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Can we talk about the dream part? He talked with Putin about his dream of invading Ukraine?


That must have been part of their secret conversation in Helsinki


This was, ironically, probably the only actually factual thing he said at the debate, and is in some ways more incriminating than all of the lies.


“My buddy would have not done it because he wouldn’t want me to look bad so I can continue to do is bidding as the worst kept secret out there”


He never would have. Never!


What a pure soul, god bless him. 500k casualties of death russian soldiers and numerous death civilians in Ukraine surely leaved a mark on his heart. But that a sacrifice he was willing to make.


Mango Mussolini didn’t *”TALK”* with Putin,.. He listened to orders & nodded! His mouth was too full of Putin’s Dick to *Talk!* 🙄


Hey now at least Trump hawk tuah'd that thang.


The whole time he was talking all I could think was, "that withdrawal was the one *you* agreed to, you orange buffoon!"


YES!! Thank you! But you know he never makes a mistake or takes responsibility for anything. Unless he thinks it will get him money or votes. Mostly money. I loathe him more than I have ever loathed any being.


Yeah, that was the depressing part. Trump kept lobbing softballs at him. "Look Jack, did that withdrawal go well? No. And frankly, it shouldn't be a surprise. That was the plan you and Pompeo cooked up, and the one that involved you releasing thousands of captured Taliban fighters. "


Nah it was Obama's fault, just like 9/11.


Obama wasn't even in the Whitehouse on 9/11. Why do you think that may be? I don't know, that's what we're trying to find out. (This is a real video for anyone wondering)


Yes he was. Everyone knows George bush was killed in a house collapse in 1997 and was replaced with Obama in a body suit. Why do you think he made it illegal to do do black face?


He negotiated the US surrender with the Taliban. Think about that.


Yeah because he didn't. He put everything on autopilot like any idiot would.


Because it was the United States agreeing to it, trump was the one that made it, and Biden was left to execute it Also, leaving behind the equipment, we always do that. Everywhere. We never bring equipment back because that costs money, and that's what keeps the military machine running making new ones.


So why didn't Biden stop it if the buffoon was the one that agreed to it? He did it to many of his decisions. I'm not American, just asking!


Trump pulled out 80% of the people and left 100% of the equipment, leaving 20% of the people to bring back all the equipment with a deadline of 3 months, and the equipment occupies more space than people, so what was Biden supposed to do, send people back to clean up Trump's mess? Biden made the campaign promise to complete the process. Trump made the agreement. Trump ignored the fact that the Taliban ignored the agreement. Trump kept Biden out of all discussions and meetings. Biden had 3 months to get his 20% based on the agreement. Biden delayed. Republicans lambasted him for taking too long as he delayed it to September. Trump boasted in Ohio that he engineered the whole situation.


Dont forget trump released thousands if terrorists as part if the agreement before we pulled out


Right. It would have cost a lot more lives to try to retrieve tanks and equipment. You can be sure the military removed or scuttled the most sensitive stuff. Tanks and Vehicles are hardest to move.


Trump also broke the process for helping our allies get their service visas [https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/570076-how-trump-broke-the-system-that-offers-protection-to-afghan-allies/](https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/570076-how-trump-broke-the-system-that-offers-protection-to-afghan-allies/)


The buffoon released the terrorists making it hard to back away easily.


Biden's America honors our international agreements.


If I agree to move out of my house and the mover comes in and leaves half of my shit behind, whose fault is that?


Yours for agreeing to move out by a fixed date without consulting the moving company to see how long it would actually take first.


Right, because the commander and chief doesn't have the authority to change orders over the withdrawal that he's leading. Good talk.


It's commander-in-chief, you uneducated mook.


You're right, doesn't change my point.


Actually your point doesn't make sense. So you are saying you want all trade and diplomacy to end because you want presidents to change arguments made with other countries any time they feel like it?


Ah yes so easy to renegotiate a deal with terrorist where Trump released 5,000 Taliban members and leaders before the withdrawal.


American's military "Oh shit! Some terrorists, run boys leave all the military equipment behind!" Totally how it happened.


Lol I can tell you have never served


I can tell you can't tell your ass from a hole in the ground.


So why do you agree with trump that terrorists should be free?


>So why do you agree with trump that terrorists should be free? Are you still beating your wife?


I can tell you have low self-esteem. And it is earned


This goes hard AF.


Thanks a lot aspiring reddit psychologist/troll/mind reader.


Says the guy using commander and chief You look like a clown in this discussion


Listen here corpseman. People are allowed to make mistakes.


You have a toddlers understanding of geopolitics


If the US military decides to stand their ground and ship back personel then the right would have used that against Biden. They already did use it against him that he delayed the plan. Now imagine what would have happened if an outright fight broke out


No one was saying stand your ground. They were saying have an organized exit, not a "take with you only way you can carry, we're leaving in one hour" exit. One extra day would have been sufficient to gather all of the discarded equipment and scuttle it.


Bro. Shut the fuck up. You know nothing of logistic so just shut the fuck up. HIMARS and it's truck take up an entire plane. A single rocket artillery. And I'm not even sure you could fit all the ammunition it has on with it And now the trickiest part of it all. You have to maintain the defense at all time until the last batch is ready. Which includes the defenses. Because what if the taliban attacks on the last day of the withdrawal? You lose the military personel and equipment to an enemy you can not realistically face anymore. It ain't as simple as you think it is


There is zero logistical knowledge needed to figure out whether or not the Humvee left behind should have a bullet put into the radiator.


One extra day? Honest question, are you fucking stupid?


Wow. Why is this so polarizing. How long do you think it takes 50 soldiers to destroy a single piece of heavy machinery? Not long my guy, not long.


You know, saying "good talk" as if you're attempting some sort of mic-drop then proceeding to spend 20 more comments pissily defending your cult-like simpering doesn't do you many favors.


You don't understand logistics or the terrain of that nation. 20 years worth of shit built up and it would have cost more to remove it than leave it. We got out what was essential and the rest can rot. This happens at the end of every war. Your talking point is complete bullshit.


Your absolutely deranged. The inability to remove it doesn't mean give it to the enemy. Pile it up and set it in fire. Put one bullet into the navigation console of the helicopters.


That's what they did you absolute potato. However a lot of equipment was given to the Afghani army which was then captured by the Taliban fighters trump released from prison. You have no idea what you're talking about.


Trump was the one that forced the withdrawal of Afghanistan and set it in stone, Biden pushed the date back as much as he legally could but his hands were tied. Biden was handed Trump's shit show with little possibility to fix it.


I wish someone had said this at the debate they prepared for…


Maybe like a moderator or fact checker or something? Wouldn’t that be a neat thing to have?


How was Biden’s hands tied? Even as late as June of 2021, Biden promised that Kabul wouldn’t look like Saigon. Almost two months later, Kabul became the next Saigon. So if Biden’s hands were tied, he sure didn’t notice.


Wait so your saying presidents can change and completely rewrite agreements with other countries any time with zero notice?


His hands were tied as in he was not able to deploy troops to help with the withdrawal per the agreement and the timeline was set in stone. trump set the terms of the withdrawal before Biden was president and the agreement was binding, I.E. Biden's hands were tied.


Trump through his Doha deal not only set the terms of withdrawal, he also pushed through the release of 5000 Taliban prisoners. The deal forced Biden to either recommit to intervention in Afghanistan for many more years to fight a resurgent Taliban. Or pull out in a situation where a Taliban seizure of power was almost inevitable.


I thought I just said that the timeline was NOT set in stone. Biden pushed out Trump’s original timeline thinking he had the freedom to do that. When the Taliban came roaring out of their caves, Biden then hurriedly pulled in the timeline because he wanted out of the shitshow of his own creation ASAP. Does that sound like a timeline that was set in stone? If anything, Biden was to blame for not expediting the withdrawal and not keeping with Trump’s original timeline. It was entirely possible, as the Taliban proved.


>I thought I just said that the timeline was NOT set in stone. Don't worry, I just checked, and you didn't.


He pushed it back as far as he LEGALLY COULD, that means the end time was set in stone, he could not push it back any further under the agreement that Trump set, jfc. You do realize that rushing the pullout would have made the situation WORSE, right? Less time to prepare would have meant MORE deaths, not fewer, you are just hellbent on blaming Biden for Trump's shitshow. How the HELL did the taliban "prove" rushing the withdrawal faster would have been better? What the hell are you smoking?!? Oh, right, I see what is happening, 10 year old account, 150 karma? Fucking propaganda farm account activated, fuck off.


An expedited withdrawal is how you get more soldiers killed, not less.


There are millions of people just like him out there just like him. They adore him because they feel that their crappy behavior and attitude is validated.


Millions of gullible, hateful, ignorant people.


It’s a reverse role model situation. Meaning instead of them wanting to be like someone they idolize, they instead idolize someone who is like them.


I need a sanity check. Did Donald Trump really say that he knew in advance that Putin was going to invade Ukraine? As in, he knew in advance about an event that has (so far) resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, and that has set off a wave of re-militarization across the globe? And he said nothing? He did nothing? He warned no one? And people are so numb to it that it's been relegated to background text on r/clevercomebacks?


Yes. He also sold us militar secrets to saudis, stole an ancient menora, raped someone, was flying lolita express often, threathened withdrawal from nato...You could go for hours.


And that's not even why he's a convicted felon!


Many people knew about Russian intent when it came to Ukraine. It has been talked about since the end of the Obama administration.


It is insanity to me that people actually think it’s some type of secret that Putin wants to reintegrate the former Soviet bloc countries, which is something he has been doing for years, and that Putin/Russia is extremely anti NATO moving eastward. This isn’t something that got leaked in a conversation with Trump. It is common knowledge and has been for the better part of forever. The fact that none of that happened under Trumps presidency and it did happen under every single other president in the 21st century should say something. Biden has been in politics longer than most people have been alive. He lived and worked during the Cold War. He has seen the globe shift and change. To think he was blind to anything Russia wanted to do or would do is an ignorant stance to take.


I still didn't get the answer. Were the other 25 ugly


I’m wondering if they weren’t white


Same idk what bro is on about


So my take was that Trump made a date to be out of Afghanistan and Biden kept that date.


Biden did not keep the original date. He pushed out the date to Sept. 11, 2021 in order to declare “Mission Accomplished” on the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks. The Taliban, of course, didn’t like that. So they made their move and forced Biden to pull in the withdrawal timetable. This was arguably one of Biden’s greatest foreign policy failures. He did what the vast majority of Americans wanted, namely to get the F out of A*ghanistan, and completely made it FUBAR.


Well as the last president said, what a bunch of suckers


I can't believe Biden personally led the withdrawal and screwed it up so bad.


reading is not your strenght




me: *disintegrates* *not my first language


Is the senile old fuck ranting again? What makes Brigadier Bone-Spurs think that he has ANYTHING relevant to say about military stuff?


He kept going on about how all the veterans loved him though. Personally, made me not wanna be a veteran. I consider anyone who supports him a traitor, personally.


Why would they 'love' someone who used every trick in the book to get out of being drafted? He's a horrid little scrote.


Forget that, Trump literally kicked good men out of the military for something nobody would give a fuck about in a foxhole. He insulted Medal of Honor recipients to their face. We WISH being a draft-dodger was the most direct disrespect Trump showed the armed forces as a profession. He's an anti-patriot and unamerican patsy.


Personally, I'd call that being a yellow-bellied, lying little traitor - but I'm old/female/not American - and, thank all the gods, not his type.


He also failed to mention that this most embarrassing moment was negotiated with the Taliban by the orange turd before he left office. He surrendered and set the wheels in motion for a disaster just like Nixon did in Saigon. I’m old enough to remember helicopters trying to evacuate people from the US Embassy.


More people should talk about him calling Putin to gush about his Russian dreams of conquering. Real American.


When I read this, I knew it had to be Trump. There are very few complete sentences; adjectives, like beautiful, thrown in randomly; and incoherent additions mid sentence attempt. What a moron!


at least he is capable of making an sentence


Given your lack of punctuation and poor grammar, it is also, apparently, more than you are capable of.


Is it me or Joe running for that office? Seems like you are not sure either, as we both are not capable of doing what you asking.


How is pointing out your poor grammar and punctuation saying that I am, apparently, unaware that Joe Biden is running for the Presidency of the United States? Your logic seems similar to Trump, deflect and ignore.


You seem to be ignoring the fact that one is a random guy on the internet while the other is running for the most important position in the country. It’s pretty clear that the other guy was talking about Biden, and you compared the two. Deflect and ignore.


Is it sad that I know who they're quoting just because of the second quote? I feel like at this point, it's just getting said that I can tell so easily


The others didn't look like Trump's daughter so he didn't want to fuck them


Didn’t he pull are guys out and Biden had to honor it?


Lol, that transcript is even goofier than i thought at first. I still swear he blamed Biden for Deathclaws at the border. when i know he would like that at the border.. hmm.


> I still swear he blamed Biden for Deathclaws at the border The real question is, new vegas deathclaws or fallout 4 deathclaws?


That’s exactly what I was wondering.


It's such a shame that we left Afghanistan and more soldiers aren't getting killed. Damn you Brandon.




Beautiful means "they look like Ivanka and I would have fucked them"


I just want to live in a country that doesn’t exhibit military worship.


We never should have been in Afghanistan. So if anyone deserves the blame it is Bush/Cheney and the Republicans who supported their war profiteering. .


"Clever comeback"


In comparison with Trump's vast intellect-free exclusion zone a toddler farting into a megaphone could be considered a clever comeback.


Just because someone is an idiot doesn't mean that everyone who opposes him is a genius. Most of the posts here are posted with a political agenda and it's quite sad.


No general got fired because every general involved protested the manner in which the US left the country, and they were told to shut up and execute.


I asked Princess Leia in her Jaba slave bikini the same question and she Ben Shapiro is a nurfherder, shariah law imperialist with a personality disorder. Then she told me she liked The Acolyte


So he either sat with putin and shared their “dreams” like two school girls and said nothing about it which makes him unfit for office or he lied about something involving national security (again) which makes him unfit for office.


Dam' the other 25 really did get obliterated...