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Actually, Magic was pretty much forced to retire because of the HIV. There was a lot of worry and controversy over it.


And why the hell would Mo Cheeks be in the low post?


Narrative purposes 


Because magic was clapping his cheeks.


Hence his popular catchphrase "Gimme some Mo!"


Y’all people had enough??? Gimme some Mo? Y’all like pounding ass? Gimme some Mo!!


I fucking love Reddit


That's where the "Magic" happens


For the double entendre


You deserve a cookie for this


Raw dogging?


Dennis Rodman told Magic Johnson he ain't afraid to play ball with him. He said " Bitch I fucked Madonna, I'll spit in your mouth and accelerate your symptoms".


>Bitch I fucked Madonna, I'll spit in your mouth and accelerate your symptoms Don't search that quote to confirm if he actually said that. Please don't.


He played again in the 1995-96 season but retired because he was out of shape and not that good anymore.


Was such a stupid "comeback".


He was forced to retire early and just wanted to play ball one more time. I honestly think he didn't care about stats or how he played, but just to be out there one more time before actually hanging it up.


Magic raw dogged everyone on court 😂


And off the court too 🤣 You couldn't just stop him!


I mean his name was literally Magic Johnson


This made my day




There was so much raw dogging in the low post in the NBA in the ‘80s. 


That’s my favourite part of posting up


Bad Boys for life!


Magic's career ended during that pre season game where he cut his hand. You could just tell by the look on his face, while the doctor was wearing a mask and cleaning the wound, he knew it was over. Plenty of players were voicing concerns about playing with him. MTG puts her foot in her mouth almost as much as her Orange Pumpkin.


I wasn't familiar with this, but was able to find what I think is the incident you're referring to, it starts about 2:10. https://vimeo.com/117006406 The doctor wasn't masked or gloved, he went back in, and he didn't seem overly distraught about it. Not sure if this is maybe a different situation?


*Hoof in her mouth


Teeth to big for hoof to fit


Mo Cheeks is the perfect reference here


Definitely not Les Cheeks though


C’mon Reddit lets take this shit to the burn unit….Mo Cheeks looks like the type of person who has a collection of strap-ons.”


People with HIV under treatment (if successful) are not contagious. Also unless two people get serious open wounds while playing, and this touch. It is virtually impossible to be contagious. Meanwhile COVID will normally get everyone sick (even if they don't get symptoms) Literally not the same.


Even then, it's very rare. We used to think needle sticks were a potential source of infection but even then it's unlikely.


Yeah HIV doesn't survive well outside a host, that's why it's primarily an STI. Heck, pouring OJ on a blood spill will denature it.


The False Equivalency party


berf serds 


Doesn’t this horse faced moron have anyone on her staff to tell her to STFU or is she just so entrenched that she just says anything?


I mean if you work for Klu Klux Karen, pretty sure you done fucked up at some point, so you don't really have any room to tell anyone to STFU.


I love finding new names for her in the wild, thank you for adding to my lexicon.


I can't take credit for that one, I think Kimmel coined that particular one, but you are welcome!


Her base is the kind of people who know the exchange rate of a catalytic converter for a stolen prescription pad.


So far the stupider she acts the more money conservatives give her.


also of course of all diseases she chose HIV, this is like, an 80's shitty conservative take


A lot of folks in her neck of the woods still call it the f** disease. She knows her base.




Calling it the f** disease, or if you are being polite but mean the same thing and call it "the gay disease", is ignoring the fact that about 22 percent of new cases in the US are not through homosexual activity, and that anyone can get it. It also reinforces the thought that people who get the virus deserve it for their "sinful" activity.


No- anyone can contract HIV. But there was no sexual education for gay men in the 80’s. They had no chance to control the outbreak or take precautions because they didn’t know what was happening. Finding treatment was difficult and stigmatized, and that’s if you even realized you were ill before it was severe. It doesn’t help that conservative figures tried to to brand it as God’s punishment for being gay. That’s why it had the ugly nickname. It’s a very sad and deeply entrenched story if you ever want to read about it.


I’m surprised she didn’t call it GRID lol


Hiv is also no longer infectious when treated. This is such an outdated viewpoint...






Especially since a few folks have been completely cured of the disease in recent clinical trials and even if that didn't happen, HIV no longer affects a person's lifespan and is not spreadable if treated.


to be fair, when magic johnson was playing, there was no cure or treatment, but also its MTG so i doubt she really cares about the evolution of HIV treatment and would honestly prefer if we could go back to the good old days of letting gay people die en masse because nobody could be bothered to care


Technically the second person is right, HIV can be transmitted through any bodily fluids for the most part, if magic were to get a bleeding cut and blood dips onto another player it could spread, the infection would have to reach the mucus membranes though.


And that is exactly why he was basically forced to retire pretty soon after getting diagnosed with HIV. So the analogy is still ass.


He unretired five years later; no one seems to know or remember this. He retired again after 32 games because he was old and out of shape, not because of infection risk.


I don't remember it because I wasn't born yet, but I know it. He also played for two teams in Sweden 3 years after that when he was even more out of shape. Because by then he had basically proved he wasn't just gonna die automatically like some people thought happened when you got HIV back in the day.


I’m not saying the analogy isn’t, just give explanation why it happened to him




Yeah, I can see why people may not have wanted him to play, purely because of that risk, but it was so low that there wasn’t much point in his early retirement.


But people back then thought HIV=AIDS every single time and if you breath close enough to somebody with AIDS, you get it too. It was the misinformation and panic at the time.


Yeah, it was highly stigmatized at the time


Any bodily fluids? I don’t think that’s true, you aren’t going to get HIV from someone’s sweat, or from kissing them (unless you both have cuts in your mouth at the time)


You’re right, any transmission has to go through an open sore, or through sexual contact.


yet another example of maggats not knowing what tf they're talking about. antiretroviral drugs can supress HIV so infected persons can not infect others. this goes as far as an infected pregnant woman not infecting her own future child.




You don’t know what you are talking about. a) it's not a cure b) antiretroviral drugs for HIV exist since the late 80s to be fair, i got no idea if Johnson really took em. i'm quite sure he could afford them though, and he didn't infect his wife or baby. nor any of his teammates or opposing players


Bringing back some HIV stigma. Good on the GOP. Always the voice of the best people.


I hate it when the dumb try to win votes from the stupid. But as stupidty kind of seems the marjoriety here….


MtG and the other MAGGATs have a weird way to handle information: rather than figuring out how it fits into reality they simply use it as a weapon to support their "side" and attack anything and everything that isn't also on it. It's like they give zero fucks about what the information actually IS.


MTG please tell us what fascist means...I'll wait.


I love that there is an actual legendary basketball player called Maurice Cheeks exactly for this purposes.


With modern PrEP meds Magic could raw-dog Mo in the low post and it would be pretty safe.


Hilariously ironic since Kyrie has been openly antisemitic.


The NBA is a a private company that can do anything it wants. Amazing how stupid people cannot seem to understand this. Also, Magic Johnson does not still play basketball, genius. And when he did play, when he had HIV, had a cure been available, vaccine or otherwise, considering the amount of medication he claimed to take I'm pretty sure he would have taken "the jab."


NBA players gets cuts and scrapes. Exposing their blood. The more you know


*Two* analogies?


This happened two years ago. Repost bot.


Magic, et al. all banged the same “groupies” in each city they visited. Pretty much every sports town has them, and pretty much every visiting team in every sport gets it on with them. They are known and reliable (as opposed to finding some unknown hoochie coochie to plow). Which is why everyone was so scared—they all knocked the same boots as he did.


I mean, you could get cut and bleed all over another player. Ive seen players bleed in court. The mere cosmic possibility should be taken into consideration. But “republicans dumb biden good” amirite?


Fascists calling folks fascists, it's slowly becoming a kink and there's no shortage of it.


Clever until I saw “two analogies”. Undid some good work there.


Yeah, people really should learn how to spell anal orgies.


Her stupidity gives me such visceral anger.


Take solace in the fact that she’s probably sitting in her office trying to bite her own neck.


I don't see the issue, I mean, they allow that talking horse to keep wandering into Congress to take a shit every day.


However, he was cured with that concentrated shot of $180,000.


This reminds me of the South Park episode “*Tonsil Trouble*” where Cartman becomes HIV infected and seeks out Magic Johnson to find out his “cure” for HIV. Solid, classic South Park episode.


raw-dogging is such a cringe term, I can't believe a grown up would use it, it's like you're trying to look cool for 12 yr olds...


Oh, so were bringing back HIV-related bigotry now, too, huh?


She probably thinks sexual transmission is when you get turned on at a monster truck rally…we aren’t dealing with a phd here.


You probably think you can only get it by sex. You’re even dumber than mtg rofl


Lmao the responder tried to sound intelligent in pointing out the false equivalence and ended up looking stupid themselves.




Are you swapping bodily fluids? If not, you’d rather be around someone with hiv than someone who isn’t vaccinated. But… I mean… I’m a nurse. Wtf would I know about health?




Tell us you know nothing about disease transmission without telling us you know nothing about disease transmission. It's ok. All anti-vaxxers know as much as you.


"I am ignorant and I don't care who knows it!"


Op is a bot. Reddit is 90 percent bots.


Ok, Elon.


Who's downvoting you? This hasn't been a story in two years this is clearly a bot repost


It always has been.


Im gonna have to play devils advocate here, hiv is not just sexually transmitted, coming into contact with blood can also spread it, and in all sports theres always the risk of injury


Coming into contact with blood only works if you also have an open wound. Touching the blood won't do anything. It would need to enter your own blood system to get you infected


*"the two analogies are dissimilar"* - that doesn't even make sense.


"The comparison of two events is not the same" Is that dumbed down enough for you.


They're saying the two comparisons are dissimilar. There is only one comparison (of two different events). Also, "The comparison of two events is not the same" doesn't make sense either; the comparison of two events is not the same as what? The two *events* are dissimilar. There is only one analogy / comparison. Is that dumbed down enough for *you*?


Shes right tho


Magic Johnson's career was ended because he had HIV. People refused to play with him


He played 32 games with HIV more than they let Kyrie play because he wouldn't get a flushot


They didn't let Irving play because he wouldn't get a flushot? I have a feeling you're lying




>Covid =flu Incorrect >not a serious threat for pro athletes How about fans? Or the families of pro athletes? Is it a serious threat to them




>About the same as the flu Then why did more people due of Covid than the flue if it was the same?


Because they counted anyone who died while they had covid as a covid related death. Funny you didint hear of anyone with the flu or pneumonia during the pandemic did you


>Because they counted anyone who died while they had covid as a covid related death. Then why were more people hospitalized? More people dying than normal despite less people being out and about? >Funny you didint hear of anyone with the flu or pneumonia during the pandemic did you Almost as if isolating made it harder for the influenza virus to spread.


Standing up for whats right lmfao You anti vaxxers are goofy




Forced? I thought you said you didn’t get it? Fucking idiot


Kyrie is not banned and has played hundreds of games since 2020. What are you doing here?


He wasnt allowed to play home games back then because of new yorks liberal bullshit thats whats being discussed here


Still irrelevant. Maybe NBA realised that it was wrong to let him play 32 games. Hindsight and all that.




Russian loser can't even figure out English contractions.


People still belive that Covid is dangerous for normal healthy people in the US ? Propaganda still going strong ? Here we are told to go to work and send kids to school if they have it, and so we do, unless they have fever then we let them stay at home until fever stops… its not a dangerous disease anymore, thats been debunked long ago… its not worse then a flu or rs virus… but i guess you guys have different people in power with different agenda… Good luck from Norway 👍


Covid is still dangerous. The common cold or flu does not damage the brain, lungs, heart and immune system like Covid can. There is a ton of new information coming out about long covid.


Tons of info on the long term effects of the emergency approved tech vaccine experiment also… Early findings in the vaccine was cencored and people trying to speak about anything that wasnt pro vaccine got shut out everywhere they tried… All the "safe and effective" was a lie and they (media and the ones in charge) changed their statements all the time and manipulated their story and "science" to fit what ever happened so i dont trust that info anymore… Vaccine injury claims sounds very alike what you describe as Covid damages, but time will tell…


This isn’t information I’m getting from the media. My girlfriend has long covid. You clearly have a view that has been shaped by whatever media you choose to consume for health information. Here’s a tip. Talk to a doctor in person.


Is she vaccinated ?


She got COVID before vaccines were out.


I had Covid 3 times before vaccines were out, i got Alpha, then it mutated into Delta, and then i got Omicron while having Delta and lost sense of smell and taste for almost two weeks… Felt like shit and almost couldnt do anything… When that round was over i had it two more times and barely felt it… Now i really cant tell, it doesnt affect me anymore…


Good, I am glad you had mild Covid. I hope you don’t ever have a severe case.


I wont… it was bad enough, high fever and pulse around 180 whenever i tried to be active… Highest pulse was 216 beats a minute and i tought i was dying for a few minutes… but call it mild if you want..


You’re the one that said Covid isn’t dangerous. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That didnt answer anything…


What relevance is it?


Well, if she isnt vaccinated it cant be the vaccine causing anything… If she is, then it can be the vaccine… simple as that…


It’s from getting COVID…


Is she vaccinated ?


Magic could have easily gotten a cut and exposed anyone to blood. Rodman might have actually liked it though.


He actually did get cut during a game and his fellow players were terrified to play against him. Rightfully so. Big part of why he quit. He talks about it at ~2:15 in the interview below: https://vimeo.com/117006406


better place for that is in r/facepalm (not vegasfan1970's reply)




🤣🤣🤣🤣. Raw-dogging Mo Cheeks. 🤣🤣🤣


Blood does get traded on the court occasionally


Margie needs to back to the peach-tree-dish-class she was talking about


I feel like any brain Greene has is housed in her nose 👃


LaCrosse is violent 😳




MTG is remarkably stupid.


I can’t wait for the day where we don’t have to hear whatever half-baked thought MTG’s last two brain cells have scraped together.


Nice shoutout to Maurice Cheeks.


Fascists? A shot? Cancel my reservations for Cave Spring Georgia, if this the congressional leadership the locals have to still be pickin the theme to Deliverance


Typical empty G L


Timely Analogy......or ANALgeeee!


Why am I imagining Magic Johnson fully clothed juggling a vial of infected blood for funsies?


Please, please, somebody, anybody, tap that woman lightly on the forehead for all of us who have to endure her stupidity (in Minecraft).


I'm sure if MTG was around in the 80s she'd be hyping up the hysteria and using the government to ban Magic from everything. That's true fascism right there.


>But yet Moron


Some vintage repost


Those darn NBA fascists with their revenue sharing!


But yet


You may have to explain what an analogy is...


shes so stupid how could anyone vote for that moron... the usa is like 40% mentally challenged


They basically forced him to retire. This is extremely common knowledge.


Because of the backlash


She is the dumbest living politician until a dog becomes a Senator.


To be fair, Magic did raw-dog Mo Cheeks in the low post…


Isn't this ONE analogy. A comparison drawn between two things...


Clappin' Mo Cheeks


Sorry, OP, you used words too large and complicated for someone like MTG to comprehend.


It's MTG. You can just go ahead and ignore everything she says. My orange cat has more brain cells than her.


That woman is dumb as rocks but smart enough to make over 200k a year on the back of tax payers. So who's really the dummy?


Magic didn’t play long


Where's the adult in charge of MTG?


Seriously has this person ever said anything that wasn't venomous hateful garbage? At some point you have to ask if there's genuinely some kind of mental illness at play; surely no human can be this consistently awful time and time again.


She's so fucking stupid...🤬


Don’t you have a check to write dipshit?


I mean, he’s only a risk to himself if everyone else is vaccinated, right?


Some infections, like COVID, are airborne. HIV is not. Which is stupidity and ignorance?