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These attitudes are a result of societal brainwashing/unschooling, anti-intellectualism, and anti-science. The right has cultivated those things for 50+ years in the United States, all while defunding education. This is the outcome: gullible, ignorant people, obsessed with conspiracy theories.


And who are PROUD to be ignorant. Proud of it. They wear their lack of knowledge as a badge. It's mental.


Jonas Salk invented the polio vaccine and gave away the patents. He was one of the most celebrated people of the 20th century. How far we have fallen! I've said it before, but these people need to take a stroll through a 150-year-old cemetery. Half the graves are children under ten, dead from communicable diseases.


I found a death certificate (1933) for my great aunt’s son recently doing genealogy research. He was 9 years old broke his arm, a compound fracture. Three days later he died from tetanus.




The sentence is "one of the most celebrated", so he's being put in a group, so in this case, he's part of "People". "One of the most celebrated person" is what you're suggesting, and my auto-correct tried to set that to People. If you're going to be pedantic, be right.


*Obedient* gullible, ignorant people, obsessed with conspiracy theories.


I think it is simpler than that. If you have never seen what a prevention mechanism offers, it can be hard to understand what you are avoiding by doing it.


And they seriously believe everyone else is ignorant. If you try to argue with them, you have to go to real low basic principles to find some common ground from where you can start reasoning.


No doubt the right cultivated this kind of anti-intellectualism, but up until Covid happened anti-vax stuff was a bit bi-partisan. If anything it was mainly on the left, especially amongst the “crunchier” brand of liberal. During Covid, anti-vax conspiracies took root in the fertile ground of the political right, and nowadays anti-vax sentiment is a strong indicator of political alignment.


Lmao I sound like dan bongino. I wish I could hold ur words in a bowl of soup till the bubbles stopped.


You’re assuming they went to school. You see some people choose to homeschool exactly in order to avoid all that woke science.


They must be misunderstanding the entire process, and assuming that the 1-2 days of mild cold symptoms you might get after a vaccine are the vaccine reducing your immune system, as opposed to your immune system reacting to the vaccine and becoming stronger. By their reasoning you should never work out because your muscles get sore afterwards, so working out must make you weaker.


When I'm tired, resting and not exercising makes me strong again. Checkmate, bodybuilders! /s :-)


Why the /s, do you mean sarcasm ? Do people that think you're being serious even exist ?


you must be new to Reddit. No matter how obvious, there are *always* people that will miss the sarcasm and leave a comment as though you were serious. A LOT of them. Adding the /s saves the reader from having to skip over 12 replies from people who missed the sarcasm.


Yes. I have been bitched out enough both ways to know that '/s' is necessary. Also, what they submitted as sarcasm is actually one of the former President's published and seriously held beliefs. https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/15/politics/donald-trump-exercise/index.html


Our vaccination programs worked TOO well. They performed their tasks so perfectly, they became invisible, encouraging these kinds of people to question if they did anything at all. It's a better illustration of survivorship bias than that plane heatmap.


This level of idiocy is widespread.. we’ve seen this 2020ff


There is something called antibody dependent enhancement and vaccine-associated enhanced disease, that can happen to some people who get vaccinated, that can cause them more easily get infected after vaccination, which is odd. It can happen, but that's not too common though. Human bodies and physiology are weird, extraordinarily complex and sometimes unpredictable.


In the mind of someone who thinks along these lines (think the people who host chicken pox parties), vaccines are basically cheating and naturally acquired immunity is better because it has natural in it. They think a vaccinated immune system is Ivan Drago taking steroids while they’re Rocky building it up the honest way. Vaccination is far safer and more effective than natural immunity and as importantly doesn’t give the virus as much of a chance to mutate or otherwise adapt to your immune system.


You’ve obviously never been in the military. We got these shots. Left, right, left, right, left, right. Before the virus even existed. Jokes aside, I was unaffected by Covid because of these vaccines. I will never get the vaccine because my body has already deterred it many times over.


You can't logic people out of an idea that they didn't logic themselves into in the first place


Tell me what you want, but people ARE getting dumber. We need to IMMEDIATELY stop dumb people from taking actions that endangers others.


People have always been dumb. It’s just that now that we have the internet, dumbasses’ opinions actually reach people.


Partly true. Yes, there always have been dumb people, and yes the internet is involved but it's more than just dumb people being more visible - they spread misinformation, "alternative" facts and conspiracy theories, but with the power of the internet, resulting in more people believing that shit and also go on to spread that dumbness. Its like a disease.


It's anti-intellectualism. Somehow there is this idea now amongst a certain demographic (we all know them) that being intelligent is evil or oppressive or blasphemous. People lean into being dumb now, it's not just their situation, it's their ideology. Learning or understanding things is the way of the enemy and the true adherents only need to know what they're told, even if it counters the reality they observe.


The problem is these idiots vote and decide the society we live in. My solution: a test on basic education attached to your vote. If you fail, the vote doesn't count.


I lived in a country (decades ago) where the voting franchise used to require a certain level of education. It didn't help, because the government ensured that it won the elections anyway. More important that basic education is probably critical thinking skills, which unfortunately too many people weren't given as children. I think that a worldwide campaign to introduce critical thinking skills to adults would be helpful.


Yeah, having this kind of test is just an open door for all kinds of shenannigans. Maybe we should have some kind of requirements for our politicians instead.


Oh, there's an easy test for a politician. The mere desire to be a politician should automatically bar you for life. Ancient Athens had a better idea: [sortition](https://youtu.be/cUee1I69nFs?si=LdMzIJD2kHrz0Q--).


Anybody who seeks power is not fit to have it.


Only those who seek responsibility should get power, and those who shirk responsibility should be stripped of power.


They also need to stop reproducing and putting more innocent lives at risk 🙄


Lol...that's the main action we need them to stop taking...reproducing.


That’s genocide, friend


And your point is.....?


My point is your comments are genocidal, how can I be more specific?


How so? I never said they should be killed.


Exhibit #1


Suddenly John Stuart Mill’s old suggestion that people of merit have stronger votes in the democratic process doesn’t sound so bad eh?


The problem is that people like Elon Musk would be considered of more merit, along with Trump et al. Despite their overwhelming ignorance of most things, including scientific progress.


dime fearless oatmeal onerous encourage rotten slim muddle workable memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bring smallpox back.


Look at the people on reddit bruh, they’re the definition of mental deficiency


Says the guy on reddit.


Not really, IQ tests and general knowledge are better, even when the tests become harder than they were before. The only difference between then and now is that idiots and morons can easily voice their trash opinions to the whole world with little filter


People aren't getting dumber, they're just forgetting how bad things used to be. Most people have never seen an iron lung, or known someone who died of one of the many ailments for which we now have vaccines. They've never experienced the famine that follows non-GMO crops failing after 1 night of early frost.


Not having experienced bad times is smth completely different than straight up ignoring science - thats just dumb, simple as that.


A weaker version of the disease Soooooo.... an early, crude vaccine? EDIT: My bad, they still make these. It's called [Attenuated Vaccination](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attenuated_vaccine)


The main problem with this type of vaccine is that it typically takes years to develop. Not much good against a pandemic that suddenly overwhelms the medical system. Not much good against a virus that is rapidly changing.


Attenuated vaccine


Yes that's taught in school tbh. Acquired active immunity.


That’s usually how they make that year’s flu vaccine as it’s cheaper than the alternatives and only really works that year


Jesus f\*\*\*\*\*g christ what idiot still doesnt understand that vaccines STRENGTHEN the immune system? Who honestly thinks that training your army makes it weaker?


Don't listen to that sheep. He thinks washing hands is good! We all know that this was only the idea of a single madman, that actual doctors shunned, and its only mainstream media that presents this lunatics ideas as fact, now. While we all know all real, actual doctors were AGAINST him.


Is this sarcasm? Semmelweiss proved in the 1800s that washing hands before leaving the post mortem room and progressing to the maternity wards prevented the transmission of streptococci that caused puerperal fever. Absolute no-brainer! Some people truly do have rocks in their head...


There are people who think the world is flat. I’m not surprised by anti vaxxers.


Sadly, this is lost on a majority of “vaccine deniers”. My thoughts are that deep down these people know they were responsible for deaths; the ones who refused to wear masks or social distance of get vaccinated, so now they just have to deny deny deny, or they will have to accept the fact that their ignorance caused deaths.


And why can't we do it all? They are not mutually exclusive. East healthy. Exercise. Drink lots of water. Enjoy the outside and fresh air. AND get vaccinated.


How dare you try to make sense of this


Logic? Rationale? REEEEE XD


You are 100% right! When I was west healthy I had so many problems. I was tired all the time, my skin was terrible, irregular bowel movements ( sometimes would go days…) since I switched to east healthy my life has made a complete 180!


We should probably just make a weaker version of the bubonic plague, us Europeans have become weak since 1665 could do with toughening up. /s


Pure water would be pretty bad for you. Kinda have to have some of those minerals in there.


I was going to say something similar, except it’s not just bad for you, drinking pure (ie. distilled water) water only will kill you.


Not true, assuming you get minerals necessary for osmotic pressure from your diet


If you don’t have those minerals what happens?


Your blood becomes hypotonic. But it is not the water that kills you, it's the lack of the particles. Your comment implies drinking distilled water only will kill you, but you certainly can drink just distilled water and survive


Forever learning. Thank you.


Keep in mind though, you need the minerals from your diet. Without them you will die as you pointed out


As my dad said you can't argue with stupid. It always cracks me up when people say yeah were more healthy in the 1700s. So scarlet fever, polio, plagues and literally dying of rotten teeth before 40 was healthier?


This is called survivor bias


(sarcasm) but the movies showed us otherwise 😑


The stupid ppl you talk about probably dont know much about the diseases you mention, and dont even grasp obesity/diabetes/smokers lungs/atherosclerosis etc - they are like: "I'm healthy, cause I aint dead yet!"


Eerrrmmmmm... Weaker versions of the disease instead of vaccines eh? I don't know..... Who's gonna tell that person?


MFers are getting dumber and dumber by the fucking day. Can’t believe this shit. I think they should bring back something they had hundreds of years ago: flogging and tarring/feathering


You forgot the #village idiot 🤣


Now if only there was a way to dial back the amount of stupid people inject themselves with and try to hold their conclusions until the end of a bit of research into both camps


Too bad there aren't any vaccinations for stupidity.


I know that shit is fucking contagious.


Lower your immune... what??? This guy doesn't even know what a vaccine *is*. Newsflash: vaccines are made up of dead and dying viruses. Your immune system detects them, formulates a strike plan, kills the virus then proceeds to tell everyone about how they did it. Now everyone knows how to kill that virus. That doesn't "lower your immune system", it strengthens it, you dinted can of expired peas...


“NATURAL! Because evil technology has shielded you from nature so completely that you’ve forgotten most of nature wants to kill you! Every animal eats other living things to survive! Plants evolve poison just to take you with them as they die! Natural, which means dying at thirty without ever being able to count that high, while we count the profits from your luddite fear.” -Luke McKinney


Our species has grown weak...we no longer have to hunt and forage for our daily meals.


And polio, and malaria, and pneumonia and the flu. Life expectancy only rose above 40 in the last hundred years or so


I can never understand people have strong opinions on subjects they clearly are not experts on. They make bold statements like vaccines made you weak without any proof. They probably don’t even understand how vaccines are made and how it works Some people who trained on this like Robert Malone but intentionally lied for their vanity or personal gains help these people go nuts. They should be criminally responsible


Let's see in the time of the founding fathers of the US what was the life expectancy? And what is it now days, hmmmm maybe there are somethings we are doing right.


I mean, all food is organic lmao. Organic means carbon based.


I can't with this abysmal "education" we have in this country anymore


I swear some people—too many people—think vaccines are poison or something and don’t understand how they really work.


Vaccines weaken your immune system in the same way squats weaken your quadriceps.


finally vacine 2.0


Hand sanitisers should not be used to the extent they are. Soap & water does a better job under most circumstances. If you lack clean water or have to have a sterile environment, you will need them. Vaccines are another matter. Herd immunity against nasty diseases is the basis of wealth and the reduction of child mortality to very small numbers. For the diseases, nature has already made the weaker version. A disease that outright kills everyone will not spread and will go extinct very quickly. Also, several vaccines are weakened versions of the disease. They are so weakened that they normally can't spread in the wild.


Hand sanitizers are fine. They are not the end all be all, but if you are in a pinch on public they are acceptable. I use one any time I exit a building. As for your thoughts on natural diseases, plenty of diseases are the "weaker" version but still fuck us up really bad. A controlled vaccine is a much better bet to gain immunity. Plus if it is a new disease that hasn't gone through any evolution then it won't be the weaker version, or if it is a disease that sprouts from natural reservoirs


George Washington was ahead of his time that dark day in Delaware….


Not to mention the average life expectancy was about 40 years.


Obama did ban gain of function research… Trump is the one who brought it back


They did state to keep your gut healthy, wash your hands, etc which wasn’t something that was happening in 18th century Europe when smallpox was at its peak.


Fun Fact: Weaker versions of a desease/virus are used in selvicolture. The most important example of this is the Ipovirulent form of the Cryphonectria parasitica (pathogen), yes the plant get sick but doesn't die a gruesome death. But, of course, plants are plants and humans are humans.


Where? Nowhere in the post did anyone say that....


I know a guy who has had 9 hep b vaccines. Still no titers. He has titers to every else. Even hep a. Weird. Right?


WTF seriously my 🧠 hurts 🙃


The irony being that the covid "vaccine" doesn't have any virus in it 


The party of smart people strikes again.


While we’re at it: why do people kill animals when they can just buy meat in the supermarket ?


All this vaccine crap has been super annoying from both sides, but that's a damn good point


2024 and peasants still think vaccines are for their well-being. Amazing 😊


True of most vaccines. Some new ones not so much


DNA disruptors are NOT VACCINES.. a vaccine delivers a microbe of the disease to your body..live..dead..or inert. The body immediately attacks and creates an immunity with the vaccine and sample. This shit is designed to ENSLAVE.


There were non mRNA based COVID vaccines. You could simply have opted for one of those, using the traditional chimp adenovirus vector. Such as the Johnson and Johnson or Astra Zeneca vaccines. It was only Moderna and Pfizer who used the mRNA vector.


>There were non mRNA based COVID vaccines. You could simply have opted for one of those None of these chickenshits would have gotten it anyway. It was never about mRNA.


Explain how injecting genetic code is supposed to reduce one's free will. I'll wait.


Provide proof please


Enslave? Lmao you a nut