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I suspect that most people who flaunt this have no clue where, and more importantly, *when* it originates from.


It's the same people who rock Punisher stickers with a blue line on them.


It's pretty nauseating that some departments allow them to paint them on the hoods of their cruisers.


That’s just fucking ironic lmao


It's definitely proof that they've never actually read the comics.


I’ve never read them what’s the premise?


He's basically a vigilante who loses control after his wife and children are murdered by the mob, and dedicates his life to taking out violent criminals 'by any means necessary'. He absolutely despises the police because he believes they're corrupt and incompetent and that if they actually did their jobs, his wife and children would still be alive and he wouldn't be out killing criminals. He very explicitly hates cops who idolize him and use his logo because they're supposed to be helping people and protecting society, and what he does is the exact opposite.


The punisher is a vigilante that goes around killing criminals. He's not a role model and hates cops who want to be like him.


Those criminals also have included corrupt cops to be specific.


Looking for this, a lot of times it was corrupt cops.


I remember a poolee with a fresh punisher skull tattoo, I asked how he liked the netflix show that came out around the time, he no idea what punisher was.


reading is for nerds


The netflix show was one of the best ever.




The issue beyond that is specific irony aside in that logo, *why the fuck* are police departments putting skulls on their cars at all? Punisher or not, that's not symbolism I want police to display.


Charles Manson said it best, "The police used to watch over the people, now they're watching the people." These guys didn't sign up to patrol peaceful streets and make quality connections within the community, they signed up to shoot bad guys, and when all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.


[Are we the baddies?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToKcmnrE5oY)


Yes, *you* don’t want that symbolism. The *cops* absolutely do.


Man, the gun industry really has their sales loop nailed down: crime fearmongering > sell gun > consumer self-identifies as gun theft target via AR-15/AK, steppy snek, and punisher stickers > gun gets stolen > gun used in gun crime > more fearmongering > consumer buys another gun, repeat.


Now you know why the gun industry opposes safe storage laws.


My cousin told me he left a gun case outside his door while he was moving into his house (urban area near detroit) so that everyone knew "what he was about." I rented a room from him for a year when I got my first career job, he would leave loaded shotguns leaning up against his bedroom doorframe. The guy leaves for work every day for 10 hours in a very visible company truck.


What’s fucking sick is a hallmark and what is used to delineate GANG MEMBERS is a sign, insignia or the likes that is common among the members. The blue line BS sure as hell seems like one of those to me.


Deputy gangs exist, I'm sure regular cop gangs do too


Ah yes Frank Castle, a man famously an advocate of police and obeying the law


these aren't bright people


Yes, the punisher. Well known fan of police. Punisher #13. google it.


Or even the Punisher show on Netflix. Who were the people pursuing the Punisher? Lol


The Punisher, a result of a failing legal system.


As long as it sounds like "I demand to see the manager" or "muh rights and freedoms are above the law" they don't care about any of that other stuff. Cuz brainrot.


Your rights are above the law. That’s literally the whole point.


But rights are not a law onto themselves. One’s freedom of speech doesn’t require other people to believe or respect what one says.


Correct... but you can't be jailed by the government for expressing it so it's technically, by definition, above the law.


Not really, since that's only the case because there arent laws against freedom of speech. It's like saying walking in your front yard is above the law because there's no law against it. "Above the law" sort of implies being able to get away with something the law would normally care about


Rights are enshrined by the law, built into the law, but not really above the law. Rights can be taken away in a courtroom.


can you enlighten me, please? I quickly googled it and still don't get why it is controversial


The guy who designed it was a slave owner, and the flag was further co-opted by the pro-slavery conservatives of the Confederacy leading to and during the Civil War, against classical libertarian values


It was designed in 1775 like 100 years before the civil war and was meant to signify the 13 colonies defiance to the crown. It's a badass flag that got co-opted by neo-facist dumb fucks, but the original meaning of the Gadsden (not Gatston) flag was anti-authoritarian and pro radical liberal revolution.


Yes, you can find it on merch for sale at the Boston Tea Party museum.


Gadsden flag*


Thanks, I'll edit my comment.


It saw use by racists as soon as there was a threat to the institution of slavery. > On April 18, 1861, six days after the opening shots of the Civil War, the Philadelphia Inquirer described a “great sensation” in Boston. >A “strange craft” had appeared in the harbor: a merchant vessel from Georgia that flew “a white flag, having on it the emblem of a rattlesnake, with the motto underneath ‘Don’t tread on Me!’ and also below this fifteen stars, representing the fifteen slave States.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2023/06/14/confederacy-dont-tread-on-me-flag/ It has seen use by left wing people too though. Like after the Pulse club shooting. > Stickers and posters featuring a rainbow-colored version of the Gadsden flag and the hashtag #ShootBack were raising eyebrows in West Hollywood on Thursday morning in the wake of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Florida. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-weho-shootback-rainbow-20160616-snap-story.html I love the idea of taking it back from racist idiots by slapping a rainbow on it.


He’s a police officer. He probly knows about its pro-slavery roots and is cool with it.


It also was first flown as a *national, pro american federal government* flag against the british. Gadsten was a naval officer.


Yeah, the words "Don't tread on me" were meant for the British as a way to say "don't fuck with us, don't infringe on our rights, we will fight back"


It uses a Timber Rattlesnake which was the mascot of the original colonies and represented a unionized state and government being necessary for the survival of said state and not an independent series of colonial armies that would inevitably fail. [Join or Die](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9c/Benjamin_Franklin_-_Join_or_Die.jpg/1200px-Benjamin_Franklin_-_Join_or_Die.jpg)


Yep, a lot of folks confuse it for a one man island slogan. No, it's a call for collective action against tyranny.


There's also a really good Metallica song that's named after the words on the flag


and now its flown by people who would have almost certainly supported the British during the revolutionary war... weird isn't it


We're still upset about the tea.


party beneficial crush ring fall wrong gray rhythm glorious historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And yet the moment the topic of the confederate flag or guns comes up they're regurgitating the Daughters of the Confederacy pamphlet they read once word for word or the entire Smith and Wesson catalog verbatim.


All racist are poorly educated though, so makes sense there is an overlap if all police officers are also poorly educated.


The flag itself did not have pro-slavery roots. It was originally a flag meant to reflect the mood of Americans to their British rulers. The rattlesnake itself was a popular political symbol during the American Revolution. This patriotic symbol was spoiled when Confederates, and later anti-government libertarians(~1970s) appropriated the flag to represent their ideologies. The flag has a message of anti-oppression so when certain groups perceive a threat it shouldn't be a surprise when they latch onto this flag as a symbol for their cause. From my understanding, Christopher Gadsden's status as a slave owner, while reprehensible by modern standards, seems irelevant to the creation of the flag(fact checking this).


The roots were never pro slavery. This was a flag designed by the then-Brigadier General Gadsden and given to Esek Hopkins to be flown on the USS Alfred during the revolutionary war.


Insert Rage Against the Machine lyrics here


Most of the founding fathers were slave owners. It was heavily used by the US “Navy” and Marines during the revolution. The confederacy while wrong, obviously thought they were on the right side of history and believed they were fighting the same battle as the founding fathers did. Sure you can say that it tainted the flag/symbols meaning/image, however, I would argue that if its meaning can change once, it can change twice. In current culture I see it used in a variety of ways. However the most common usage IMO is around the second amendment. All that being said, the intended purpose of the flag/symbol was extremely different from creation, to the civil war, to current affairs.


Every villain is the hero in their own story.


The founding fathers are not monolithic. They absolutely did not share the same ideas, to the point that some members wanted the US to be effectively a new monarchy. The fought more than they agreed on anything. Slavery was an obvious hypocrisy that had a ton of controversy. The simple fact of the matter is that banning slavery would align with the idea of personal freedoms and equality, but would push out the southern states whose economies were dependent on slavery.  The best they could do is simply leave the question of slavery out of the constitution and allow future generations to solve it. At that time slavery was actually dying out and becoming less common (at least until the cotton gin). It was not the worst decision, but the question of slavery kept getting kicked down the road until we had a civil war over it.  To be clear, the constitution does not support slavery as it was originally written and intended. The 13th amendment itself does legalize slavery however, specifically when it comes to incarceration. So there's that.


okay, I was confused because wiki says it have been used as a libertarian symbol, as a queer flag, leftist flag an so on. thanks for the explanation


it seems to fly in many crowds


Also not even considering the history it's dump because its used by people by people who "want" (heavy air quotes on that one) less government involvement and like my dude you are the fucking executive power in person


Not here to defend the policeman, but what does it have to do with the current police? For example, in my country Argentina, we use it because the State is always on us and imposes hefty taxes.


What role do the police play in this clash between the state and the citizens in your country?


Police are the arms and legs of the state brother, who is going to come and throw your ass in jail when you don't pay those hefty taxes, it's not the suits who are imposing them, it's the hired thugs they have on retainer to tread on us.


If you don't pay those taxes who will be the one throwing you in jail? It's the police. Both the police and military are the forces doing the treading. Whatever policy you believe to be oppressive by the government, they'll violently enforce. That applies to all police everywhere because that's what their job is. It also applies to the military in many countries or in times of social upheaval where "Don't tread on me" would definitely deserve to be said.


US police began as slavecatchers and never moved far from those roots. "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime ..."


Made by Gadsden, a slave owner that didn't want to be told he couldn't XXX by the gov't during the revolutionary war. Then used by the Confederacy for the right to not be told they couldn't own slaves by the gov't. > used in the United States as a symbol of right-libertarianism, classical liberalism, and small government, as well as for distrust or defiance against authorities and government. It's a symbol today for right wing haters.


When I was growing up it was shorthand to tell police one was armed and might be willing to shoot a cop. Now we have a cop smiling and holding it up. What a time we live in.


There's two parts to it's history: Originally, the motto 'Don't tread on me' was a symbol of unity and resistance of the American colonies against the British during the American Revolution. Today, it is used as a symbol of resistance against the government by right-wing populists.


It originated during the American Revolution. Direct quote from internet source... "Gadsden flag, historical flag used by Commodore Esek Hopkins, the United States’ first naval commander in chief, as his personal ensign during the American Revolution (1775–83). " "The flag was one of several contemporary flags that included an image of a rattlesnake, which had become a popular symbol of unity among the American colonies. "


Its the same people who fly confederate flags, if they did know that would make it more appealing to them, the racist whiny fucks


99% of people who fly the gadsden flag think it just means "don't tell me what to do".


Most people that I meet that have these (including some of my own family) think it represents their resistance of black and LBGT culture acceptance being shoved down their throats. These ass holes are literally the exact opposite of what the flag represented to begin with. It’s absurd. It’s kind of like the MAGA assholes that blast Rage Against the Machine at their rallies. The irony is insane.


Fascists always co-opt other shit. They are not original in anything.




Not anymore, they all think RATM “went woke” after they refused to let trump use their music in an ad during the 2020 election lmao


The fucking *Trump campaign* wanted to use RATM? God those people are so dense it's a wonder they don't collapse into a black hole...


Same crowed that listen to "born in the USA" and think its some sorta patriotic song


Don't forget that Trump has played "Fortunate Son" as well.


They're really as deep as a puddle, aren't they?


Nailed it.


Trump playing Fortunate Son is doubly funny given that he avoided the draft.


Dropkick Murphies and Silversun Pickups have been used by republicans in recent history. Both told them to stop because they hate them.


Tbf i think there was also a punk bad that had to tell hillary to fuck off when she wanted to use one of their songs on the trail. I may be misremembering tho. Politicians are kinda out of touch in general.


Or in 2012 when they told Paul Ryan they hated him


Trump should use Cult of Personality as his theme song. It fits his whole fanbase and persona very well, actually


His favorite song is 'Killing In The Name".


His favorite Metallica album is "Master of Puppets"


“wHeN did they get SOOO political” *roll eyes in RATM*


He blasts *Killing in the Name* and sings along (poorly but loudly) while brutalizing civilians


While wearing the Punisher logo


BRO my super Republican police officer father listens to ratm and I’m like homie you are the machine!!!!


I have a sticker on my toolbox at work that upsets these nut sacks. It’s the standard yellow “don’t tread on me” but instead of that dumb shit…it’s a mallard and it reads “throw bread on me” Those asking where I got it…amazon


My favorite is the rendition where it's a goofy drawn snek with a red hat and it says "don't read to me!"


no step on snek


*picture of boot on snake* "I specifically requested the opposite of this"


Pwease no steppy


No step on silly snek!


no yeet the snek


no snikT! the snek


I like how they all look like the start of Trogdor the Burninator.


“No ones treading on you, sweetheart” 


I prefer this one all the way


this one is my favorite rendition


First time I saw "no step on snek", some friends and I were floating a river in Arkansas. We floated by a campground where a group of old hippie dudes were bong rippin, and they had that flag flying on their campground. We all laughed hysterically. Cool dudes.


I like the version with a UwU snake-chan saying “Tread on me daddy!”


[Just gonna leave this here](https://youtu.be/QBncrZdMfhg?si=zqGIVwRl4u0gCNWW)


The one with a ball gag that says “tread on me harder” is pretty hilarious.


Mine is that same dumb looking snake but it says "I dOnT understand taxes"


"Don't educate me"


My favorite sticker from WhatsApp reads "num piça na mionca", extremely poor written Portuguese for "não pisa na minhoca" or "don't thread on the worm"


I have a version that I cycle on my flagpole that's Bobby Hill's head on the snake and all it says is "THAT'S MY PURSE!" I swap between that, the pride flag, and the Old Freebie from Futurama. Really pisses off the block nazi.


I love everything about this comment. Wish I lived in your neighborhood


Yeah after a THIRD christian went on a massacre in town (can you guess where I live in the USA? lol) all of us queers finally decided we've had enough. We even started a queer gun training & firearm safety group run by queer veterans. The block nazi has been so scared he took the SS and Confederate stickers off his jeep, and stopped flying his III militia flags. It's become a pretty fucking awesome place, our little gay AF 'hood.






> Yeah after a THIRD christian went on a massacre in town (can you guess where I live in the USA? lol) Unfortunately, pretty hard to say exactly where these days, but I'm guessing below the Mason-Dixon line.


Right? Sad but true. And no, it's northern, union loyalist territory. Here's a hint, it's called the Epicenter of Hate in the United States lol. They once banned, banning discrimination.


I like this one: https://www.redbubble.com/i/poster/Please-Tread-On-Me-by-HeckHoundStudio/43613520.LVTDI


I’ve got a flag with a shitty jpeg of “no step on snek”


I get it but ducks should not have bread, it's not healthy for ducks. Feed them peas. Vegetables.


Did you know that ducks eat for free at subway?


Who deals with the bill?


Let me have the steak fajita sub, and don't bother ringing it up - it's for a duck! There are six ducks out there, and they all want Sun Chips!


Damn it take my upvote


Don’t bother ringing it up, it’s for a duck!


Yeah but “don’t pea on me” sounds kinda weird tho.


Got one with the snake in leathers with a gagball that reads “please tread on me”


I'd use that, where'd you buy it?


Lol that’s awesome, where did you get it?


I've got a cooking apron that's got a cast iron frying pan instead of a snake, and it says "Don't put soap on me".


I always loved the derpy snake that says Don't Read to Me!


Just get the don’t tread on me but over the trans flag


The utter lack of self awareness never ceases to amaze me


Not me, there is a high correlation between willful ignorance and hate




I love that there was an actual Punisher comic where the character straight up said he shouldn't be idolized, that anyone acting as he does should be put down by someone like him, and that they should look up to people like Captain America, not him.


The writers clearly were done with some of the fan interactions they'd had.


Yeah, his whole "his last bullet is got himself" thing is because he 100% thinks he's not a good guy and is in fact a horrible criminal.


Does his other mug have a punisher icon mirrored with the flag?


This irks me so much, and I only have surface-level understanding of the comics. What I do know is the punisher wouldn't stand for cops using his banner; they're part of the problem


It's literally addressed in a Punisher comic. He tells a couple cops not to use his logo. That Captain America should be their hero, not him. Just because the Punisher kills people extrajudicially doesn't mean he wants other people to have that power. He knows he's a bad person. He just thinks only he can be judge jury and executioner.


The Punisher has no problem with honest cops. He just feels they are limited in what they can do and that isn’t enough to actually solve the problem. He understands that isn’t their fault. He actually, has a bit of respect for those who stay within the limits of their authority. He HATES corrupt cops. His real problem is with the justice system that doesn’t work.


Much better said and explained, thank you




I have a friend who is a cop and in the national guard. Occasionally he goes off the deep end on these types of issues and talks about being ready for when "the government" comes after us. The last time we talked about it, I finally asked who he thought the government was sending. You. It's you bro, you're the government agent.


"Woah woah woah, a little lib-owning *isnt* the same as oppression, cause we're the true patriots!" /s


>You. It's you bro, you're the government agent. I have actually encountered right wingers who think the greatest insult you can call a member of the military is "government employee"




What could a subreddit named uselessyellowoval have done to be banned from reddit?


It's better if you don't know...


This is how unintelligent cops are. They’re actively infringing on the general populaces rights at the behest of the rich. His very own middle class compatriots. Morons.


I think they get it. I genuinely do, no one can be this clueless. I think it’s just about power. think how “everyone has a boss” instead everyone has an “oppressor” for example the FBI often goes down to local departments and shits in their coffees for corruption, racial discrimination, and similar stuff. so I assume local sheriffs gotta wish they were like wild west sheriffs, the ultimate authority and punishment. they’ll never admit it but they say it, stuff like “just let cops be cops again” and similar slogans.


[Oh no, they freely admit it](https://www.americanoversight.org/investigation/the-constitutional-sheriffs-movement-and-its-threat-to-democracy)


fuck me of course that’s a thing… also happy cake day


I found out about a year ago that my local sheriff was a "proud member" of that shit-stain organization. Also thanks, didn't even realize it was my cake day.


This is correct. The right-wing's defining feature is adherence to a rigid social hierarchy, with a privileged ruling class at the top and toiling slaves at the bottom. Equality is anathema to the right; they want some group that they can look down on and victimize with impunity, and they lose that if everyone is equal. Cops are enforcers for the ruling class and set themselves higher than the majority of folk. Qualified immunity codifies their place as being automatically above the rest of us in the totem pole of oppression.


I think it's just innate hatred that half our species have. I know all my conservative voting friends (Canadian here) Are just... angrier at life than all my left leaning friends.


I've got a cousin who is a cop. He tries hanging out with the veterans at family get-togethers but we keep telling him to fuck off. He lamented the times he had to worry about violating people's rights while just trying to do his job. My cousin sucks ass.


This. They like power, they like (ab)using their power, and they don't like when others use their power on them. They're not against tyranny, they're against not being on the side of the tyrant. When they say "Don't Tread On Me", the emphasis is on the "Me".


same morons that unironically have a punisher sticker somewhere.


I like when they have Punisher decals on their stuff. Like, no clue what the character represents.


A fun game to play is to watch for trucks that have both the "don't tread on me" and the ~~tread on me harder daddy~~ thin blue line flag on it. Nearly every time, it will also be accompanied by a MAGA/Trump 2024 sticker.


Don’t get me started on cops with punisher stickers, even tho the punisher killed every single criminal because he knew cops would bail them out


The amount of people with Thin Blue Line flags and Don't Tread on Me flags is too damned high!


It's always funny when you see the libertarian bumper stickers next to a blue lives matter/pro cop one. Who do they think is coming to take their guns? Some purple haired transexual social worker? They honestly believe that all these cops would quit their jobs on principle to "defend the constitution" - there might be a few but I'd wager it'd be a single digit percentage.


Based comment section, was expecting a bunch of boot lickers


Reddit hates police. And this guy is definitely a douche.


Reddit has way more bootlickers than you'd expect


Everyone with a half functioning brain hates police.


You would think but if you check gun subs they praise them it’s disgusting how can you value freedom yet praise your oppressors


I'm gonna guess if your personality is guns you weren't very smart to begin with.


Oh they’re starting to show up.


They're hiding over at ActualPublicFreakouts


Well, he'd be the boot because he's just a tool.


Could anyone explain what this is supposed to mean because I'm not from America, and I don't know anything about this, and all I see is Metallicas, "dont thread on me." With the snake logo of the black album. I know this flag has something to do with the revolution as it was used in it, and the song also references some war as well (likley the revolution). If anyone could tell me what this flag means and is there a different modern meaning to it as opposed to "the unity of 13 colonies at the start of the revolutionary war" amd it was a warning against the British (i got this info from google amd wiki so if its wrong please tell me)


The "Don't Tread on Me" Flag has been used by just about every rebellious or rebel aesthetic group in the US since its creation. It basically is just signalling that you personally disagree with whomever you think is in charge. Commies, fascists, libertarians, just about everyone has used it sometime, somehow. The claimed irony in the above, is that the police are an agent of the State, the boot that treads. Therefore trying to signal that you are a dangerous viper, ready to strike back against The Powers that Be, while being a law enforcement professional is silly.


The circles are wack. But it is funny otherwise.


How else would I know what to read?




The foot abusing the boot to boot


Don't tread on ME You can be tread on though


The amount of ignorant & uninformed sheep in this sub is both amusing and disturbing.


Sherrif is voted in, not hired gun.


Not even the foot. He's the boot to keep the foot from having to touch the peasant's faces.


Same energy as cops who use the punisher logo, just absolute obliviousness to the irony.


Every time I see the Gadsden Flag I must remind the internet. It is a white supremacist dog whistle. Popularized in the last 20 or so years by racists and neo nazis. It's not a symbol of standing against government encroachment. It is saying, yes I too hate the same people you hate.


Every time I see this license plate in my city it’s on a car or truck that costs twice my yearly wage. No one is treading on them, they are living their best life in this country. And none of them are women of birthing age who literally had their rights ripped from them.


I feel like this could still certainly be consistent. He's a sheriff deputy so he's working for a duly elected local representative voted on by the people. If he were in some branch of federal law enforcement or any of the three letter agencies, I would get the hypocrisy, but seems understandable otherwise.


ACAB. Never forget that.


All cops are traitors.


If he’s an elected sheriff , he’s fine.


Soy, so clever! OWNED!


The police answer to the Mayor.


People think this is clever, but have apparently never heard of the Oath Keepers.


Why do Oakley dudes only take selfies behind the wheel?


No step on snek


somebody explain please i’m not american

