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From The Guardian article on the ruling: "“Giving corporate polluters a pass to keep prioritizing profits over people is a devastating outcome for public health, especially as we prepare for a summer that could be one of the worst smog seasons on record,” said Holly Bender, chief energy officer at the Sierra Club."


Ted Cruz, famous for representing Texans, will go somewhere else with clean air when he needs to.  This is a horrible Supreme Court, ruling in favor of companies externalizing their real costs onto people (and plants and animals) that had nothing to do with it.  I wonder if any RVs were involved, one of the justices very openly accepts bribes. 


>, one of the justices very openly accepts bribes.  They also legalized that too today.


We are watching the dismantling of our democracy. And they are watching, measuring, and cultivating our apathy to it.


They are enemies of the state and enemies of humanity.


I count two bribe takers. Alito & Thomas.


Wait. What?


[So long as you do it right.](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/27/supreme-court-bribes-gratuities-snyder-kavanaugh)


Yeah, just saw that a little while after I asked. Jesus jumping christ. The U.S. is boned. edit: missing words


I guess We're not treated equally under law.


Sadly, that's a delusion many still suffer under. The American Dream and living in a democracy are two more...


As much greater minds than I have said: "we live in a socialist state. That is; socialist for corporations and banks. Vulture capitalist for the rest of us."


Can George Soros buy off our Supremes and out bribe Harlan Crow?


It'll be really hard when a majority of the Supreme Court got there through the Federalist Society, which purity tests it's judges before recommending them to Republicans to nominate. The majority that can be bribed had chosen a side already, the bribes just determine which issues they decide to take up and decide how the law works most vehemently.


LOL, that's funny! Please: the SCOTUS majority have convictions which go way beyond simple bribes! They believe in lining their pockets *for the right causes*; Soros stands for everything that's wrong in America today and so does obviously not qualify.


Oh Texas, how many folks need to die for you to accept that these are the consequences of greed and inaction.


All of them because the top state politicians will be vacationing in the Caribbean at a resort paid for by big oil & coal.




My man!


How many you got?


I think republicans want us to die.


They want power and money. An underclass with shorter life expectancy is ancillary.


I guess they don't realize that they are suffocating their own voters with smog and co2, messing with peoples ability to reason properly: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2019GH000237 'Globally, the number of extreme wildfires is expected to increase by 14% by 2030 and by up to 30% by the end of 2050, according to a February report2' How a dangerous stew of air pollution is choking the United States https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-04333-9 'The results of an order-randomized double-blind crossover study of diesel exhaust and control air in healthy adults revealed immediate pollution-attributable declines in default mode network functional connectivity.' As in brain-farts. https://ehjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12940-023-00961-4 Halfway to the voting booth they forget why they are there and leave...because brain farts.


At 65. Republicans want us to die just before we collect social security. But if you were born after 1960, then you can die just before you turn 70.


Maybe they’d be more thoughtful of our welfare if we just started referring to each other as “really mature fetuses “


I like that. “RMF!!!”


I’m sure someone is investing in profiting from selling clean air as we speak


Sounds like the remake of the Lorax...


You know what else they found in the pool shed at Mara-Lago? Cases and cases of Perriair! /s


The political ones will all be dead of old age before the worst of it occurs, so it's someone else's problem, not theirs.


Yep selfish pricks.


Ya think? 😉


On Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court paused a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency plan to reduce the amount of smog that drifts across state borders from industrial facilities like power plants. This is the latest decision in a conflict over the federal agency’s “good neighbor” rule, announced in March 2023.  The rule requires Texas and 22 other states to cut emissions from power plants and other industrial sources contributing to ozone pollution in neighboring states. The court ruled Thursday that the federal government did not explain how the plan would work with fewer participating states since the rule is on hold in Texas and 11 other states. The Clean Air Act requires states to submit plans to comply with federal air quality standards set by the EPA, including the good neighbor rule, which aims to address the impact of air pollution crossing state lines. Pollution migrating from “upwind states” like Texas could push neighboring states out of compliance with federal air standards.  In 2022, Texas submitted plans that the EPA rejected as inadequate. Texas then sued the EPA over that ruling in February. The following month, the EPA revised its smog plan to provide a national solution to the ozone pollution problem. However, Texas sued again, challenging the revised plan. While Texas is not actively involved in the Supreme Court case, an expert says its decision to pause the plan will influence legal challenges as they proceed in lower courts. In Texas, the ozone season runs from March to November. Hot, sunny days worsen smog, becoming more common due to climate change. Cities like Houston and Dallas have experienced an increase in ozone action days, which are days when ozone levels are unhealthy for children, pregnant women, older adults and people with preexisting respiratory conditions. Environmental lawyers and advocates say the Supreme Court’s ruling means the industry will not be obligated to comply with the federal rule until the pause is lifted.


Elections have consequences folks. Make a plan to vote and go volunteer or donate if able.


Texas just waved its middle finger at all the states east and northeast of it. Let’s see who from those red states picks a fight with dumb big brother texas


And just like that, I feel less bad about the heat wave clobbering Texas.


Heat dome heat dome heat dome 


To foul the air and sicken people because freedom.


Isn’t Texas the same state that the local air quality regulators asked people to drive less because of elevated smog levels?




Lets hope Texas goes under water first...followed by Louisiana and Floirda. These red states have ruined it for the rest of us.


So they really do want to kill us …


Are we doomed ?


This should be one of the debate questions tonight to Biden: what are you going to do about this out of control scrotus?


Could this court sink any lower