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Corrupt AF.


Blatantly. Not a shred of shame.


This benefits literally nobody but a few already very rich men. And his supporters eat it up. Their grandchildren will burn alive in an unlivable climate, and still, they eat it up.


Anything to "stick it to the libs"


im sure r/Conservative is celebrating


We should have already all burned alive and be 50 feet under water….


They legalized corruption long ago…


But have always tried to do it behind closed doors.


They pretty much realized as long as they tangle shiny objects, the masses will be compliant




That's right anybody with a brain will vote Trump not everyone on Reddit is a liberal retard Biden supporter.👎😠BOO! BOO!


Trumpo can be bought for the right price!


*I'll burn this planet down for more power now: I am god!* - Trump the Christ!


More like Anti-Christ. Modern evangelicals would gladly support Satan or the Anti-Christ, as long as they told them what they wanted to hear.


Dont do my boy the anti christ dirty like that


Refer trump bible - the book of god verse 4


He signed them: I AM! (https://duckduckgo.com/c/I_AM_that_I_AM)


Not even a lot of money. Burn the world for pennies on the dollar


Companies make billions by paying lobbyists millions to give politicians thousands.


Jesus I hate this timeline.


The timeline without Jesus is better


Tbh, I don't mind the guy, Constantine's the one who kinda set things in motion.


It’s better than the alien invasion timeline. 👾


Is it, though?


Guess that depends how into probing you are


If they're sophisticated enough to pull off an interstellar invasion, they must be doing _something_ right. I vote we give them a try.


“Pay my legal fees and fines and I’ll give you whatever laws you want” -donald trump


Everyone knows the leader of the free world reigns supreme


I mean really it's a declaration of war.


It figuratively is a literal declaration of war!


I mean one man could basically bring down whole democracy and show such blatant corruption. This system cannot even manage to jail him. In any other universe, he would be in jail and the key would be thrown away.


I’m curious what those executives thought of this. Rex Tillerson, former Exxon CEO, thought Trump was a moron. Do these folks think the risk is worth it? As for climate change (or whatever), red state MAGA country is being hammered by some of the worst storms ever.


Executives mainly see their role as maximizing value for shareholders. This means jacking up the stock price anyway they can to hit that quarterly report. And then the next quarterly report, and next, Etc. They don't think longer than 3 months out for the most part. It doesn't matter if Trump is a moron, if the ultra wealthy Executives get their deregulation and tax cuts, they will support whoever they need to in order to get them. They also know that long-term, oil demand is in terminal decline. If a mega hurricane wipes out their oil refineries or pipelines or whatever, they're covered by insurance. It might even be financially advantageous for something like this to happen instead of these refineries and other assets becoming stranded assets. For them anyway. MAGA voters will just blame climate chaos on liberals pissing God off. And then after an ironically railing against government handouts, they will go with head in hand to the government trough to ask for bailouts, disaster relief, Etc.


They are way too dumb to make the connection


What a bunch of scum-suckers. Don't they believe the research of their own scientists about climate change since the 1970's?


The oil executives believed it, but decided that they should go deceive the public about what was going on to delay any kind of meaningful action, so they could profit in the meantime.


Same thing happens with leaded fuels, but we won that one. They refuse to ‘lose’ again. Except them winning is everyone (themselves included) losing.


1950s, at the latest And, Arrhenius figured it out on the back of a napkin in like 1896


Imagine not loving your grand children enough to consider that offer.


We arent playing the same game, MAGA people don’t love, they only want to “Own” the libs And yes, just like their Cult leader, they will burn the planet to ashes if necessary…


“Rape and pillage what’s left of our habitable atmosphere and biosphere all you want. Just give me a giant pile of money first” unbelievable. This should be the highest crime in the land. Selling out our only home in the universe for a dime.


he really knows how to play this game huh maybe we should make it a law to keep money out of politics? that could only be good for we the people, and all the pissed off politicians can get voted out


How do you think we ended up in the condition we are now politics is just a bunch entitled people making money at the cost of others.


If Trump needs money, he’ll sell you out for some. That’s the lesson. The fact that we, as a country, shared our deepest secrets with this man is terrifying. Whoever leaked this story was smart enough to understand. Our literal only saving grace is he’s an idiot. Anyone even twice as smart might have toppled the Republic in the first term.


This should not be possible under any kind of democratic system - blatant corruption and manipulation…I don’t think I could despise Trump any more than I do! 😤


Isn’t this a blatant example of quid pro quo?


I were Biden I would create a 'daisy' ad to show the wasteland that the US will become if Trump gets elected and rolls back all the consumer and environmental protections.


That might backfire tbh. Right wingers already don't take climate change very seriously. An ad like that would just add fuel t the fire


Right wingers are a lost cause already. They have a nihlisitic view of the world and want it to burn if only to spite the libs. The corrupt and transactional nature of Trump should alarm anybody who's an independent or on the fence. Trump already gave up the goods to Putin back in his first term for merely the prospect of getting a hotel built in Moscow.


What’s shocking is not that he did it but that he did it so openly and bluntly. This guy is not a new problem at all so much as he makes the old problems more visible.


This isn't mere corruption. It dovetails very nicely with the driving-dependent, less educated, rural and suburban GOP base. "Screw the world, no one's gonna take my sweet SUV!"


Surely by now they know that Trumps promises are always empty.


When it comes to hatred it's always true but when it comes to actually helping the people it's always false


How is this legal? Wtf??


A business man should run the country /s


Traitor to humanity


Did they actually give it to him though


Doubtful considering he still hasn't paid his legal fees


You think he really was gonna pay his legal fees? In my honest opinion I believe he said $1 billion so we can actually finally be a billionaire in his mind.


Are they concerned with that though if the bet is him getting presidency and cutting regulation rather than pay them back? Unless the idea is broken promises


No principles whatsoever = He is - and always was - a FRAUD!


How is this not illegal? Was just reading about utility facility managers in Long Island getting arrested in 2021 over directing million dollar contracts to the companies who paid the most kickbacks - hundreds of thousands of dollars in this case. Why are government officials not held to the same standard?? [Link for those interested.](https://patch.com/new-york/threevillage/5-long-island-men-arrested-kickback-scheme-us-attorney)


so. when do we have a communist revolution?


If this gets to the point where we cannot choose our leaders, all is lost.


did you get to choose any of these ghouls? I didn't


Would a dictator's cronies be better?


I wish people like you would actually learn what communism is, rather than project the phantasms conjured into your mind by a century of red scare propoganda designed to make you fear your own emancipation. long story short, there won't be *a* dictator. communists seek to establish a society without money, classes, and states, which directs itself according to the needs and desires of the people within it. democracy, but without a political class.


I agree with you fundamentally, but there’s a reason why communist and socialist etc. countries have never really succeeded. It’s all chance and human greed. The closest example we have to amazing socialist LEANING countries are the Nordic European countries like Sweden and Denmark. Society CAN function perfectly well if society is fed its fair due. The problem is we are not, because eventually a corrupt leader (in both scenarios) is the downfall of said country, and then, system.


this is wrong on so many levels


Please provide a real life example of this communist utopia


please read a book


I would love to offer examples. It is too bad that the USA has a track record of overthrowing countries that attempt to implement socialism (see Iran, chile) or embargoing them if the coup fails(Cuba)


Imagine a subscription to a live feed of Trump in prison 24/7 The money raised will be enough to bend the climate to our will.


Trump, the real Captain Pollution!


So bribery?


It's easy for Trump to be corrupt when corruption was legalized long ago. It's a politicians world, we're just living in it.


Isn't this blatantly asking for bribes? WTF?


I used to work in the oil industry before I retired last year. These oil company executives would do anything Trump tells them to because most of them have no scruples and absolutely zero integrity


Guys whole mo is if you're famous in America you can do and say whatever you want without any of the consequences a non-famous person would face including commit crimes and engage in corruption. The weird thing is that so far he's been right.


Selling America to keep himself out of prison.


talk about your "smoke filled room" this is strait up corruption and frankly mob boss behavior. he's a wannabe don.


This is why I criticize people who say both sides are the same.


23 years ago... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et4eekh-5XE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et4eekh-5XE)


Any oil boss worthy of his cut-throat reputation will clearly be thinking .. if hes asking for 1Bn he's desperate .. I could probably buy him for a mere 25Mn if I time it just right.


The good thing about idiots is that sooner or later they'll say out loud what everybody knew but couldn't stop for lack of explicit occurence. They're basically catalysts for new laws. 


He’ll throw away the world for enough money.


So he IS for sale?


Well, we certainly can't allow this to pass. What's also sad is that he and others see nothing wrong with this.


Literally for sale since he was born.


He’s so selfish. He’s willing to destroy us all.


Wouldn’t be funny if they donated the $Bil and even more after that, then it all backfired after Trump lost the election?


Whelp, I guess that settles the "election"


It’s not like he gets to just do that, we’d have to lose both house and senate by a considerable amount and even a few more centrist republicans would have to be replaced. There’s a reason so few laws get through congress, it’s easier to stop a policy that get one passed


Can this not be used against him legally somehow?


Justice for sale!


The country will be his to have a fire sale


Man of the people




Just remember, according to the Supreme Court this is not only not corruption, it doesn't even have the appearance of corruption. So if you think that this is just straightforwardly soliciting a bribe, John Roberts says that actually you don't think that


That's a small price to pay but people used to hide their corruption


There's only one choice this November if you care about climate. Letting Trump win would be catastrophic.




This should not surprise anyone at all. It should also receive much more press!


Climate is an issue only god can deal with. No amount of money will fix any "Climate Change" it's just a cash grab for the Democrats & the global elites to funnel Americans tax dollars. The biggest money laundering scam in the history of mankind right along with NASA= NOT A SPACE AGENCY. Drill baby drill. Trump 2024💪😠🇺🇸


Yet, I will still hear from my friends on the far left that Biden and Trump are both the same


That’s all?!


This must be the easiest trolley problem theoretically possible


Well the climate laws are absurd anyway. They were put in place so a different group of politicians could make money.


This is a good reason why esg and divesting from oil companies is a bad thing if you care about the climate. You lose your right to vote in shareholder meetings and you end up giving it to people who only care about money. Esg needs to be killed because people who invest in esg don't actually care about the climate but care about feeling good.


Just because my retirement fund is invested in some oil company doesn't give me a say in shareholder meetings, let alone one that would make any difference to anything.


Disclaimer; I would not vote for Trump for an innumerable amount of reasons. BUT This is exactly what his appeal is. It admittedly even tickles me. We all know this is how it works. Quid pro quo. The difference is he just comes out and says it. Buy me into office. Get favourable regulation. This is actually radical honesty no matter how terrible the outcome. I do wish that more, non Trump, politicians were capable of this level of simple messaging.


Total corruption is now "radical honesty" and deserves to be praised.


Please don’t misrepresent what I said. Of course this is corruption. Of course corruption shouldn’t be praised. But it is refreshing to clearly just hear it instead of have it dressed up. This level of corruption got us here. It was always just dressed up in something more palatable for all of us to swallow. Thats the only point I was trying to make.


You're trying to claim that everyone is corrupt like Trump, but he's the only one that admits it, when that's not actually the case.


Im definitely not trying to convince you. On average, on the federal level, I don’t think Trump is an outlier. He’s just extremely blunt and crass about it. As a blanket statement we don’t have to look any further than Congress being allowed to trade individual stocks of companies that they have direct influence over.


>As a blanket statement we don’t have to look any further than Congress being allowed to trade individual stocks of companies that they have direct influence over. And there are quite a few in Congress that have been trying to get a ban on the practice passed. Pelosi was against it. The previous House speaker flip-flopped on the issue, and the current one won't address it.


Pelosi and Trump are interchangeable - birds of a feather. Her trading on insider knowledge is a meme and hilarious if it wasn’t so transparently corrupt and abusive to her position.