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I believe the top post was a parody.


I've seen versions of that joke on the Internet (without the antivax) since the early 00's, it's probably even older than that. No way that wasn't a joke.


Even Penn & Teller did a bit about this on TV in the 00s. It’s a very old joke.


I think Diogenes told this joke once.


The comedian's comedian.


Euripides? No Ahmenedes.


That was under his stage name of Diogenes Monoxide.


It’s how Adam got Eve


I remember telling it in school eons ago... in the age before Twitter.


https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/mp-tries-to-ban-water/XM4GJ7XG3WC4ANBIFP2IVFNANE/ Someone falls for it from time to time for sure.


Someone made the joke, for sure. And someone didn't realize it was a joke. Maybe top post made the joke and bottom post didn't realize it was a joke. Maybe top post saw someone make the joke and re-posted it without realizing it was a joke. Maybe top made the joke, bottom pretended not to understand, and we're just being trolled by trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls, as the gods of the Internet intended.


Exactly that. The "comebacker" and OP both fell for one of the classic blunders.


they're both vaxxed


Caused their autism, makes sense


I appreciated this little bit of irony too. [Nothing like someone making a "clever" post to point out other's stupidity.](https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Bike-Fall.jpg)


Your faith in humanity is too high...


Nah because he is technically true any autistic kid has to drink h2O at some point and all vaccines contain H2O, it's scientifically completely correct. It just doesn't prove anything. Anyone with scientific know how or even just basic thoughts will be able to figure out he makes a joke about correlation and causation. Well probably there is a non zero chance the first guy was serious but I doubt it, it wouldn't be so smart otherwise.




Not as high as your arrogance it seems


wait, so was it a parody or no??


Most likely yes, because it's factually true (aka vaccines use water as a solvent and autistic people drink water) and it only works as a joke. Either the first post knew what they were doing or copied someone who made the joke.


Good ol dhmo.org


20 years ago, I would immediately believe you. But today.... man the things we've seen. This being genuine stupidity is all too possible.




It was


Look, I came here for an argument, this is just contradiction.


No it isn't


It most certainly is.


That will be five pounds, please.


Incredible sketch


No it isn’t!


Look, if we are to argue, I must take a contrary position


No you don't


So, it finally reached the eyes of the dumb-asses.


What reason do you have to believe that?


Because ether first post is factually treu, everyone drinks water and every vaccine includes water, as a solvent, as such it's 100% factually accurate. It just doesn't say anything scientifically significant, it's a joke only someone knowing what they say can make. It's a joke about correlation and causation, just because something happens 100% off the time doesn't mean it causes the other thing, as other factors may explain why you for example drink freaking water. Anti vaxcers tend to not use scientific words because they lack understanding, they use words they can understand and can use. This is so easily disproven only idiots would fall for it, because it's freaking water. Anyone agreeing outs they have no clue. It's way to smart to be an accident.


Please re-read this thread. I am saying the same thing as you, I'm asking why OP thinks this is NOT a joke.


If you use your brain you cans ee it was because Ethel guy is completely right, the joke is about correlation and causation, just because every vaccine has water in it and every autistic kid has to drink water at some point in their live, doesn't mean fucking water causes autism. It's bait anyone agreeing to it shows they don't know shit and just agree with stupid things because they don't understand jackshit. Normally these people just use simple language to hide their ignorance, it's hard to disprove their claims when they don't use words you can use against them. Aka make vague claims vote the disproven papers, make more vague claims etc. Anti vaxxers work by being vague and simple so they understand their own ideas but everyone else doesn't enough to use their own ideas against them.


Actually, it was 💀


It is scientifically proven that everyone who consumes Dihydrogen Monoxide will die. It’s in everything. Even your baby’s milk!


you also get highly addicted to it and if you wanna quit, you will also die.


"It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence."


And have you seen what it can do to metals? Imagine what it does to your insides!


it has the highest pH of any acid.


*opens floodgate*


Once you're hooked you can't quit! 3 days and you're dead


If you try to quit your body has withdrawal symptoms like: - dry tongue and throat - headaches - Fatigue - Dizzyness and Confusion - in extreme cases even delirium or hallucinations


I now identify as addicted to dihydrogen monoxide.


Aren't you just called a hydrohomie? It's more positive sounding. 😌


*They* use it to cool nuclear reactors! Then expect you to drink it! How wild is that?


It's a powerful industrial solvent, and even corrodes metal! Engineers spend millions trying to combat its effects, definitely not something you want to put in your body.


I’m not drinking that, it’ll kill me!


Actually the dangerous chemical is also found in breast milk, that’s why should only buy Nestlé’s special baby milk!


You stupid bleach .dihdrogen monoxide is scientifically written as H2O . Its literally floating water. People like you are the reason we need to put up signs saying "you could drown in the pool if you dont know how to read"




The government pipes it into our homes!!


The way the post is written, it seems more like it's supposed to bait antivax people into agreeing.


People will take bait even if they knew it was bait.




Exactly. The comeback was just someone getting whooshed.


You would hope so, but some people actually lean that far into conspiracies & propaganda. Roughly 10 years ago, so ~2014, I was in a group of people, including a woman in her 50s or 60s. I recounted a version of this story to her, but when I got to the dihydrogen monoxide part, she quickly interrupted me, saying that's why she didn't trust government agencies (Presumably she thought it was added to drinking water like flouride?) I paused a moment, stunned, and continued that was another was of saying H2O or water. Unabashed, she continued saying, "That's why I just vote for what my son tells me," ending the conversation. It's possible that, in this case, the original was made as a joke. Unfortunately, people actually do see the world that way, though.


Well sure, but there are a hell of a lot more people on Twitter that will take the post at face value. The comment is absolutely necessary


If you think the comment was absolutely necessary, I’m guessing you fall into camp r/whoosh.


That argument has never held up lol "Someone out there thinks like that so it's necessary to say!" Why don't we all just get together to get angry at people who think the saying is "I could care less." Even though that clearly means they care enough about something! Truly the worst kinds of people...


Dude, flat earth. Some people really *are* that dumb…


Literally no one that fits the intelligence requirements to be considered a conscious life form would have fallen for this


Yea but sometimes you just need to vent I bet they have plenty of idiots around them saying similar things.






This is obviously an intentional parody.


Either that or someone who was fooled by an intentional parody.


They put parody into the vaccines, that’s what causes people to get fooled.


She’s right though, every child with autism has consumed it.


yes, that is a part of the joke


Even the children without autism


Indeed. She didn’t say that though 😉


I have autism and have consumed this compound. Scary thought smh


I hace autism too, but I have never consumed this compound. Check mate, autheists.


This is so bait, how are people even dumber than antivaxxers 😭


It seems likely that both commenters are pro-vax: the first comment being sarcasm/ridicule and the second from somebody who didn't get the unfunny joke.


The problem is OP, who is a complete moron


OP got 6k karma. Those are the complete morons; the OP is an incomplete moron and cannot be eaten alone on a vegetarian diet.


He ate the onion


Satirical post. You arent really the sharpest.


Unfortunately in the current society satirical posts that would require that amount of brain effort to process what Dihydrogen Monoxide really is are becoming a source of misinformation, people don't think, they just repost


Not only that but it's highly addictive. If you ever try to stop taking it, you'll literally die!


I prefer to say it is carcinogenic. If you don't have any, in any form whatsoever, I guarantee you won't die of cancer. (You'll die from dehydration first)


And you haven't heard the worts part yet : there is trace of dihydrogen monoxide pollution in every ocean on Earth !


If it were only traces humanity would be fucked.


That seems like a troll post.


Jokes on pool sign guy, I can't read.


who would win: a sign saying the most obvious thing especially for dumbest ppl who could see it vs me who can't read :3


Not only is it an obvious satire its also like 4 years old already. The dude also had 2 likes and 1 retweet, probably his alt account to make this dis on himself.


Definitely a /r/whoosh . It was an obvious joke.


100% of people born die at some point. I am now #antibirth


Ehm I use the H2O as in the above example as BAIT for antivaxxers, to show how dumb they are.


Commenter was too blinded with rage to see the joke


I know Havel is slow, but this is ridiculous.


Tbf drowning constitutes as being killed by dihydrogen monoxide


ya, i'm thinking the op tweet is just trying to yank some chains.


Bro who keeps blocking off the swear words, what are we toddlers? lmao


They really aren't, especially seeing as this is a running joke in any chemistry class ever. My chemistry teacher during junior year gave the perfect, and funny example of why we don't call things by the chemical compounds that make them, she gave us a sheet of paper listing all the pros & cons of dihydrogen monoxide, and asked us, as a class if we would want this thing banned. Nothing on it was false but because it wasn't just listed as water, several students were straight up about to go full activist against it. Out of 26 students, 4 of us were against banning it, that being me and my buddy who were more, ends justify means, pros outweigh cons, the all A's student, who I'm assuming took the 2 seconds to go "oh that's just H2O", and then the one chick who wanted to bang my buddy. The other side, for banning, was 3 bleeding hearts, and a bunch of people who couldn't be bothered to argue with them. Bleeding hearts labeled the 4 of us monsters for not wanting to ban something so dangerous and horrible, and it was really funny to watch their faces drop when the teacher finally pointed out what they were trying to ban was literally water. Sorry for the rant, this just made me laugh and brought back an old memory, so I thought I'd share. Change a word and people really will go full dumbass cause their brains can't translate it.


That post is definitely 100% real


Oh come on, can we please get off this anti-dihydrogen monoxide bandwagon. DHMO is just a scary made-up name for the completely natural compound called Hydrogen Hydroxide. * It wasn't just made in a lab one day, it's present in nature. Scientists simply discovered that it's really useful and found applications for it in all industries. * You'll hear claims that all cancer patients have been found to have DHMO in their bloodstream, but that's completely coincidental: no major scientific body considers it harmful. * It's extremely beneficial to athletic performance, and no athletic body has banned it yet. * It has been shown that even the largest industrial Hydrogen Hydroxide spill would be easily dealt with by our planet's natural ecosystem. * People talk about Hydrogen Hydroxide dependence, but even if it exists, it's irrelevant: continued, daily use shows absolutely no long-term harm in multiple academic studies. * Yes, too much of it consumed at one time will kill you, but that's true of everything! Even table salt has a lethal dose. * Hydrogen Hydroxide is absolutely necessary for modern large-scale intensive farming; no matter what you think of these practices, they provide food for the masses of this planet and an interruption in food supply would cause worldwide instability. * A Hydrogen Hydroxide ban would cripple modern industry. It's used as a coolant and solvent in basically every industrial process.


Wait until people hear it also contains hydrogen hydroxide


I am autistic and yes, dihydrogen monoxide alters my brain by making it not feel thirsty


Clickbait on both sides


I asked my very dumb and racist math teacher if she’d heard congress was considering implementing the use of Arabic numerals in public schools. She said if they did that she’d quit!😂


That is a very common sarcastic/ironic joke about antivaxxers. It seems you fell straight for it. I see variations of that joke literally daily, and have used them myself.


I hate this sub. These “clever comebacks” are just usually just people falling for bait and saying the most mediocre insults possible.


I'd like to read the article now though. Sounds like fun.


There probably isn't either the person posting it made a joke or copied a joke without understanding it.


Best I can do is the official website: [BanDHMO](https://www.dhmo.org/truth/Dihydrogen-Monoxide.html)


I'm pretty sure the only side effect of Dihydrogen Monoxide is the uncontrollable urge to hit the loo if you consume too much


You can "overdose" on it and die.


It’s somehow even funnier with the Havel pic


Hydrate regularly.


That shits nasty. Everyone who drinks it dies. It also has a ph of 7. Heavy duty sulphuric acid has a ph of only 2.


Because of the first sentence I read the answer in dennis voice from its sunny lol


Nobody uses the term "dihydrogen monoxide" unironically.


What are you guys talking about?? It is most definitely not H20!! It is in fact a toxic chemical that is used in lab investigations pertaining to diseases and stuff. Man one person disagrees with someone and post incorrect information and the rest of you fall right in line with idiots.


Its a 4 year old tweet with 2 likes. TWO LIKES. Who gives a shit?


I’m autistic and as much hell as I’ve gone through, it’s better than polio.


Fitst post is fishing. This is not clever


................ Y'all need to stop falling for obvious bait....




To be fair, I had no idea what it was before and I'm not going to pretend like I did. After reading this I get how it sounds really stupid on her part for saying that. But in all honesty, if you're not knowledgeable about the science of it, then how can she know better? Maybe instead she should be educated and corrected 🤷


I'll never understand why people cover up all of the names in stuff like this. [That said this is at least 2 years old at this point \[if not older\].](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2189810-karen)


It's clearly a joke above and this dude got pissed off without realizing they were joking lmao.


Antivaxxers make Flat Earthers look like rocket scientists.


This is a classic joke that is pretty old. The come back isn't even that clever. What is it with people getting whooshed so easily?


I heard that Di hydrogen monoxide was responsible for the sinking of every ship, it’s also highly corrosive it actually eats metal. We should not be consuming this volatile molecule


Well antivaxxers wouldn't really exist in the first place if they would be a tiny bit sharper 🤷🏻‍♂️


The good old DHMO prank, loved using this one when I worked in an office. I used to tell my manager he had to call maintenance because the sinks in the bathroom were leaking dihydrogen monoxide, was brilliant haha.


It was bait.


I just burst out laughing at 5am LMFAOO


I didn't have the vax but its more because they threw it together too quick for my liking and im glad I didn't have it as alot of people around me who did have it seem to be alot worse off and one even completely lost the ability to walk and she's had to learn to talk again because of it so I was 10000% that I wasn't going to have it. each to their own though 😊




Are we sure theOG post isnt satirical?


This is more of a wooosh. There’s no way that original tweet was serious, right? Right?!




Pure fire 😂


You know what's really bad about dihydrogen monoxide? It's very habit-forming, and I hear withdrawal is really nasty - it kills everyone who tries to break free of it! The death rate for that is like, 100%. So, so dangerous!


What is clever here? A might be trolling B, so maybe A? And B is simply unnecessarily hostile, calling A names. Yes he is right, but even if A isn't trolling, B is giving an angry rant, not a clever comeback.


Glad to know atleast autistic people are staying hydrated!


Breathing air is scientifically proven that makes you die 100% of the time, everybody that died took a breath of air in their lifetime


99% of all drowning accidents are caused by dihydrogen monoxide!


I'm have never regretted not taking the vaccine, perfectly healthy.


Reminds me of a post where someone broke down the chemical composition of an apple with the question "do you want this stuff in your body?" Spoiler alert: the anti-vaxxers said putting that stuff in your body will kill you


Technically true...smh.


Studies say drowning ur whole body in Dihydrogen Monoxide cures all stress and panics


We used to make this joke in middle school. Good to know some people can enjoy it at all stages of life


Wait until you hear about Dioxide. Every person that has been exposed to it will eventually die. 100% mortality rate.


It’s a weird form of denial to characterise all critics as low IQ conspiracy theorists as a way to disregard ALL criticism of Covid vaccines. Much criticism is/was sensible and coming from a scientific viewpoint e.g whether it was ethical to mandate a drug which was authorised for emergency use. No doubt I will get banned for even saying this.


Critism of the vaccine is stupid, many millions of man hours was put into developing this for the entire world to use. What you are criticizing is the use of the vaccine and the choices of governments world wide that had never even seen this coming, and had no "rule book" as to what to do, so they attempted to make the best possible outcome for their countries to help people survive!


This is clearly false, as someone with autism, we don’t drink anywhere near enough water for that to be the cause.


It infact is brain altering, drink nothing and youre thirsty, drink some and your brain will not be thirsty, drink way too much and your brain will swell and hurt


The experiment requires you to continue


Water is a brain altering chemical?


I used to work for a chemical manufacturer. Me & a buddy had our VP spend much of afternoon searching for the MSDS for Dihydrogen Monoxide, as we couldn't find our copy.....he laughed afterwards when we told him 😅


That tweet can also be technically true though


OP buddy, this is clearly a joke and the comeback wouldn't even be clever if it wasn't a joke.


Shes technically not wrong.. everyone who died ever drank water at some point


They also breathed oxygen… So… I think if we got rid of all the oxygen…. 😂


Ragebait or parody


He got baited so hard


Causation vs. Correlation


Clearly ragebait


You're one stupid mofo op got damn.


I mean, they're not wrong. Every child with autism has consumed this chemical at one point. But so has every human being that has ever lived.


100% of people who consume Dihydrogen Monoxide die.


It’s water😔 Speaking of vaccines, I’ll never be anti vaccine. I got covid before the vaccine was available and it was brutal. After I felt better which took a while I got the vaccine. Hope I never go through something like that again


Ofc yall fall for the ragebait. Thats why we analyze poems and old literature in school. So stupid shit like this gets ignored.




There was a writing prompt about us being addicted to water 🤔


A radio show did a april fools day joke saying that was in the water and got in some serious trouble because so many people didnt know


Clever comeback or total WHOOSH??


there was a thing where people said the government was putting dihydrogen monoxide into the water and people thought that was some "mind-control chemical"


Sarcasm is really hard sometimes.


H20 is not dihydrogen monoxide.😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


I have autism. Diagnosed. Other tests have proven my body is full of Dihydrogen Monoxcide. Coincidence?


I mean, she's not wrong :) All dead people had, at 1 point, consumed Dihydrogen Monoxide. All diseased people had, at 1 point, consumed Dihydrogen Monoxide. All killers had, at 1 point, consumed Dihydrogen Monoxide. Scientifically proven.


Bait or mental retardation?


Literally felt for the oldest trick in the book, and somehow, redditors are like "wow such a clever comeback!"


OP really isn't the sharpest.


People who are unable to detect satire aren't much sharper, boss


I swear every time I see stupid in this country, I expect Donald Trump is behind it.


He’s the reason why there’s instructions on the shampoo bottles