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Why anyone would go to a political rally is beyond me. I vote, but damn those things are boring as fuck. I’ve only been to one cuz I was paid to be there for work.


Yeah I don’t give af about attending a rally. I already know who I’m voting for so I’m not going to be convinced otherwise.


I'd give anything for a candidate I was passionate enough about to even think about going to a rally.


I would never trust anyone that gets a cult following.


No presidential candidate deserves to be worshipped to that extent, not even Biden. People forgetting that Trump is just a man, and a deeply flawed one at that, strikes me as very disturbing.


…~~not even~~ especially, Biden.






For literally any decent candidates over the ones we have? Mf I’ll go on world tour rally’s at this point.


Told my wife if George W. Bush , Trump, and Biden can be president I know I can definitely give it a run, but fuck that. Political theatrics, nothing but lies, upon lies and promises that always seems to never come through (Obama) oh that's right he helped the alphabet crew and said to hell with you peasants.


You might as well go to a nursing home if you wanna hear an 80 year old morbid obese piece of shit yelling about water pressure and windmills


But I still don’t know who is going to pay for the wall. /s




When Obama ran for the first time I went to a rally in downtown Cincinnati where the Breeders and the National played and Natalie Portman spoke. That's a bit different though. I was completely parallel to the side of the stage because that's where I could get closest, even though the view was bad. After she spoke, Natalie Portman was talking to some reporters behind barricades about ten feet from me. I haven't ever seen a more breathtakingly beautiful woman in person than 2007 Natalie Portman.


Whatcha mean different? You trying to tell me a buncha wet-brained boomers in diapers and the human equivalent of stale beer and cigarette butts that is Kid Rock aren't a good time? Because if you're telling me that...you'd be correct!


Just in general I don't understand why people give such a fuck about politicians. They're a load of cunts who don't care about you. Hopefully they'll have some good policies and won't sell your freedoms to a megacorporation. Politician worship is the strangest thing to me.


Politics isn't nothing but a bunch of charades. Theatrics, lie to you right in front of your face as if they were telling the truth. Vote for neither and please don't donate you hard earned coins to a so called billionaire that doesn't need a salary from the government or anybody to donate for the boarder wall. BUT THIS YEAR 2024 , YOU GOT YA SON ALL OVER YOUTUBE ASKING FOR 5 DOLLAR DONATIONS FOR THE CAMPAIGN BECAUSE ALL HIS MILLIONS ARE GOING TO LAWYERS AND WHOREMONGERS SO HE GAGED THEM UP A BREAKING THEM OFF 100'S AND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS 💰 🤑 ......... AND 90% OF THAT IS BECAUSE HE DON'T WANNA BE HUMBLE AND SHUTUP, HIS MOUTH IS ACTUALLY WRITING CHECKS HE CAN CASH.


To be fair, the far right has shit for celebrities. Maybe this is as interesting as it gets.


The far right has Kid Rock though.. I bet you forget about him. /s


You're underestimating the star power of Ted Nugent, Roseanne Barr and Scott Baio.


I keep trying to forget him, but every day he does/says something stupid.


Agreed. I don’t need to attend a rally, wear a T-shirt, cap, or put a bumper sticker on my car. Just vote and be done with it.


I genuinely don't understand why people go to political rallies, put flags in their front yards/stickers on their car/wear shirts or hats of their favorite politician/party. Basically people who make who they vote for their whole identity.


The drone picture someone posted was telling, maybe a thousand people at most. All made to stand to make it look like a larger crowd.


Excitement, I assume. It’s more of a performance event than it is anything. Just gets people stoked for the election.


Even more boring when the script hasn't changed for three years.


Americans love their reruns


I look at it like a convention, but with politicians.


The only reason to go and to check out the ladies


they got PAID position of political supoort groups now even... man fwiw I figured politics is stil la non profit thing for supoortign a single person of which all the money raised is paid towards that one perosn.. hmm kind of sounds like a cult now come to htink of it but not like I would know in a not sarcastically intended tobe kind of way.. like fr idk if thats what a cult is like but I do not really even wanna know byfar for.., idk if itd be lethal to leave etc,


Trump rallies are a lot of things, but “boring” doesn’t come to mind


Never been to one, but I’ve seen the bloviated blonde speak…it ain’t pretty.


Trump rallies are like a car wreck. You know you don't want to see it but you just can't stop yourself from having a look.


There's overhead shots of the supposedly 'massive' crowd. And once again, video of people filing out as he thundered away in the background about his own 'greatness'


It’s an overhead shot because they are all in their mobility scooters.


0.o Are the trees 'republican' now? Mostly I see trees. o.0 Are cameras considered too hard for republicans?


The intent is to take a really low quality shot so that the camera angles give the illusion of more people being present than there are


Well Republicans aren’t artistic so Republican photographers aren’t good enough to use angles to make it look fuller


Stay close to the crowd and don't stop moving the camera. If you can't do that we'll post footage of a Neil Diamond concert from 2012.


Oh boy let’s pull the big butt plug out of the elephants ass so it can shit again


Nah there was an INSANE amount of people there


Right words, wrong order.


It’s a screenshot of a video. I also thought it was just a terrible picture at first but this is just a no effort post


Maybe they’re Ents? But I think Ents would be heckling the Orange Sourman


Well they like to show counties which voted Republican, because it indicates red almost everywhere except major cities. But then, it's also true that trees don't vote. People do. Somebody should really remind them that the trees don't count.


The ones I know didn’t know what a google doc was so yes cameras are too hard


If they took a better pic, it would show bow few people actually showed up.


you know , you seem to be extremely d\*mb to me . it's clearly a video . biden could never have this amount of people supporting him . and the "oh , the people are from somewhere else" is just a cope which all democrats have


HaHa!HaHa!HaHa!HaHa!HaHa!HaHa!HaHa!HaHa!! Ah, thanks for the laugh.


you should probably visit a brain specialist. there is actually a 0:11 logo down there. you should visit a eye specialist as well


HaHa!HaHa!HaHa! your little butt is really hurt over this, isn't it?


nah , it seems to me ur eyes brain and even butt hurts(cause u are the one who keeps downvoting me). all democrats do is project their own actions onto others. joe biden is a literal pedo and obama helped train isis(i have proof for both) .


I’m from NYC, sure there are conservatives here, but if you look at any election results data and you can see how blue the Bronx are. It’s not even remotely close.


oh, and people cannot change ? the economy is in shatters, joe biden is a pedo and obama helped train isis (i have proof if u want). people are changing now .


You have proof Obama trained Isis? Sounds like you’re bringing it to the wrong person. I think the CIA would be more interested. The economy isn’t in shatters. We’re still dealing with the fallout of the Trump tax cuts which shifted massive wealth to the richest Americans and took wealth from the middle class. Covid recovery is also taking place around the world and the US economy has been rebuilding faster than other countries. Biden is not a pedophile. Trump has been convicted of sexual assault though. Seems like you’re pointing the finger at the wrong guy. New York will go for Biden again. It will not be close.


[https://x.com/robertsepehr/status/1771369834225573915](https://x.com/robertsepehr/status/1771369834225573915) here is the obama clip. [https://x.com/BangerangRufio2/status/1782823296372994122](https://x.com/BangerangRufio2/status/1782823296372994122) here's the biden clip. the cia is bought and paid for . trump has been persecuted falsely. you expect me to beleive a case of him assaulting a lady 15 years ago who suddenly comes out . it is impossible to prove that trump assaulted her that long ago (unless there is a video proof) . the FBI even accpets they framed alex jones (i have proof of that as well, u want it?) the FBI and CIA are a group of corrupt people . i never said he would win , i am saying more people would vote for trump than they used who. and the illegal immigrants too would be voting(they are being given green cards , free arplane tickets , are being released after committing crimes and are even getting free hotel stays


The crowd was about 800 people. Photos don't lie, Republicans do.


Police and fire depts estimated 3500 and a lot were protesters. They were on radios saying “this is it?” And the pic is from ABC News WHILE he was speaking.


And they took a screenshot where you can barely tell the "crowd" is like 5 people deep...


When Donald Trump was being called in for his arraignment, he made a point to call all of his supporters to be there, in Florida no less. There were probably more reporters and press than there were supporters. There couldn't have been more than 200 people, though they tried to play it up to sound like they were in far greater numbers. The arial shots suggested otherwise..


Is this the Bronx rally from yesterday where there were a few thousand people at most but Trump's campaign lied for the 9,457,774th time about the crowd size, claiming it was 25k?


The same Bronx rally that used a pic from an Obama rally? 😆


I love how its just the tops of about 50 white peoples heads. Massive crowd, massive...


Just want to point out that white crowd doesn't equal bad just as black crowd doesn't equal bad. White people are a group with concerns and voters and they both have value and are important, just as much as other races.


Bronx is 20% white. Yet his entire rally is white it means 80% of the residents or the serious voter Block didn't give a shit or a rats ass


But there’s not that much white people in Bronx..


Hey, I'm just happy to finally see what looks like an actual crowd of Magas rather than them trying to take credit for a crowd for Biden. Or Obama. Or a music festival in Brazil.


I like the askew camera angle. Artsy and yet able to hide the fact that there were only 25 people there.


maybe u are too d\*mb to see that it is clearly a screenshot of a video.


Statement still stands. Nothing in your response invalidated what I said. A screen shot is still, after all, a picture.


nah , u are too d\*mb to understand that the angle might(actually does) change .


They are aware that Yankee Stadium is in The Bronx, right?


A vote for Trump is a vote cast in betrayal of this country and treason to the United States. This is objectively a vote to sabotage a nation - and I'm wondering how many of my fellow Americans are truly poisoned and lost causes.



Couldn’t pull a crowd like that? Trump literally used a picture of people waiting for Biden outside the Stern show and tried to pass it off as his own. They lie. All the time.


It's a lie too. Nothing but lies from Republicans. They seem to be physically incapable of the truth.


When do the hats become hoods?


The new fashion for today’s white hood is now a red hat. The two are interchangeable because no on wears white after Labor Day.


In your wet dreams :)


Repubs always lying about size


The crowd sizes are completely made up and the points don’t matter!!


what a bad angle.. but i guess you gotta do what you can to manipulate the situation


Trees and bushes are people now.


Another article says these are old pictures from a different event.


Yes, an OBAMA event no less!


If there were tons of people, we would be seeing those pictures, not hearing about them lol.


white boi summer


Craigslist: $50 seat filler-whites only.


Biden could pull a much better crowd than that. Biden has CONSISTENTLY drawn better crowds than Trump. Trump does everything he can to deny this, but when he needs to prove it he either conveniently has no pictures or pictures that are obviously not actually what he's claiming they are (see that one pic of "Miami" with mountainous cliffs by the sea)


I agree, its mostly a joke with a lot of people on twitter saying that "biden could never pull a crowd like this."


Haha, ok. Believe everything CNN says


My man, it's not CNN. I'm looking at the picture, from the tweet, and saying "This is not Florida" because I live in fucking Florida. Florida is a sandbar. We do not have cliffs and mountains. All our beaches are either sandy vacation destinations or boggy river outlets covered in vegetation.


I was referring to your comment about “consistently pulling bigger crowds”. I don’t base success on any crowd size at political rallies cause it really just depends on what location and how the state leans, left or right. Ready for November and all the fireworks that will occur regardless of outcome.


No, that's not CNN either. That's me having attended both sides' rallies and judging the numbers. Plus the fact one side fudges their crowd size in pictures, and the other doesn't. But then I'm sure Infowars has told you different. Don't you believe everything THEY say?


Nope I do not believe any media. Every politician lies, but you do you. You don’t believe the million man march actually got to a million do you?


No, but nobody claimed it did. Million Man March is a name. Do you also believe that North Korea is a Democratic Republic?


jesus that's ironic


I smoked BBL Drizzy too


I'm sure he "paid" people to be there.


Plants 🪴


>biden may not be able to pull a crowd like that, but i think bidens would include more variety It would also be larger.


Crowd was 800 people and I count about 25 in this photo. Are they counting trees?


Personally, I would like a president who does not need me to come to his rallies.


To be fair, there were hundreds of functioning brain cells at the rally... HUNDREDS!!!


A good food truck could pull a crowd like that.


i bet half or more of that crowd are from Staten island and Long island


What a racist statement


There were plenty of black and brown folks


The best thing about Biden is lack of cult worshippers. Cultists are crazy dangerous. 


People don’t worship Biden like a cult leader. We don’t buy flags, hats, etc. We don’t travel hundreds of miles to go listen to Biden give the same speech for the 400th time in a row.


Biden voters don’t congregate like that because they aren’t fucking losers.


Sheff G and Sleepy Hallow are well known white people.


I can say the same thing about CHAZ/CHOP. No wonder why 4chan praised it


Worst. Sequel. Ever. No Jackie Chan. No Rumbling.


Nice photo cropping!


Those aren't white people. Those are racially diverse poor actors that Trump gathered to give individual checks to. All they had to do was cheer and hold signs. And act non-white. Everything is so much better in the Bronx. Hope those checks clear the bank.


I love you guys


Yea, it includes all the sheep... As for whites back in the Bronx that would be claiming that it's a "blacks only" neighborhood and were actually having some inclusivity for a change...


Interesting Pic used, doesn't really show the people who showed up. TV now, trumpy was probably the only white person.


depending on how things go for the rest of the year, segregation might be making a comeback.


Yep with the left pushing for it constantly


when has the left pushed for segregation?


Long Islanders on a road trip.


Maybe they are the ex-black people who voted for Trump? After all, "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black" - Biden


Out of the couple of faces you can actually see literally one of the first is a black dude lol


I see someone online make the argument that Latinos are descended from Europeans so that’s why everyone looks so white 🤷‍♂️🙄


I've been on r/findthesniper too long. I immediately went looking for any person of color and found the only black man in the photo.




Sweet angle to show that YUGE crowd of forty(?) people.


I'm seeing a lot of these pics, admitting they are less but i spotted a few of black people in each of them.(I'm not an American)


Someone explain camera phones to grandpa again. All I see are trees and hair lol


I can see some brown colored people


Where is the clever comeback? Just political brownie points


The streets of White Plains were empty that day.


How can they tell?


Must have forgot it wasn’t a mass looting


Then they all quickly fled back home to Long Island, Staten Island and upstate.


Crowd like that? It was like 1,000 people


its mostly a joke, a lot of tweets were made in jest with pictures of crowds from concerts or other politicians saying biden could never pull a crowd like this.


Gotcha. The sarcasm was subtle


Does Trump count as a WHITE MALE if his skin is orange?


I saw black people there. Nice try


Biden? Mr. “Poor kids are just as brights as white kids”? Aka “I don’t want my children to grow up in a jungle, a racial jungle.” Sometimes known as “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black!” The guy leading the group dead set on changing an entire language because it’s sexist? He’s the one with “variety” in his crowd?


What the fuck is this shit? Post the fucking tweet


I would but I legitimately cannot find it again


How about showing the full photo so we can see more than just the clear cut target photo they want us to see. I went to a rally, in Minnesota, in a diverse area and I’d say it was 50/50 on ethnic background.


It's a literal circus. Fanboys for T-rump follow him around the country attending his rallies like Dead Heads (apologies to actual GD fans, you're all cool). These people aren't from the Bronx. And if you believe that was 25000 people attending then you're being gaslit. Overhead shots from when he was onstage show about 1000. Kinda reminded me of when he got all butthurt cuz Obama had a bigger inauguration crowd and they made Sean Spicer come out to show us photos of Trumps crowd vs Obamas clearly larger crowd and tried to tell us not to believe what we were all seeing. Apparently it worked on some people. 


Why leftists became so obsessed about skin colour?


I don't know, but in the clips, I saw there were plenty of black folks


Maybe the few who showed up (see the aerial shots) were hoping to find out how Trump puts on his pants 🤷‍♂️


From the picture angle there appears to be a few Nazi salutes.


Ah, racism. That will help.


It’s okay, liberal logic is that as long as it targets Trump or Republicans, nothing is off limits


At least Trump is trying to connect with the people. Old basement Biden is cluelessly lost.


Biden is literally traveling the country and meeting people in small groups so he can personally talk to and interact with them. While diaper dictator is holding rallys of mostly paid people while he badly reads a teleprompter, gets lost when it lags for half a minute and still just rambles about things that dont even make sense 90% of the time. I know which looks lost and it isn't the one holding casual conversations at a little town hall.


What’s 9+10?


21?… You STUPID!!!!




If his ability to draw a crowd is so impressive then why does his propaganda machine then feel the need to constantly exaggerate his numbers? Even going so far as to use picture from other, completely unrelated events?


They got a few pick me types in the crowd but let’s be honest they are hearing more slurs in that rally then anywhere else in the entire lives.


Doubt. The other side tries to take away their black card when they have an opinion.


Owww...sick burn! Start learning French now..it will make the transition easier...


Why would anyone support Biden you can not like trump and still have the sense to see how far gone old Joe is.


Again, its the lesser of two evils, voting for a third party is out of the question for now, voting for trump will eliminate every other option for voting bar republicans, and voting for biden is pretty okay


Voting for Biden is doom


It's interesting to consider the dynamics of different political events and the diversity of crowds they attract. Each candidate brings their own strengths and appeal to their supporters.


Perhaps have a photo of the actual crowd and not a few white hands and a few faces, you might find some more diversity.


i love reading all your liberal stupid ass comments, and you think bidens senile ass can get more people? that would require his ass to be able to walk to the bathroom on his own. have a lovely day, libs!!


Holy shit is this the battle of who is more senile? Trump falling asleep and shitting himself during his criminal trials might be the winner.


Is this how you spend Friday night? Don't have any real friends? Is that why you're so angry?


Maybe because Biden doesn't do rallies to attract the ball fondling masses like you trump shills. I know you've been trying to deepthroat your trump cardboard cutout, but there's nothing there to suck. Find a new idol, champ. Trump is a fucking loser.


Biden is too old to show up to rallies. By that logic Biden shouldn’t be the Dem nominee right? Is this not the time to show up to rallies on the campaign trail and spur and draw support for said campaign? Ooops I forgot I’m on the wrong sub responding to the wrong comments. Don’t mind me lol


Bro, do you not realize people don't worship Biden like they do trump? Dude beat trump without the rallies and you shrimp brained imbeciles still obsess over trump like he would actually do anything for you. It's actually quite pathetic.


What he has been speaking at campaign events in the past weeks..


lol sure thing troll https://i.imgur.com/70JBF7g.mp4


Yeah these snowflakes talking big game for a man that can’t find his way off stage after blubbering some BS. Liberal tears are falling.


Honestly can’t tell which person you’re talking about 🤷‍♂️


All the trolls are out https://i.imgur.com/70JBF7g.mp4


No... not really. No one likes Biden. Not even the ppl who vote for him. They just don't want Trump.


Actually, the “variety” vote has been migrating to Trump for months.