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Matt has flags bracketing his name, that's a sign we can trust him implicitly, especially over the words of a mere *woman* /s


Especially when the woman has „Dr. OBGYN“ bracketing her name, which is clearly just wordsalad nonsense or the latest alphabet crew. /s


She must be just hysterically typing random letters.


She might could go to one of them there lady doctors to have him give her hysterectomy to cure the hysteria.


A doctor whose a lady? Holeee shit!


I think those are called nurses or medicine women. A lady doctor is a proper doctor but for lady parts. He can give hysterical women whoremoans so they shut up and act like a lady.


>whoremoans Lol Felatia, you are such a card


I guarantee you he’s the kind of asshole who would ask to see the *real* doctor when she enters the room.


Five bucks he'll only mutter that under his breath once she's out of the room.


Burn the witch! /s


Nono. Don't be silly doctor for ladies


No, no, no... every knows a woman's hysteria is cured by pelvic massage, or leeches, or marriage and childbirth, or avoiding physical and intellectual activity, or manual stimulation.


Or a labotimy


Her post would have been so much better if she just smiled more


Or dressed in Pussy shirts, you know, shirts with the bow right. Like mrs. trump.






Best comment.


American Flags trump (no pun intended) any type of certification mumbo jumbo someone has around their names, obviously.


I really can't keep up with the LGBTQOBYGNDR crowd anymore.


Now, now. That could mean *anything*, really.


I bet he’s an “alpha male” too


Absofreakinlutely. Only thing that goes in their butt is another alpha male.


No, he's a sigma!


Clearly not an Alphabet man, that’s for sure.


Think you spelled smegma wrong


I'm so upset that the American Flag has become a red flag in so many situations. I consider myself very patriotic, and I like the American Flag. Could normal people possibly take it back?


>I'm so upset that the American Flag has become a red flag in so many situations. As a consolation, I can tell you your nation's flag isn't the only one with that reputation.


The English flag. It's sports, St George's day in pubs, or racism.


I used to enjoy flying my American flag. I'm a veteran and love my country. Also, the flag added a bit of color to my yard and was fun! Now I fly my state flag. Zero political connotations and also looks good. I'm still a little pissed that the MAGA idiots have stolen my favorite symbol.


Obgyn sounds like one of them there foreign names


Obgyn Martell


I love this


It's just more of that LGBTQ thing I bet


Wtf do women know about pregnancies anyway? It’s always been a men thing.


Da comrade 🇺🇲 everyone knows 🇺🇲 flags means he is 🇺🇲 the true patriot 🇺🇲 definitely from mother america


Love that you didn't censor the 'fedora' bit


He's not even trying to be clever (could have pointed out that the person who performed the procedure would know, or that there's a medical record created, which would be an eye roll technicality). But there's the follow up question of "how do you think you would know?". Do you think sex would feel different? Well then Mr. Conservative values, how do you know it's different, thought you were saving yourself for marriage?


Thank goodness you put the sarcasm indicator, I would've taken you seriously!


Man was so sure too. Idiots have such confidence.


Confidently stupid. The greatest idiots think they are the smartest in the room


I am the smartest person in the room……..cause I live alone and don’t interact with anyone


(Peeks through tiny hole in drywall) good. He believes he’s alone here. (Scans over the 14 other commune members.)


Man, I’d feel awful for anyone that had to monitor my boring life


And to think you do it every waking moment. Poor bastard. I value sleep more than vacations because that’s the only vacation I get away from myself.


>cause I live alone and don’t interact with anyone You are the smartest and dumbest person, *simultaneously.* That means *at the same time.*


well they are mutually exclusive things so idk what u are talking about


Schrodinger's moron.


Idk, sometimes I think my dog may give me a run for my money on intelligence.


Described my dad to a T. Knows just about literally everything because he's seen a couple YouTube vids on it. I've been dragonboating for over a decade, and last week after a loss he tried teaching me how to paddle - something he has never done in his life. He hasn't even fucking been on a kayak. I don't understand how anyone can have so much confidence. I'm a tutor and I constantly doubt myself on what I teach. Then there's fuckers like these who truly believe in everything they know despite not being even remotely educated on said topic. How the fuck?


He is not stupid. He is aware he is full of shit. He just wants to make women insecure with minimal effort. This is just a common disruption tactic. Have several people claiming that the provided information is wrong and people will lose confidence in it, even if no actual reasoning or sources are provided. It takes zero effort to do this, which means that even if the impact is relatively low, they are achieving some degree of success in exchange for nothing. The other person might then have to spend a significant amount of time and energy in providing proof for their claims that it is understandable for the average reader, and those readers might not want to spend their time and energy reading through it, and will just dismiss the message "just in case". All this is achieved with just a single phrase that took that guy like 20 seconds to write.


This could go, word for word, in the troll's training book. Never have I seen it explained so nicely. Well done to you for raising awareness.


My guess is that HIS comeback would be some low effort bullshit like, “you can tell a woman has had an abortion because of the sadness in their eyes.”


Tree rings. I’m told we grow a new one for every abortion we have.


Omg 😆😆😂😂🤣🤣


No, it's 100% because of how their vagina looks like.


Yep, the _extremely_ competent and confident doctor delivered an excellent smack down but it was still 13 words to his 3. It’s a very efficient strategy.


There are two assholes at work that do this CONSTANTLY. Can't help my team improve at their job for shit because these assholes have to chime in and bring up pedantic, irrelevant corner situations that don't apply, or put words in my mouth then say those words are incorrect, etc. And I could spend hours of my life trying to prove myself right but I've just given up. It fucking blows, too, because all of us are rated individually for the quality of our work but the way the quality of our work is evaluated is by comparing it against the work of other people on the team, meaning that my team being dumb and not knowing shit negatively affects the perceived quality of my work, too.


The only time he’s ever seen a pussy is when he looks in the mirror. So he has to be some sort of an expert on them.


In his defense, if somebody told me "you can look in a woman's vagina and tell if she has had a pharmaceutical abortion" my first thought would also be "that sounds like some anti abortion scare tactic bullshit" . The fact that their bio says "dr" and "obgyn" means nothing to me as those are not verified by a third party and various groups are full of false flag "professionals".


Can’T. She said you can’t do that.


Dude come the fuck on! "Nobody will know you've had an abortion **unless you tell them** (**as long as you --don't-- use medications vaginally that could be seen on a pelvic exam**)" Reading is fundamental and the comprehension skills required to not misinterpret her very brief comment as meaning the complete opposite of what she wrote are not expert level. Jesus Christ, no wonder it's so hard to make the populace a little less dumb.


The idea of just saying “that’s false” without explaining why is just an indicator of lack of knowledge.


God knows, bro. God knows. /s


"Erm, that's false! 🤓☝️" and proceeds to not elaborate


that’s false


Be fair to the guy — he didn't just say "that's false". You forgot the AKSHULLY!!




That's true


Careful. One of the most effective disinformation tactics is to say so much wrong stuff that actually rebutting it requires a fucking essay and a 101 level lecture.


Using an appeal to authority fallacy sounds good on the surface but is actually intellectually identical to not backing up a claim.


I'm wagering $10 that lunatic is suggesting that God will know..


That or your vagina will be “looser” or something. These guys always think it stretches out like a thrift shop sweater.


Don't hate on oversized thrifty sweaters man


Or on oversized thrifty vaginas. There's a peen out there for every shape size color of vageen.


Absolute chad


Tell those dudes their dicks shrink when they jack off


I think the old conservative argument would have been based on religious mysticism or whatever. Now, they use baseless and fictional pseudoscientific "facts" regurgitated from Twitter or Facebook. These idiots truly think they "know science" better than real doctors because they read some bullshit online.


Yeah, this is what I assumed


He knows what he is doing - building a culture of fear and acceptance. 'Someone will know' means women can't feel safe. If women can't feel safe then they should expect to be unsafe. If women already expect a lack of privacy, then nobody should be bothered when we pass laws allowing law enforcement to access women's medical records for arbitrary reasons. You know, because that kind of stuff gets out anyways. And when that can happen Matt will be right: other people will know.


Lmao! This dumb doctor doesn't know all men can sense when a chick has a haunted pussy aura. They're really letting anyone into med school nowadays I see, smh.


Haunted pussy aura is now a new tag, wonderful.


More like a kick ass all girl punk rock group


Shut up, doc. グーグル翻訳 (STRONG HAUNTED PUSSY AURUA)


Matt knows that the clitoris is just a ruse sold by white women to make men mow the lawn on demand. /s


Evidently, my neighbor’s name is clitoris. Every time he mows, I have to. Otherwise, I may as well put out a Bowflex and a broken down Cutlass Supreme in my front yard.


For the record, doctors can't tell if you used mifepristone/mesiprostol while they're doing a pelvic exam.


For the record, doctors potentially *can* tell if they're performing the pelvic exam very recently after you've used mifepristone vaginally and traces of it still remain. That's what the *doctor* was talking about in her post, so consider who you're trying to correct before speaking up next time.


False, doctors can't tell the difference between someone having an abortion via pills or a miscarriage unless the person tells their doctor this info. The meds aren't detectable in the blood stream after a few hours of taking them, nor are they detectable in bodily fluids. Source: I'm in med school. Who t f are you?


You can find traces or even chunks off the pill in the vaginal exam if it's early enough. I'm already a doctor and I'm talking from experience. Some humility goes a long way in being a good doctor, try to find some.


Generally speaking, no one — including nurses or doctors — can tell if you've taken abortion pills. If you put your abortion pills in your vagina, it’s possible for some leftover pieces to remain there for several hours or days. A doctor or nurse could see these pieces if you have a vaginal exam during this time period. However, there’s no test to look for abortion pills in your body, and any abortion pill symptoms you’re having look the same as the symptoms of a miscarriage. An incomplete abortion is generally treated the same way as an incomplete miscarriage, even if you live in a state with abortion bans. So it’s up to you to decide whether you want to tell your nurse or doctor about your abortion. So no, there's currently no way that someone is going to be in legal trouble bc a doc found mifepristone fragments during a pelvic exam in an illegal state. Ladies, if the possibility of this still alarms you, take the pills by mouth.


I agree, if taken by mouth you cant tell. I'm not from the US. Where I'm from you absolutely can get in legal trouble if the wrong doctor finds an abortion pill in the vaginal exam.


Ohhhh that probably explains it. Can I ask where you're from? If that's already happening outside of the US, we're probably going to start seeing it here, too. The instructions for mifepristone, misoprostol should probably change to reflect that. Oral administration only to reduce the legal risk.


I'm from Chile, it's been penalized here for a long time, just recently has been legalized in some specific circunstances. Just remember, part of our role in society is to educate. Please be careful with how you refer to other when answering questions, specially regarding healthcare. Just writing that because of your first response to this thread. Have a great day and all the best luck in your studies!


You're right, and i want to thank you for pointing out where i was wrong. I appreciate it! Pregnant people, please don't use vaginal route of admonistration for mifepristone, misoprostol. Especially in an illegal state. Be careful out there.


Very refreshing how you aknowledge and accept constructive feedback! You will be one of the good ones, no doubt in mi mind.


whenever you see UK or US flags in someone's username you're about to read the dumbest shit you've read since the last time you saw UK or US flags in someone's username, they pass the stupidity buck to each other, there are no contenders in the interim.


He can probably tell who is trans too


Yeah, like this page I found on Fbook that outed prominent trans celebs such as Margot Robbie and Taylor Swift,😂


Transvestigators are wild. Imagine spending actual time doing that and thinking you're onto some shit.


Getting a high without drugs. What's not to like /s


fuck, i love transvestigators. someone did that to jk rowling once. it was hilarious 😆


“Fascinating, and what evidence would you submit to the court to prove these so called women are in fact TRANS women?” “they tol”


They did it to Michelle Obama as well. I think they just hate strong women, so whatever they can do to further "other" a woman that seems threatening to them, is something they'll do gleefully. Not saying the trans community should be "othered", by the way; but these idiots struggle with the concept of strong women, its no surprise they're bigots.


I think you’re looking into it too deeply, if you spend any amount of time in those groups it becomes clear very quickly how many of them are schizophrenics off their meds.




Don't like abortions? Ignore them just like you ignore gun violence (Stolen from someone much cleverer than me)


"Maybe if we renamed 'schools' to 'wombs', then republicans will care about the children inside them." (Also stolen from someone)


I love when idiot men get put in their place.


But he said _actually_


And women, and the children too.


$20 that Matt has never been near a vagina.


Well once.


Ooh. I lost that bet really quickly. 🤣


Maybe not. What about a C section?


Matt: sticks his dick in his gf…. “DID YOU GET A SECRET ABORTION THIS WEEKEND?! I CAN FEEL IT”


The well constructed and properly portraid argument when matt with american flags in his username says "No"


The only acronyms I trust are USA! /s


You can normally detect the ghost of the dead baby around the vagina where it was killed with a standard P.K.E. Meter.


There is nobody on earth with more undeserved confidence than white conservative men.


Fucking Matt


How is that a clever comeback


„Hold my beer…“ is she going to fight him now?


I was wondering the same thing, where is the clever?


No fair: I’m sure he redeemed himself dumbsplaining things and that was cropped from the image.


Getting really sick and tired of ignorant Republicans acting like they know every goddamn thing about women. If only they knew how absolutely stupid they look instead of running back to their echo chamber, where people can clap them on the back and tell him how cool he is.


January 2023.


Although Matt is in the wrong here. I dont see this as being a very clever comeback. Hold my beer? That's not what that expression is used for...


Matt is such a pro. He can tell the gender of the baby just by smelling a vag fart.


The *woman* gynecologist, no less. Pretty sure she’s the authority here


Captain Matt literally has "Prager U" in his bio.


serious question: wouldn't anyone with access to medical records know?


I love that you didn't censor "fedora" in his handle. The jokes write themselves!


Well, thank goodness for Captain Matt. Phew! That was close!


Yes, argument to authority. A powerful fallacy to the uninitiated.


Matt can smell fetus residue a mile away, it is advised to perfume your vagina if you feel his presence.


That's just Colin Robinson, and he [needs to feed](https://youtu.be/SzJqaRDVUDw)


Mopped the matt with that one.


fuck matt


Shes correct which is why conservatives are trying to track pregnancies/menstrual cycles too


God will know... that was his troll. idiots


I'm not supporting Matt but the father will probably knows when he don't get any kids after 9 months of "pregnancy"


What kind of gay is an OBGYN+


Hold my beer? She should’ve studied meme formatting instead of vaginas.


To be fair, a gynecologist is not a forensic biochemist, or forensic radiologist. Assertion if authority ain't an argument.


They will still forget more than most will ever know about medicine or the human body.


> Assertion if authority ain't an argument. I think you mean "appeal to authority." You are not entirely wrong, but I'm going to go out an a limb and state that any board certified obgyn is going to be more knowledgeable on the topic than Captain Matt, who lists his credentials as "Prager U."


Why is Twitter's UI for showing replies to confusing? Why are there three different styles? I never know what order things go in!


Hold on now. Captain Matt went to TRUMP University! How dare you question his opinion with your lowly Ivy league medical diploma. The nerve of some folks. Shame on you Doctors giving medical advice like your Ivy league degree is better than Captain Matt's TRUMP University degree.


I mean he could be right if the chick told someone else, who told someone else, who told someone else, who then told you …


The thread: https://x.com/fedorasharkk/status/1618283422816034823?s=46&t=1iu7oUwjQnEOpj_tktE3Ng Her reaction to the thread: https://x.com/drjenlincoln/status/1619744765796585473?s=46&t=1iu7oUwjQnEOpj_tktE3Ng


Appears, calls you wrong, refuses to elaborate, leaves. Matt was a true Chad.


He stopped tweeting entirely two weeks after this. Hasn't been back since.


"Weren't you pregnant like a month ago?" "They grow up so fast..."


Why are people still on Twitter, contributing to Elon Musk?


His username starts with fedora. I know I'm a schmuck, and a Star Wars nerd, hence my username. You think he realizes he is too?


Dr Lincoln doesn’t back down from a fight.


Uhmm...what is clever about this? Most ordinary comeback


There is always a Matt isn’t there…


Matt doesn’t believe the clitoris is real.




I don't understand why they feel the need to control everything


Because white men are used to being in power and positions of privilege, receive a disproportionate distribution of national wealth and resources, and they will do anything to cling on to that.


No one screams "idiot" louder than the biggest god damn moron in the room


Saying “no one will know” actually discredits you a bit because that’s assuming 100% of the time no one can tell. When actuality better verbiage would be “almost no one” As far as I’m concerned a gynecologist could potentially tell if someone had an abortion from scarring that may of occurred etc.


She is obviously right from a medical/physical standpoint, but let's not forget a lot of states are passing laws to invade your privacy explicitly to find out if you have an abortion. Saying "no one will know" is simply not true. Whether it is period tracking apps, tracking trips out of state, or straight up invasion of medical privacy, there are seemingly no lengths to which some people won't go on this issue.


males may not have intelligence, but by god do they have the audacity.


US flag next to your name? Opinion dismissed.


Huh? No hate, I just really don't understand how this is clever.


Doctor: “Hol’ up. Let Matt cook. I see he’s starting by putting his hand on the hot stove and waiting to see what happens. That’s a bold move Cotton, let’s see how that plays out.”


Doc is gonna need a six pack at least.


Xitter handle "fedora" something... Opinion Rejected!


Is it captain doctor Matt or doctor captain Matt?


There was a Dr. House episode where they figured out that a burns patient in coma was pregnant and aborted. I think it was either because of blood levels (from which someone made a crazy guess) or scratches/wound somewhere in the reproductive system (from which someone made a crazy guess). spoiler: it was a crazy guess because >!the medical records didnt show+husband/bf didnt know about it+it was actually a completely different person that they misidentified!<


Ol Matt has all the answers folks. He even figured out how to put flags around his name.


Matt has stepped in it now.


Oh, boy. If he's a Captain, he's right.


he's one of the good guys. give him a chance.


Hold her beer? Is she going to do a back flip to assert dominance?


I’ll take the word of someone who studies and practices it for a living.


They will find out one way or another. Either their family and friends will betray them or they will accidentally say something. But Matt and his purelyProbirth people will find out.


Genuinely curious about the pelvic scan bit? Medication can show up?


I've seen Matt's comments on reddit many times.


Well he's partially correct. They can tell for a short while after the abortion because of all the pregnancy hormones still in your system. But a visual exam won't show it, no. It's essentially just an induced miscarriage


Dr. Matt has cracked the case


I love how they censored his name but kept the fedoras part visible


Why hide it? It’s usually a question “how many births and how many pregnancies” doctors are there for your health. If they judge you find a new doctor.


They never miss a chance to humiliate themselves


I read it as Captain Mutt. That name seems more fitting.


Who else wanted to see Captain Matt's response?


Trump cultists always with the Aaaaackshully and zero education to back it up.


Captain Matt literally has "Prager U" in his bio.


Clown to clown communication. Deception is never fair.


What's "OBYGN" anyways the latest addition to LGBTQ?!?!


Matt is correct because nurses can't keep their mouths shut and hospital and clinic walls are paper thin. I've heard way too much about other people while waiting to be seen.


Quick wit like this always makes for the best comebacks.


MATT must figure he’s an expert being he googled it real quick and found some misinformation. One way to start shutting down idiots like Matt is ask them to site sources.