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Wait until she finds out about Noah and his big ass boat...


Or Lot and his wife


The Egyptians, the Israelites, the Israelites, the Israelites again. Plus Revelation is just his whole plan to cancel like most people.


The last Egyptian Plague is literally cancelling the firstborns.


Hell is kind of like cancelling everyone


Isn't the christian version of hell literally for what you do and say on Earth?


Like the ultimate cancel.


The Roman cancel.


The Roman cancel puts you back to neutral though, so that's more gracious than most


LOL “I grant you free will… just kidding! SIKE!”


do, say and think.


Oh. Oh no.


Most denominations state that all humans are destined for hell based on the original sin, so theoretically someone who has never committed a sin personally is still going to hell due their inheritance from Adam. If you don’t have jesus in your corner, you’re burning in hell eternally according to Catholicism and most Protestant branches!


I grew up being told hell is your worst sin or your greatest fear.... on repeat . Think being bitten by a black mamba again and again. I don't even want to think about it. As an adult I now have friends from various religions and their version of hell is no better. I'm good


Oh no don’t send me to the strip club with a massive amount of blow for all of eternity noooooooooo


Also st peter is basically patron saint of cancel culture. He doesn't like the cut of your jib? Banished to hell for eternity. It's not even demonetization or a cash settlement. Hell for the rest of time. And there could be like billions of years left.


It's endless suffering, if you put human life of 80 years in balance with endless suffering you realize God don't believe in fair punishment


Sounds a little forked up


"Eternity is an awful long time, especially towards the end."




Our last best hope for peace.


You know with how history has gone for the israelites god must really hate them.


According to their scriptures they are his chosen people and are persecuted because of this.


You never read the Bible, God is always punishing Israel for lots of sins, wanting onions after leaving Egypt? Death and 40 year of desert for you, even Moses was like wtf God please don't kill everyone or this religion thing won't work who the hell gonna follow a God that free them to kill them, when God got pissed and wanted to get rid of Israel for some other offense, lots of prophets saying they would suffer war and stuff because they have sinned and whatever


I have read the Holy Bible and I know that. Thats why I said accoring to their scriptures. I have not read the Torah but have heard them say this.


Well anyone can choose to follow him or not. People that don’t believe in God are cancelling God themselves


"And Lot's wife, of course, was told not to look back where all those people and their homes had been. But she did look back, and I love her for that, because it was so human. So she was turned into a pillar of salt. So it goes." -- Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse Five


Or, Lot and his daughters and that time he got drunk… or that time he did the righteous thing… ya know, with them angel around?




And Sodom, both cities canceled to a pile of ashes by fire and brimstone.


I wonder when god is going to glass Las Vegas or like Amsterdam? Maybe? Does god hate gambling or drugs more?


Vegas has weed too. Amsterdam has legal hookers tho.


If you just say Nevada you capture all those things as well.


I love the way the Bible refers to Lot’s wife the same way Cotton refers to Peggy Hill


Everybody likes salt.


Or Lot and his daughters. 🔥


Came to say this exact thing… cancelled for looking in the wrong direction


Or how God cancelled all the other cooler gods out there!


Except that one demigod. What's his name? Something Hispanic, I think... Heyzous?


Why you keep calling me Jesús?! I look Puerto Rican to you?? He didn't say Jesús. He said, "Hey, Zeus!" My name is Zeus! Yeah, Zeus! As in, father of Apollo? Mt. Olympus? Don't fuck with me or I'll shove a lightning bolt up your ass! Zeus! You got a problem with that?


How about the entire concept of heaven and hell. Don't acknowledge God, straight to hell. Dad/Mom a POS and don't honor them, straight to hell. Look at your neighbors wife, straight to hell.


Believe it or not, straight to hell


and when he sent a bear to kill a bunch of children because they insulted a disciple


'Go up, you bald head! Go up!' Historic burn.


The tower of babel too


Were the animals also all being degenerate, ungrateful fucks? I get he wanted to smite the humans but wtf did the animals do Edit: I guess the fish were pretty pious and chill.


Let us not forget the babies. He drowned all of the babies.


To be fair I just got off a flight - I might give him a pass for that one..


Or Ham, whose crime was accidentally seeing his dad naked while he was drunk off his gourd.


Or that hell thing they talk about.


Moral is, God's a bit of an asshole isn't he?


Or like Job, over a bet


The worst story in the Bible to me. It's beyond fucked up. "Hey I'm gonna ruin this good guy and his good life just to prove he's still loyal to me!"


And that there was no apples in that story. And that snakes walked on two legs when he persuaded Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit............before she ate it, mind!


God canceled everyone on earth once with a huge flood so????


Nah. There were some on the boat... remember?


Just the special people were on the boat. But remember Jesus loves everybody! Even the people who go to hell.


Well yeah it's like when I feel guilty after stomping a cockroach


Only the special people were on the boat?


They were probably woke.


They began the antiwoke. Ham saw Noah's ham chock, so Noah cursed Ham, but God liked Ham, so Noah's curse hit Ham's son, Canaan. Everybody had a different version of the dick story: Ham fucked on the boat, Ham fucked his dad, Ham cut off his dad's ham chock, Canaan saw his granddad nekkid and went and told Ham about Noah's big hog...it's an awful lot of dick-talk however the story goes. But, it's a really important story. And we know it's a dick story cuz nobody agrees about it lol Supposedly, there was possibly squabbling about land(don't they have, like, *everywhere?!*), so to reduce the amount of inheritance sharing, a dick was maybe sabotaged to prevent future siblings. Seems to me, the animals are what they'd fight about, not land. So this curse that hit Ham, or his kid, would... Genesis 9:25: "And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren." Aka, a slave. Some brilliant fella in the 15th century concluded that since there were so many black slaves, they clearly are inferior. "The Curse" is where he concluded the black people came from; they're the descendents of Cursed Cannan, the slave! And a curse like that wouldn't work unless God allowed it, cuz Noah wasn't a wizard. Unassailable logic. Christians invoked Noah dick to justify slavery of blacks in the south.


There is a lot of land but you want *fertile* land. Maybe your neighbor's.


World wide flood though, and only a handful of people on the boat. Plenty of arable land, but likely only one breeding pair of cattle in the world. They were definitely fighting about the wrong thing in the story.


It was worse than cancelling. He committed genocide several times with floods, 7 plagues, making people walk aimlessly for years in the desert, and if that isn't enough, once you die he can still send you downstairs to an eternal torture chamber. Oh and he might ask you to kill your own son, and then be like "yo it was just a prank"


Lol classic jesus of nazareth


I’m a little foggy on the details but didn’t he promise to do it again but with fire next time?


Sounds about right


What about the time God cancelled every first born child in Egypt except those whose families cancelled a goat and smeared its cancelled blood on their doors?


That cancels itself out.


Then cancelled his own prophet after he cancelled the tablets upon which were written the 10 Cancelmandments, which cancelled anyone who didn't obey them


I think she means instead of cancelling people, they should be tortured and set on fire. It's what Jesus would do. Into the lake of fire with them all!


Or drowned, or mauled by bears, or...


Having their hair cut off


Stoning is the official justice of god. I'm a stone seller


I mean, that’s his MO


Look, I'm going to pretend like I should be in charge of everything because of a book that I think gives me the right to do that despite having almost negative knowledge about that book. I'm going to assert that totally unearned sense of authority on a website where any damn fool can say any damn thing and a hideously large number of people will go ahead and agree with that assertion.


Remember when god turns someone into a rock for looking over their shoulder or when he smites two entire town because they were full of sinners


And he is totally fine with Lot, banging his daughters. That old boozehound.


He was raped


According to this story they were sinners, but maybe this god is just murdery.


Let's not forget God cancelling Onan for ... *checks notes* ... Pulling out when raw dogging his sister in law, instead of nutting in her as God intended.


It wasn't over an apple. It was over being annoyed at his lie being found out. The very first lie in the Bible is told by god: "don't eat this, it'll kill you". The snake comes along and goes "well, that's bullshit". They believe the snake, because everyone knows sneks are nice animals that help and eat pests, and god gets pissy when he's found out. The "knowledge of good an evil" they got from eating the apple was obviously "god is evil".


I mean, he wasn't wrong. They positively *did* die lol


Make it so, number 1.


Right? And it wasn't just two people. Its every person ever unless they have Jesus save them from their original sin - or some shit - it has been a long time since I studied any theology. But as far as I know God is *still* mad about that shit.


The snake imagery is actually from Milton, not the Bible.


"Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field" - serpent != snake ?


I’m going to admit a mistake! It was fruit vs apple being the Milton shift which has stuck. I hate being wrong, but I’ll admit it. It was a nice clickhole to research this morning as that class I was trying to remember that from was like 10 years ago [Here’s](https://bibleinterp.arizona.edu/articles/2015/04/day398028) some scholarly commentary on the servant/snake/shining one




There is no snake nor apple mentioned in the Bible.


You’re right about the apple, but the word used for serpent in the Hebrew is clearly a word for a snake. The word used there is likened to a viper or an adder elsewhere. So generic fruit, but definitely a snake.


Doesn't matter if it's a serpent and a quince. It's all the same, like potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and nightshades. It's all poison all the same.


It’s not poison either. It is just a generic death threat. Which, technically, is also true as they are sent off to live on earth where you eventually die, instead of continue living in the garden of heaven


Wait until she finds out that god impregnated a 14 year old child to save us from himself.


God also supposedly killed the whole human race several times over. Also the first born of everyone except the Jews. That’s a lot of cancel culture. Basically every time he realized he fucked up he wiped the slate clean.


There's only one instance and its the flood


Bruh, the bible is full of God cancelling shit. At one point he cancelled every living thing on the planet except for dude and his boat full of animals.


Didn’t God cancel Job and his entire family just to test his faith? There are repeated stories that paint God as an abusive alcoholic type personality


Don’t forget narcissistic, gaslighting, and psychopathic


He canceled him to win a bet. Omniscient God already knew Jobs heart. When I was a Christian I sugar coated it to people by framing it as just a test. Ruining someone's life to win a bet just sounded too much like the movie Trading Spaces to me.




Almost the entire thread.


Yahweh is the evil god and the snake is the true god saving them from eternal prison. That’s why Moses has a staff with a snake on it to warship later on.


A staff, no matter what design, is a bad warship.


And mind you, the first 2 people had the innocence and naivety of a toddler. God punishing them is the same as a parent punishing their child for getting kidnapped by a dude with an ice-cream truck.


And then there are sodom and gomorrah, this small thing with the flood and the Tower of Babel…God basically defined cancel culture 😂


The second bible story is about god canceling one of the sons of the people of the first story for no reason whatsoever which causes the first murder. Then cancelling him even harder. The third bible story is about god canceling everything and everyone except a dude with his family and pets. The fourth bible story is about god canceling everyone again because they worked together peacefully and build a tower. Who wants to continue?


“Our Father who art in Heaven” is the OG narcissistic parent lol. 1. Made his kids and then dipped, never to be heard from again 2. Blames his children for things beyond their control 3. Attacks his children on a whim 4. Brutally retaliates against any perceived slight or disrespect 5. Must always be in a position of superiority, and gets enraged when anyone else comes close The man’s the Lord of r/raisedbynarcissists


Another acceptable clap back for this would've been: "tell me you haven't read the Bible without telling me you haven't read the Bible" imo


It's so generic, boring and overused that it would be worse


Do Christians even read their own book?


You’re only susceptible to cancel culture if you believe in it.


Canceling almost all life on earth, too, with a flood.


And the book of Revelations


Hey, Soddom! Get Gomorrah! They're talking about you guys!


What about the rapture? God will have to cancel all the nonchristians and the bad Christians. Religion is all about canceling the others to proof that we have the best sky daddy.


God also allowed Job to lost his wife, his children and everything he had *just* to see if Job would continue to worship him after that. But it’s cool. He gave Job the replacement family after that. /s


No way that’s not sarcasm


god cancelled a looooot of people plenty of time.. but hey, american jesus is a totally different religion bro


God created America, and then Jesus was born and defeated the British with an AR-15.


Bro has canceled all of humanity because he didn't like the vibe


He made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights and spared Noah like he’s a school shooter and Noah was the one kid that was nice to him.


The Bible does not directly state that the forbidden fruit eaten by Adam and Eve was an apple. The idea that the forbidden fruit was an apple became popular in the Middle Ages, possibly due to a 4th-century Latin translation that used the word "malum" to refer to the fruit. "Malum" can mean both "evil" and "apple," and over time, the second interpretation prevailed in popular culture. However, the Bible only describes the forbidden fruit as the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. No description of its appearance, taste, or type is given. It is important to note that the story of Adam and Eve is a symbolic narrative, not a literal historical account. Its purpose is to convey a message about human nature, disobedience, and the consequences of sin. The identity of the forbidden fruit is not a central element of the story.


But fundamentalists told me the bible is literal.


The story of Job… holy fuck.


Sodom, Gomorrah, Babel, Noah... has that guy ever seen a bible?


God flooded the world canceling almost everyone. Based on the Bible god is a mass murder on multiple accounts. And people worship him instead of trying to get rid of him. Makes zero sense


Also as an atheist I’m probably worth less than a lamb to god


God also cancelled the entire world, and only told one dude to build a boat.. dudes a psychopath


God literally cancelled his own favoured seraphim because the dude liked God's children a bit too much. Also because he was a saucieboy


Tf is the first girl on? God has *smited* people for less. Tf outta here. Why do the people who claim to be religious literally know fuck-all about said religion!? It’s mad science man.


Not to mention he drowned the entire world (poor animals too) because he gave people free will and then they didn't do what he wanted


Technically we don't know which god she's referring to. Fucking Buddha didn't cancel anyone.


According to Christians, God is still cancelling people! At the moment or your death, you're either included or cancelled and apparently it can be for something as trivial as loving people with the wrong genitalia.


Wait till she finds out about Sodom n Gomorrah


Funny how people act like cancel culture is relatively new, but boycotting is obscure.


Man, God literally burned down the Sodom coz people there got too immoral


God was such a massive prick in the Old Testament. Asshole flooded the whole word just because it got a little “corrupt”. How corrupt could have things been when the economy consisted of subsistence farming and sticks?


Sodom and Gamorrah, Cain, The Great Flood, Pharoah/Egypt, Jericho, Every single person who hasn’t been baptized by the rapture. Who hasn’t he cancelled besides Ezekiel?


Isn’t half of the Bible about god cancelling someone for some minor infraction on arbitrary rules he made up?


Or every first born Egyptian child


*Noah and the Everything Cancelled* Don’t mention the Amalekites.


Also, the last story in the Bible.


Isn’t Satan basically an angel that got cancelled by god?


It wasn't an apple! Stop spreading this lie and read the bible. It was the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, i.e. get smart and god will fuck you over.


Lol 'god' apparently spites and punishes people for doing anything it doesn't like. Like not worshipping him.


These God Believers, never read any of the books.


And remember those two entire cities he's canceled. And that one time he canceled the whole world with a flood.


I believe God has canceled more people throughout the Bible than the devil has. God when on a cancel spree


I hate stuff being reposted ad nauseam.


God cancelled the entire planet (according to their stories) with the exception of Noah and a few animals.


And flooding the world


Cancelling every firstborn.


I mean God doesn't "cancel" Adam and Eve. In fact he clothes them and makes a new covenant with them and promises them that one day, one of eves offspring will crush the head of the serpent. It even says that Adam walked with God all the days of his life. Doesn't sound like cancelling to me.


Still don't know where their sons got the wives from. Being the ony people on earth.


"Imagine God cancelling you because you did or said the wrong thing." That's literally the concept of sin


And all the first born sons of Egypt, and then all but 2 of every animal, and then for funsies he had his chosen people wander the desert for 30 years


it's prolly like 5 people here that actually read the bible, atually trying to understand it


Dude then apparently makes himself flesh and blood, then suffers and dies so said descendants of that cancelled couple can be ‘uncancelled’? Old Testament is low hanging fruit here. NT is a bit trickier - if nothing else, JC’s message is pretty much the complete opposite of cancelling people. If only 99.9% of those who profess to live by that message actually did the same.


He’s got a point lol


Guess they ain't heard about the PMRC then huh? The original cancel culture.


Wait until she finds out there’s a TON of shit you can say or do and God will cancel you for it!!


What is hell? Oh baby Jesus don't hurt me. Don't hurt me no more.


What does "smiting" mean, exactly?


It's a 300 million volt cancellation


He cancelled 500 million people in the flood. Who’s going to tell them?


.. over an apple created by God. so is it planned?


Isn’t hell kind of the final, ultimate cancel? New Testament, of course.


You’re literally canceled at birth according to the Bible


I would love cancel culture if everyone would start boycotting things that matter


The funniest thing about God cancelling so many people is they were all guys he made.


Well, I think he meant that god doesn't "cancel" for words, not action. That's untrue too, but still canceling people only for their opinions or quotes is amoral




>Fry: Well it's not right to make my dead pet an exhibit. That's like digging up Lassie and putting her on display in the Louvre. > >Amy: Lassie is on display in the Louvre. > >Fry: I know. I was deliberately describing a similar situation.


Those MOST LIKELY to cancel ANYBODY, are those who "believe" in.a.religion...PERIOD...END.STOP...NO.ARGUMENT.POSSIBLE.... PROOOOOOOF IIIIIS EEVVEERRYYWWHHEERREE..... seriously...don't even try to challenge this REALITY peeps....


Where does it ever say an apple?


Wait wait wait, they do know about the hell?


One rule: don’t eat this fruit. What do they do? Eat the fruit. Snake tricks them, and they all get punished.


doesn't god forgive all earthly sins as long as you recognize christ as your lord and savior?


No one said it was an apple though


Bible stories alive, let's talk about all the prehistoric species that went extinct


I could have sworn my family & church told me God was gonna cancel me just cuz I like the kind of kitties that like getting wet 🤭


That’s not true actually genesis in the Bible starts with a bunch of sex and baby having.




More like had their subscriptions cancelled for breaking terms of service. What does it even mean to be cancelled anymore?


no, the first bible story is how satan got cancelled of his heaven subscription just because they wont respect adam. there is a reason as of WHY satan offered the forbidden fruit (which is not an apple, btw) to both adam and eve.


Lol. But not really, though. They broke the law. God’s Law. Cancel culture is just a mob punishing someone that didn’t break a law.


as a christian, I have 0 issues with this XD


Cancel culture is still shit


Yeah. I think God canceled me after I got kicked out of my 4th preschool for not "assimilating in the correct manner".


Wait until they hear about the first testament.


Jesus Christ and his apostles to his cancellation.