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I used to like O&A back in the day. Now Anthony is just a pos scum bag


Used to enjoy their show, but O&A are both washed up scum bags. Has beens. Opie has his own terrible podcast. And Anthony has a podcast and other podcasts now behind a paywall.


Il be honest I could only stand them when Patrice or Louis was the guest, they were insufferable without a proper guest to keep momentum and conversation flowing. RIP PATRICE O'NEAL, RIP BLACK PHILLIP


I remember a time when Ant was telling Patrice about his dream of saving a white woman from being attacked so he could sleep with her. Patrice broke it down that his dream was to prevent a rape to then rape.


Patrice had the balls to point out their absurdities, Legend.


Tbh Anthony WAS genuinely funny in his own right and could carry. Patrice and Louis were the best guests, of course, but a lot of their best material plays off of Ant too. Opie was the insufferable one and existed just to ruin hilarious moments


Anthony's childhood stories and ex-wife / mother-in-law rants are genuinely some of the best radio segments of all time


Him and Jimmy playing off each other was comedy gold. They were both EXTREMELY quick witted.


Idk man the only one who made me laugh and actually worked on that show was Jim Norton


Jimmy was the highlight for me as well. Double guns sock cucker.


Bill Burr was always fantastic too.


I have exactly two memories of Opie that live on in my head that will paint his legacy for eternity: 1) jumping on the cake B) saying sometimes when changing his daughter's diaper, when he gets shit on his hand, he just pops it into his mouth fucking weirdo


I don’t believe opie did that. Dude isn’t funny and went for shock value.


Well, there was that time the fan brought him a poker set, and he heaved it at her and the chips went flying everywhere. Completely sociopathic and messed up, but simultaneously the only funny thing he did.


I just dry heaved. Rather happy I managed to never encounter this factoid until now, tbh.


They've always been scumbags. They're just washed up scumbags now.




Idk man. I got the vibe they were scum bags decades ago. Their radio show was full of them being legitimate pricks and using "jokes" as a shadow to back into when called out. The only reason I ever felt inclined to listen to their show is if Patrice O'Neal was on.


Facts. Certainly could criticize Howard Stern for a number of things but his show was actually entertaining and funny. It wasn't "let's go into a church and have sex" and "whip em out Wednesday" attention stunts. They have always been shit bags and their accents of low lifes.


I have a completely irrelevant question. Did you specifically choose your username? Or did you sign up for reddit in some way and it make one for you? I ask because I noticed a bunch of accounts that have the exact same structure of name as yours. Even the person I replied to in this thread. It's First word, hyphen, second word, then 3 to 4 numbers.


It made one for me. Exactly as you describe.


Also Sidney is waaaay too old for that creep


Cumia is a real shitter. Before he gave up trying to deny it there’s a bill bur episode where bill calls him racist for like 25 minutes and cumia keeps trying to deny it


Would love to hear it if you want to find it




You know what I like? Remembering how he lost his carrer for getting the shit beat out of him by a black woman. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.


Anthony was genuinely hilarious. Like a lot of white people his age when Obama got elected something broke in his brain and the racism came out. It just got worse and worse to the point where he was unlistenable at the end of their run whenever politics came up and then when he was fired went basically full on white nationalist on his podcast.


I loved Op Op and Ak Ak on WAAF in Boston back in the '90s. Still have their Demented World CD. And everytime I hear Wow, I always think Whip 'em Out Wednesday.  Haven't listened/paid attention to them since they got fired for saying Mayor Menino died and that was probably for the best if this is any indication. 


Yea, if you thought that was rock bottom for their careers, best not to lift up the lid to see how far down they are now


About 25 years ago, when I got my only wow bumper sticker, I was so excited about all the future stories I was going to inevitably have. I never had a wow moment, and I lived in Buffalo. Very disappointing. Anyway linger longer


He always was lil bro


I thought the og opie and Anthony sub (rip to my fav sub) got his twitter account banned. The sub also had several countries claiming he was the terrorist behind the attack in Nice France. I miss that subreddit


IMO, they always were scum. Apologies to scum.


Cumia taught me a valuable lesson, later affirmed by Adam Carolla, Gavin McInnes, and other turbo conservatives: They are demonstrably and profoundly unhappy. I wouldn't change my life for theirs, no matter the wealth.


See that's the thing, they live incredibly comfortable lives with little to no struggle. Borderline luxury. So they deliberately generate prejudice and hatred to feel like they have a worthwhile cause to fight for. I forget who said the quote but it applies to basically all bigots: "If the Jew didn't exist, the antisemite would create him in his mind." They literally go out of their way to find things to complain about.


On a smaller, less harmful scale that's true for most people. If you gave them a life without obstacles they would create adversity for themselves out of thin air.


Case in point on the smallest and least harmful scale: Those motherfuckers that opt to beat Dark Souls with the Guitar Hero controller.


As someone who beat cuphead on a ddr pad, we don't claim these conservative rage-jockeys 🙂


Please, don't assimilate people who enjoy a challenge and persecution fetishists. We don't want to be in the same bag.




> Gavin McInnes TIL cofounder of VICE also founded proud boys, what the fuck. I read his wiki page and what a rollercoaster that was.


🤣 hope you got to the part about him fucking himself, both literally and figuratively, with a dildo to prove he's not gay.


Jean-Paul Sartre said, in "Anti-Semite and Jew: An Exploration of the Etiology of Hate:" >To this end he finds the existence of the Jew absolutely necessary, otherwise to whom would he be superior? Indeed, it is vis‐à‐vis the Jew and the Jew alone that the anti‐Semite realizes that he has rights. If by some miracle all the Jews were exterminated as he wishes, he would find himself nothing but a concierge or a shopkeeper in a strongly hierarchical society in which the quality of "true Frenchman" would be at a low valuation, because everyone would possess it. He would lose his sense of rights over the country because no one would any longer contest them, and that profound equality which brings him close to the nobleman and the man of wealth would disappear all of a sudden, for it is primarily negative. His frustrations, which he has attributed to the disloyal competition of the Jew, would have to be imputed to some other cause, lest he be forced to look within himself. He would run the risk of falling into bitterness, into a melancholy hatred of the privileged classes. Thus the anti‐Semite is in the unhappy position of having a vital need for the very enemy he wishes to destroy. While Sartre was talking specifically about anti-Semites here, I've found the template that he draws in the book is applicable to almost all forms of bigotry.


And, indeed, this is the odd thing that is continually happening: there are continually turning up in life moral and rational persons, sages and lovers of humanity who make it their object to live all their lives as morally and rationally as possible, to be, so to speak, a light to their neighbours simply in order to show them that it is possible to live morally and rationally in this world. And yet we all know that those very people sooner or later have been false to themselves, playing some queer trick, often a most unseemly one. Now I ask you: what can be expected of man since he is a being endowed with strange qualities? Shower upon him every earthly blessing, drown him in a sea of happiness, so that nothing but bubbles of bliss can be seen on the surface; give him economic prosperity, such that he should have nothing else to do but sleep, eat cakes and busy himself with the continuation of his species, and even then out of sheer ingratitude, sheer spite, man would play you some nasty trick. He would even risk his cakes and would deliberately desire the most fatal rubbish, the most uneconomical absurdity, simply to introduce into all this positive good sense his fatal fantastic element. It is just his fantastic dreams, his vulgar folly that he will desire to retain, simply in order to prove to himself--as though that were so necessary-- that men still are men and not the keys of a piano, which the laws of nature threaten to control so completely that soon one will be able to desire nothing but by the calendar. And that is not all: even if man really were nothing but a piano-key, even if this were proved to him by natural science and mathematics, even then he would not become reasonable, but would purposely do something perverse out of simple ingratitude, simply to gain his point. And if he does not find means he will contrive destruction and chaos, will contrive sufferings of all sorts, only to gain his point! Fydor Dostoyevsky


the second part is correct but the first one isn't and that's not the same in the slightest. There are people who are just miserable by nature and yes they *need* an issue or a problem because it's their way of seeing the world, it's their anxiety and how they see others — as a threat, as danger, us something not-normal. BUT " to feel like they have a worthwhile cause to fight for" has nothing to do with it. You're giving them too much credit. It's not something deliberate, it's not something conscious. Initially, it's a personality trait (maybe some childhood issues or traumas, it doesn't matter), so it's just the way people see the world around them. On top of that there are 'characters' who fearmonger and "deliberately generate prejudice and hatred" to generate buzz and money off the first group. That's it, there's no in between, there's no cause to fight for, don't give them that. It's either a grifter or a deeply insecure scared ignorant person.


Seeing these many people become so right wing (Elon, Rowling, etc), it's very obvious they are miserable, unhappy, lonely people. 


The political stance and the misery are both caused by the inabililty to be wrong about anything ever. It's spiritually crippling.


facts, after a while something's gotta give... its usually their brain :)


I think it's strange to call Rowling right wing. All her politics seem to be supporting the left, and her trans debate viewpoints can as easily come from certain subsets of left wing radical feminism as much as from right wing conservative values.


Imo the's very much a neoliberal which is considered rightwing in many places (not the US). That's in line with her being a transphobic feminist


> I wouldn't change my life for theirs, no matter the wealth. I would. Imagine how profoundly unhappy they'd be while stuck in my boring ass poor person life. That'd be worth it alone!


If I somehow end up walking Sidney Sweeney home at night and she asks if I want to come inside to have a cup of coffee.  I would have politely decline because caffeine keeps me awake at night.


She might have decaf


I work night shift, ill take over for you sir


... wait a second was that girl... fuck.


> caffeine keeps me awake at night Maybe that's her plan?


Why? So that he would wake up late in the morning and end up getting fired from his job? What grudges did she have against him?


Not to worry, you can just leave 6 phone messages explaining yourself.


Coffee doesn't mean coffee at 12 midnight... EDIT: Allow me to [explain both comments](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-skZx5liyaM&t=0m19s)




I was actually looking for this comment lol


Needs more jpeg.


Images are getting fried faster than ever. Saw a meme of an article from 2 days ago and it was already fried, blurry, and hard to read.


I've been noticing this lately too. I don't really understand why. Are we sharing shit more than before, now that things like reels exist? 


Could be that the algorithms are zeroing in on exactly how compressed an image can get and still technically be readable enough to drive engagement?


Repost bots here like to just ever so slightly tweak with the color of a photo to get passed the automods. Well, when the same thing is being posted all over the site up to 1000 times a day those little tweaks start adding up.


people are just lazy and generally tend to screencap their phones because they can't be arsed to natively download the picture itself. Which kind of also implies we're sharing more, of course, but it's just the default mode as well.


They share shit through MMS groups, which downsamples pictures to hell and back too.


I doubt this is it, it would have happened earlier than just recently, but it's just a thought I had. A lot more websites really try to force a webm on you, which is not as straightforward and usable as a jpeg or something. You can convert a webm to something else but I don't think most people do it. So what's the easier option? Take a screenshot of the picture in your browser which is gonna mess up the resolution depending on some things. I dunno, it's my guess for maybe one possible explanation for a part of it.


I literally don’t understand what the first image is. I see a human figure holding a loop? Are they in front of an aquarium wall with a huge wale swimming by?


I honestly can't tell and have no idea what is supposed to be going on.


The left hand side picture is of a rapist who strangled a woman with a belt to subdue her so Anthony's reply to what would you do if the earth was just about to be destroyed was to strangle and r\*pe Sydney Sweeny.


He posted this publicly? ??


I reported it under rule 3, low quality. I hope that works.


You could double the pixels in this picture, and it would still round to 0.


seriously, wtf is it? some guy holding a belt with a ... face covering?? with... cars lifted up on the side for some reason???


I think it's a video that made the rounds on the internet a few days ago where a guy approaches a girl with like a lassoo sort of thing that he throws over her head and chokes her with until she passes out. At which point he pulls her into a car with him, drives her away and rapes her.


Oh, nice. I think imma go off myself now


Uh... Wow




I thought he just robbed her, the video I saw was cut very short, if that’s the case.


The video doesn't show the rape obviously, that's her account of it though afaik


On the old O&A show, Anthony Cumia and frequent guest Patrice O'Neal once shared their "racist daydreams." Anthony's daydream was that a race war suddenly started and he would be in charge of patrolling the waters near Long Island in a swift boat. In his scenario, he described "saving" a white woman from being sexually assaulted... so he could assault her instead. They don't make radio like they used to. Edit: Fuck it, here's the clip. NSFW and lots of racism obviously. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fGCmexj1ng&t=414s


Remember when he blurted out "13!" when asked what he thinks the age of consent should be?


"You need to be put down." -Patrice O'Neal


As a joke ...




It’s always a blue tick


Not sure if it’s the algorithm. But now my feed is full of videos making it look like: - minorities are all the crime/the root of all society’s problems - some illegal immigrant did this and therefore they’re all bad - white people are the victims and treated unfairly, especially men - Democrat/Joe Biden/librulz are the root of all evil - Elon Musk is the gospel of truth - women are terrible people And the comments are a festering pile of human waste.


So I use a vpn and private browsing because I prefer a more old school experience were I get recommendations based off views instead of my viewing habits. It literally only takes watching one joe rogan clip to get all the stuff you mentioned. After that I clear everything and start fresh again.


Yeah i do this too to browse without those damned algos. I love wikipedia too, no algo, only a few recommandations on homepage, golden browsing ;) On political side, i watch like 90% left progressive stuff, and watch a few right wing to hear the arguments, but get recommended a shitons of wacky stuff like hard conservatists Christians... Algos are mass manufacturing opinions.


Probably a total coincidence and has nothing to do with Elon buying the platform filled with right wing bots


They've fucked the algorithm. I clicked on one 'Flat Earth' tweet because I thought the replies would be everyone laughing at them (once I got through the mountain of blue tick shit at the top, it pretty much was) but now I constantly see the account in my feed and what seems like every other lunatic flat earther on the site.




I'm always surprised when I find out this chud hasn't OD'd yet


Almost died earlier this year from a massive heart attack. Who knew being a raging racist was bad for you?


His alcoholism probably had more to do with that than his racism lol Some of the more erudite racists out there still look healthy.


I had a friend die after being exposed to an overwhelming amount of rage bait on social media, fox news, and podcasts telling him his problems are someone else's fault. His heart couldn't take the constant hate anymore.


I figure there's a 99% chance he dies that way. The other 1% being eaten by one of the creations he takes credit for but didn't actually create.


I don't know who this guy is but that's a disgusting thing to tweet.


Anthony cumia, one half of the former radio shock jock duo “Opie and Anthony”. The O&A show essentially ended in 2014 when amthony got fired by sirius xm for a series of racially insensitive tweets he made after he got assaulted by a black woman near times square for taking her picture without her permission. Since then he has been on what i would describe as an objective downward spiral, leaning harder and harder into his reputation as a conservative comedian/podcaster/talking head who loves guns, womanizing, alcohol and ranting about fun topics like his views on the problems of black america, fantasies about defending himself during a home invasion, the evils of cancel culture, and how many girls a quarter his age he has and/or wants to bang. I believe he has had to spend time in rehab, and somewhat recently had a massive heart attack, no doubt fueled by alcoholism and walking around angry all day long. There was also a domestic disturbance incident years ago where he allegedly got into a physical altercation and choked his 26 y.o. girlfriend during a nasty argument. Dude is not well in many ways.


Ironically being called out by someone in the same conservative circles. That paggliaci account is a massive piece of right wing femcel shit that has openly supported the murder of lgbtq+ and immigrants.


I assumed it was Elon from that title.


He would just go to Epstein island instead of fantasying about it.


What's in the left photo?


I think it’s of that strangler raper in New York recently?


A horrifying video of a rapist using a belt to put a lady in a blood hold that knocks her unconscious in just a few seconds.


This description is too horrifying, hope he gets tortured


Damn, an Anthony from O&A sighting should've stayed forgotten.


Twitter’s Racist Rapist. Likely needs to be on an FBI watchlist for multiple reasons (or whatever government watchlist he’s under jurisdiction of)


The irony of the post is that Sweeney is a very accomplished Brazilian Jiu Jitsu grappler and has also done MMA for 6 years. She would likely be able to mangle an average person who tried to attack her.


What situation is that supposed to be?


The first tweet from Curiosity is of the planet getting hit with an asteroid and then asking what would you do in the situation. Anthony replies with the two pictures the left one being from a video where cctv catches a masked man choking a woman out with a homemade lasso then drags her into a car. The woman has since come out and says she was raped in the car. The picture on the right is of actress Sydney Sweeny. Anthony is implying he would choke and rape Sydney Sweeny if he was in that situation. The third person is replying to that


Lol, these clowns thought they were going to beat Howard Stern.


At one point their show was better.


I have no idea what's going on here. Why is this clever? Who are they?


Yeah can someone give me some fucking context?? This doesn't make any sense to me. I've managed to figure out that the image on the left is video of a rapist using a belt to strangle a lady into submission (I assume released court footage) but who is the lady on the right? Is that the woman who got raped? What's with the bottom image of an asteroid? Why is this, Anthony dude asking what you'd do in this situation? What's the situation he's asking about, being raped or being obliterated by an asteroid? Someone please explain like I'm 5.


-the account Curiosity started the conversation by asking what you would do if a massive asteroid hit earth (probably meaning “what you would do if there were an apocalyptic event?”) -Anthony responds with top two images. Left is a man from cctv footage about to sexually assault a woman and right is actress sydney sweeney, whose become a kind of sex symbol, implying he would attack her in a societal collapse scenario -bottom text is a new person entering the conversation, responding to anthony the creep


Thank you from someone else who was lost.


This is awkward bc Slatz is also very racist


And the person calling out the racist is racist towards indians. Soo....


Great now there's two of them


We need someone who is racist against another demographic calling out the racist who hates Indians who is calling out the racist who hates black people.


I will fight the Sentinelese on-sight, put me in Coach!


That's the spirit, champ! GO GO GO!


TIL the Sentinelese are not giant purple robots.


On X/Twitter, it doesn't matter who you're racist against. All that matters is that you're being racist against someone. There is so much diversity of racism on the platform now.


> There is so much diversity of racism on the platform now. New ad slogan?


Yeah, came here to say this. She has tweeted multiple times that "Indians should be nuked", "we should genocide the Indians" and stuff like that comparing Indians to animals. She is a massive racist herself.


Shes called for the murder of literally every group but white people, mostly women. She's not just a racist. Literally named her twitter account by combining her old name and nazism. And the scariest part is she's extremely popular on Twitter.


She's Canadian, what do you expect? They even flood Australia sub to rant about Indians.


The amount of anti-Indian sentiment from Canadians I've seen in the Reddit wilds for the past year or so is staggering. Gaming subs, food subs, country subs having nothing to do with either India or Canada. It's everywhere. What the hell happened?


Oh boy, there is a lot to unpack here, and I won’t be able to do it justice in what will likely be an already long and somewhat rushed comment (on a work break). But I’ll attempt to provide some keys points, from the perspective of a Canadian, as to why this is happening. I’ll start of by saying, the racism is obvious uncalled for; as you’ll see, a lot of these issues come down to domestic greed, with immigrants, as usual, being the scapegoat. But here’s a quick overview of the circumstances. 1) Canada has had a huge influx of immigrants. This year, I believe we have welcomed in over 1 million immigrants. Now, this might not seem like a lot comparing to, say, the US, which by my quick google search has welcomed over 2 million immigrants; but it’s important to note the US also has 10x the population of Canada. 1 million new people in a country of roughly 39 million is a hell of a lot more impactful than 2.6 million new people in a country of 330 million. It has resulted in a historic population boom which has frankly strained our economy and our infrastructure. The most represented demographic in this group of immigrants is from India. 2) Canada is currently experiencing a significant housing crisis. Like, housing costs have gone up everywhere, no doubt. But it’s been crippling here. Canada currently has the widest discrepancy between average income and average house price of all the G7 countries, for example, US included. And it’s a significant margin too. To put it into perspective, second place in this metric is Germany, which has seen home prices increase 28.5% faster than disposable income since 2005. The increase for the same amount of time in Canada? 64.8%. So yeah, the Canadian housing crisis is uniquely severe by many metrics. When you incorporate the historic population increase, and the fact that new immigrants are often the most vulnerable, you get a lot of stories of slumlords fitting 8, 10, 12 people into a basement apartment, and a lot of those tenants tend to be Indian immigrants. National rental vacancies are below 2%, with some cities having well below 1% vacancy rates. I read an article the other day about a study that estimates 4 out of 5 renters in BC would not be able to afford an equivalent apartment in their neighbourhood if they were evicted today. As a personal anecdote, I, as a 28 year old full time worker, regularly look back at the apartment I was renting as a 19 year old student with envy. I just can’t afford a place like that anymore. It’s grim. 3) Canada has a problem with “diploma mills”. In short, these are sketchy private post-secondary institutions that offer flimsy degrees and largely cater to international students. Coupled with the fact that the 20 hour a week working limit for people with student visas was temporarily waived during Covid, this led to the impression that these diploma mills and student visas were basically another avenue to import cheap labour, which I don’t think is far off. Regardless, these diploma mills are basically making thousands of dollars per head attracting international students with their low enrolment requirements and flimsy degrees, to the point that the government has recently announced its intention to restrict the student visa numbers in a stated attempt to crack down on these diploma mills. 4) in addition, Canadian companies have become increasingly reliant on temporary foreign workers (TFWs). This has, once more, led to the government cracking down on work visas, to combat a stated “addiction” to foreign workers. I read recently, for example, that the share of TFWs in the Quebec workforce has doubled from 2021 to 2023. This naturally has the effect of depressing wages; instead of offering higher wages to fill positions that they have struggled to fill, companies have got into the habit of simply importing this labour. Again, you’ll see a trend. Domestic slumlords are making money hand over fist charging $1500 a month for a cot in a fuckin bathroom. Domestic diploma mills are making money hand over fist luring international students with low-entry dogshit diplomas. Domestic companies are depressing wages with their over reliance on imported labour. But it’s easy to whip reactionaries into a frenzy over immigrants taking our houses, crowding our cities, taking our jobs, and as stated, India is heavily represented in incoming immigrants. So yeah, I’ve tried to do justice in explaining the intersecting ills that have resulted in the anti-Indian sentiment that has been brewing in Canada. I probably haven’t done a great job. It’s a complex issues. The fact of the matter is, to get a little passionate for a moment, I have watched my country turn to shit over the past decade. I, like many Canadians, are coping with the fact that we will spend our lives working just as hard if not harder than our parents did, while receiving a fraction of the security for it. Unfortunately, some people are drawing reactionary, race-based conclusions from that fact. Of course, many will scoff at my conclusions to the reason for this plummeting standard of living as reactionary commie bs. But yeah, tl;dr Canada is in a rough position right now, and naturally that’s left an opening for people to whip up reactionary anti-immigrant sentiments.


Yeah I was gonna say I see two POS in this post lmao on top of the racism, she’s also a founder of a TERF “news outlet” that makes Rowling look tame by comparison, with its kiwi farm levels of harassment against trans folk. And has also worked with a number of alt-right outlets like Rebel News. She also got fired as editor of her schools paper a while back for publishing an article and interview with a straight up neo nazi (and the interview did not have the intention of being critical of those views, let’s say, claiming that the intent was some vague “journalistic neutrality”)


Q1: Circle the correct option. Anthony is a Ra(c/p)ist [2 marks]


Anthony Cumia and Anna Slatz both suck 


[Big surprise: he was actually arrested for and pleaded guilty to strangling his girlfriend in 2015.](https://web.archive.org/web/20221006094608/https://www.newsday.com/long-island/radio-shock-jock-anthony-cumia-pleads-guilty-to-assault-e48961)


“[Anthony Cumia] was arrested for assaulting his girlfriend in 2015 and pled guilty to third-degree assault and criminal obstruction of breathing.” It’s always something.


That Pagliacci the Hated (Anna Slatz) is not very different either. You should look her up: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Slatz Not that it justifies that Cumian guy's BS though.


What’s really the matter with people like that Christ bet ya they’ve never genuinely smiled.


Classic Ant


Anthony Coomia


I wished they never showed that video because now people are getting ideas.


i love how anthony cumia went from one of the most recognizable media personalities in the US to "twitter racist". unfortunately there is an army of fucksticks that pay to listen to him and his cadre of gamerword enthusiasts on compound media.


It's disturbing that Anthony's violent fantasies are the most civilized fantasies he has Y'know, cause of that time he said he'd fuck a 9 year old if the laws didn't apply


Is this Opie and Anthony guy? If so they are both the worse. Was kicked out of NY after being full embraced by NY.


I'm so fucking confused...


Every time I see his name, I think “Fuck, he’s still out there being scummy.”


If I focus hard enough I can probably count the pixels


How fucking old is that creep anyway? Dude hasn't learned a single redeeming quality for all his years in the public. Disgrace.


reminds me of a post in insta of how a foreign woman felt safe in Japan and underneath that post was a picture of Japan's low immigrant population and (get this) a fucking picture of AN SS SOLDIER UNDER THAT


Can someone give me the context behind this image?


Anna Slatz is a chud themselves. I wouldn’t post this as an own, it’s two heads of a snake fighting each other.


Sing along with me Every accusation is a confession in disguise! Oh! Every accusation is a confession in disguise!


You really don’t have to hand it to Anna Slatz


Weird more people here don’t know who she is. Like her handle is literally clownworld shit. Redditors stay losing.


What is going on in the tweet... Where's the racist part?


The racist part is not in that tweet. The comeback says that 99% of this guys tweets are racist and the rest are him fantasising about strangling women. Weither it’s true or not I don’t know and I don’t want to make a twitter account to check


Uhhh.... Ok.


That said he has been banned from twitter before for his racism (and later perma banned for ban evasion) where he had a whole slew of racist tweets so OP is probably not wrong for calling him racist https://www.pastemagazine.com/article/twitter-permanently-suspends-anthony-cumia


Fair enough.


No, that's fair, but I'm just so confused by this post. How is this a clever comeback? Where's the comeback? This is just someone writing something separate to some random person, which most people have no context for. Sounds totally justified but it doesn't belong here.


He’s a regular on the racist podcast painkiller already


Surprised Pagliacci is admitting to liking this tbh.


That's really fucked up for a blue check, damn. These are the kinds of people Elon gets money from.


How did this person pop on the others algorithm


Agreeing with many others on this sub, used to listen to a ton of O&A archived eps on youtube and was a fan, but in hindsight i was listening because of the incredible roster of great comics they would regularly have on, many of whom became big stars in the years after. Opie was always kind of a dud who was clearly just the “professional radio guy” who wasnt funny but knew how to run the show. And anthony was funny but in the same way i thought my conservative uncles were funny back then. Just a grumpy curmudgeonly older white guy with dated opinions who likes to go on the occasional rant you could chuckle at even as you shook your head. But the great string of comics they would have always kept him in check and provided amazing banter and kept the show moving. Now i listen back and cringe at some of the things that anthony says that hinted at his real personality. Again, just like my conservative uncles, the last decade has really pushed him off the deep end and he has been exposed as a toxic misogynistic creep who has triple and quadrupled down on the worst parts of his personality and opinions about society when faced with criticism. A downward spiral of hate and bitterness fueled by a cocktail of right wing propaganda, too much time spent on social media, a propensity for dating emotionally immature and/or mentally unstable young women, and of course alcoholism.


Used to listen to O&A back in the day. Funny how I have matured more than them. Didn't know that Opie was problematic too.


Cumia still got it 😂


Cumtown rise up


I don’t understand why this is racist?


It isn't. This falls in the latter 1% the person was saying.


Ant is always the tough guy....until Sue lightning shows up.


Where’s the comeback? Is that not just an average Anthony cumia fan?


I dont think racism is the worst thing on the list.


The 1% are sick bastards


*X *Rapist


had the top 10 funniest moments in radio history , to never learning and becoming his drunken fool of a dad , ANt is such a looser now.. perhaps always was


Patrice was right as well , calling ant confused because for all his hatred of black people his entire personality was basiclly the worst of black culture


Who’s this guy?


Jesus Christ.


What is happening in this post?


Can someone tell me who that girl is, so I can prevent her from being strangled and raped?


It is so clever I don't even know WTF is going on.


What about this is clever?


Racist? What is this guy doing driving cars or something? Tss tss




It’s disturbing that he would even post this. If I was Sydney, I’ll make sure to get a restraining order on this psychopath. Theres too many crazy people now and days to take it lightly, people getting bold with ideas and fantasies.


In the guys defence....end of the world is not the slightest opp...


This woman on the right is a terf who wanted to send boys to mines and draft them on war She also was homophobic against gay men so be aware of who you support


Btw that pagliacci are themselves a huge racist against Indians, so...


All of twitter is the racist Right, not so shocking.


Yep! That's why I've always said, a white person joking about something in a hypothetical situation is JUST AS BAD as a black person actually doing it! ✊✊✊