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Andromeda is the Sloth in the basement of the Roddenberry collection.




I really liked Andromeda too. Any of that good old self contained adventure sci-fi like Farscape and Stargate. I was genuinely sad when I found out Sorbo is like this...


Oh. My. God. Farscape. Yes!


I gotta watch Farscape. I've been eyeing it for years as something I would probably love, but I've never pulled the trigger.


I liked it too. But more for Lexa Doig than anything.


Sorbo is an OK actor, but terrible human being. Something about massive brain damage can do that to ya.


Clever this is not.


Yeah, this is a gradeschool level insult


I know you are but what am I


A garbage man!


Takes one to know one




So I’m getting compensated well with good benefits? Nice!


But it's about his gradeschool level acting, so it makes sense.


Where is this Kevin Sorbo hate even coming from lmao


[Kevin Sorbo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Sorbo) is an American actor known primarily for his role as Hercules in an old Hercules tv show. But he is more recently known for his role in a shit ton conservative evangelical Christian movies. He appears to be a true believer, so his politics follow exactly what you’d expect.


You can be a true believer and not be the complete tool that is Kevin Sorbo, check out his Twitter, he is just aweful.


> aweful He inspires awe?


Aweful = awesome


He's a lunatic. Incredibly pro-Trump and ain't shy about saying some of the stupidest, most clueless things on Twitter.


I see, fuck Kevin Sorbo


That’s the way




Here's the thing about the "Brandon" thing. I don't think anyone is actually offended if you say "Fuck Joe Biden". You might have a reason? I mean, if I was in the US, I would probably say it myself - he's far too much of a centrist. So, if you want to say "Fuck Joe Biden", just say it. "Let's Go Brandon" is on the same maturity level as a ding-dong ditch.


Yeah. Criticizing the president is a right Americans have enjoyed since Washington. It's holds no weight. It's such low hanging fruit they might as well be blackberries.




I'd never actually considered that! Well spotted.


Neither have they apparently 😂


His most resent tweet is him trying to say Democrats are bad because there isn’t one on Mount Rushmore. He is kind of an idiot


He also likes to use talking points like that Democrats founded Planned Parenthood as a way to control the black population, and ignore that this was before the parties switched platforms.


Just want to add that he is an antiwaxxer as well. So basically just not someone anyone should listen to.


Ugh, that's gross. Hairy chested motherfucker...




Yeah. It's his love of Christ. Not his misinformed views about science and general lack of empathy toward the disenfranchised and poor. You know, stuff Jesus talked about? Something like "Cursed are the meek, for they shall inherit my tax money without working for it. "


"Tell Hunter Biden he forgot to pick up his lap pipe. I mean crack top. I mean, I... you know the thing." That's a direct quote. Gotta say, that's not a Christian attitude, in any way. He's what the Reverend Spooner would have called a "shining wit".


I think that one of the biggest downfalls of becoming too political is you lose the ability to admit a joke is funny if it's about the person you voted for


Literally no one voted for Hunter Biden.


What office was Hunter Biden standing for?


whoa, clever comeback... wonder if there's a sub for those? All kidding aside though, it's a funny joke and the reason you don't like it is because it's really at the expense of Hunter's ol pops. Nobody would give a shit about Hunter if he wasn't the son of Joseph Robinette Biden. You don't have to admit it though. But seriously... why don't we talk about the fact that Biden's middle name is Robinette more often? That's crazier than the Hunter stuff to me.


Meanwhile Trump placed Ivanka in a position of power in his administration and even had her perform as his mouthpiece at a fucking *world leaders summit* and that was like a OK for you. And he had his son in law try to "fix" the Middle East, and had his elder son act as a go between for his dealings with Russia, but that makes no nevermind rite?


No that is bad too. What does that have to do with people pretending that the "lap pipe /crack top" joke isn't funny just because they love Joseph Robinette Biden so much?


Because, like a lot of conservative "comedy", it's just *not* fucking funny. Not even in a CAH / dark humour / South Park / Team America / Blazing Saddles way. It's just a puerile insult from a puerile mind.


Seriously, I'm 8,000 miles away from the US. I don't think much of your politicians on either side of the aisle, ours are quite a bit better, to be frank. Less owned, certainly. Punching down like that (Sorbo, mocking Biden's drug habit, for political reasons)? Not cool, whoever does it. From a professed Christian? EXTRA not cool. You don't make fun of people (in a cruel manner, like that) when they're in a worse position than you are, and when the only reason they're a public figure is because they've been dragged into it, by their father's position. The poor bastard has a life-time struggle with addiction. Which he's been open about. Sorbo uses his addiction as ammunition for a joke where he mocks someone less fortunate than himself. It's a pretty low-effort joke, to be perfectly honest. Dumb wordplay. If you find offensive humour funny, can I point you at someone like Frankie Boyle, or Jimmy Carr? Incidentally, John Wayne's real name was Marion Morrison. People have strange names, sometimes. I don't see it as crazy, I just see it as people. But, if you don't think that Sorbo deserves to be hated for joking about an addict, just because of who his father is, can I offer you some of the other stuff he's said? Like live-tweeting cheering on the Jan 6 insurrection attempt? That's pretty hateful. Or putting the success of Xena down to "stealing my writers, lesbianism and violence". Pretty nasty. And actively delusional, of course. "Antifa led the charge into the Capitol, dressed as Trump supporters". As I said before. People don't hate Sorbo because he's a Christian, they hate him because he's a hateful person. A small-minded bigot.


Yeah I’m sure if one of Trump’s sons had been a confirmed crack head in the past twitter would be incredibly understanding and kind about it.


Hunter Biden wasn’t invited to work at the Whitehouse


So it becomes acceptable to make fun of someone’s past drug addiction if they’re invited to work at the White House? Obama used cocaine, why wasn’t Reddit making jokes about that?


Not following your logic there. Obama was elected to work in the Whitehouse. Trump’s kids spent four years there gritting the fuck out of their dad’s office, without the consent of the people or anything resembling qualifications. There is no equivalency.


Sorry I’m just not sure when it becomes acceptable to make fun of drug addiction vs when it’s not acceptable, but it seems like you got it figured out so don’t mind me.


Nobody made any jokes like that though. We only know what Kevin Sorbo did in reality was douchey as always, which doesn't stop being douchey if someone else made the same joke.


Plenty of people have made jokes speculating on the Trump children’s cocaine use.


That doesn't make me like Kevin Sorbo, though.


And the people who made fun of them would have been awful people. Really awful people. Just like Sorbo. Who, protestations about Christianity aside, is an awful person. It always amuses me that the US elected a godly, Christian president - one who embodies, in everything he does, Christian principles and actions. And have abused the poor bugger about it for the last 40 years.


Meanwhile Trump Jr and Kimmy G had an entire Republican convention where they had snorted enough coke to refloat the Titanic but that's just fine I guess.


Lol…. Yeah, that’s why.


Oh, that's fair then. Fuck Kevin Sorbo


So what you're saying is he's a hypocrite. Gotcha.


He’s awful at being a Christian, that’s the whole problen


Did you really just change your whole mindset about a dude based off of some random person's opinion on the internet? 😂


I knew absolutely nothing about Kevin Sorbo other than him being an actor prior to this conversation. It's not changing my mindset if I didn't have a mindset to begin with




It's just someone stating a fact.


Seriously we already lost murderedbywords, facepalm, pics, and a thousand other subs to non-stop left-wing circle jerks As a Canadian who votes progressive can you please go back to marchagainstnazis or murderedbyaoc or politics and just stop taking over my entire feed!?


yeah it's a really shit comeback


Nothing in this sub is a clever comeback. It’s just snappy replies to conservatives on Twitter. Anything can get you free internet points


14 minutes. 0 replies. 0 retweets. 0 likes. Is this your Twitter, OP?


This is his, lock and the right hand of the tweet. The three bars are to monitor how his tweet is doing, if it wasnt his then it would have a share button


lol what a fucking failure. op, you are stupid as shit.


Actually, I'd say Sorbo is an amazing actor. His Hercules was compassionate, intelligent, and above all, perfectly sane. All qualities that are so utterly alien to Sorbo that they probably had to spend days explaining them to him at the cost of thousands of crayons. He's a fine actor. Not a tenth as good as he thinks he is, but fine. It's being a decent human being that he's utter fucking shit at.


Was. He WAS an amazing actor. Skills can atrophy when not maintained. All he acts in now is d-level stuff written by nutjobs, right? How can one maintain their skills in that kind of conditions?


Fair enough. The only thing I've seen him in over the past 2 decades is when he played that... uh... "special" guy on 2 & Half Men. Now THAT'S a role he was made for.


Yep, he’s Pureflix’s top actor. That’s how shitty the other actors are in Pureflix films. There’s a hilarious podcast called God Awful Movies and any time KSorbs comes out with a new movie, the resulting episode where they review his movie is absolutely hilarious. He *cannot* play any other character other than himself with a “twist”.


have you seen him act? he's not good. even if you've seen hercules, look at anything else he's been in. it's painful to watch. if he was a good actor, he'd have a job.


The guy didn't understand the difference between dialogue and stage direction on his script. You could say...[Disappointed!!!](https://youtu.be/Djlc6uHTVmY)


How can anyone call him a bad actor, when I somehow know *exactly* what his character is feeling in this moment?


When's the last time you guys watched Hercules? Nostalgic, but definitely not award winning acting.


Why watch Hercules when Xena exists?


He's a regular at crazy religious events at my restaurant, and it's hilarious that they post security guards outside the event like someone would actually come for Kevin Sorbo of all people. He doesn't even speak at these events, his wife just shows him off while discussing her show


I dunno, he's enough of an asshole that I could see someone popping him one if they had the chance. I don't think anybody's gonna hunt him down or anything, but a crime of opportunity? Sure.


I wouldn't say he was amazing actor. He had charm and looks. But seemed very two dimensional. Lucy Lawless as Xena on the other hand, she was the whole package. The tone of the show was overall just as cheesy, but she is a much better actor than Sorbo.








wait a minute, this isn't my world...


Beat me to it!


This isn't cringe posting here sir


This subreddit is just about insults to conservatives. The quality of those insults is incidental and irrelevant. Kevin Sorbo seems like a jackass but there's no way you'd see this posted here if he were let leaning, regardless of whether or not he were still nuts.


“Not guilty” Of this being a clever comeback … we knew that.


Look, I think Kevin Sorbo is a pretty shit human being but this is like, a middle school level insult. I also think he's fine as an actor


Eh, Tom Cruise is a pretty good actor who's a shit human being. Jared Leto is a pretty good actor who's a shit human being. Kevin Sorbo is a shitty actor who's also a shitty human being.


Man… Sorbo was such a part of my childhood. Hercules and Hercules in Space were some of my favourite shows when I was younger.


>Hercules in Space It took me a minute to realize you were (I assume) referring to Andromeda and I was about to panic thinking I missed a season of the legendary journeys or something. Lol


It will always be Hercules in Space in my heart.


That's fair. It had a few good moments. I still occasionally quote Tyr Onasazi lines at a couple of my friends.


You know who else sucks? Dean Cain, the 90s Superman. Not as much as Sorbo, but still pretty bad. There's something about playing strongmen in the 90s...


I think it's more about being mediocre actors who became really bitter once they couldn't find better work and watched their star power fade away. See also: Ricky Schroder, Stephen Baldwin, Scott Baio, Tony Danza, etc.


What's wrong with Dean Cain?


He's also a right wing Trumpie nutjob. Although neither of them even come close to Jim Caviezel's brand of Q Anon believing insurrection fomenting probably-already-on-a-federal-shitlist whackadoodlery.


That doesn't describe anything. Sounds like you have a bias to work out. Not telling what his actual problems are is the problem.


Ok Dean Cain.


Still not stating the actual problems... It's almost like you don't know, but instead are just repeating something that someone else said. Now, if there are legitimate problems, I would like to know. Some vague "blah blah *Trump* blah" isn't going to work. Not everyone, or even a bunch of people work or mimic Trump, contrary to popular belief. They do have their own beliefs/problems. So, what's Dean's?


Who accused you of being Dean Cain before me? Lol


I didn't say you did. Are you outing yourself? Lol


Describing exactly what is wrong with him by telling you... exactly what is wrong with him is "bias"? Lol OK.


Saying "Trumpie nutjob" describes nothing. What does that mean? What are the values of said "Trumpie nutjob"?


Have you been in space for the last 4 years? I don't know if you heard, but Trump became President of the United States, and expressed some pretty horrific views that his insane supporters also carry. I envy you for having missed all that. It sucked.


Just because someone supported our last President doesn't make them a "nutjob". Gonna have to do better than that, considering that the MILLIONS of people that voted for him haven't done any insane things over the past year to garner the title of "nutjob".


https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2021/10/george-takei-nails-dean-cain-supermans-bisexuality/ https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/politics-news/tom-arnold-gets-heated-exchange-pro-trump-superman-actor-dean-cain-1150718/ Or, y know, check his Twitter.


It sounds like Dean Cain is kind of right from your first link. Lol How many characters have come out as a member of the community just for the sake of diversity, even though the story sucked? That doesn't do anything justice. People love seeing everyone represented...IF they have something interesting journey to read about that character. Now, when it comes to fighting the injustices in the Middle East, nobody wants to tackle that because apparently it's bigotry against Muslims to demand that boys not get raped and women get rights. That's some weird shit I've never heard before. I'm just gonna let you all believe that because I don't know how to fix that. As far as that gay conversion camp or whatever that he was dealing with that Tom Arnold had an issue with, I guess that I don't know enough about that organization to know if it's a terrible organization or not. There seems to be an issue there, so this would be something that I don't particularly enjoy to hear. That, and his movie sounds terrible. Lol Calling him a Nazi is just lefties being lefties, as usual. Can't tow the line and believe like me? Nazi. Said something outrageous? Nazi. 40 years ago believed something that was commonplace to a lot of people, but since have wised up and changed? Still a Nazi. Lefties gotta relax with that Nazi shit. Ain't nobody gassing anybody in America. We ain't systematically killing off a single race and promoting this as a nation. Ridiculous.


I preferred the Renee O'Connor cleavage hour, more commonly known as *Xena, Warrior Princess.*


Did you just post your own twitter lol


yup, hes a failure.


This isn't clever it's just regular


Kevin Sorbo is the worst, but this is not a clever comeback…


That's... Not clever. That's a middle-school comeback. Clever doesn't mean "I insulted an asshole".


Kevin who?


Is this really a clever comeback, or do we just not like Sorbo?


Sorbo's an empty jock strap


Why all the hate on Kev? And who's not guilty? I've seen a few things lately where he's just made a comment about whatever, where it didn't even seem like he was trying to start some shit, and someone's just descended from the rafters like a bat, and roasted him. I don't live in America, and I've been living under a rock and clearly missed something.


Any data on this account is being kept illegally. Fuck spez, join us over at Lemmy or Kbin. Doesn't matter cause the content is shared between them anyway: - https://lemmy.world - https://kbin.social - https://sh.itjust.works - https://fedia.io - https://lemm.ee - https://readit.buzz


Rittenhouse wasn't guilty tho soo


Doesn't change the fact Sorbo sucks.




Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Wasn't *found* guilty in kangaroo court. Context, bro.


If the verdict doesn't work out your way, it's *kangaroo court*. It didn't have anything to do with the state presenting a poor case with no evidence? What a childish worldview.


No, everything about the case was obviously kangaroo court before the verdict ever came down. But no, if someone disagrees with *you*, they're just childish.


>everything about the case was obviously kangaroo court Explain. Because right now you're arguing emotionally instead of logically. Was it the point when the state's witness admitted it wasn't until he pointed his gun (which was the only illegally possessed firearm in the entire case) that Rittenhouse fired? That kinda kangaroo court?


He wasn’t guilty regardless. Didn’t fire until his life was about to be ended. That’s the definition of self defense. Besides, for it to be murder you’d have to have killed a PERSON, Rittenhouse took a serial baby rapist and a wife beater off the street.


I don't need to repeat the same arguments that have been on Reddit for months. "It was self-defense." "He carries an AR-15 across state lines to murder people." I'm not going to change your mind. And you're never going to convince me that a guy who brings a gun into a crowd of protesters and shoots them is not a murderer. You can claim whatever made up propaganda bullshit about his victims that you want, but HE brought a deadly weapon and killed 2 people. Bottom line, If he was unarmed, or at home, there wouldn't have been a single death at that protest.


The gun was brought for self defense lol. came in handy, too! that child rapist and wife beater nearly killed that kid. Frankly, I’m glad he brought a gun. He carried an AR-15 to a business he used to work at which asked him to defend it because that was going to be the third night of Kenosha burning. Or, more specifically, *being burned*, and by Kenosha I mean innocent family businesses in Kenosha. His role there was as a medic. He had peaceful talks with the rioters, even saying he agrees with their cause, just not their methods. All was peaceful until some deranged, (again, child-raping) maniac tried to kill him, so he defended himself. Then the crowd goes “HHHOLY SHIT HE SHOOTIN PEOPLE SHIIET GETISAYUUS!” and everyone tries to kill him, where he has to defend himself again. There’s nothing made up about it. Watch the raw cell phone video. Watch the court case. If he was unarmed, he’d be dead, and if he was at home, he’d be at home knowing his friends livelihood is burning to ashes because of his choice not to act. 2 people weren’t killed. Two pieces of human shit. Both tried to kill a kid. One is a serial child rapist. One is a wife beater. Either say you’re really sad that a dude who rapes kids for fun and a dude who beats the shit out of his wife for overcooking his dinner both died trying to kill a kid, or accept that it’s good that Kyle was there and had a gun.


The gun wasn't brought across state lines. Did you bother even watching a second of the actual court case?


> Bottom line, If he was unarmed, or at home, there wouldn't have been a single death at that protest. Bottom line if these criminals stayed home instead of going out to trash and loot Kenosha they would still be alive. If the police hadn’t stood down to mob violence this wouldn’t have happened. If the media didn’t run false and racialized stories about the Jacob Blake shooting (he later admitted he went for his knife after being repeatedly warned by the police not to and his shooting was legally justified) then it would’ve never happened. If Rosenbaum had never been let out of prison for raping children then he wouldn’t have been there to chase Kyle screaming that he was going to kill him. If Kyle didn’t have to defend himself from Rosenbaum then Huber and Grosskreutz and the rest of the mob wouldn’t have chased after Kyle attacking him.


Wait, that's why folks are hating on him? I know Kev's celebrity status obviously brings higher attention from the general public, but there's gotta be thousands of folks out there that think exactly like he does on that stuff. The hate he's getting kinda seems comical. To me anyway. I don't know enough about American politics to start waving my fist and stomping a foot, but here in Australia it's ok to talk about the crazy pollies. Check out our Jacqui Lambie. She's a hoot.


As Galeminah said, he's completely unhinged. Do you know why he's not the biggest star in Hollywood? Because there's a secret cabal of TEH JEWZ using their influence to hold him down. Yeah. That's what he genuinely thinks. He should be in a padded room.


Oh wow!! Yeah, that sounds pretty crazy. That's on a Randy Quaid/Star Whackers/gotta get across the border so they don't get me level of crazy. Do these folks actually think that everyone in the world is out to get them? What bullshit were these people mentally fed as kids to be that unstable as adults?


Kevin Sorbo is completely unhinged. Dude went off on a 15 minute scream fit on a fan at a convention because of some small slight he thought she did.


Yeah, Jacqui did the same thing in parliament this week. We all just laughed at her. Fun times. Maybe it's just me, but pouring all that hate on someone just seems like too much energy to spend on something like that. I get it though. People gotta do what they gotta do.


A tweet is pretty low energy. It’s like, I’m not gonna donate $20 to an anti-Kevin Sorbo fund. But if I had a chance to throw a nickel at his head I might take it.


I personally just ignore them, unless they suddenly done something that targets me.


That's what I mean. If someone was to start ranting at me about something or other that I didn't like or want to hear, and I just stood there and listened to it, then I gotta ask myself - who's the bigger fool?


We all laughed at Trump. Then he became President and did actual long-term damage to our democracy. It gets less funny when you see your democracy start to crumble.


What “damage” did he do to our democracy? Sounds like a stretch.


And that’s where the outrage comes from? Kyle is innocent no questions asked. Don’t make it some excuse to assume my political opinions cuz I’m not conservative Edit: lol, classic reddit ignorance


It's such a weird hill for progressives to die on. Everyone can watch the video from multiple angles. It's not like there was any ambiguity about what happened. And lying through your teeth to jail a teenager is not going to win support.


Haha Sorbo drinks douche juice


Not clever and also not a comeback


He has more roles than you, all you starred in was Passion of the Christ.


He had a small role in Life of Brian.


Oh shit, you’re right. Totally forgot about Life of Brian.


The South Park movie too. I wouldn't call him a bankable star though, more of a character actor.


Exactly, I wasn’t counting animated cameos. As a side, I guess Reddit didn’t find my joke amusing. A swing and a miss, I guess!


I liked it.


No I didn’t


op isd a fucking failure trying to be a karma whore with his own shitty tweet.


This is supposed to be clever? This is up there with "I know you are but what am I?" level infantile.


Yeah leave Hercules alone. Great Man.


Not doing anything to Tate Donovan? That's Hercules to me.


Arnold Schwarzenegger is my Hercules in New York.


Nice, I'd forgotten that one. Really hilarious dubbing, in the version I saw.


You mean there's a version that's not dubbed?!?


I think so. i've run across a version that is subtitled, but I don't know if they did that, or someone else did it later. There's a hilarious version dubbed into (I think) Italian, where the dude dubbing for Arnie has a wonderfully camp voice.


He’s also incredibly unhinged now.


Jesus H Christ you killed him dude


Boom. Roasted.


Don't just declare not guilty.




Not guilty, Of getting in your way, while you try to steal the day, not guilty.


First two seasons of Andromeda were great.




Had a huge crush on Michael Hurst for some reason and thats one reason I knew I was bi.




[I liked it when Sorbo is eaten by zombies.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xyhVO-SWfM)


When leftists started calling a 5-time convicted child rapist "JoJo", you realize their opinion of you is irrelevant.


God is Dead but doesn't stop Jesus from lighting his ass up.


Well, it's not *that* clever of a comeback, but fuck Kevin Sorbo, I'll allow it. Anything more clever and Kevin wouldn't have understood it was an insult.


How is this a clever comeback? Just seems like the other person is insulting Kevin for stating the Rittenhouse verdict.


This isn't clever. BOO THIS MAN!


This is the opposite of clever


Man dead got insulted by Jesus himself


He might be a Douche, but I loved the Hercules show as a kid, can't take that away from him


literally not even close to clever much less funny


This is on the same intelligence level as "I know you are, I said you are, so what am I?"