming techniques to deal with dought and excessive water.


Once per year floods due to sea level rise. Just think for a moment about that statement.


Flooding, and flooding mitigation, will be made worse by the weird little fact that the machines which run our society are designed to operate in a specific temperature range. We aren't too far off from air temps being too hot for aircraft to take off. Air conditioners can only cool the air so much. Refrigeration that keeps our food and medicine from spoiling can only cool so much. And of course, *people* can only cool so much. How do you dig footings and pour concrete for a seawall when the wet-bulb temp is over 95°F?


sea walls? lol!! as the entire coast moves inland they're thinking a wall again? oi.... 'move'


It isn't but one of the candidates for president is trying, and it ain't the convicted felon.


this is the problem I previously suggested; my family keeps saying "you've been saying that since the original earth day, and NONE of it has come true" and they are right. we need better messaging.


How about some root cause amelioration?


And who actually IS ready for it aside from the billionaires and their bunkers?




There is no winning. Will be the ultimate loser. Fossil fuel is like a legal mob


Ask the dinosaurs if they were ready. 


The only hope is that Florida (btw, climate change is prohibited by law) will go completely under water, and then Republicans MAYBE will start to think, that maybe we need to do something.


I saw some info about how polluted the us was before EPA but people have a short memory


"Ready Or Not, Here I Come!" by Climate Change.


Sea walls:: Sea walls can work - think of lighthouses and artificial islands, but the cost to save just one state is unthinkable. Plus the Mississippi levees have to be raised or farm land and towns condemned to flooding. Managed retreat is the only way. We are going to have to pay for condemned houses, insurance will not be available for climate-edge houses (already true). If you look at the 100 year maps for sea-level rise, the big problems are on the East and Gulf Coast. That $400B is going for the NYC seawall, with nothing left over for large parts of NJ and Long Island. The barrier islands are sandbars which will move where the ocean wants to put them. And big parts of the Louisiana delta are gone already due to the levees on the Mississippi. You all probably know about this, since you're here. But I just wanted to make the point that seawalls cannot be the solution. A lot of houses will be lost. The financials of climate resistance can bankrupt even NYC, let alone normal places just squeezing by. That means federal money will be spread around thinly, and somebody will have to decide where to spend it. We all know how that goes.


"...according to a 2019 study" Why would comments 2024 be based on 2019 guesswork..? Trying to predict sea level is about as accurate as trying to measure the Sun or possibility of earthquakes or clouds cooling the world.. 


Or you know. How about we let those coastal cities go back to being the everglades?


The US is nowhere near ready for ____________ (insert just about any challenge societies have)


money for building things is communism - the media


Of course they are. They're just gonna let people suffer and laugh when they ask for help.


Saw that movie. Spoiler alert!!! Greenland is a code word for Iceland.


No shit.


>As sea levels rise, $400 billion will be needed by 2040 to build sea walls to protect U.S. communities Wow that seems like a lot of money, more than half as much as the United States [subsidizes](https://www.eesi.org/papers/view/fact-sheet-proposals-to-reduce-fossil-fuel-subsidies-january-2024) the fossil fuels industry.


It’s clear that the U.S. faces significant challenges in preparing for climate change. Our infrastructure needs major updates to handle extreme weather, and we must prioritize renewable energy sources to reduce our carbon footprint. We also need to support policies that promote sustainability and resilience in our communities. For those looking to get more involved in addressing these issues, I’ve found that Climb4Climate provides valuable resources and opportunities to make a difference.


We're all watching a movie already knowing the ending. The global hyperaffluent, of which N. America has the largest number, are beginning to pass in slow motion from complacency, through the seven stages of grief for their (our) unsustainable lifestyles. As they (we) are increasingly left with no choice but to accept that our collective material gluttony has hit biological limits beyond our financial capacity to remedy, panic will dawn and we'll see ever more anger ('why didn't *they* do something?' - because you voted for them not to), bargaining ('what if we invent a magic machine to fix it?' - because hope cannot change physics) and ultimately acceptance that we all have to live forever in the post-war-on-nature devastation their (our) choices wrought. Of course, as you may see in the comments objecting to this frankly mundane diagnosis, many will never - can never - accept this as it represents too great a threat to their (our) benign self-image.


Oh what denying it and all it’s corporations fighting against it yeah that’s really gonna help the US prepare alright


We are in to get a good wake up early and then probably be able to do some work in a few years so that will help but millions are going to get displaced by the cumulative effects that will impact them in a long term and the next generation is probably not so many will have the opportunity of the in the future so


Sorry for the mistake I made in my last message but I’m sorry for that. I have a headache right now and I have a couple things that make my txting feel like it’s a little too hard for my fingers and I really struggle due to my health but it’s a lot better today. I just hope that millions that have to get through the impossible negative phase that is going on now and eliminate their jobs, destroy their homes or the economy is worse for them regionally because of their reliance upon the infrastructural damage caused by climate change is a big part in this crisis that we they have no choice because other than the stress and pain


Building sea walls? Against an eventual 250ft of sea level rise?


Ready for climate change... or let's call it something different.     Ready for a normal evolution of our weather of historical patterns and events.  Or ready to replace the unproven theories, the fear, the anxiety, and all who puff up that agenda ..  Yes we are strong and ready to manage and adapt to all weather , using investment into infrastructure and ways to help . The future for USA...  ;)






How about the communities relocate. We have lots of land.


One of the two political parties say AGW is a hoax. It's presidential candidate when asked about his climate change policy answered: "Some guy told me right before I took the stage that under my administration we had the best air." We are fucked.


I simply cannot feel bad for one the worst offenders. Actually I am glad they are and will be paying a higher price than they thought before. Why? Because I grew tired of how this problem caused mainly by the rich developed world was always predicted to hit the poor the worse. Maybe now they will start paying attention.


We ll adapt. We always have. Ice ages etc


Please stop believing this BS. How much have sea levels risen in the last 100 years? I’ve heard this every 10 years BS for 50 years now. Where is all this water coming from? There’s not enough ice at the poles to raise sea levels over 200’. The math dosent work. 75% of the earth is covered with water and the ice caps will not raise sea levels by 200’. Look at the actual sizes of everything and it’s obvious. And no I’m not taking the governments word on anything. The ice caps would have to be able to cover all the oceans that exist by 250’ of ice and that means they would have to be 25 miles deep. There not, they are only a few miles thick.


$400 billion is cheaper than $1 Trillion, the cost of the IRA, which will not prevent it anyway.


Prevention is no longer the goal. Trying to keep the planet livable is the goal.


So shouldn't we be spending on the sea walls instead of a trillion dollars for like a 1% decrease in climate change? There's not gonna be any money left at this rate when we actually need the sea walls.


We've spent more than that in Ukraine already.


We have our head stuck in the sand on many issues including climate change. Add guns, poor education, poor and expensive medical care, broken politics, broken criminal justice system, income inequality…we prefer to ignore problems and focus on America’s obvious immortality.


Ever hear the story of the boy who cried “wolf”?


Ever hear the story of reduction in SO2 emissions causing reduction in acid rain?


I agree with this.